#if !defined( INCLUDED_MATH_CURVE_H ) #define INCLUDED_MATH_CURVE_H /// \file /// \brief Curve data types and related operations. #include "debugging/debugging.h" #include "container/array.h" #include template struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return 1; // general case not implemented } }; typedef ct_int<0> Zero; typedef ct_int<1> One; typedef ct_int<2> Two; typedef ct_int<3> Three; typedef ct_int<4> Four; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return 1; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return 1 - t; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return t; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ); } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return 2 * ( 1 - t ) * t; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return t * t; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ); } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t; } }; template<> struct BernsteinPolynomial { static double apply( double t ){ return t * t * t; } }; typedef Array ControlPoints; inline Vector3 CubicBezier_evaluate( const Vector3* firstPoint, double t ){ Vector3 result( 0, 0, 0 ); double denominator = 0; { double weight = BernsteinPolynomial::apply( t ); result += vector3_scaled( *firstPoint++, weight ); denominator += weight; } { double weight = BernsteinPolynomial::apply( t ); result += vector3_scaled( *firstPoint++, weight ); denominator += weight; } { double weight = BernsteinPolynomial::apply( t ); result += vector3_scaled( *firstPoint++, weight ); denominator += weight; } { double weight = BernsteinPolynomial::apply( t ); result += vector3_scaled( *firstPoint++, weight ); denominator += weight; } return result / denominator; } inline Vector3 CubicBezier_evaluateMid( const Vector3* firstPoint ){ return vector3_scaled( firstPoint[0], 0.125 ) + vector3_scaled( firstPoint[1], 0.375 ) + vector3_scaled( firstPoint[2], 0.375 ) + vector3_scaled( firstPoint[3], 0.125 ); } inline Vector3 CatmullRom_evaluate( const ControlPoints& controlPoints, double t ){ // scale t to be segment-relative t *= double(controlPoints.size() - 1); // subtract segment index; std::size_t segment = 0; for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < controlPoints.size() - 1; ++i ) { if ( t <= double(i + 1) ) { segment = i; break; } } t -= segment; const double reciprocal_alpha = 1.0 / 3.0; Vector3 bezierPoints[4]; bezierPoints[0] = controlPoints[segment]; bezierPoints[1] = ( segment > 0 ) ? controlPoints[segment] + vector3_scaled( controlPoints[segment + 1] - controlPoints[segment - 1], reciprocal_alpha * 0.5 ) : controlPoints[segment] + vector3_scaled( controlPoints[segment + 1] - controlPoints[segment], reciprocal_alpha ); bezierPoints[2] = ( segment < controlPoints.size() - 2 ) ? controlPoints[segment + 1] + vector3_scaled( controlPoints[segment] - controlPoints[segment + 2], reciprocal_alpha * 0.5 ) : controlPoints[segment + 1] + vector3_scaled( controlPoints[segment] - controlPoints[segment + 1], reciprocal_alpha ); bezierPoints[3] = controlPoints[segment + 1]; return CubicBezier_evaluate( bezierPoints, t ); } typedef Array Knots; inline double BSpline_basis( const Knots& knots, std::size_t i, std::size_t degree, double t ){ if ( degree == 0 ) { if ( knots[i] <= t && t < knots[i + 1] && knots[i] < knots[i + 1] ) { return 1; } return 0; } double leftDenom = knots[i + degree] - knots[i]; double left = ( leftDenom == 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( t - knots[i] ) / leftDenom ) * BSpline_basis( knots, i, degree - 1, t ); double rightDenom = knots[i + degree + 1] - knots[i + 1]; double right = ( rightDenom == 0 ) ? 0 : ( ( knots[i + degree + 1] - t ) / rightDenom ) * BSpline_basis( knots, i + 1, degree - 1, t ); return left + right; } inline Vector3 BSpline_evaluate( const ControlPoints& controlPoints, const Knots& knots, std::size_t degree, double t ){ Vector3 result( 0, 0, 0 ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < controlPoints.size(); ++i ) { result += vector3_scaled( controlPoints[i], BSpline_basis( knots, i, degree, t ) ); } return result; } typedef Array NURBSWeights; inline Vector3 NURBS_evaluate( const ControlPoints& controlPoints, const NURBSWeights& weights, const Knots& knots, std::size_t degree, double t ){ Vector3 result( 0, 0, 0 ); double denominator = 0; for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < controlPoints.size(); ++i ) { double weight = weights[i] * BSpline_basis( knots, i, degree, t ); result += vector3_scaled( controlPoints[i], weight ); denominator += weight; } return result / denominator; } inline void KnotVector_openUniform( Knots& knots, std::size_t count, std::size_t degree ){ knots.resize( count + degree + 1 ); std::size_t equalKnots = 1; for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < equalKnots; ++i ) { knots[i] = 0; knots[knots.size() - ( i + 1 )] = 1; } std::size_t difference = knots.size() - 2 * ( equalKnots ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < difference; ++i ) { knots[i + equalKnots] = Knots::value_type( double(i + 1) * 1.0 / double(difference + 1) ); } } #endif