/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* QERadiant Undo/Redo basic setup: <-g_undolist---------g_lastundo> <---map data---> <-g_lastredo---------g_redolist-> undo/redo on the world_entity is special, only the epair changes are remembered and the world entity never gets deleted. FIXME: maybe reset the Undo system at map load maybe also reset the entityId at map load */ #include "stdafx.h" typedef struct undo_s { double time; //time operation was performed int id; //every undo has an unique id int done; //true when undo is build const char *operation; //name of the operation brush_t brushlist; //deleted brushes entity_t entitylist; //deleted entities struct undo_s *prev, *next; //next and prev undo in list } undo_t; undo_t *g_undolist; //first undo in the list undo_t *g_lastundo; //last undo in the list undo_t *g_redolist; //first redo in the list undo_t *g_lastredo; //last undo in list int g_undoMaxSize = 64; //maximum number of undos int g_undoSize = 0; //number of undos in the list int g_undoMaxMemorySize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; //maximum undo memory (default 2 MB) int g_undoMemorySize = 0; //memory size of undo buffer int g_undoId = 1; //current undo ID (zero is invalid id) int g_redoId = 1; //current redo ID (zero is invalid id) /* ============= Undo_MemorySize ============= */ int Undo_MemorySize( void ){ return g_undoMemorySize; } /* ============= Undo_ClearRedo ============= */ void Undo_ClearRedo( void ){ undo_t *redo, *nextredo; brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush; entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity; for ( redo = g_redolist; redo; redo = nextredo ) { nextredo = redo->next; for ( pBrush = redo->brushlist.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &redo->brushlist ; pBrush = pNextBrush ) { pNextBrush = pBrush->next; Brush_Free( pBrush ); } for ( pEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &redo->entitylist; pEntity = pNextEntity ) { pNextEntity = pEntity->next; Entity_Free( pEntity ); } free( redo ); } g_redolist = NULL; g_lastredo = NULL; g_redoId = 1; } /* ============= Undo_Clear Clears the undo buffer. ============= */ void Undo_Clear( void ){ undo_t *undo, *nextundo; brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush; entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity; Undo_ClearRedo(); for ( undo = g_undolist; undo; undo = nextundo ) { nextundo = undo->next; for ( pBrush = undo->brushlist.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &undo->brushlist ; pBrush = pNextBrush ) { pNextBrush = pBrush->next; g_undoMemorySize -= Brush_MemorySize( pBrush ); Brush_Free( pBrush ); } for ( pEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &undo->entitylist; pEntity = pNextEntity ) { pNextEntity = pEntity->next; g_undoMemorySize -= Entity_MemorySize( pEntity ); Entity_Free( pEntity ); } g_undoMemorySize -= sizeof( undo_t ); free( undo ); } g_undolist = NULL; g_lastundo = NULL; g_undoSize = 0; g_undoMemorySize = 0; g_undoId = 1; } /* ============= Undo_SetMaxSize ============= */ void Undo_SetMaxSize( int size ){ Undo_Clear(); if ( size < 1 ) { g_undoMaxSize = 1; } else{g_undoMaxSize = size; } } /* ============= Undo_GetMaxSize ============= */ int Undo_GetMaxSize( void ){ return g_undoMaxSize; } /* ============= Undo_SetMaxMemorySize ============= */ void Undo_SetMaxMemorySize( int size ){ Undo_Clear(); if ( size < 1024 ) { g_undoMaxMemorySize = 1024; } else{g_undoMaxMemorySize = size; } } /* ============= Undo_GetMaxMemorySize ============= */ int Undo_GetMaxMemorySize( void ){ return g_undoMaxMemorySize; } /* ============= Undo_FreeFirstUndo ============= */ void Undo_FreeFirstUndo( void ){ undo_t *undo; brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush; entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity; //remove the oldest undo from the undo buffer undo = g_undolist; g_undolist = g_undolist->next; g_undolist->prev = NULL; // for ( pBrush = undo->brushlist.next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &undo->brushlist ; pBrush = pNextBrush ) { pNextBrush = pBrush->next; g_undoMemorySize -= Brush_MemorySize( pBrush ); Brush_Free( pBrush ); } for ( pEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &undo->entitylist; pEntity = pNextEntity ) { pNextEntity = pEntity->next; g_undoMemorySize -= Entity_MemorySize( pEntity ); Entity_Free( pEntity ); } g_undoMemorySize -= sizeof( undo_t ); free( undo ); g_undoSize--; } /* ============= Undo_GeneralStart ============= */ void Undo_GeneralStart( const char *operation ){ undo_t *undo; brush_t *pBrush; entity_t *pEntity; if ( g_lastundo ) { if ( !g_lastundo->done ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING last undo not finished.