/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "entitymodel.h" extern CModelManager g_model_cache; // // CEntityMiscModel implementation // CEntityMiscModel::CEntityMiscModel (){ refCount = 1; m_name = NULL; m_model = NULL; m_entity = NULL; m_frame = 0; m_remaps = g_ptr_array_new(); m_shaders = g_ptr_array_new(); VectorSet( m_translate, 0,0,0 ); VectorSet( m_euler, 0,0,0 ); VectorSet( m_scale, 1,1,1 ); VectorSet( m_pivot, 0,0,0 ); m4x4_identity( m_transform ); m4x4_identity( m_inverse_transform ); } typedef struct remap_s { char m_key[64]; char m_remapbuff[64 + 1024]; char *m_remap[2]; } remap_t; CEntityMiscModel::~CEntityMiscModel (){ unsigned int i; if ( m_name && *m_name != '\0' ) { if ( !g_model_cache.DeleteByNameAndFrame( m_name,m_frame ) && m_model ) { m_model->RemoveParent( this ); } m_model = NULL; delete [] m_name; } for ( i = 0; i < m_remaps->len; i++ ) delete (remap_t*)m_remaps->pdata[i]; g_ptr_array_free( m_remaps, FALSE ); for ( i = 0; i < m_shaders->len; i++ ) { ( *(IShader**)m_shaders->pdata[i] )->DecRef(); delete (IShader**)m_shaders->pdata[i]; } g_ptr_array_free( m_shaders, FALSE ); if ( m_entity ) { // This might be just an evasion of the actual problem m_entity->model.pRender = NULL; m_entity->model.pSelect = NULL; m_entity->model.pEdit = NULL; } } // IRender void CEntityMiscModel::Draw( int state, int rflags ) const { m4x4_t matrix; vec3_t pivot; memcpy( matrix, m_transform, sizeof( m4x4_t ) ); m4x4_transpose( matrix ); VectorAdd( m_pivot, m_translate, pivot ); pivot_draw( pivot ); // push the current modelview matrix // FIXME: put in a check for stack recursion depth.. // or avoid recursion of opengl matrix stack g_QglTable.m_pfn_qglPushMatrix(); // apply the parent-to-local transform g_QglTable.m_pfn_qglMultMatrixf( matrix ); // draw children if ( m_model ) { m_model->Draw( state, m_shaders, rflags ); } g_QglTable.m_pfn_qglPopMatrix(); } // ISelect bool CEntityMiscModel::TestRay( const ray_t *ray, vec_t *dist ) const { vec_t dist_start = *dist; vec_t dist_local = *dist; ray_t ray_local = *ray; if ( !aabb_intersect_ray( &m_BBox, &ray_local, &dist_local ) ) { return false; } if ( m_model ) { ray_transform( &ray_local, m_inverse_transform ); dist_local = dist_start; if ( m_model->TestRay( &ray_local, &dist_local ) ) { *dist = dist_local; } } else{*dist = dist_local; } return *dist < dist_start; } //IEdit void CEntityMiscModel::Translate( const vec3_t translation ){ VectorIncrement( translation, m_translate ); UpdateCachedData(); } void CEntityMiscModel::Rotate( const vec3_t pivot, const vec3_t rotation ){ m4x4_t rotation_matrix; m4x4_identity( rotation_matrix ); m4x4_pivoted_rotate_by_vec3( rotation_matrix, rotation, pivot ); m4x4_transform_point( rotation_matrix, m_translate ); VectorIncrement( rotation, m_euler ); UpdateCachedData(); } void CEntityMiscModel::OnKeyChanged( entity_t *e, const char *key ){ const char *value; // FIXME: keys are case-sensitive? m_entity = e; if ( strcmp( key,"model" ) == 0 ) { SetName( ValueForKey( e,"model" ) ); } else if ( strcmp( key,"_frame" ) == 0 ) { SetFrame( IntForKey( e,"_frame" ) ); } else if ( strcmp( key,"angle" ) == 0 || strcmp( key,"angles" ) == 0 ) { VectorSet( m_euler, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ); m_euler[2] = FloatForKey( e,"angle" ); value = ValueForKey( e,"angles" ); if ( value[0] != '\0' ) { sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &m_euler[0], &m_euler[2], &m_euler[1] ); } UpdateCachedData(); } else if ( strcmp( key,"modelscale" ) == 0 || strcmp( key,"modelscale_vec" ) == 0 ) { VectorSet( m_scale, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f ); value = ValueForKey( e,"modelscale" ); if ( value[0] != '\0' ) { float f = atof( value ); if ( f != 0 ) { VectorSet( m_scale, f, f, f ); } else{ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: ignoring 0 modelscale key\n" ); } } value = ValueForKey( e,"modelscale_vec" ); if ( value[0] != '\0' ) { sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &m_scale[0], &m_scale[1], &m_scale[2] ); if ( m_scale[0] == 0.0 && m_scale[1] == 0.0 && m_scale[2] == 0.0 ) { VectorSet( m_scale, 1,1,1 ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: ignoring 0 0 0 modelscale_vec key\n" ); } } UpdateCachedData(); } else if ( strcmp( key,"origin" ) == 0 ) { value = ValueForKey( e,"origin" ); sscanf( value, "%f %f %f", &m_translate[0], &m_translate[1], &m_translate[2] ); UpdateCachedData(); } else if ( strncmp( key,"_remap",6 ) == 0 ) { unsigned int i; remap_t *pRemap; char *ch; value = ValueForKey( e,key ); for ( i = 0; i < m_remaps->len; i++ ) { pRemap = (remap_t*)m_remaps->pdata[i]; if ( strcmp( key,pRemap->m_key ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( i == m_remaps->len ) { if ( value[0] == '\0' ) { return; } pRemap = new remap_t; g_ptr_array_add( m_remaps, pRemap ); } else if ( value[0] == '\0' ) { g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast( m_remaps, i ); delete pRemap; UpdateShaders(); return; } strncpy( pRemap->m_remapbuff,value,sizeof( pRemap->m_remapbuff ) ); strncpy( pRemap->m_key,key,sizeof( pRemap->m_key ) ); pRemap->m_remap[0] = ch = pRemap->m_remapbuff; while ( *ch && *ch != ';' ) ch++; if ( *ch == '\0' ) { // bad remap Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: Shader _remap key found in misc_model without a ; character\n" ); g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast( m_remaps, i ); delete pRemap; return; } else { *ch = '\0'; pRemap->m_remap[1] = ch + 1; } UpdateShaders(); } } // // CEntityMiscModel // // private: void CEntityMiscModel::SetName( const char *name ){ if ( m_name && *m_name != '\0' ) { if ( strcmp( m_name, name ) == 0 ) { return; } if ( !g_model_cache.DeleteByNameAndFrame( m_name,m_frame ) && m_model ) { m_model->RemoveParent( this ); } delete [] m_name; } m_model = NULL; m_name = new char[strlen( name ) + 1]; strcpy( m_name,name ); if ( *m_name != '\0' ) { m_model = g_model_cache.GetByNameAndFrame( m_name, m_frame ); m_model->AddParent( this ); } UpdateCachedData(); UpdateShaders(); } void CEntityMiscModel::SetFrame( const int frame ){ if ( m_frame == frame ) { return; } if ( m_name && *m_name != '\0' ) { if ( !g_model_cache.DeleteByNameAndFrame( m_name,m_frame ) && m_model ) { m_model->RemoveParent( this ); } } m_model = NULL; m_frame = frame; if ( *m_name != '\0' ) { m_model = g_model_cache.GetByNameAndFrame( m_name, m_frame ); m_model->AddParent( this ); } UpdateCachedData(); } void CEntityMiscModel::UpdateCachedData(){ aabb_t aabb_temp; bbox_t bbox_temp; m4x4_identity( m_transform ); m4x4_pivoted_transform_by_vec3( m_transform, m_translate, m_euler, m_scale, m_pivot ); memcpy( m_inverse_transform, m_transform, sizeof( m4x4_t ) ); if ( m4x4_invert( m_inverse_transform ) == 1 ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_ERR, "ERROR: Singular Matrix, cannot invert" ); } aabb_clear( &aabb_temp ); if ( m_model ) { aabb_extend_by_aabb( &aabb_temp, m_model->GetAABB() ); } else { if ( m_entity->eclass ) { VectorSet( aabb_temp.extents, m_entity->eclass->maxs[0], m_entity->eclass->maxs[1], m_entity->eclass->maxs[2] ); } else{ VectorSet( aabb_temp.extents, 8, 8, 8 ); } } // create an oriented BBox in world-space bbox_for_oriented_aabb( &bbox_temp, &aabb_temp, m_transform, m_euler, m_scale ); // create an axis aligned bbox in world-space aabb_for_bbox( &m_BBox, &bbox_temp ); aabb_update_radius( &m_BBox ); } void CEntityMiscModel::UpdateShaders(){ unsigned int i, j, numSurfaces; remap_t *pRemap, *pGlobRemap = NULL; char *surfShaderName; IShader **pShader; if ( !m_model ) { if ( m_shaders->len ) { // free our shaders for ( i = 0; i < m_shaders->len; i++ ) { g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast( m_shaders, i ); ( *(IShader**)m_shaders->pdata[i] )->DecRef(); delete (IShader**)m_shaders->pdata[i]; } } return; } numSurfaces = m_model->GetNumSurfaces(); if ( numSurfaces < m_shaders->len ) { // free unneeded shader pointers for ( i = m_shaders->len - 1; i >= numSurfaces; i-- ) { g_ptr_array_remove_index_fast( m_shaders, i ); ( *(IShader**)m_shaders->pdata[i] )->DecRef(); delete (IShader**)m_shaders->pdata[i]; } } // now go through our surface and find our shaders, remap if needed for ( j = 0; j < numSurfaces; j++ ) { surfShaderName = m_model->GetShaderNameForSurface( j ); if ( j < m_shaders->len ) { pShader = (IShader **)m_shaders->pdata[j]; } else { pShader = new (IShader *); *pShader = NULL; g_ptr_array_add( m_shaders, pShader ); } if ( m_remaps->len ) { for ( i = 0; i < m_remaps->len; i++ ) { pRemap = (remap_t*)m_remaps->pdata[i]; if ( stricmp( pRemap->m_remap[0],surfShaderName ) == 0 ) { // only do the shader lookups if really needed if ( !( *pShader ) || stricmp( pRemap->m_remap[1],( *pShader )->getName() ) ) { if ( *pShader ) { ( *pShader )->DecRef(); } *pShader = QERApp_Shader_ForName( pRemap->m_remap[1] ); } pGlobRemap = NULL; break; } else if ( pRemap->m_remap[0][0] == '*' && pRemap->m_remap[0][1] == '\0' ) { pGlobRemap = pRemap; } } if ( pGlobRemap ) { if ( !( *pShader ) || stricmp( pGlobRemap->m_remap[1],( *pShader )->getName() ) ) { if ( *pShader ) { ( *pShader )->DecRef(); } *pShader = QERApp_Shader_ForName( pGlobRemap->m_remap[1] ); } } else if ( i == m_remaps->len ) { // Back to the default one, if needed if ( !( *pShader ) || ( stricmp( surfShaderName,( *pShader )->getName() ) && !( surfShaderName[0] == '\0' ) ) ) { if ( *pShader ) { ( *pShader )->DecRef(); } *pShader = QERApp_Shader_ForName( surfShaderName ); } } } else { // Model specified shader, if needed if ( !( *pShader ) || ( stricmp( surfShaderName,( *pShader )->getName() ) && !( surfShaderName[0] == '\0' ) ) ) { if ( *pShader ) { ( *pShader )->DecRef(); } *pShader = QERApp_Shader_ForName( surfShaderName ); } } } }