/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _MAINFRAME_H_ #define _MAINFRAME_H_ #include "xywindow.h" #include "texwindow.h" #include "zwindow.h" #include "camwindow.h" #include "watchbsp.h" #include "pluginmanager.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "gtkr_vector.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #define __toascii( c ) ( ( c ) & 0x7f ) #endif const int RAD_SHIFT = 0x01; const int RAD_ALT = 0x02; const int RAD_CONTROL = 0x04; const int RAD_PRESS = 0x08; struct SCommandInfo { const char* m_strCommand; unsigned int m_nKey; unsigned int m_nModifiers; unsigned int m_nCommand; const char* m_strMenu; }; struct SKeyInfo { const char* m_strName; unsigned int m_nVKKey; }; #define ID_FILE_NEW 0xE100 #define ID_FILE_OPEN 0xE101 #define ID_FILE_SAVE 0xE103 #define ID_EDIT_UNDO 0xE12B #define ID_EDIT_REDO 0xE12C #define ID_HELP 0xE146 #define ID_FILE_RECENT1 0xE110 #define ID_FILE_RECENT2 0xE111 #define ID_FILE_RECENT3 0xE112 #define ID_FILE_RECENT4 0xE113 #define IDC_BTN_FACEFIT 1143 #define ID_ENTITY_START 22800 #define ID_ENTITY_END 32000 //leo //#define ID_ENTITY_END 33500 #define ID_VIEW_XY 32772 #define ID_VIEW_SIDE 32773 #define ID_VIEW_FRONT 32774 #define ID_CAMERATOGGLE 32775 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERATOGGLE 32776 #define ID_BUTTON32777 32777 #define ID_BUTTON32778 32778 #define ID_TEXTURES_POPUP 32780 #define ID_POPUP_SELECTION 32782 #define ID_VIEW_CHANGE 32783 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERAUPDATE 32784 #define ID_VIEW_CLIPPER 32785 #define ID_PREFS 32786 #define ID_TOGGLE_LOCK 32787 #define ID_EDIT_MAPINFO 32788 #define ID_EDIT_ENTITYINFO 32789 #define ID_BRUSH_SCRIPTS 32790 #define ID_VIEW_NEXTVIEW 32791 #define ID_HELP_COMMANDLIST 32792 #define ID_FILE_NEWPROJECT 32793 #define ID_SNAPTOGRID 32795 #define ID_VIEW_CENTERVIEW 32796 #define ID_SPLIT_SELECTED 32823 #define ID_CLIP_SELECTED 32824 #define ID_FLIP_CLIP 32825 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW_YZ 32831 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW_XZ 32832 #define ID_COLORS_GRIDTEXT 32833 #define ID_COLORS_BRUSH 32834 #define ID_COLORS_SELECTEDBRUSH 32835 #define ID_COLORS_CLIPPER 32836 #define ID_COLORS_GRIDBLOCK 32837 #define ID_COLORS_VIEWNAME 32838 #define ID_COLORS_DETAIL 37002 #define ID_COLOR_SETORIGINAL 32839 #define ID_COLOR_SETQER 32840 #define ID_COLOR_SETBLACK 32841 #define ID_COLOR_SETYDNAR 37001 /* ydnar */ #define ID_BYEBYE 32842 #define ID_SELECT_SCALE 32843 #define ID_SELECT_MOUSEROTATE 32844 #define ID_COLORS_SELECTEDBRUSH3D 32845 #define ID_COLORS_CAMERABACK 32846 #define ID_TEXTURE_REPLACESELECTED 32859 #define ID_TEXTURE_REPLACEALL 32860 #define ID_SELECT_MOUSESCALE 32866 #define ID_SCALELOCKX 32867 #define ID_SCALELOCKY 32868 #define ID_SCALELOCKZ 32869 #define ID_VIEW_CUBICCLIPPING 32870 #define ID_FILE_PROJECTSETTINGS 32875 #define ID_VIEW_CUBEOUT 32876 #define ID_VIEW_CUBEIN 32877 #define ID_NODES_LOADNODES 32878 #define ID_NODES_SHOWNODES 32879 #define ID_NODES_SHOWLINKS 32880 #define ID_NODES_REMOVEALLNODES 32881 #define ID_NODES_COUNTNODES 32882 #define ID_NODES_GIVEMONEYTONELNO 32883 #define ID_FILE_SAVEREGION 32887 #define ID_FILE_LOADREGION 32888 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEDOWN 32890 #define ID_TOOLBAR_MAIN 32891 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEUP 32892 //#define ID_TOOLBAR_TEXTURE 32892 #define ID_BRUSH_MAKECONE 32896 #define ID_TEXTURES_LOAD 32897 #define ID_TOGGLE_ROTATELOCK 32898 #define ID_FILE_IMPORTMAP 32911 #define ID_FILE_EXPORTMAP 32912 #define ID_EDIT_LOADPREFAB 32913 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGELEFT 32916 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGERIGHT 32917 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGEUP 32918 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGEDOWN 32919 #define ID_TEXTURES_LOADLIST 32920 #define ID_DONTSELECTCURVE 32923 #define ID_CONVERTCURVES 32924 #define ID_PATCH_SHOWBOUNDINGBOX 32926 #define ID_CURVE_SIMPLEPATCHMESH 32927 #define ID_PATCH_WIREFRAME 32928 #define ID_PATCH_WELD 32929 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHTUBE 32930 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHCONE 32931 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHENDCAP 32932 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHBEVEL 32933 #define ID_PATCH_DRILLDOWN 32936 #define ID_CURVE_LOADPATCHFILE 32937 #define ID_CURVE_INSERTROW 32938 #define