Q3Radiant Editor Manual

Appendix C: Bot Navigation Files

(Original Document Title: BSP Converter)
Version: = 1.8
Date: = 2000-01-11
Author: = Mr. Elusive


This appendix is based on documentation that has been released and updated by Mr. Elusive. It deals with the Navigation file that must be created in order for the Quake III Arena bots to be able to navigate and play in game maps. It is not a manual for the creation of bots.


The BSPC tool is used to create AAS files from BSP files. An AAS file is a file with areas used by the Quake III Arena bot in order to navigate and understand a map.


Place the BSPC program in your Quake III Arena folder.


Unless you are using a front-end utility, which gives you check-button access to compiler functions, you will need to run this program from the command line of your DOS Command Prompt program. If the command line is not already pointing the Quake III Arena directory, change directories (cd\quake III arena).

The command line should be formatted as follows:

Example 1: bspc -bsp2aas d:\quake3\baseq3\maps\mymap?.bsp
Example 2: bspc -bsp2aas d:\quake3\baseq3\pak0.pk3\maps/q3dm*.bsp

In the first example a "?" is used as a metacharacter variable to indicate any single keyboard character. This allows you to compile the latest version of a map ("mymap1" or "mymapb").

In the second example a "*" is used as a metacharacter variable to indicate any string of keyboard characters. This allows you to compile the latest version of a map ("mymap1" or "mymapb").

The bot navigation compile process can be further modified by the use of "switches" that change some of the parmeters used in compilation. Some of these can be used to compile only certain features, such as reachability. Others allow the compiler to use more than a single processor, as is the case with "threads."

bsp2aas <[pakfilter/]filter.bsp> = convert BSP to AAS
reach <filter.bsp> = compute reachability & clusters
cluster <filter.aas> = compute clusters
aasopt <filter.aas> = optimize aas file
output <output path> = set output path
threads <X> = set number of threads to X
cfg <filename> = use this cfg file
optimize = enable optimization
noverbose = disable verbose output
breathfirst = breath first bsp building
nobrushmerge = don't merge brushes
freetree = free the bsp tree
nocsg = disables brush chopping
forcesidesvisible = force all sides to be visible
grapplereach = calculate grapple reachabilities

Several metacharacters may be used in the filter and pakfilter.

* Match any string of zero or more characters
? Match any single character
[abc...] Match any of the enclosed characters; a hyphen can be used to specify a range (e.g. a-z, A-Z, 0-9)

.pk3 files are accessed as if they are normal folders (whether they are compressed or not).

For instance, use "d:\quake3\baseq3\pak0.pk3\maps/q3dm1.bsp" to access the map q3dm1.bsp from the pak0.pk3 file.

Multiple files may be listed after the switches bsp2map, bsp2aas, reach, cluster and aasopt.

If a BSP file is being converted to an AAS file and no output path is entered on the command line then the AAS file will automatically be stored in the same folder as the BSP file. However if the BSP file was stored in a .pk3 file then the AAS file will be stored in a folder with the name 'maps' outside the .pk3 file.

Updating the Entity Lump

If an AAS file is already available for a BSP file and you ONLY change the entities inside this BSP file then you only have to recalculate the reachabilities. This way you can move items, platforms etc. around without the need to recalculate the whole AAS file -- which can save quite some compile time. You can recalculate the reachabilities as follows:

Where mymap.bsp is the BSP file. The mymap.aas file has to be in the same folder as mymap.bsp or should be in the output folder specified with the -output option.

Keep in mind that as soon as ANY geometry in the map changes (including b_models and trigger brushes) the whole AAS file HAS to be recalculated in order to play with bots.


Just like there can be vis "leaks" in a map there can also be clipping leaks. Two things can be wrong when the BSPC tool outputs that a map leaks.
  1. There are no entities in the map at all, or all entities that are actually in the map are placed in solid locations (see Test Solid below). In this case the BSPC tool outputs: "WARNING: no entities inside." The map must contain at least one player start entity to load in the game.
  2. There is a spot in the map where players can go outside the map into the void. This is bad, players should never be able to fall out of a level. In this case the BSPC tool outputs: "WARNING: entity reached from outside." The BSPC tool also writes a mymap.lin file that can be loaded in the Q3Radiant editor to show lines that go through the actual leak.

Make sure the .lin file is stored in the same folder as where q3radiant stores the .bsp file. Load the map in q3radiant and use the menu > File > Pointfile... to load the .lin file. A thick red line will be shown in the map. Follow this line to find the leak.

Useful Map Information

The following information is given as a reference for bot capabilities. The area file information is used by bots. It tells them when and where they can make jumps. Human players don't have this information readily available to them, so you may want to be more forgiving when designing tricky jumps.

Map Boundaries
Currently all the contained area of a Quake III Arena map should fall within the bounds (8192, 8192, 8192) - (-8192, -8192, -8192) for the bspc tool to compile. These are the same bounds as the Q3Map compilers.

