/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* marker */ #define WRITEBSP_C /* dependencies */ #include "q3map2.h" /* EmitShader() emits a bsp shader entry */ int EmitShader( const char *shader, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags ){ int i; shaderInfo_t *si; /* handle special cases */ if ( shader == NULL ) { shader = "noshader"; } /* try to find an existing shader */ for ( i = 0; i < numBSPShaders; i++ ) { /* ydnar: handle custom surface/content flags */ if ( surfaceFlags != NULL && bspShaders[ i ].surfaceFlags != *surfaceFlags ) { continue; } if ( contentFlags != NULL && bspShaders[ i ].contentFlags != *contentFlags ) { continue; } /* compare name */ if ( !Q_stricmp( shader, bspShaders[ i ].shader ) ) { return i; } } /* get shaderinfo */ si = ShaderInfoForShader( shader ); /* emit a new shader */ if ( i == MAX_MAP_SHADERS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_SHADERS" ); } numBSPShaders++; strcpy( bspShaders[ i ].shader, shader ); bspShaders[ i ].surfaceFlags = si->surfaceFlags; bspShaders[ i ].contentFlags = si->contentFlags; /* handle custom content/surface flags */ if ( surfaceFlags != NULL ) { bspShaders[ i ].surfaceFlags = *surfaceFlags; } if ( contentFlags != NULL ) { bspShaders[ i ].contentFlags = *contentFlags; } /* recursively emit any damage shaders */ if ( si->damageShader != NULL && si->damageShader[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "Shader %s has damage shader %s\n", si->shader, si->damageShader ); EmitShader( si->damageShader, NULL, NULL ); } /* return it */ return i; } /* EmitPlanes() there is no oportunity to discard planes, because all of the original brushes will be saved in the map */ void EmitPlanes( void ){ int i; bspPlane_t *bp; plane_t *mp; /* walk plane list */ mp = mapplanes; for ( i = 0; i < nummapplanes; i++, mp++ ) { bp = &bspPlanes[ numBSPPlanes ]; VectorCopy( mp->normal, bp->normal ); bp->dist = mp->dist; numBSPPlanes++; } /* emit some statistics */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d BSP planes\n", numBSPPlanes ); } /* EmitLeaf() emits a leafnode to the bsp file */ void EmitLeaf( node_t *node ){ bspLeaf_t *leaf_p; brush_t *b; drawSurfRef_t *dsr; /* check limits */ if ( numBSPLeafs >= MAX_MAP_LEAFS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_LEAFS" ); } leaf_p = &bspLeafs[numBSPLeafs]; numBSPLeafs++; leaf_p->cluster = node->cluster; leaf_p->area = node->area; /* emit bounding box */ VectorCopy( node->mins, leaf_p->mins ); VectorCopy( node->maxs, leaf_p->maxs ); /* emit leaf brushes */ leaf_p->firstBSPLeafBrush = numBSPLeafBrushes; for ( b = node->brushlist; b; b = b->next ) { /* something is corrupting brushes */ if ( (size_t) b < 256 ) { Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: Node brush list corrupted (0x%08X)\n", b ); break; } //% if( b->guard != 0xDEADBEEF ) //% Sys_Printf( "Brush %6d: 0x%08X Guard: 0x%08X Next: 0x%08X Original: 0x%08X Sides: %d\n", b->brushNum, b, b, b->next, b->original, b->numsides ); if ( numBSPLeafBrushes >= MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES" ); } bspLeafBrushes[ numBSPLeafBrushes ] = b->original->outputNum; numBSPLeafBrushes++; } leaf_p->numBSPLeafBrushes = numBSPLeafBrushes - leaf_p->firstBSPLeafBrush; /* emit leaf surfaces */ if ( node->opaque ) { return; } /* add the drawSurfRef_t drawsurfs */ leaf_p->firstBSPLeafSurface = numBSPLeafSurfaces; for ( dsr = node->drawSurfReferences; dsr; dsr = dsr->nextRef ) { if ( numBSPLeafSurfaces >= MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES" ); } bspLeafSurfaces[ numBSPLeafSurfaces ] = dsr->outputNum; numBSPLeafSurfaces++; } leaf_p->numBSPLeafSurfaces = numBSPLeafSurfaces - leaf_p->firstBSPLeafSurface; } /* EmitDrawNode_r() recursively emit the bsp nodes */ int EmitDrawNode_r( node_t *node ){ bspNode_t *n; int i; /* check for leafnode */ if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { EmitLeaf( node ); return -numBSPLeafs; } /* emit a node */ if ( numBSPNodes == MAX_MAP_NODES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_NODES" ); } n = &bspNodes[ numBSPNodes ]; numBSPNodes++; VectorCopy( node->mins, n->mins ); VectorCopy( node->maxs, n->maxs ); if ( node->planenum & 1 ) { Error( "WriteDrawNodes_r: odd planenum" ); } n->planeNum = node->planenum; // // recursively output the other nodes // for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { if ( node->children[i]->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { n->children[i] = -( numBSPLeafs + 1 ); EmitLeaf( node->children[i] ); } else { n->children[i] = numBSPNodes; EmitDrawNode_r( node->children[i] ); } } return n - bspNodes; } /* ============ SetModelNumbers ============ */ void SetModelNumbers( void ){ int i; int models; char value[10]; models = 1; for ( i = 1 ; i < numEntities ; i++ ) { if ( entities[i].brushes || entities[i].patches ) { sprintf( value, "*%i", models ); models++; SetKeyValue( &entities[i], "model", value ); } } } /* SetLightStyles() sets style keys for entity lights */ void SetLightStyles( void ){ int i, j, style, numStyles; qboolean keepLights; qboolean noRadiosityLight; const char *t; entity_t *e; epair_t *ep, *next; char value[ 10 ]; char lightTargets[ MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS ][ 64 ]; int lightStyles[ MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS ]; /* ydnar: determine if we keep lights in the bsp */ t = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "_keepLights" ); keepLights = ( t[ 0 ] == '1' ) ? qtrue : qfalse; /* any light that is controlled (has a targetname) must have a unique style number generated for it */ numStyles = 0; for ( i = 1; i < numEntities; i++ ) { e = &entities[ i ]; t = ValueForKey( e, "classname" ); if ( Q_strncasecmp( t, "light", 5 ) ) { continue; } t = ValueForKey( e, "noradiosity" ); noRadiosityLight = ( t[ 0 ] == '1' ) ? qtrue : qfalse; t = ValueForKey( e, "targetname" ); if ( t[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { /* ydnar: strip the light from the BSP file */ /* neumond: pass all dynamic lights to BSP regardless of keepLights. pass all lights (radiosity+dynamic) to BSP if keepLights */ if ( keepLights == qfalse && noRadiosityLight == qfalse ) { ep = e->epairs; while ( ep != NULL ) { next = ep->next; free( ep->key ); free( ep->value ); free( ep ); ep = next; } e->epairs = NULL; numStrippedLights++; } /* next light */ continue; } /* get existing style */ style = IntForKey( e, "style" ); if ( style < LS_NORMAL || style > LS_NONE ) { Error( "Invalid lightstyle (%d) on entity %d", style, i ); } /* find this targetname */ for ( j = 0; j < numStyles; j++ ) if ( lightStyles[ j ] == style && !strcmp( lightTargets[ j ], t ) ) { break; } /* add a new style */ if ( j >= numStyles ) { if ( numStyles == MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS ) { Error( "MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS (%d) exceeded, reduce the number of lights with targetnames", MAX_SWITCHED_LIGHTS ); } strcpy( lightTargets[ j ], t ); lightStyles[ j ] = style; numStyles++; } /* set explicit style */ sprintf( value, "%d", 32 + j ); SetKeyValue( e, "style", value ); /* set old style */ if ( style != LS_NORMAL ) { sprintf( value, "%d", style ); SetKeyValue( e, "switch_style", value ); } } /* emit some statistics */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d light entities stripped\n", numStrippedLights ); } /* BeginBSPFile() starts a new bsp file */ void BeginBSPFile( void ){ /* these values may actually be initialized if the file existed when loaded, so clear them explicitly */ numBSPModels = 0; numBSPNodes = 0; numBSPBrushSides = 0; numBSPLeafSurfaces = 0; numBSPLeafBrushes = 0; /* leave leaf 0 as an error, because leafs are referenced as negative number nodes */ numBSPLeafs = 1; /* ydnar: gs mods: set the first 6 drawindexes to 0 1 2 2 1 3 for triangles and quads */ numBSPDrawIndexes = 6; bspDrawIndexes[ 0 ] = 0; bspDrawIndexes[ 1 ] = 1; bspDrawIndexes[ 2 ] = 2; bspDrawIndexes[ 3 ] = 0; bspDrawIndexes[ 4 ] = 2; bspDrawIndexes[ 5 ] = 3; } /* EndBSPFile() finishes a new bsp and writes to disk */ void EndBSPFile( void ){ char path[ 1024 ]; Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- EndBSPFile ---\n" ); EmitPlanes(); numBSPEntities = numEntities; UnparseEntities(); /* write the surface extra file */ WriteSurfaceExtraFile( source ); /* write the bsp */ sprintf( path, "%s.bsp", source ); Sys_Printf( "Writing %s\n", path ); WriteBSPFile( path ); } /* EmitBrushes() writes the brush list to the bsp */ void EmitBrushes( brush_t *brushes, int *firstBrush, int *numBrushes ){ int j; brush_t *b; bspBrush_t *db; bspBrushSide_t *cp; /* set initial brush */ if ( firstBrush != NULL ) { *firstBrush = numBSPBrushes; } if ( numBrushes != NULL ) { *numBrushes = 0; } /* walk