/* BobToolz plugin for GtkRadiant Copyright (C) 2001 Gordon Biggans This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ // DEntity.cpp: implementation of the DEntity class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "StdAfx.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning(disable : 4786) #endif #include "DEntity.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs-gtk.h" #include "misc.h" #include "CPortals.h" const char* brushEntityList[] = { "worldspawn", "trigger_always", "trigger_hurt", "trigger_multiple", "trigger_push", "trigger_teleport", "func_bobbing", "func_button", "func_door", "func_group", "func_pendulum", "func_plat", "func_rotating", "func_static", "func_timer", "func_train", 0 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEntity::DEntity( const char *classname, int ID ){ SetClassname( classname ); m_nID = ID; QER_Entity = NULL; } DEntity::~DEntity(){ ClearPatches(); ClearBrushes(); ClearEPairs(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void DEntity::ClearBrushes(){ for ( list::const_iterator deadBrush = brushList.begin(); deadBrush != brushList.end(); deadBrush++ ) { delete *deadBrush; } brushList.clear(); } void DEntity::ClearPatches(){ for ( list::const_iterator deadPatch = patchList.begin(); deadPatch != patchList.end(); deadPatch++ ) { delete *deadPatch; } patchList.clear(); } DPatch* DEntity::NewPatch(){ DPatch* newPatch = new DPatch; patchList.push_back( newPatch ); return newPatch; } DBrush* DEntity::NewBrush( int ID ){ DBrush* newBrush = new DBrush( ID ); brushList.push_back( newBrush ); return newBrush; } char* getNextBracket( char* s ){ char* p = s; while ( *p ) { p++; if ( *p == '(' ) { break; } } return p; } bool DEntity::LoadFromPrt( char *filename ){ CPortals portals; Q_strncpyz( portals.fn, filename, sizeof( portals.fn ) ); portals.Load(); if ( portals.node_count == 0 ) { return FALSE; } ClearBrushes(); ClearEPairs(); bool build = false; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < portals.node_count; i++ ) { build = false; DBrush* brush = NewBrush(); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < portals.node[i].portal_count; j++ ) { for ( unsigned int k = 0; k < portals.node[i].portal[j].point_count - 2; k++ ) { vec3_t v1, v2, normal, n; VectorSubtract( portals.node[i].portal[j].point[k + 2].p, portals.node[i].portal[j].point[k + 1].p, v1 ); VectorSubtract( portals.node[i].portal[j].point[k].p, portals.node[i].portal[j].point[k + 1].p, v2 ); CrossProduct( v1, v2, n ); VectorNormalize( n, v2 ); if ( k == 0 ) { VectorCopy( v2, normal ); } else { VectorSubtract( v2, normal, v1 ); if ( VectorLength( v1 ) > 0.01 ) { build = true; break; } } } if ( !build ) { brush->AddFace( portals.node[i].portal[j].point[2].p, portals.node[i].portal[j].point[1].p, portals.node[i].portal[j].point[0].p, "textures/common/caulk", FALSE ); } else{ brush->AddFace( portals.node[i].portal[j].point[0].p, portals.node[i].portal[j].point[1].p, portals.node[i].portal[j].point[2].p, "textures/common/caulk", FALSE ); } } if ( build ) { brush->BuildInRadiant( FALSE, NULL ); } } return TRUE; } DPlane* DEntity::AddFaceToBrush( vec3_t va, vec3_t vb, vec3_t vc, _QERFaceData* faceData, int ID ){ DBrush* buildBrush = GetBrushForID( ID ); return buildBrush->AddFace( va, vb, vc, faceData ); // slow, dont use much } DBrush* DEntity::GetBrushForID( int ID ){ DBrush* buildBrush = NULL; for ( list::const_iterator chkBrush = brushList.begin(); chkBrush != brushList.end(); chkBrush++ ) { if ( ( *chkBrush )->m_nBrushID == ID ) { buildBrush = ( *chkBrush ); break; } } if ( !buildBrush ) { buildBrush = NewBrush( ID ); } return buildBrush; } void DEntity::LoadSelectedBrushes(){ ClearBrushes(); ClearEPairs(); int count = g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateSelectedBrushHandles(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { brush_t *brush = (brush_t*)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetSelectedBrushHandle( i ); if ( brush->pPatch ) { continue; } DBrush* loadBrush = NewBrush( i ); loadBrush->LoadFromBrush_t( brush, TRUE ); } g_FuncTable.m_pfnReleaseSelectedBrushHandles(); } void DEntity::LoadSelectedPatches(){ ClearPatches(); ClearEPairs(); int count = g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateSelectedPatchHandles(); for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { //$ FIXME: m_pfnGetPatchHandle patchMesh_t *pmesh = (patchMesh_t*)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetPatchData( i ); DPatch* loadPatch = NewPatch(); loadPatch->LoadFromBrush_t( pmesh->pSymbiot ); } g_FuncTable.m_pfnReleasePatchHandles(); } bool* DEntity::BuildIntersectList(){ int max = GetIDMax(); if ( max == 0 ) { return NULL; } bool* pbIntList = new bool[max]; memset( pbIntList, 0, sizeof( bool ) * ( max ) ); for ( list::const_iterator pB1 = brushList.begin(); pB1 != brushList.end(); pB1++ ) { list::const_iterator pB2 = pB1; for ( pB2++; pB2 != brushList.end(); pB2++ ) { if ( ( *pB1 )->IntersectsWith( ( *pB2 ) ) ) { pbIntList[( *pB1 )->m_nBrushID] = TRUE; pbIntList[( *pB2 )->m_nBrushID] = TRUE; } } } return pbIntList; } bool* DEntity::BuildDuplicateList(){ int max = GetIDMax(); if ( max == 0 ) { return NULL; } bool* pbDupList = new bool[max]; memset( pbDupList, 0, sizeof( bool ) * ( max ) ); for ( list::const_iterator pB1 = brushList.begin(); pB1 != brushList.end(); pB1++ ) { list::const_iterator pB2 = pB1; for ( pB2++; pB2 != brushList.end(); pB2++ ) { if ( **pB1 == *pB2 ) { pbDupList[( *pB1 )->m_nBrushID] = TRUE; pbDupList[( *pB2 )->m_nBrushID] = TRUE; } } } return pbDupList; } void DEntity::SelectBrushes( bool *selectList ){ if ( selectList == NULL ) { return; } g_FuncTable.m_pfnDeselectAllBrushes(); g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateActiveBrushHandles(); for ( list::const_iterator pBrush = brushList.begin(); pBrush != brushList.end(); pBrush++ ) { if ( selectList[( *pBrush )->m_nBrushID] ) { g_FuncTable.m_pfnSelectBrush( ( *pBrush )->QER_brush ); } } g_FuncTable.m_pfnReleaseActiveBrushHandles(); } bool DEntity::LoadFromEntity( int id, bool bLoadPatches ) { return LoadFromEntity( (entity_t*)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetEntityHandle( id ), bLoadPatches ); } bool DEntity::LoadFromEntity( entity_t* ent, bool bLoadPatches ) { ClearPatches(); ClearBrushes(); ClearEPairs(); QER_Entity = ent; epair_t* epl = *g_EntityTable.m_pfnGetEntityKeyValList( QER_Entity ); LoadEPairList( epl ); bool keep = FALSE; int i; for ( i = 0; brushEntityList[i]; i++ ) { if ( !stricmp( brushEntityList[i], m_Classname ) ) { keep = TRUE; break; } } if ( !keep ) { return FALSE; } int count = g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateEntityBrushHandles( QER_Entity ); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { brush_t *brush = (brush_t*)g_FuncTable.m_pfnGetEntityBrushHandle( i ); if ( brush == NULL ) { DoMessageBox( "GTKRadiant returned a NULL pointer, NOT a good sign", "WARNING!!!", MB_OK ); continue; } if ( brush->pPatch ) { if ( bLoadPatches ) { DPatch* loadPatch = NewPatch(); loadPatch->LoadFromBrush_t( brush ); } } else { DBrush* loadBrush = NewBrush( i ); loadBrush->LoadFromBrush_t( brush, TRUE ); } } g_FuncTable.m_pfnReleaseEntityBrushHandles(); return TRUE; } void DEntity::RemoveNonCheckBrushes( list* exclusionList, bool useDetail ){ list::iterator chkBrush = brushList.begin(); while ( chkBrush != brushList.end() ) { if ( !useDetail ) { if ( ( *chkBrush )->IsDetail() ) { delete *chkBrush; chkBrush = brushList.erase( chkBrush ); continue; } } list::iterator eTexture; for ( eTexture = exclusionList->begin(); eTexture != exclusionList->end(); eTexture++ ) { if ( ( *chkBrush )->HasTexture( ( *eTexture ).GetBuffer() ) ) { delete *chkBrush; chkBrush = brushList.erase( chkBrush ); break; } } if ( eTexture == exclusionList->end() ) { chkBrush++; } } } void DEntity::ResetChecks( list* exclusionList ){ for ( list::const_iterator resetBrush = brushList.begin(); resetBrush != brushList.end(); resetBrush++ ) { ( *resetBrush )->ResetChecks( exclusionList ); } } int DEntity::FixBrushes( bool rebuild ){ g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateActiveBrushHandles(); int cnt = 0; for ( list::const_iterator fixBrush = brushList.begin(); fixBrush != brushList.end(); fixBrush++ ) { int count = ( *fixBrush )->RemoveRedundantPlanes(); if ( count ) { cnt += count; if ( rebuild ) { g_FuncTable.m_pfnDeleteBrushHandle( ( *fixBrush )->QER_brush ); ( *fixBrush )->BuildInRadiant( FALSE, NULL ); } } } g_FuncTable.m_pfnReleaseActiveBrushHandles(); return cnt; } void DEntity::BuildInRadiant( bool allowDestruction ){ bool makeEntity = strcmp( m_Classname, "worldspawn" ) ? true : false; if ( makeEntity ) { entity_t* pE = (entity_t*)g_FuncTable.m_pfnCreateEntityHandle(); epair_t* pEpS = GetNextChainItem( NULL, "classname", m_Classname ); epair_t* pEp = pEpS; for ( list::const_iterator buildEPair = epairList.begin(); buildEPair != epairList.end(); buildEPair++ ) { pEp = GetNextChainItem( pEp, ( *buildEPair )->key, ( *buildEPair )->value ); } g_EntityTable.m_pfnSetEntityKeyValList( pE, pEpS ); g_FuncTable.m_pfnCommitEntityHandleToMap( pE ); for ( list::const_iterator buildBrush = brushList.begin(); buildBrush != brushList.end(); buildBrush++ ) ( *buildBrush )->BuildInRadiant( allowDestruction, NULL, pE ); for ( list::const_iterator buildPatch = patchList.begin(); buildPatch != patchList.end(); buildPatch++ ) ( *buildPatch )->BuildInRadiant( pE ); QER_Entity = pE; } else { for ( list::const_iterator buildBrush = brushList.begin(); buildBrush != brushList.end(); buildBrush++ ) ( *buildBrush )->BuildInRadiant( allowDestruction, NULL ); for ( list::const_iterator buildPatch = patchList.begin(); buildPatch != patchList.end(); buildPatch++ ) ( *buildPatch )->BuildInRadiant(); } } int DEntity::GetIDMax( void ) { int max = -1; for ( list::const_iterator cntBrush = brushList.begin(); cntBrush != brushList.end(); cntBrush++ ) { if ( ( *cntBrush )->m_nBrushID > max ) { max = ( *cntBrush )->m_nBrushID; } } return max + 1; } void DEntity::SetClassname( const char *classname ) { m_Classname = classname; } void DEntity::SaveToFile( FILE *pFile ){ fprintf( pFile, "{\n" ); fprintf( pFile, "\"classname\" \"%s\"\n", (const char *)m_Classname ); for ( list::const_iterator ep = epairList.begin(); ep != epairList.end(); ep++ ) { fprintf( pFile, "\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", (const char *)( *ep )->key, (const char *)( *ep )->value ); } for ( list::const_iterator bp = brushList.begin(); bp != brushList.end(); bp++ ) { ( *bp )->SaveToFile( pFile ); } fprintf( pFile, "}\n" ); } void DEntity::ClearEPairs(){ for ( list::const_iterator deadEPair = epairList.begin(); deadEPair != epairList.end(); deadEPair++ ) { delete ( *deadEPair ); } epairList.clear(); } void DEntity::AddEPair( const char *key, const char *value ) { DEPair* newEPair; newEPair = FindEPairByKey( key ); if ( !newEPair ) { newEPair = new DEPair; newEPair->Build( key, value ); epairList.push_back( newEPair ); } else { newEPair->Build( key, value ); } } void DEntity::LoadEPairList( epair_t *epl ){ epair_t* ep = epl; while ( ep ) { if ( !strcmp( ep->key, "classname" ) ) { SetClassname( ep->value ); } else{ AddEPair( ep->key, ep->value ); } ep = ep->next; } } bool DEntity::ResetTextures( const char* textureName, float fScale[2], float fShift[2], int rotation, const char* newTextureName, int bResetTextureName, int bResetScale[2], int bResetShift[2], int bResetRotation, bool rebuild ){ g_FuncTable.m_pfnDeselectAllBrushes(); g_FuncTable.m_pfnAllocateActiveBrushHandles(); bool reset = FALSE; for ( list::const_iterator resetBrush = brushList.begin(); resetBrush != brushList.end(); resetBrush++ ) { bool tmp = ( *resetBrush )->ResetTextures( textureName, fScale, fShift, rotation, newTextureName, bResetTextureName, bResetScale, bResetShift, bResetRotation ); if ( tmp ) { reset = TRUE; if ( rebuild ) { entity_t *pE = ( *resetBrush )->QER_brush->owner; g_FuncTable.m_pfnDeleteBrushHandle( ( *resetBrush )->QER_brush ); ( *resetBrush )->BuildInRadiant( FALSE, NULL, pE->entityId == 0 ? NULL : pE ); if ( pE->entityId == 0 ? NULL : pE ) { } } } } if ( bResetTextureName ) { for ( list::const_iterator resetPatch = patchList.begin(); resetPatch != patchList.end(); resetPatch++ ) { bool tmp = ( *resetPatch )->ResetTextures( textureName, newTextureName ); if ( tmp ) { reset = TRUE; if ( rebuild ) { entity_t *pE = ( *resetPatch )->QER_brush->owner; g_FuncTable.m_pfnDeleteBrushHandle( ( *resetPatch )->QER_brush ); ( *resetPatch )->BuildInRadiant( pE->entityId == 0 ? NULL : pE ); } } } } g_FuncTable.m_pfnReleaseActiveBrushHandles(); return reset; } DEPair* DEntity::FindEPairByKey( const char* keyname ){ for ( list::const_iterator ep = epairList.begin(); ep != epairList.end(); ep++ ) { char* c = ( *ep )->key; if ( !strcmp( c, keyname ) ) { return *ep; } } return NULL; } void DEntity::RemoveFromRadiant(){ g_EntityTable.m_pfnEntity_Free( (entity_t*)QER_Entity ); QER_Entity = NULL; } void DEntity::SpawnString( const char* key, const char* defaultstring, const char** out ){ DEPair* pEP = FindEPairByKey( key ); if ( pEP ) { *out = pEP->value; } else { *out = defaultstring; } } void DEntity::SpawnInt( const char* key, const char* defaultstring, int* out ){ DEPair* pEP = FindEPairByKey( key ); if ( pEP ) { *out = atoi( pEP->value ); } else { *out = atoi( defaultstring ); } } void DEntity::SpawnFloat( const char* key, const char* defaultstring, float* out ){ DEPair* pEP = FindEPairByKey( key ); if ( pEP ) { *out = static_cast< float >( atof( pEP->value ) ); } else { *out = static_cast< float >( atof( defaultstring ) ); } } void DEntity::SpawnVector( const char* key, const char* defaultstring, vec_t* out ){ DEPair* pEP = FindEPairByKey( key ); if ( pEP ) { sscanf( pEP->value, "%f %f %f", &out[0], &out[1], &out[2] ); } else { sscanf( defaultstring, "%f %f %f", &out[0], &out[1], &out[2] ); } } int DEntity::GetBrushCount( void ) { return brushList.size(); } DBrush* DEntity::FindBrushByPointer( brush_t* brush ) { for ( list::const_iterator listBrush = brushList.begin(); listBrush != brushList.end(); listBrush++ ) { DBrush* pBrush = ( *listBrush ); if ( pBrush->QER_brush == brush ) { return pBrush; } } return NULL; }