/* PrtView plugin for GtkRadiant Copyright (C) 2001 Geoffrey Dewan, Loki software and qeradiant.com This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // PrtView.cpp : Defines the initialization routines for the DLL. // #include "stdafx.h" #include #include #define Q3R_CMD_SPLITTER "-" #define Q3R_CMD_ABOUT "About Portal Viewer..." #define Q3R_CMD_LOAD "Load .prt file" #define Q3R_CMD_RELEASE "Unload .prt file" #define Q3R_CMD_SHOW_3D "Toggle portals (3D)" #define Q3R_CMD_SHOW_2D "Toggle portals (2D)" #define Q3R_CMD_OPTIONS "Configure Portal Viewer..." static char INIfn[NAME_MAX]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPrtViewApp construction #define RENDER_2D "Render2D" #define WIDTH_2D "Width2D" #define AA_2D "AntiAlias2D" #define COLOR_2D "Color2D" #define RENDER_3D "Render3D" #define WIDTH_3D "Width3D" #define AA_3D "AntiAlias3D" #define COLOR_3D "Color3D" #define COLOR_FOG "ColorFog" #define FOG "Fog" #define ZBUFFER "ZBuffer" #define POLYGON "Polygons" #define LINE "Lines" #define TRANS_3D "Transparency" #define CLIP_RANGE "ClipRange" #define CLIP "Clip" void InitInstance(){ #ifdef _WIN32 char fn[_MAX_PATH]; char fn_drive[_MAX_DRIVE]; char fn_dir[_MAX_DIR]; char fn_name[_MAX_FNAME]; char fn_ext[_MAX_EXT]; GetModuleFileName( GetModuleHandle( "PrtView.dll" ), fn, _MAX_PATH ); _splitpath( fn, fn_drive, fn_dir, fn_name, fn_ext ); Q_strncpyz( INIfn, fn_drive, sizeof( INIfn ) ); strncat( INIfn, fn_dir, sizeof( INIfn ) ); strncat( INIfn, fn_name, sizeof( INIfn ) ); strncat( INIfn, ".ini", sizeof( INIfn ) ); #else // if def __linux__ Q_strncpyz( INIfn, g_get_home_dir(), sizeof( INIfn ) ); strncat( INIfn, "/.radiant/", sizeof( INIfn ) ); strncat( INIfn, RADIANT_VERSION, sizeof( INIfn ) ); strncat( INIfn, "/prtview.ini", sizeof( INIfn ) ); #endif portals.show_2d = INIGetInt( RENDER_2D, FALSE ) ? true : false; portals.aa_2d = INIGetInt( AA_2D, FALSE ) ? true : false; portals.width_2d = (float)INIGetInt( WIDTH_2D, 10 ); COLORREF color_2d = (COLORREF)INIGetInt( COLOR_2D, RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) ) & 0xFFFFFF; portals.color_2d.red = GetRValue( color_2d ); portals.color_2d.green = GetGValue( color_2d ); portals.color_2d.blue = GetBValue( color_2d ); portals.color_2d.alpha = 1; if ( portals.width_2d > 40.0f ) { portals.width_2d = 40.0f; } else if ( portals.width_2d < 2.0f ) { portals.width_2d = 2.0f; } portals.show_3d = INIGetInt( RENDER_3D, TRUE ) ? true : false; portals.zbuffer = INIGetInt( ZBUFFER, 1 ); portals.fog = INIGetInt( FOG, FALSE ) ? true : false; portals.polygons = INIGetInt( POLYGON, TRUE ); portals.lines = INIGetInt( LINE, TRUE ); portals.aa_3d = INIGetInt( AA_3D, FALSE ) ? true : false; portals.width_3d = (float)INIGetInt( WIDTH_3D, 4 ); COLORREF color_3d = (COLORREF)INIGetInt( COLOR_3D, RGB( 255, 255, 0 ) ) & 0xFFFFFF; portals.color_3d.red = GetRValue( color_3d ); portals.color_3d.green = GetGValue( color_3d ); portals.color_3d.blue = GetBValue( color_3d ); portals.color_3d.alpha = 1; COLORREF color_fog = (COLORREF)INIGetInt( COLOR_FOG, RGB( 127, 127, 127 ) ) & 0xFFFFFF; portals.color_fog.red = GetRValue( color_fog ); portals.color_fog.green = GetGValue( color_fog ); portals.color_fog.blue = GetBValue( color_fog ); portals.color_fog.alpha = 1; portals.trans_3d = (float)INIGetInt( TRANS_3D, 50 ); portals.clip = INIGetInt( CLIP, FALSE ) ? true : false; portals.clip_range = (float)INIGetInt( CLIP_RANGE, 16 ); if ( portals.clip_range < 1 ) { portals.clip_range = 1; } else