\n" ); } } undo = (undo_t *) malloc( sizeof( undo_t ) ); if ( !undo ) { return; } memset( undo, 0, sizeof( undo_t ) ); undo->brushlist.next = &undo->brushlist; undo->brushlist.prev = &undo->brushlist; undo->entitylist.next = &undo->entitylist; undo->entitylist.prev = &undo->entitylist; if ( g_lastundo ) { g_lastundo->next = undo; } else{ g_undolist = undo; } undo->prev = g_lastundo; undo->next = NULL; g_lastundo = undo; undo->time = Sys_DoubleTime(); // if ( g_undoId > g_undoMaxSize * 2 ) { g_undoId = 1; } if ( g_undoId <= 0 ) { g_undoId = 1; } undo->id = g_undoId++; undo->done = false; undo->operation = operation; //reset the undo IDs of all brushes using the new ID for ( pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next ) { if ( pBrush->undoId == undo->id ) { pBrush->undoId = 0; } } for ( pBrush = selected_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next ) { if ( pBrush->undoId == undo->id ) { pBrush->undoId = 0; } } //reset the undo IDs of all entities using thew new ID for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next ) { if ( pEntity->undoId == undo->id ) { pEntity->undoId = 0; } } g_undoMemorySize += sizeof( undo_t ); g_undoSize++; //undo buffer is bound to a max if ( g_undoSize > g_undoMaxSize ) { Undo_FreeFirstUndo(); } } /* ============= Undo_BrushInUndo ============= */ int Undo_BrushInUndo( undo_t *undo, brush_t *brush ){ /* brush_t *b; for (b = undo->brushlist.next; b != &undo->brushlist; b = b->next) { // Arnout: NOTE - can't do a pointer compare as the brushes get cloned into the undo brushlist, and not just referenced from it // For entities we have a unique ID, for brushes we have numberID - but brush full clone increases that anyway so it's useless right now. if (b == brush) return true; }*/ // Arnout: function is pointless right now, see above explanation return false; } /* ============= Undo_EntityInUndo ============= */ int Undo_EntityInUndo( undo_t *undo, entity_t *ent ){ entity_t *e; for ( e = undo->entitylist.next; e != &undo->entitylist; e = e->next ) { // Arnout: NOTE - can't do a pointer compare as the entities get cloned into the undo entitylist, and not just referenced from it //if (e == ent) return true; if ( e->entityId == ent->entityId ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ============= Undo_Start ============= */ void Undo_Start( const char *operation ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_Start: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } Undo_ClearRedo(); Undo_GeneralStart( operation ); } /* ============= Undo_AddBrush ============= */ void Undo_AddBrush( brush_t *pBrush ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_AddBrush: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( !g_lastundo ) { Sys_Printf( "Undo_AddBrushList: no last undo.\n" ); return; } if ( g_lastundo->entitylist.next != &g_lastundo->entitylist ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING adding brushes after entity.\n" ); } //if the brush is already in the undo if ( Undo_BrushInUndo( g_lastundo, pBrush ) ) { return; } //clone the brush brush_t* pClone = Brush_FullClone( pBrush ); //save the ID of the owner entity pClone->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId; //save the old undo ID for previous undos pClone->undoId = pBrush->undoId; Brush_AddToList( pClone, &g_lastundo->brushlist ); // g_undoMemorySize += Brush_MemorySize( pClone ); } /* ============= Undo_AddBrushList TTimo: some brushes are just there for UI, and the information is somewhere else for patches it's in the patchMesh_t structure, so when we clone the brush we get that information (brush_t::pPatch) but: models are stored in pBrush->owner->md3Class, and owner epairs and origin parameters are important so, we detect models and push the entity in the undo session (as well as it's BBox brush) same for other items like weapons and ammo etc. ============= */ void Undo_AddBrushList( brush_t *brushlist ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_AddBrushList: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } brush_t *pBrush; if ( !g_lastundo ) { Sys_Printf( "Undo_AddBrushList: no last undo.