/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // // Z Window // // Leonardo Zide (leo@lokigames.com) // #include "stdafx.h" #include "zwindow.h" // ============================================================================= // ZWnd class ZWnd::ZWnd () : GLWindow( FALSE ){ } ZWnd::~ZWnd(){ } void ZWnd::OnCreate(){ g_qeglobals_gui.d_z = m_pWidget; if ( !MakeCurrent() ) { Error( "wglMakeCurrent in CZWnd::OnCreate failed" ); } } void ZWnd::OnLButtonDown( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ SetFocus(); SetCapture(); Z_MouseDown( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); } void ZWnd::OnMButtonDown( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ SetFocus(); SetCapture(); Z_MouseDown( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); } void ZWnd::OnRButtonDown( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ SetFocus(); SetCapture(); Z_MouseDown( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); } void ZWnd::OnLButtonUp( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ Z_MouseUp( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); ReleaseCapture(); } void ZWnd::OnMButtonUp( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ Z_MouseUp( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); ReleaseCapture(); } void ZWnd::OnRButtonUp( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ Z_MouseUp( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); ReleaseCapture(); } void ZWnd::OnMouseMove( guint32 nFlags, int pointx, int pointy ){ float fz = z.origin[2] + ( ( gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy ) - ( z.height / 2 ) ) / z.scale; fz = floor( fz / g_qeglobals.d_gridsize + 0.5 ) * g_qeglobals.d_gridsize; CString strStatus; strStatus.Format( "Z:: %.1f", fz ); g_pParentWnd->SetStatusText( 1, strStatus ); Z_MouseMoved( pointx, gtk_widget_get_allocated_height( m_pWidget ) - 1 - pointy, nFlags ); } void ZWnd::OnExpose(){ if ( !MakeCurrent() ) { Sys_Printf( "ERROR: wglMakeCurrent failed..\n " ); Sys_Printf( "Please restart Radiant if the Z view is not working\n" ); } else { QE_CheckOpenGLForErrors(); Z_Draw(); QE_CheckOpenGLForErrors(); SwapBuffers(); } } void ZWnd::OnSize( int cx, int cy ){ z.width = cx; z.height = cy; if ( z.width < 10 ) { z.width = 10; } if ( z.height < 10 ) { z.height = 10; } RedrawWindow(); }