if ( portals.clip_range > 128 ) { portals.clip_range = 128; } if ( portals.zbuffer < 0 ) { portals.zbuffer = 0; } else if ( portals.zbuffer > 2 ) { portals.zbuffer = 0; } if ( portals.width_3d > 40.0f ) { portals.width_3d = 40.0f; } else if ( portals.width_3d < 2.0f ) { portals.width_3d = 2.0f; } if ( portals.trans_3d > 100.0f ) { portals.trans_3d = 100.0f; } else if ( portals.trans_3d < 0.0f ) { portals.trans_3d = 0.0f; } SaveConfig(); portals.FixColors(); } void SaveConfig(){ INISetInt( RENDER_2D, portals.show_2d, "Draw in 2D windows" ); INISetInt( WIDTH_2D, (int)portals.width_2d, "Width of lines in 2D windows (in units of 1/2)" ); COLORREF color_2d = RGB( portals.color_2d.red, portals.color_2d.green, portals.color_2d.blue ); INISetInt( COLOR_2D, (int)color_2d, "Color of lines in 2D windows" ); INISetInt( AA_2D, portals.aa_2d, "Draw lines in 2D window anti-aliased" ); INISetInt( ZBUFFER, portals.zbuffer, "ZBuffer level in 3D window" ); INISetInt( FOG, portals.fog, "Use depth cueing in 3D window" ); INISetInt( POLYGON, portals.polygons, "Render using polygons polygons in 3D window" ); INISetInt( LINE, portals.polygons, "Render using lines in 3D window" ); INISetInt( RENDER_3D, portals.show_3d, "Draw in 3D windows" ); INISetInt( WIDTH_3D, (int)portals.width_3d, "Width of lines in 3D window (in units of 1/2)" ); COLORREF color_3d = RGB( portals.color_3d.red, portals.color_3d.green, portals.color_3d.blue ); INISetInt( COLOR_3D, (int)color_3d, "Color of lines/polygons in 3D window" ); COLORREF color_fog = RGB( portals.color_fog.red, portals.color_fog.green, portals.color_fog.blue ); INISetInt( COLOR_FOG, (int)color_fog, "Color of distant lines/polygons in 3D window" ); INISetInt( AA_3D, portals.aa_3d, "Draw lines in 3D window anti-aliased" ); INISetInt( TRANS_3D, (int)portals.trans_3d, "Transparency in 3d view (0 = solid, 100 = invisible)" ); INISetInt( CLIP, portals.clip, "Cubic clipper active for portal viewer" ); INISetInt( CLIP_RANGE, (int)portals.clip_range, "Portal viewer cubic clip distance (in units of 64)" ); } // Radiant function table // use to access what Radiant provides _QERFuncTable_1 g_FuncTable; _QERQglTable g_QglTable; #define CONFIG_SECTION "Configuration" #if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ ) static bool read_var( const char *filename, const char *section, const char *key, char *value, size_t length ){ char line[1024], *ptr; FILE *rc; rc = fopen( filename, "rt" ); if ( rc == NULL ) { return false; } while ( fgets( line, 1024, rc ) != 0 ) { // First we find the section if ( line[0] != '[' ) { continue; } ptr = strchr( line, ']' ); *ptr = '\0'; if ( strcmp( &line[1], section ) == 0 ) { while ( fgets( line, 1024, rc ) != 0 ) { ptr = strchr( line, '=' ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { // reached the end of the section fclose( rc ); return false; } *ptr = '\0'; if ( strcmp( line, key ) == 0 ) { Q_strncpyz( value, ptr + 1, length ); fclose( rc ); while ( value[strlen( value ) - 1] == 10 || value[strlen( value ) - 1] == 13 || value[strlen( value ) - 1] == 32 ) value[strlen( value ) - 1] = 0; return true; } } } } fclose( rc ); return false; } static bool save_var( const char *filename, const char *section, const char *key, const char *value ){ char line[1024], *ptr; FILE *old_rc = NULL, *rc; bool found; rc = fopen( filename, "rb" ); if ( rc != NULL ) { guint32 len; void *buf; char *tmpname = g_strdup_printf( "%s.tmp", filename ); old_rc = fopen( tmpname, "w+b" ); g_free( tmpname ); fseek( rc, 0, SEEK_END ); len = ftell( rc ); rewind( rc ); buf = g_malloc( len ); fread( buf, len, 1, rc ); fwrite( buf, len, 1, old_rc ); g_free( buf ); fclose( rc ); rewind( old_rc ); } rc = fopen( filename, "wb" ); if ( rc == NULL ) { return false; } // First we need to find the section found = false; if ( old_rc != NULL ) { while ( fgets( line, 1024, old_rc ) != NULL ) { fputs( line, rc ); if ( line[0] == '[' ) { ptr = strchr( line, ']' ); *ptr = '\0'; if ( strcmp( &line[1], section ) == 0 ) { found = true; break; } } } } if ( !found ) { fputs( "\n", rc ); fprintf( rc, "[%s]\n", section ); } fprintf( rc, "%s=%s\n", key, value ); if ( old_rc != NULL ) { while ( fgets( line, 1024, old_rc ) != NULL ) { ptr = strchr( line, '=' ); if ( ptr != NULL ) { *ptr = '\0'; if ( strcmp( line, key ) == 0 ) { break; } *ptr = '='; fputs( line, rc ); } else { fputs( line, rc ); break; } } while ( fgets( line, 1024, old_rc ) != NULL ) fputs( line, rc ); fclose( old_rc ); char *tmpname = g_strdup_printf( "%s.tmp", filename ); remove( tmpname ); g_free( tmpname ); } fclose( rc ); return true; } #endif int INIGetInt( const char *key, int def ){ #if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ ) char value[1024]; if ( read_var( INIfn, CONFIG_SECTION, key, value, sizeof( value ) ) ) { return atoi( value ); } else{ return def; } #else return GetPrivateProfileInt( CONFIG_SECTION, key, def, INIfn ); #endif } void INISetInt( const char *key, int val, const char *comment /* = NULL */ ){ char s[1000]; if ( comment ) { snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "%d ; %s", val, comment ); } else{ snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "%d", val ); } #if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ ) save_var( INIfn, CONFIG_SECTION, key, s ); #else WritePrivateProfileString( CONFIG_SECTION, key, s, INIfn ); #endif } // plugin name static const char *PLUGIN_NAME = "Portal Viewer"; // commands in the menu static const char *PLUGIN_COMMANDS = Q3R_CMD_ABOUT ";" Q3R_CMD_SPLITTER ";" Q3R_CMD_OPTIONS ";" Q3R_CMD_SPLITTER ";" Q3R_CMD_SHOW_2D ";" Q3R_CMD_SHOW_3D ";" Q3R_CMD_SPLITTER ";" Q3R_CMD_RELEASE ";" Q3R_CMD_LOAD; extern "C" LPVOID WINAPI QERPlug_GetFuncTable(){ return &g_FuncTable; } //extern "C" LPCSTR WINAPI QERPlug_Init (HMODULE hApp, GtkWidget* hwndMain) extern "C" const char* QERPlug_Init( void *hApp, void* pMainWidget ){ // Setup defaults & load config InitInstance(); return "Portal Viewer for Q3Radiant"; } extern "C" const char* QERPlug_GetName(){ return (char*)PLUGIN_NAME; } extern "C" const char* QERPlug_GetCommandList(){ return (char*)PLUGIN_COMMANDS; } /* void Sys_Printf (char *text, ...) { va_list argptr; char buf[32768]; va_start (argptr,text); vsnprintf (buf, sizeof( buf ), text, argptr); va_end (argptr); g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysMsg (buf); } */ bool interfaces_started = false; static void CheckInterfaces(){ if ( interfaces_started ) { return; } render.Register(); interfaces_started = true; } extern "C" void QERPlug_Dispatch( const char* p, vec3_t vMin, vec3_t vMax, bool bSingleBrush ){ Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Command \"%s\"\n",p ); if ( !strcmp( p,Q3R_CMD_ABOUT ) ) { DoAboutDlg(); } else if ( !strcmp( p,Q3R_CMD_LOAD ) ) { CheckInterfaces(); if ( interfaces_started ) { if ( DoLoadPortalFileDialog() == IDOK ) { portals.Load(); g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysUpdateWindows( UPDATE_ALL ); } else { Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Portal file load aborted.