/* ====================================================================== envelope.c Envelope functions for an LWO2 reader. Ernie Wright 16 Nov 00 ====================================================================== */ #include "../picointernal.h" #include "lwo2.h" /* ====================================================================== lwFreeEnvelope() Free the memory used by an lwEnvelope. ====================================================================== */ void lwFreeEnvelope( lwEnvelope *env ){ if ( env ) { if ( env->name ) { _pico_free( env->name ); } lwListFree( env->key, _pico_free ); lwListFree( env->cfilter, (void *) lwFreePlugin ); _pico_free( env ); } } static int compare_keys( lwKey *k1, lwKey *k2 ){ return k1->time > k2->time ? 1 : k1->time < k2->time ? -1 : 0; } /* ====================================================================== lwGetEnvelope() Read an ENVL chunk from an LWO2 file. ====================================================================== */ lwEnvelope *lwGetEnvelope( picoMemStream_t *fp, int cksize ){ lwEnvelope *env; lwKey *key; lwPlugin *plug; unsigned int id; unsigned short sz; float f[ 4 ]; int i, nparams, pos, rlen; /* allocate the Envelope structure */ env = _pico_calloc( 1, sizeof( lwEnvelope ) ); if ( !env ) { goto Fail; } /* remember where we started */ set_flen( 0 ); pos = _pico_memstream_tell( fp ); /* index */ env->index = getVX( fp ); /* first subchunk header */ id = getU4( fp ); sz = getU2( fp ); if ( 0 > get_flen() ) { goto Fail; } /* process subchunks as they're encountered */ while ( 1 ) { sz += sz & 1; set_flen( 0 ); switch ( id ) { case ID_TYPE: env->type = getU2( fp ); break; case ID_NAME: env->name = getS0( fp ); break; case ID_PRE: env->behavior[ 0 ] = getU2( fp ); break; case ID_POST: env->behavior[ 1 ] = getU2( fp ); break; case ID_KEY: key = _pico_calloc( 1, sizeof( lwKey ) ); if ( !key ) { goto Fail; } key->time = getF4( fp ); key->value = getF4( fp ); lwListInsert( (void **) &env->key, key, (void *) compare_keys ); env->nkeys++; break; case ID_SPAN: if ( !key ) { goto Fail; } key->shape = getU4( fp ); nparams = ( sz - 4 ) / 4; if ( nparams > 4 ) { nparams = 4; } for ( i = 0; i < nparams; i++ ) f[ i ] = getF4( fp ); switch ( key->shape ) { case ID_TCB: key->tension = f[ 0 ]; key->continuity = f[ 1 ]; key->bias = f[ 2 ]; break; case ID_BEZI: case ID_HERM: case ID_BEZ2: for ( i = 0; i < nparams; i++ ) key->param[ i ] = f[ i ]; break; } break; case ID_CHAN: plug = _pico_calloc( 1, sizeof( lwPlugin ) ); if ( !plug ) { goto Fail; } plug->name = getS0( fp ); plug->flags = getU2( fp ); plug->data = getbytes( fp, sz - get_flen() ); lwListAdd( (void *) &env->cfilter, plug ); env->ncfilters++; break; default: break; } /* error while reading current subchunk? */ rlen = get_flen(); if ( rlen < 0 || rlen > sz ) { goto Fail; } /* skip unread parts of the current subchunk */ if ( rlen < sz ) { _pico_memstream_seek( fp, sz - rlen, PICO_SEEK_CUR ); } /* end of the ENVL chunk? */ rlen = _pico_memstream_tell( fp ) - pos; if ( cksize < rlen ) { goto Fail; } if ( cksize == rlen ) { break; } /* get the next subchunk header */ set_flen( 0 ); id = getU4( fp ); sz = getU2( fp ); if ( 6 != get_flen() ) { goto Fail; } } return env; Fail: lwFreeEnvelope( env ); return NULL; } /* ====================================================================== lwFindEnvelope() Returns an lwEnvelope pointer, given an envelope index. ====================================================================== */ lwEnvelope *lwFindEnvelope( lwEnvelope *list, int index ){ lwEnvelope *env; env = list; while ( env ) { if ( env->index == index ) { break; } env = env->next; } return env; } /* ====================================================================== range() Given the value v of a periodic function, returns the equivalent value v2 in the principal interval [lo, hi]. If i isn't NULL, it receives the number of wavelengths between v and v2. v2 = v - i * (hi - lo) For example, range( 3 pi, 0, 2 pi, i ) returns pi, with i = 1. ====================================================================== */ static float range( float v, float lo, float hi, int *i ){ float v2, r = hi - lo; if ( r == 0.0 ) { if ( i ) { *i = 0; } return lo; } v2 = lo + v - r * ( float ) floor( ( double ) v / r ); if ( i ) { *i = -( int )( ( v2 - v ) / r + ( v2 > v ? 