list of brushes */ for ( b = brushes; b != NULL; b = b->next ) { /* check limits */ if ( numBSPBrushes == MAX_MAP_BRUSHES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_BRUSHES (%d)", numBSPBrushes ); } /* get bsp brush */ b->outputNum = numBSPBrushes; db = &bspBrushes[ numBSPBrushes ]; numBSPBrushes++; if ( numBrushes != NULL ) { ( *numBrushes )++; } db->shaderNum = EmitShader( b->contentShader->shader, &b->contentShader->contentFlags, &b->contentShader->surfaceFlags ); db->firstSide = numBSPBrushSides; /* walk sides */ db->numSides = 0; for ( j = 0; j < b->numsides; j++ ) { /* set output number to bogus initially */ b->sides[ j ].outputNum = -1; /* check count */ if ( numBSPBrushSides == MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES " ); } /* emit side */ b->sides[ j ].outputNum = numBSPBrushSides; cp = &bspBrushSides[ numBSPBrushSides ]; db->numSides++; numBSPBrushSides++; cp->planeNum = b->sides[ j ].planenum; /* emit shader */ if ( b->sides[ j ].shaderInfo ) { cp->shaderNum = EmitShader( b->sides[ j ].shaderInfo->shader, &b->sides[ j ].shaderInfo->contentFlags, &b->sides[ j ].shaderInfo->surfaceFlags ); } else{ cp->shaderNum = EmitShader( NULL, NULL, NULL ); } } } } /* EmitFogs() - ydnar turns map fogs into bsp fogs */ void EmitFogs( void ){ int i, j; /* setup */ numBSPFogs = numMapFogs; /* walk list */ for ( i = 0; i < numMapFogs; i++ ) { /* set shader */ strcpy( bspFogs[ i ].shader, mapFogs[ i ].si->shader ); /* global fog doesn't have an associated brush */ if ( mapFogs[ i ].brush == NULL ) { bspFogs[ i ].brushNum = -1; bspFogs[ i ].visibleSide = -1; } else { /* set brush */ bspFogs[ i ].brushNum = mapFogs[ i ].brush->outputNum; /* try to use forced visible side */ if ( mapFogs[ i ].visibleSide >= 0 ) { bspFogs[ i ].visibleSide = mapFogs[ i ].visibleSide; continue; } /* find visible side */ for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) { if ( mapFogs[ i ].brush->sides[ j ].visibleHull != NULL ) { Sys_Printf( "Fog %d has visible side %d\n", i, j ); bspFogs[ i ].visibleSide = j; break; } } } } } /* BeginModel() sets up a new brush model */ void BeginModel( void ){ bspModel_t *mod; brush_t *b; entity_t *e; vec3_t mins, maxs; vec3_t lgMins, lgMaxs; /* ydnar: lightgrid mins/maxs */ parseMesh_t *p; int i; /* test limits */ if ( numBSPModels == MAX_MAP_MODELS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_MODELS" ); } /* get model and entity */ mod = &bspModels[ numBSPModels ]; e = &entities[ mapEntityNum ]; /* ydnar: lightgrid mins/maxs */ ClearBounds( lgMins, lgMaxs ); /* bound the brushes */ ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); for ( b = e->brushes; b; b = b->next ) { /* ignore non-real brushes (origin, etc) */ if ( b->numsides == 0 ) { continue; } AddPointToBounds( b->mins, mins, maxs ); AddPointToBounds( b->maxs, mins, maxs ); /* ydnar: lightgrid bounds */ if ( b->compileFlags & C_LIGHTGRID ) { AddPointToBounds( b->mins, lgMins, lgMaxs ); AddPointToBounds( b->maxs, lgMins, lgMaxs ); } } /* bound patches */ for ( p = e->patches; p; p = p->next ) { for ( i = 0; i < ( p->mesh.width * p->mesh.height ); i++ ) AddPointToBounds( p->mesh.verts[i].xyz, mins, maxs ); } /* ydnar: lightgrid mins/maxs */ if ( lgMins[ 0 ] < 99999 ) { /* use lightgrid bounds */ VectorCopy( lgMins, mod->mins ); VectorCopy( lgMaxs, mod->maxs ); } else { /* use brush/patch bounds */ VectorCopy( mins, mod->mins ); VectorCopy( maxs, mod->maxs ); } /* note size */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "BSP bounds: { %f %f %f } { %f %f %f }\n", mins[ 0 ], mins[ 1 ], mins[ 2 ], maxs[ 0 ], maxs[ 1 ], maxs[ 2 ] ); Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "Lightgrid bounds: { %f %f %f } { %f %f %f }\n", lgMins[ 0 ], lgMins[ 1 ], lgMins[ 2 ], lgMaxs[ 0 ], lgMaxs[ 1 ], lgMaxs[ 2 ] ); /* set firsts */ mod->firstBSPSurface = numBSPDrawSurfaces; mod->firstBSPBrush = numBSPBrushes; } /* EndModel() finish a model's processing */ void EndModel( entity_t *e, node_t *headnode ){ bspModel_t *mod; /* note it */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- EndModel ---\n" ); /* emit the bsp */ mod = &bspModels[ numBSPModels ]; EmitDrawNode_r( headnode ); /* set surfaces and brushes */ mod->numBSPSurfaces = numBSPDrawSurfaces - mod->firstBSPSurface; mod->firstBSPBrush = e->firstBrush; mod->numBSPBrushes = e->numBrushes; /* increment model count */ numBSPModels++; }