\n" ); return; } if ( g_lastundo->entitylist.next != &g_lastundo->entitylist ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING adding brushes after entity.\n" ); } //copy the brushes to the undo for ( pBrush = brushlist->next ; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != brushlist; pBrush = pBrush->next ) { //if the brush is already in the undo //++timo FIXME: when does this happen? if ( Undo_BrushInUndo( g_lastundo, pBrush ) ) { continue; } // do we need to store this brush's entity in the undo? // if it's a fixed size entity, the brush that reprents it is not really relevant, it's used for selecting and moving around // what we want to store for undo is the owner entity, epairs and origin/angle stuff //++timo FIXME: if the entity is not fixed size I don't know, so I don't do it yet if ( pBrush->owner->eclass->fixedsize == 1 ) { Undo_AddEntity( pBrush->owner ); } // clone the brush brush_t* pClone = Brush_FullClone( pBrush ); // save the ID of the owner entity pClone->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId; // save the old undo ID from previous undos pClone->undoId = pBrush->undoId; Brush_AddToList( pClone, &g_lastundo->brushlist ); // track memory size used by undo g_undoMemorySize += Brush_MemorySize( pClone ); } } /* ============= Undo_EndBrush ============= */ void Undo_EndBrush( brush_t *pBrush ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_EndBrush: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( !g_lastundo ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_End: no last undo.\n"); return; } if ( g_lastundo->done ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_End: last undo already finished.\n"); return; } pBrush->undoId = g_lastundo->id; } /* ============= Undo_EndBrushList ============= */ void Undo_EndBrushList( brush_t *brushlist ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_EndBrushList: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( !g_lastundo ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_End: no last undo.\n"); return; } if ( g_lastundo->done ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_End: last undo already finished.\n"); return; } for ( brush_t* pBrush = brushlist->next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != brushlist; pBrush = pBrush->next ) { pBrush->undoId = g_lastundo->id; // http://github.com/mfn/GtkRadiant/commit/ee1ef98536470d5680bd9bfecc5b5c9a62ffe9ab if ( pBrush->owner->eclass->fixedsize == 1 ) { pBrush->owner->undoId = pBrush->undoId; } } } /* ============= Undo_AddEntity ============= */ void Undo_AddEntity( entity_t *entity ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_AddEntity: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } entity_t* pClone; if ( !g_lastundo ) { Sys_Printf( "Undo_AddEntity: no last undo.\n" ); return; } //if the entity is already in the undo if ( Undo_EntityInUndo( g_lastundo, entity ) ) { return; } //clone the entity pClone = Entity_Clone( entity ); //save the old undo ID for previous undos pClone->undoId = entity->undoId; //save the entity ID (we need a full clone) pClone->entityId = entity->entityId; // Entity_AddToList( pClone, &g_lastundo->entitylist ); // g_undoMemorySize += Entity_MemorySize( pClone ); } /* ============= Undo_EndEntity ============= */ void Undo_EndEntity( entity_t *entity ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_EndEntity: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( !g_lastundo ) { #ifdef _DEBUG Sys_Printf( "Undo_End: no last undo.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( g_lastundo->done ) { #ifdef _DEBUG Sys_Printf( "Undo_End: last undo already finished.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( entity == world_entity ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_AddEntity: undo on world entity.\n"); //NOTE: we never delete the world entity when undoing an operation // we only transfer the epairs return; } entity->undoId = g_lastundo->id; } /* ============= Undo_End ============= */ void Undo_End( void ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { #ifdef DBG_UNDO Sys_Printf( "Undo_End: undo is disabled.\n" ); #endif return; } if ( !g_lastundo ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_End: no last undo.\n"); return; } if ( g_lastundo->done ) { //Sys_Printf("Undo_End: last undo already finished.