/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include "q3data.h" #include "md3lib.h" #include "vfs.h" qboolean g_verbose; qboolean g_stripify = qtrue; qboolean g_release; // don't grab, copy output data to new tree char g_releasedir[1024]; // c:\quake2\baseq2, etc qboolean g_archive; // don't grab, copy source data to new tree char g_only[256]; // if set, only grab this cd qboolean g_skipmodel; // set true when a cd is not g_only // bogus externs for some TA hacks (common/ using them against q3map) char *moddir = NULL; // some old defined that was in cmdlib lost during merge char writedir[1024]; #if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __FreeBSD__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ ) #define strlwr strlower #endif /* ======================================================= PAK FILES ======================================================= */ unsigned Com_BlockChecksum( void *buffer, int length ); typedef struct { char name[56]; int filepos, filelen; } packfile_t; typedef struct { char id[4]; int dirofs; int dirlen; } packheader_t; packfile_t pfiles[16384]; FILE *pakfile; packfile_t *pf; packheader_t pakheader; /* ============== ReleaseFile Filename should be gamedir reletive. Either copies the file to the release dir, or adds it to the pak file. ============== */ void ReleaseFile( char *filename ){ char source[1024]; char dest[1024]; if ( !g_release ) { return; } sprintf( source, "%s%s", gamedir, filename ); sprintf( dest, "%s/%s", g_releasedir, filename ); printf( "copying to %s\n", dest ); QCopyFile( source, dest ); return; } typedef struct { // shader // opaque // opaque 2 // blend // blend 2 char names[5][1024]; int num; } ShaderFiles_t; ShaderFiles_t s_shaderFiles; void FindShaderFiles( char *filename ){ char buffer[1024]; char stripped[1024]; char linebuffer[1024]; int len, i; char *buf; char *diffuseExtensions[] = { ".TGA", ".WAL", ".PCX", 0 }; char *otherExtensions[] = { ".specular.TGA", ".blend.TGA", ".alpha.TGA", 0 }; s_shaderFiles.num = 0; strcpy( stripped, filename ); if ( strrchr( stripped, '.' ) ) { *strrchr( stripped, '.' ) = 0; } strcat( stripped, ".shader" ); if ( FileExists( stripped ) ) { char *p; char mapa[512], mapb[512]; strcpy( s_shaderFiles.names[s_shaderFiles.num], stripped ); s_shaderFiles.num++; // load and parse len = LoadFile( stripped, (void **)&buf ); p = buf; while ( p - buf < len ) { i = 0; // skip spaces while ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\n' || *p == '\t' ) p++; // grab rest of the line while ( *p != 0 && *p != '\n' ) { linebuffer[i] = *p; i++; p++; } if ( *p == '\n' ) { p++; } linebuffer[i] = 0; strlwr( linebuffer ); // see if the line specifies an opaque map or blendmap if ( strstr( linebuffer, "opaquemap" ) == linebuffer || strstr( linebuffer, "blendmap" ) == linebuffer ) { int j; i = 0; mapa[0] = mapb[0] = 0; // skip past the keyword while ( linebuffer[i] != ' ' && linebuffer[i] != '\t' && linebuffer[i] ) i++; // skip past spaces while ( ( linebuffer[i] == ' ' || linebuffer[i] == '\t' ) && linebuffer[i] ) i++; // grab first map name j = 0; while ( linebuffer[i] != ' ' && linebuffer[i] != '\t' && linebuffer[i] ) { mapa[j] = linebuffer[i]; j++; i++; } mapa[j] = 0; // skip past spaces while ( ( linebuffer[i] == ' ' || linebuffer[i] == '\t' ) && linebuffer[i] ) i++; // grab second map name j = 0; while ( linebuffer[i] != ' ' && linebuffer[i] != '\t' && linebuffer[i] ) { mapb[j] = linebuffer[i]; j++; i++; } mapb[j] = 0; // store map names if ( mapa[0] != 0 && mapa[0] != '-' ) { sprintf( s_shaderFiles.names[s_shaderFiles.num], "%s%s", gamedir, mapa ); s_shaderFiles.num++; } if ( mapb[0] != 0 && mapb[0] != '-' && mapb[0] != '^' && mapb[0] != '*' ) { sprintf( s_shaderFiles.names[s_shaderFiles.num], "%s%s", gamedir, mapb ); s_shaderFiles.num++; } } } } else { if ( strrchr( stripped, '.' ) ) { *strrchr( stripped, '.' ) = 0; } // look for diffuse maps for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { strcpy( buffer, stripped ); strcat( buffer, diffuseExtensions[i] ); if ( FileExists( buffer ) ) { strcpy( s_shaderFiles.names[s_shaderFiles.num], buffer ); s_shaderFiles.num++; break; } } for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { strcpy( buffer, stripped ); strcat( buffer, otherExtensions[i] ); if ( FileExists( buffer ) ) { strcpy( s_shaderFiles.names[s_shaderFiles.num], buffer ); s_shaderFiles.num++; } } } } /* ============== ReleaseShader Copies all needed files for a shader to the release directory ============== */ void ReleaseShader( char *filename ){ char fullpath[1024]; char dest[1024]; char stripped[1024]; int i; sprintf( fullpath, "%s%s", gamedir, filename ); FindShaderFiles( fullpath ); for ( i = 0; i < s_shaderFiles.num; i++ ) { strcpy( stripped, s_shaderFiles.names[i] ); if ( strstr( stripped, gamedir ) ) { memmove( stripped, stripped + strlen( gamedir ), strlen( stripped ) ); } sprintf( dest, "%s/%s", g_releasedir, stripped ); printf( "copying to %s\n", dest ); QCopyFile( s_shaderFiles.names[i], dest ); } } /* =============== Cmd_File This is only used to cause a file to be copied during a release build (default.cfg, maps, etc) =============== */ void Cmd_File( void ){ GetToken( qfalse ); ReleaseFile( token ); } /* =============== PackDirectory_r =============== */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include "io.h" void PackDirectory_r( char *dir ){ struct _finddata_t fileinfo; int handle; char dirstring[1024]; char filename[1024]; sprintf( dirstring, "%s%s/*.*", gamedir, dir ); handle = _findfirst( dirstring, &fileinfo ); if ( handle == -1 ) { return; } do { sprintf( filename, "%s/%s", dir, fileinfo.name ); if ( fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR ) { // directory if ( fileinfo.name[0] != '.' ) { // don't pak . and .. PackDirectory_r( filename ); } continue; } // copy or pack the file ReleaseFile( filename ); } while ( _findnext( handle, &fileinfo ) != -1 ); _findclose( handle ); } #else #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif void PackDirectory_r( char *dir ){ #ifdef NeXT struct direct **namelist, *ent; #else struct dirent **namelist, *ent; #endif int count; struct stat st; int i; int len; char fullname[1024]; char dirstring[1024]; char *name; sprintf( dirstring, "%s%s", gamedir, dir ); count = scandir( dirstring, &namelist, NULL, NULL ); for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { ent = namelist[i]; name = ent->d_name; if ( name[0] == '.' ) { continue; } sprintf( fullname, "%s/%s", dir, name ); sprintf( dirstring, "%s%s/%s", gamedir, dir, name ); if ( stat( dirstring, &st ) == -1 ) { Error( "fstating %s", pf->name ); } if ( st.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) { // directory PackDirectory_r( fullname ); continue; } // copy or pack the file ReleaseFile( fullname ); } } #endif /* =============== Cmd_Dir This is only used to cause a directory to be copied during a release build (sounds, etc) =============== */ void Cmd_Dir( void ){ GetToken( qfalse ); PackDirectory_r( token ); } //======================================================================== #define MAX_RTEX 16384 int numrtex; char rtex[MAX_RTEX][64]; void ReleaseTexture( char *name ){ int i; char path[1024]; for ( i = 0 ; i < numrtex ; i++ ) if ( !Q_stricmp( name, rtex[i] ) ) { return; } if ( numrtex == MAX_RTEX ) { Error( "numrtex == MAX_RTEX" ); } strcpy( rtex[i], name ); numrtex++; sprintf( path, "textures/%s.wal", name ); ReleaseFile( path ); } /* =============== Cmd_Maps Only relevent for release and pak files. Releases the .bsp files for the maps, and scans all of the files to build a list of all textures used, which are then released. =============== */ void Cmd_Maps( void ){ char map[1024]; while ( TokenAvailable() ) { GetToken( qfalse ); sprintf( map, "maps/%s.bsp", token ); ReleaseFile( map ); if ( !g_release ) { continue; } // get all the texture references sprintf( map, "%smaps/%s.bsp", gamedir, token ); LoadBSPFile( map ); } } //============================================================== /* =============== ParseScript =============== */ void ParseScript( void ){ while ( 1 ) { do { // look for a line starting with a $ command GetToken( qtrue ); if ( endofscript ) { return; } if ( token[0] == '$' ) { break; } while ( TokenAvailable() ) GetToken( qfalse ); } while ( 1 ); // // model commands // if ( !strcmp( token, "$modelname" ) ) { Cmd_Modelname(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$base" ) ) { Cmd_Base(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$exit" ) ) { break; } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$3dsconvert" ) ) { Cmd_3DSConvert(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$spritebase" ) ) { Cmd_SpriteBase(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$cd" ) ) { Cmd_Cd(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$origin" ) ) { Cmd_Origin(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$scale" ) ) { Cmd_ScaleUp(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$frame" ) ) { Cmd_Frame(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$skin" ) ) { Cmd_Skin(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$spriteshader" ) ) { Cmd_SpriteShader(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$aseconvert" ) ) { Cmd_ASEConvert( qfalse ); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$aseanimconvert" ) ) { Cmd_ASEConvert( qtrue ); } // // image commands // else if ( !strcmp( token, "$grab" ) ) { Cmd_Grab(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$raw" ) ) { Cmd_Raw(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$colormap" ) ) { Cmd_Colormap(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$environment" ) ) { Cmd_Environment(); } // // video // else if ( !strcmp( token, "$video" ) ) { Cmd_Video(); } // // misc // else if ( !strcmp( token, "$file" ) ) { Cmd_File(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$dir" ) ) { Cmd_Dir(); } else if ( !strcmp( token, "$maps" ) ) { Cmd_Maps(); } else{ Error( "bad command %s\n", token ); } } } //======================================================= #include "version.h" /* ============== main ============== */ int main( int argc, char **argv ){ static int i; // VC4.2 compiler bug if auto... char path[1024]; // using GtkRadiant's versioning next to Id's versioning printf( "Q3Data - (c) 1999 Id Software Inc.\n" ); printf( "GtkRadiant - v" RADIANT_VERSION " " __DATE__ "\n" ); ExpandWildcards( &argc, &argv ); for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) { if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-archive" ) ) { archive = qtrue; strcpy( archivedir, argv[i + 1] ); printf( "Archiving source to: %s\n", archivedir ); i++; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-release" ) ) { g_release = qtrue; strcpy( g_releasedir, argv[i + 1] ); printf( "Copy output to: %s\n", g_releasedir ); i++; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-nostrips" ) ) { g_stripify = qfalse; printf( "Not optimizing for strips\n" ); } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-writedir" ) ) { strcpy( writedir, argv[i + 1] ); printf( "Write output to: %s\n", writedir ); i++; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-verbose" ) ) { g_verbose = qtrue; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-dump" ) ) { printf( "Dumping contents of: '%s'\n", argv[i + 1] ); if ( strstr( argv[i + 1], ".md3" ) ) { MD3_Dump( argv[i + 1] ); } else { Error( "Do not know how to dump the contents of '%s'\n", argv[i + 1] ); } i++; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-3dsconvert" ) ) { // NOTE TTimo this is broken, tried on a sample .3ds // what happens .. it calls the Convert3DStoMD3, // which calls the scriptlib function in non initialized state .. and crashes printf( "Converting %s.3DS to %s.MD3\n", argv[i + 1], argv[i + 1] ); SetQdirFromPath( argv[i + 1] ); vfsInitDirectory( gamedir ); Convert3DStoMD3( argv[i + 1] ); i++; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-only" ) ) { strcpy( g_only, argv[i + 1] ); printf( "Only grabbing %s\n", g_only ); i++; } else if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "-gamedir" ) ) { strcpy( gamedir, argv[i + 1] ); i++; } else if ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { Error( "Unknown option \"%s\"", argv[i] ); } else{ break; } } if ( i == argc ) { Error( "usage: q3data [-archive ] [-dump ] [-release ] [-only ] [-3dsconvert ] [-verbose] [file.qdt]" ); } for ( ; i < argc ; i++ ) { printf( "--------------- %s ---------------\n", argv[i] ); // load the script strcpy( path, argv[i] ); DefaultExtension( path, ".qdt" ); if ( !gamedir[0] ) { SetQdirFromPath( path ); } // NOTE TTimo // q3data went through a partial conversion to use the vfs // it was never actually tested before 1.1.1 // the code is still mostly using direct file access calls vfsInitDirectory( gamedir ); LoadScriptFile( ExpandArg( path ), -1 ); // // parse it // ParseScript(); // write out the last model FinishModel( TYPE_UNKNOWN ); } return 0; }