<html> <head> <title>Q3Radiant Editor Manual: Appendix B9</title> <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "../styles/q3rad.css"> </head> <body> <h1 class = "MsoTitle">Q3Radiant Editor Manual</h1> <hr> <h1>Appendix B: Entity Descriptions</h1> <h2><a name = "weapon">Weapon Entities</a></h2> <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_bfg</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Big Freaking Gun. Default ammo load is 20. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_gauntlet</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Melee weapon. No ammo. There is no reason to place this entity in a map. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_ grapplinghook</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Grappling Hook. Spawns in the game and works but is unskinned. Does not use ammo. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_grenadelauncher</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Lobs bouncing grenades. Comes with 10 grenades. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_lightning</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Also called the "shaft" by some. Comes with 100 "shocks" <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_machinegun</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Player automatically starts with this. Comes with a default load of 100 "shots." <p><div class = "tip"><b>Design Tip:</b> For a "Rocket Arena" type game, the designer may wish to use the target_give entity to "give" the player an ammo_bullets entity with a count of -100 to remove the machinegun from play.</div> <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_plasmagun</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Comes with 50 shots. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_railgun</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Comes with 10 slugs. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_rocketlauncher</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Comes with 10 rockets. <p><div class = "subheading">weapon_shotgun</div> <b>Map Entity Color:</b> blue <br><b>Dimensions:</b> 32x32 <br><b>Game Function:</b> Also called the "shaft" by some. Comes with 10 rockets. <p><strong>Keys</strong> <br><b>wait:</b> time in seconds before item respawns after being picked up (default 5, -1 = never respawn). <br><b>random:</b> random time variance in seconds added or subtracted from "wait" delay (default 0 - see Notes). <br><b>count:</b> sets the amount of ammo given to the player when weapon is picked up. <br><b>team:</b> set this to team items. Teamed items will respawn randomly after team master is picked up (see Notes). <br><b>target:</b> picking up the item will trigger the entity this points to. <br><b>targetname:</b> a target_give entity can point to this for respawn freebies. <br><b>notfree:</b> when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Free for all" and "Tournament" modes. <br><b>notteam:</b> when set to 1, entity will not spawn in "Teamplay" and "CTF" modes. <br><b>notsingle:</b> when set to 1, entity will not spawn in Single Player mode (bot play mode). <p><strong>Check Boxes/Spawnflags</strong> <br>SUSPENDED : item will spawn where it was placed in map and won't drop to the floor. Bots will only be attracted to suspended entities if they are reachable by way of a jump pad or launch pad (trigger_push). <p><strong>Notes</strong> <br>The amount of time it takes for an item in the team to respawn is determined by the "wait" value of the item that was picked up previously. So if one of the items in the team has it's "wait" key set to -1 (never respawn), the random respawning cycle of the teamed items will stop after that item is picked up. <p>When the random key is set, its value is used to calculate a minimum and a maximum delay. The final time delay will be a random value anywhere between the minimum and maximum values: (min delay = wait - random) (max delay = wait + random). <h2><a name = "world">Worldspawn Entity</a></h2> <div class = "subheading">Worldspawn</div> Only used for the world. You access the worldspawn entity by selecting any non-entity brush in your map. <p><strong>Keys</strong> <br><b>message:</b> text to print at user logon. Used for name of level. <br><b>music:</b> path/name of looping .wav file used for level's music (eg. music/sonic5.wav). This is for a piece of music with only one part. To make a song play with both an intro and a looping portion, the following is the correct form for the music value: <ul>music/intro.wav music/loop.wav</ul> <p><b>ambient:</b> Adds a constant value to overall lighting. Use not recommended. Ambient light will have a tendency to flatten out variations in light and shade. <br><b>_color:</b> This is the normalized formula for RGB values for ambient light. A value is considered normalized when it fits in a range between 0 and 1. If you are using a tool like the Windows color picker, divide the value for each component of the RGB values by 255. The result will be a normalized value. <br><b>gravity:</b> gravity of level (default is normal gravity: 800). <p align = "center"><a href = "appn_b_8.htm">Back</a> | <a href = "../index.htm">Home</a> | <a href = "appn_c.htm">Next</a> </body> </html>