0.5 : -0.5 ) ); } return v2; } /* ====================================================================== hermite() Calculate the Hermite coefficients. ====================================================================== */ static void hermite( float t, float *h1, float *h2, float *h3, float *h4 ){ float t2, t3; t2 = t * t; t3 = t * t2; *h2 = 3.0f * t2 - t3 - t3; *h1 = 1.0f - *h2; *h4 = t3 - t2; *h3 = *h4 - t2 + t; } /* ====================================================================== bezier() Interpolate the value of a 1D Bezier curve. ====================================================================== */ static float bezier( float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float t ){ float a, b, c, t2, t3; t2 = t * t; t3 = t2 * t; c = 3.0f * ( x1 - x0 ); b = 3.0f * ( x2 - x1 ) - c; a = x3 - x0 - c - b; return a * t3 + b * t2 + c * t + x0; } /* ====================================================================== bez2_time() Find the t for which bezier() returns the input time. The handle endpoints of a BEZ2 curve represent the control points, and these have (time, value) coordinates, so time is used as both a coordinate and a parameter for this curve type. ====================================================================== */ static float bez2_time( float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float time, float *t0, float *t1 ){ float v, t; t = *t0 + ( *t1 - *t0 ) * 0.5f; v = bezier( x0, x1, x2, x3, t ); if ( fabs( time - v ) > .0001f ) { if ( v > time ) { *t1 = t; } else{ *t0 = t; } return bez2_time( x0, x1, x2, x3, time, t0, t1 ); } else{ return t; } } /* ====================================================================== bez2() Interpolate the value of a BEZ2 curve. ====================================================================== */ static float bez2( lwKey *key0, lwKey *key1, float time ){ float x, y, t, t0 = 0.0f, t1 = 1.0f; if ( key0->shape == ID_BEZ2 ) { x = key0->time + key0->param[ 2 ]; } else{ x = key0->time + ( key1->time - key0->time ) / 3.0f; } t = bez2_time( key0->time, x, key1->time + key1->param[ 0 ], key1->time, time, &t0, &t1 ); if ( key0->shape == ID_BEZ2 ) { y = key0->value + key0->param[ 3 ]; } else{ y = key0->value + key0->param[ 1 ] / 3.0f; } return bezier( key0->value, y, key1->param[ 1 ] + key1->value, key1->value, t ); } /* ====================================================================== outgoing() Return the outgoing tangent to the curve at key0. The value returned for the BEZ2 case is used when extrapolating a linear pre behavior and when interpolating a non-BEZ2 span. ====================================================================== */ static float outgoing( lwKey *key0, lwKey *key1 ){ float a, b, d, t, out; switch ( key0->shape ) { case ID_TCB: a = ( 1.0f - key0->tension ) * ( 1.0f + key0->continuity ) * ( 1.0f + key0->bias ); b = ( 1.0f - key0->tension ) * ( 1.0f - key0->continuity ) * ( 1.0f - key0->bias ); d = key1->value - key0->value; if ( key0->prev ) { t = ( key1->time - key0->time ) / ( key1->time - key0->prev->time ); out = t * ( a * ( key0->value - key0->prev->value ) + b * d ); } else{ out = b * d; } break; case ID_LINE: d = key1->value - key0->value; if ( key0->prev ) { t = ( key1->time - key0->time ) / ( key1->time - key0->prev->time ); out = t * ( key0->value - key0->prev->value + d ); } else{ out = d; } break; case ID_BEZI: case ID_HERM: out = key0->param[ 1 ]; if ( key0->prev ) { out *= ( key1->time - key0->time ) / ( key1->time - key0->prev->time ); } break; case ID_BEZ2: out = key0->param[ 3 ] * ( key1->time - key0->time ); if ( fabs( key0->param[ 2 ] ) > 1e-5f ) { out /= key0->param[ 2 ]; } else{ out *= 1e5f; } break; case ID_STEP: default: out = 0.0f; break; } return out; } /* ====================================================================== incoming() Return the incoming tangent to the curve at key1. The