\n"); return; } g_lastundo->done = true; //undo memory size is bound to a max while ( g_undoMemorySize > g_undoMaxMemorySize ) { //always keep one undo if ( g_undolist == g_lastundo ) { break; } Undo_FreeFirstUndo(); } // //Sys_Printf("undo size = %d, undo memory = %d\n", g_undoSize, g_undoMemorySize); } /* ============= Undo_Undo ============= */ void Undo_Undo( qboolean bSilent ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "Undo_Undo: undo is disabled.\n" ); return; } undo_t *undo, *redo; brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush; entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity, *pUndoEntity; if ( !g_lastundo ) { Sys_Printf( "Nothing left to undo.\n" ); return; } if ( !g_lastundo->done ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: last undo not yet finished!\n" ); } // get the last undo undo = g_lastundo; if ( g_lastundo->prev ) { g_lastundo->prev->next = NULL; } else{g_undolist = NULL; } g_lastundo = g_lastundo->prev; //allocate a new redo redo = (undo_t *) malloc( sizeof( undo_t ) ); if ( !redo ) { return; } memset( redo, 0, sizeof( undo_t ) ); redo->brushlist.next = &redo->brushlist; redo->brushlist.prev = &redo->brushlist; redo->entitylist.next = &redo->entitylist; redo->entitylist.prev = &redo->entitylist; if ( g_lastredo ) { g_lastredo->next = redo; } else{g_redolist = redo; } redo->prev = g_lastredo; redo->next = NULL; g_lastredo = redo; redo->time = Sys_DoubleTime(); redo->id = g_redoId++; redo->done = true; redo->operation = undo->operation; //reset the redo IDs of all brushes using the new ID for ( pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next ) { if ( pBrush->redoId == redo->id ) { pBrush->redoId = 0; } } for ( pBrush = selected_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &selected_brushes; pBrush = pBrush->next ) { if ( pBrush->redoId == redo->id ) { pBrush->redoId = 0; } } //reset the redo IDs of all entities using thew new ID for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next ) { if ( pEntity->redoId == redo->id ) { pEntity->redoId = 0; } } // deselect current sutff Select_Deselect(); // move "created" brushes to the redo for ( pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pNextBrush ) { pNextBrush = pBrush->next; if ( pBrush->undoId == undo->id ) { //Brush_Free(pBrush); //move the brush to the redo Brush_RemoveFromList( pBrush ); Brush_AddToList( pBrush, &redo->brushlist ); //make sure the ID of the owner is stored pBrush->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId; //unlink the brush from the owner entity Entity_UnlinkBrush( pBrush ); } } // move "created" entities to the redo for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pNextEntity ) { pNextEntity = pEntity->next; if ( pEntity->undoId == undo->id ) { // check if this entity is in the undo for ( pUndoEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pUndoEntity != NULL && pUndoEntity != &undo->entitylist; pUndoEntity = pUndoEntity->next ) { // move brushes to the undo entity if ( pUndoEntity->entityId == pEntity->entityId ) { pUndoEntity->brushes.next = pEntity->brushes.next; pUndoEntity->brushes.prev = pEntity->brushes.prev; pEntity->brushes.next = &pEntity->brushes; pEntity->brushes.prev = &pEntity->brushes; } } // //Entity_Free(pEntity); //move the entity to the redo Entity_RemoveFromList( pEntity ); Entity_AddToList( pEntity, &redo->entitylist ); } } // add the undo entities back into the entity list for ( pEntity = undo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &undo->entitylist; pEntity = undo->entitylist.next ) { g_undoMemorySize -= Entity_MemorySize( pEntity ); //if this is the world entity if ( pEntity->entityId == world_entity->entityId ) { epair_t* tmp = world_entity->epairs; world_entity->epairs = pEntity->epairs; pEntity->epairs = tmp; Entity_Free( pEntity ); } else { Entity_RemoveFromList( pEntity ); Entity_AddToList( pEntity, &entities ); pEntity->redoId = redo->id; } } // add the undo brushes back into the selected brushes for ( pBrush = undo->brushlist.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &undo->brushlist; pBrush = undo->brushlist.next ) { //Sys_Printf("Owner ID: %i\n",pBrush->ownerId); g_undoMemorySize -= Brush_MemorySize( pBrush ); Brush_RemoveFromList( pBrush ); Brush_AddToList( pBrush, &active_brushes ); for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next ) // fixes broken undo on entities { //Sys_Printf("Entity ID: %i\n",pEntity->entityId); if ( pEntity->entityId == pBrush->ownerId ) { Entity_LinkBrush( pEntity, pBrush ); break; } } //if the brush is not linked then it should be linked into the world entity //++timo FIXME: maybe not, maybe we've lost this entity's owner! if ( pEntity == NULL || pEntity == &entities ) { Entity_LinkBrush( world_entity, pBrush ); } //build the brush //Brush_Build(pBrush); Select_Brush( pBrush ); pBrush->redoId = redo->id; } if ( !bSilent ) { Sys_Printf( "%s undone.