Game Physics
Player Dimensions
Model size: The player model's actual size is a bounding box 30 units by 30 units square with a height of 56 units. In the game world, eight units roughly equal one foot (30.5 cm). From this, we deduce that the characters are a heroic 7 feet tall (2.13 meters).

Step Heights
For scale purposes, "normal" steps should be no higher than 8 units. However, the maximum value that a player may step up is 18 units (just keep steps 16 units or lower).

Normal Jumps
The maximum height for barriers the bots will jump on is 32 units.

Water Jump Heights (or "Everyone, out of the pool!")
The maximum distance that a bot may jump to exit water is 18 units. This is the height difference between the water surface and the adjacent floor that the bot is jumping onto. If the water jump height is made higher, human players will have a hard time getting out of the water.

Rocket Jumps
With normal gravity and without the quad, the maximum rocket jump height is around 280 units (you can sometimes jump a few units higher but this is a safe value for reference). In practice, except for especially tricky jumps, this value should be substantially lower. Test rocket jumps repeatedly before settling on a final height.

Math for Map Makers
Here's some math to calculate some other values of interest:

Gravity = 800;
Jump velocity = 270;
Max vertical rocketjump velocity = 670;
Max run velocity = 320;
Max step height = 18;
Max jump height = 0.5 * gravity * (jumpvelocity/gravity)*(jumpvelocity/gravity);
Max normal jump height = 45 units
NOTE: even though this is the mathematical maximum jump height always keep the the 32 units maximum barrier height for bots in mind when building maps.
Maximum horizontal jump distance over a gap from one spot to another when both are at the same height:

Because players use a bounding box we can jump a full bounding box width further in the ideal case. (15 units at the jump starting position and 15 at the landing place).

Again, remember that this is the mathematical maximum which players can only reach under ideal circumstances.

Optimizing a Map for bspc Compiling

The area file is the tool that the bots use to understand the map. If it is overly complex, it can cause navigation problems. With careful attention to detail, many of these problems can be eliminated, or avoided altogether.

First, understand that hint brushes, which are of great use to the bsp compiler, have no effect on the bspc tool that creates area files. Only solid, clip and liquid brushes and curve patches are used by the bspc tool. Using these mapcomponents, the bspc tool outputs how many "areas" will be created for a map. Having fewer areas in a map is better than having more.

Quite often, map trim and detail create many of these small areas. For the most part, these small areas are too small to enter and are thus useless to the bots. Brushes that project out into the map's floor cut it up and create additional areas. Often the number of areas can be greatly reduced by adding additional clip brushes. Take a look at Q3DM7 in the map editor, and you will see the walls are literally covered with clip brushes. This not only smooths out passage for human players, but also has the added benefit of eliminating unnecesary navigation areas. This is also why, as many "camping style" players have found, many areas above door and window trim have also been clipped off.

Another way to reduce complexity is to use clip brushes to simplify the collision area around complex objects. For exmple, the map maker can add clip brushes with simple shapes (axial or "square" brushes are prefered) around (small) detail brushes. Simple shaped clip brushes can also be added around curves to reduce the collision complexity (for instance, place an axial clip brush around a small cylinder). It is better to place the clip brushes around the whole curve (not just part of the curve). The map maker should also use shader scripts to make the textures on brushes or curve patches non-solid (surfaceparm nonsolid) when they are enclosed by (full) clip brushes. This will also speed up bspc calculations.

Always try to align your geometry to the grids. Always use the largest grid possible for alignment of your geometry. Also try to align the backsides of brushes which may not be visible. The more brush sides are aligned the better. This will also speed up bspc calculations.

Align adjacent brushes as much as possible. Make sure that badly aligned brushes create no tiny faces.

Quite often there are also places in a map that are visible to players but where players can never go (even determined, rocket-jumping players). If a player could reach that area, they would be able to walk around upon it. If the mapmaker decides not to allow that, he or she should use large clip brushes to enclose the entire unreachable space. This will also speed up bspc calculations and reduce the number of areas created by the bspc tool.

Note: the number of areas relative to the map size tells something about the navigation complexity for players in general (also human players). Reducing the collision complexity for bots also makes the map easier to navigate for human players

Entities & the Navigation File

There are specific rules and guidelines for using a number of entities and entity-like textures with the bspc tool.

Func_plat and Func_bobbing
When func_plat or func_bobbing entities are placed in a map, the bots will use them if possible. The bots assume they can stand on top of the bounding box (xy extents of all components used to create the entity) of the model used for the func_plat or func_bobbing entity. As a result, creating complex-shaped func_plat or func_bobbing models is mostly a bad idea. You have to make sure the bots (and players) can actually stand everywhere on top of the bounding box of the model. The basic rule: If a bot is going to use a func_plat or a func_bobbing, make sure the top surface is a solid, rectilinear rectangle or square.

