# -*- mode: python -*- # GtkRadiant build scripts # TTimo <ttimo@ttimo.net> # http://scons.org/ import sys, os, platform, cPickle import utils, config conf_filename = 'site.sconf' try: sys.argv.index( '-h' ) except: pass else: Help( """ ====================================================================== ZeroRadiant build system quick help You need scons v0.97.0d20070918.r2446 or newer Default build (release), just run scons at the toplevel debug build: $ scons config=debug ====================================================================== """ ) Return() active_configs = [] # load up configurations from the save file if ( os.path.exists( conf_filename ) ): f = open( conf_filename ) print 'reading saved configuration from site.conf' try: while ( True ): c = cPickle.load( f ) active_configs.append( c ) except: pass # read the command line and build configs config_statements = sys.argv[1:] active_configs = config.ConfigParser().parseStatements( active_configs, config_statements ) assert( len( active_configs ) >= 1 ) # save the config print 'saving updated configuration' f = open( conf_filename, 'wb' ) for c in active_configs: cPickle.dump( c, f, -1 ) print 'emit build rules' for c in active_configs: print 'emit configuration: %s' % repr( c ) c.emit()