\n", portals.fn ); } } } else if ( !strcmp( p,Q3R_CMD_RELEASE ) ) { portals.Purge(); if ( interfaces_started ) { g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysUpdateWindows( UPDATE_ALL ); } Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Portals unloaded.\n" ); } else if ( !strcmp( p,Q3R_CMD_SHOW_2D ) ) { portals.show_2d = !portals.show_2d; if ( interfaces_started ) { g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysUpdateWindows( UPDATE_ALL ); } SaveConfig(); if ( portals.show_2d ) { Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Portals will be rendered in 2D view.\n" ); } else{ Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Portals will NOT be rendered in 2D view.\n" ); } } else if ( !strcmp( p,Q3R_CMD_SHOW_3D ) ) { portals.show_3d = !portals.show_3d; SaveConfig(); if ( interfaces_started ) { g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysUpdateWindows( UPDATE_ALL ); } if ( portals.show_3d ) { Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Portals will be rendered in 3D view.\n" ); } else{ Sys_Printf( MSG_PREFIX "Portals will NOT be rendered in 3D view.\n" ); } } else if ( !strcmp( p,Q3R_CMD_OPTIONS ) ) { DoConfigDialog(); SaveConfig(); if ( interfaces_started ) { g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysUpdateWindows( UPDATE_ALL ); } } } // ============================================================================= // SYNAPSE class CSynapseClientPrtView : public CSynapseClient { public: // CSynapseClient API bool RequestAPI( APIDescriptor_t *pAPI ); const char* GetInfo(); CSynapseClientPrtView() { } virtual ~CSynapseClientPrtView() { } }; CSynapseServer* g_pSynapseServer = NULL; CSynapseClientPrtView g_SynapseClient; #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #pragma GCC visibility push(default) #endif extern "C" CSynapseClient * SYNAPSE_DLL_EXPORT Synapse_EnumerateInterfaces( const char *version, CSynapseServer *pServer ) { #if __GNUC__ >= 4 #pragma GCC visibility pop #endif if ( strcmp( version, SYNAPSE_VERSION ) ) { Syn_Printf( "ERROR: synapse API version mismatch: should be '" SYNAPSE_VERSION "', got '%s'\n", version ); return NULL; } g_pSynapseServer = pServer; g_pSynapseServer->IncRef(); Set_Syn_Printf( g_pSynapseServer->Get_Syn_Printf() ); g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( PLUGIN_MAJOR, PRTVIEW_MINOR, sizeof( _QERPluginTable ) ); g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( RADIANT_MAJOR, NULL, sizeof( g_FuncTable ), SYN_REQUIRE, &g_FuncTable ); g_SynapseClient.AddAPI( QGL_MAJOR, NULL, sizeof( g_QglTable ), SYN_REQUIRE, &g_QglTable ); return &g_SynapseClient; } bool CSynapseClientPrtView::RequestAPI( APIDescriptor_t *pAPI ){ if ( !strcmp( pAPI->major_name, PLUGIN_MAJOR ) ) { if ( !strcmp( pAPI->minor_name, PRTVIEW_MINOR ) ) { _QERPluginTable* pTable = static_cast<_QERPluginTable*>( pAPI->mpTable ); pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_Init = QERPlug_Init; pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_GetName = QERPlug_GetName; pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_GetCommandList = QERPlug_GetCommandList; pTable->m_pfnQERPlug_Dispatch = QERPlug_Dispatch; return true; } } Syn_Printf( "ERROR: RequestAPI( '%s' ) not found in '%s'\n", pAPI->major_name, GetInfo() ); return false; } #include "version.h" const char* CSynapseClientPrtView::GetInfo(){ return "PrtView module built " __DATE__ " " RADIANT_VERSION; }