value returned for the BEZ2 case is used when extrapolating a linear post behavior. ====================================================================== */ static float incoming( lwKey *key0, lwKey *key1 ){ float a, b, d, t, in; switch ( key1->shape ) { case ID_LINE: d = key1->value - key0->value; if ( key1->next ) { t = ( key1->time - key0->time ) / ( key1->next->time - key0->time ); in = t * ( key1->next->value - key1->value + d ); } else{ in = d; } break; case ID_TCB: a = ( 1.0f - key1->tension ) * ( 1.0f - key1->continuity ) * ( 1.0f + key1->bias ); b = ( 1.0f - key1->tension ) * ( 1.0f + key1->continuity ) * ( 1.0f - key1->bias ); d = key1->value - key0->value; if ( key1->next ) { t = ( key1->time - key0->time ) / ( key1->next->time - key0->time ); in = t * ( b * ( key1->next->value - key1->value ) + a * d ); } else{ in = a * d; } break; case ID_BEZI: case ID_HERM: in = key1->param[ 0 ]; if ( key1->next ) { in *= ( key1->time - key0->time ) / ( key1->next->time - key0->time ); } break; return in; case ID_BEZ2: in = key1->param[ 1 ] * ( key1->time - key0->time ); if ( fabs( key1->param[ 0 ] ) > 1e-5f ) { in /= key1->param[ 0 ]; } else{ in *= 1e5f; } break; case ID_STEP: default: in = 0.0f; break; } return in; } /* ====================================================================== evalEnvelope() Given a list of keys and a time, returns the interpolated value of the envelope at that time. ====================================================================== */ float evalEnvelope( lwEnvelope *env, float time ){ lwKey *key0, *key1, *skey, *ekey; float t, h1, h2, h3, h4, in, out, offset = 0.0f; int noff; /* if there's no key, the value is 0 */ if ( env->nkeys == 0 ) { return 0.0f; } /* if there's only one key, the value is constant */ if ( env->nkeys == 1 ) { return env->key->value; } /* find the first and last keys */ skey = ekey = env->key; while ( ekey->next ) ekey = ekey->next; /* use pre-behavior if time is before first key time */ if ( time < skey->time ) { switch ( env->behavior[ 0 ] ) { case BEH_RESET: return 0.0f; case BEH_CONSTANT: return skey->value; case BEH_REPEAT: time = range( time, skey->time, ekey->time, NULL ); break; case BEH_OSCILLATE: time = range( time, skey->time, ekey->time, &noff ); if ( noff % 2 ) { time = ekey->time - skey->time - time; } break; case BEH_OFFSET: time = range( time, skey->time, ekey->time, &noff ); offset = noff * ( ekey->value - skey->value ); break; case BEH_LINEAR: out = outgoing( skey, skey->next ) / ( skey->next->time - skey->time ); return out * ( time - skey->time ) + skey->value; } } /* use post-behavior if time is after last key time */ else if ( time > ekey->time ) { switch ( env->behavior[ 1 ] ) { case BEH_RESET: return 0.0f; case BEH_CONSTANT: return ekey->value; case BEH_REPEAT: time = range( time, skey->time, ekey->time, NULL ); break; case BEH_OSCILLATE: time = range( time, skey->time, ekey->time, &noff ); if ( noff % 2 ) { time = ekey->time - skey->time - time; } break; case BEH_OFFSET: time = range( time, skey->time, ekey->time, &noff ); offset = noff * ( ekey->value - skey->value ); break; case BEH_LINEAR: in = incoming( ekey->prev, ekey ) / ( ekey->time - ekey->prev->time ); return in * ( time - ekey->time ) + ekey->value; } } /* get the endpoints of the interval being evaluated */ key0 = env->key; while ( time > key0->next->time ) key0 = key0->next; key1 = key0->next; /* check for singularities first */ if ( time == key0->time ) { return key0->value + offset; } else if ( time == key1->time ) { return key1->value + offset; } /* get interval length, time in [0, 1] */ t = ( time - key0->time ) / ( key1->time - key0->time ); /* interpolate */ switch ( key1->shape ) { case ID_TCB: case ID_BEZI: case ID_HERM: out = outgoing( key0, key1 ); in = incoming( key0, key1 ); hermite( t, &h1, &h2, &h3, &h4 ); return h1 * key0->value + h2 * key1->value + h3 * out + h4 * in + offset; case ID_BEZ2: return bez2( key0, key1, time ) + offset; case ID_LINE: return key0->value + t * ( key1->value - key0->value ) + offset; case ID_STEP: return key0->value + offset; default: return offset; } }