Cluster Portals
Cluster portals are one of the several "texture entities" used by the game engine. These are textures, which as used by the game engine, function like entities. The bspc tool divides the map into many, much smaller areas, which are essentially the surfaces a bot can move upon during play. Several of these areas can be grouped together to create a cluster. The clusters are seperated by cluster portals, which are also areas themselves. One of the things the bot uses these clusters for is to create a multi-level routing algorithm. When a map is efficiently divided up into clusters bot calculations (in run time) will be faster.

Guidelines to Consider When Placing Cluster Portals:

"Do Not Enter" Areas
The Do Not Enter texture is another one of the "texture entities" that the game engine uses as if they were entities. In some regards, it is like a clip brush, intended to prevent a bot from moving into or through it. However, this works more as a "strong suggestion" and is, in reality, not a physical barrier to the bot. A simple example of how a bot may enter a "Do Not Enter" area is knockback. If an explosion tosses a bot about, it may end up inside a prohibited area. Bots may pass out of such areas, but they will not actively try to enter them.

When bot navigation problems show up or you want to make sure a bot never tries to go to a certain place use a "do not enter" brush.

Guidelines to consider when placing "Do Not Enter" brushes:

Bot Control Entities
These entities encourage a bot to move about and use more parts of the map.

The item_botroam entity can be used when a bot does not roam the whole level or prefers to go to only specific areas. This (invisible) item can be placed in a map just like regular items. Nobody can actually pick up the item. It's only used to attract bots to certain places of the map.

The item_botroam has a key "origin" that is set by Q3Radiant automatically.

The item_botroam also has a key "weight." The value is the weight of the roam item and is relative to the weight of other items in the map, which are individual to each bot. The bot character-specific item weights are stored with the bot characters in the botfiles/bots/ sub-folder in the .pk3 file. The value of the weight is a non-zero floating-point value, most often in the range 0 to 400. Higher values are allowed but keep in mind that the bot should also still go for normal items, so don't make the item_botroam weight too high.

"Notbot" Means "Don't Touch"
When a bot should never go for a specific item, the key "notbot" with a value of "1" can be used for that item. This notbot key and its value can be used for every available item in Quake III Arena.

This entity suggests locations where the bot can wait for enemies to come into view.

The suspended checkbox flag can be used on all items (item_botroam included). However keep in mind that when a suspended item is not anywhere near the ground the bot will ONLY try to go for this suspended item using jump pads.

Testing .AAS files

Solid Areas
A solid area in the map is an area that looks empty to the human player, but is solid, like a wall, to a bot player. One of the easiest ways to test the AAS file for solid areas is to load the map in Quake III Arena in teamplay mode (type /set g_gametype 3 on the console before loading the map). Enter a team and add a bot to your team. Use the team order menu (by default bound to the F3 key) to command the bot to follow you. Walk around the map and see if the bot is able to follow you everywhere. If a bot stops at any point, it may have encountered an area of the map that appears to be unblocked to you, but to the bot, it is like it has encountered a solid wall.

Test Solid
In most cases, solid areas are the result of careless design. But, if you insist on making maps that are not axial in layout (say, your average cave), they can result from brushes meeting at non-axial angles. These "map bugs" can sometimes cause certain places in the map to show up solid in the AAS file. To test for these solid places set the cvar bot_testsolid to "1" on the console. (type /set bot_testsolid 1)

As you walk through the map, either "empty area" or "SOLID area" will be printed on the screen while traveling through a map.

The Culprits: What May Cause Map Bugs
Several map bugs can cause these solid places in the AAS file.

Hacking Away the Problem
If you insist creating an .AAS file for a map with bugs, then the BSPC compile option -forcesidesvisible can be used. This should fix all the problems with areas showing up solid in the .AAS file. However creating an .AAS file with this option takes a lot longer (often more than twice the normal compile time). This is not recommended as a default option for compiling.

Testing Jump and Launch Pads
Jumppads can also be tested. Type the following on the Quake III Arena console, before loading your map:

/set bot_maxdebugpolys 1024
/set bot_visualizejumppads 1
/set bot_forcereachability 1

Now load the map. A counter will be shown and goes from 0% to 100%. When the counter has reached 100% type /set r_debugSurface 2 on the console. For every jumppad the default arc of travel (without using air control) will be visualized.

Version Changes

1.8 (2000-01-08)
- increased max points on winding
- made "HashVec: point x y z outside valid range" non-fatal
- fixed rocket jump reachabilities
- added force sides visible option
- increased simulated stack size for area traces

1.7 (1999-12-22)
- fixed ducked bounding box size
- fixed sv_maxsteepness being zero in aas configuration
- AAS files are now automatically stored in BSP file folder
- fixed crash bug caused by overflow of a simulated stack

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