\n", undo->operation ); } // free the undo g_undoMemorySize -= sizeof( undo_t ); free( undo ); g_undoSize--; g_undoId--; if ( g_undoId <= 0 ) { g_undoId = 2 * g_undoMaxSize; } // g_bScreenUpdates = true; UpdateSurfaceDialog(); Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ALL ); } /* ============= Undo_Redo ============= */ void Undo_Redo( void ){ // spog - disable undo if undo levels = 0 if ( g_PrefsDlg.m_nUndoLevels == 0 ) { Sys_Printf( "Undo_Redo: undo is disabled.\n" ); return; } undo_t *redo; brush_t *pBrush, *pNextBrush; entity_t *pEntity, *pNextEntity, *pRedoEntity; if ( !g_lastredo ) { Sys_Printf( "Nothing left to redo.\n" ); return; } if ( g_lastundo ) { if ( !g_lastundo->done ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: last undo not finished.\n" ); } } // get the last redo redo = g_lastredo; if ( g_lastredo->prev ) { g_lastredo->prev->next = NULL; } else{g_redolist = NULL; } g_lastredo = g_lastredo->prev; // Undo_GeneralStart( redo->operation ); // remove current selection Select_Deselect(); // move "created" brushes back to the last undo for ( pBrush = active_brushes.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &active_brushes; pBrush = pNextBrush ) { pNextBrush = pBrush->next; if ( pBrush->redoId == redo->id ) { //move the brush to the undo Brush_RemoveFromList( pBrush ); Brush_AddToList( pBrush, &g_lastundo->brushlist ); g_undoMemorySize += Brush_MemorySize( pBrush ); pBrush->ownerId = pBrush->owner->entityId; Entity_UnlinkBrush( pBrush ); } } // move "created" entities back to the last undo for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pNextEntity ) { pNextEntity = pEntity->next; if ( pEntity->redoId == redo->id ) { // check if this entity is in the redo for ( pRedoEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pRedoEntity != NULL && pRedoEntity != &redo->entitylist; pRedoEntity = pRedoEntity->next ) { // move brushes to the redo entity if ( pRedoEntity->entityId == pEntity->entityId ) { pRedoEntity->brushes.next = pEntity->brushes.next; pRedoEntity->brushes.prev = pEntity->brushes.prev; pEntity->brushes.next = &pEntity->brushes; pEntity->brushes.prev = &pEntity->brushes; } } // //Entity_Free(pEntity); //move the entity to the redo Entity_RemoveFromList( pEntity ); Entity_AddToList( pEntity, &g_lastundo->entitylist ); g_undoMemorySize += Entity_MemorySize( pEntity ); } } // add the undo entities back into the entity list for ( pEntity = redo->entitylist.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &redo->entitylist; pEntity = redo->entitylist.next ) { //if this is the world entity if ( pEntity->entityId == world_entity->entityId ) { epair_t* tmp = world_entity->epairs; world_entity->epairs = pEntity->epairs; pEntity->epairs = tmp; Entity_Free( pEntity ); } else { Entity_RemoveFromList( pEntity ); Entity_AddToList( pEntity, &entities ); } } // add the redo brushes back into the selected brushes for ( pBrush = redo->brushlist.next; pBrush != NULL && pBrush != &redo->brushlist; pBrush = redo->brushlist.next ) { Brush_RemoveFromList( pBrush ); Brush_AddToList( pBrush, &active_brushes ); for ( pEntity = entities.next; pEntity != NULL && pEntity != &entities; pEntity = pEntity->next ) // fixes broken undo on entities { if ( pEntity->entityId == pBrush->ownerId ) { Entity_LinkBrush( pEntity, pBrush ); break; } } //if the brush is not linked then it should be linked into the world entity if ( pEntity == NULL || pEntity == &entities ) { Entity_LinkBrush( world_entity, pBrush ); } //build the brush //Brush_Build(pBrush); Select_Brush( pBrush ); } // Undo_End(); // Sys_Printf( "%s redone.\n", redo->operation ); // g_redoId--; // free the undo free( redo ); // g_bScreenUpdates = true; UpdateSurfaceDialog(); Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ALL ); } /* ============= Undo_RedoAvailable ============= */ int Undo_RedoAvailable( void ){ if ( g_lastredo ) { return true; } return false; } int Undo_GetUndoId( void ){ if ( g_lastundo ) { return g_lastundo->id; } return 0; } /* ============= Undo_UndoAvailable ============= */ int Undo_UndoAvailable( void ){ if ( g_lastundo ) { if ( g_lastundo->done ) { return true; } } return false; }