ID_CURVE_INSERTCOLUMN 32939 #define ID_CURVE_DELETEROW 32940 #define ID_CURVE_DELETECOLUMN 32941 #define ID_BUTTON32942 32942 //#define ID_PATCH_INSDEL 32942 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_ADDCOLUMN 32943 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_INSERTCOLUMN 32944 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_ADDROW 32945 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_INSERTROW 32946 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_FIRSTCOLUMN 32947 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_LASTCOLUMN 32948 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_FIRSTROW 32949 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_LASTROW 32950 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVE 32951 #define ID_PATCH_BEND 32952 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHDENSETUBE 32955 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHVERYDENSETUBE 32956 #define ID_CURVE_CAP 32957 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_ROWS 32961 #define ID_PATCH_NATURALIZE 32963 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHSQUARE 32964 #define ID_BRUSH_PRIMITIVES_SPHERE 32965 #define ID_BRUSH_PRIMITIVES_TORUS 32966 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_200 32967 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_100 32968 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_50 32969 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_25 32970 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_10 32971 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVETEXTUREX 32972 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLUSH 32973 #define ID_CURVE_OVERLAY_SET 32974 #define ID_CURVE_OVERLAY_CLEAR 32975 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVETEXTUREY 32976 #define ID_CURVE_THICKEN 32977 #define ID_CURVE_CYCLECAP 32978 #define ID_CURVE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE 32981 #define ID_PLUGINS_REFRESH 32982 #define ID_TEXTURES_RELOADSHADERS 32983 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_BOUNDINGBOX 32984 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_WRITEFRAME 32985 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SELECTEDWIREFRAME 32986 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SELECTEDSKINNED 32987 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SKINNED 32988 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SKINNEDANDBOXED 32989 #define ID_SHOW_ENTITIES 32990 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_WIREFRAME 32991 #define ID_VIEW_OPENGLLIGHTING 32998 #define ID_EDIT_SAVEPREFAB 33001 #define ID_CURVE_MOREENDCAPSBEVELS_SQUAREENDCAP 33002 #define ID_CURVE_MOREENDCAPSBEVELS_SQUAREBEVEL 33003 #define ID_CURVE_PRIMITIVES_SPHERE 33005 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_HIDESELECTED 33006 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_SHOWHIDDEN 33007 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHADERS_SHOW 33008 //#define ID_SELECTION_CSGADD 33009 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGMERGE 33011 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLUSH_UNUSED 33014 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_REMOVE 33016 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_ADDTO_WORLD 33017 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_NEWGROUP 33018 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_NAME 33019 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_ADDTO 33020 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWANGLES 33021 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWWORKZONE 33022 #define ID_TEXTURE_FLUSH 33023 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWSHADERS 33025 #define ID_DONTSELECTMODEL 33027 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHADERLISTONLY 33030 #define ID_PLUGIN_START 33800 #define ID_PLUGIN_END 33999 #define ID_FILE_EXIT 40002 #define ID_FILE_SAVEAS 40004 #define ID_VIEW_CENTER 40005 #define ID_VIEW_UPFLOOR 40006 #define ID_VIEW_DOWNFLOOR 40007 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPX 40008 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPY 40009 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPZ 40010 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEX 40011 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEY 40012 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEZ 40013 #define ID_BSP_FULLVIS 40016 #define ID_BSP_FASTVIS 40017 #define ID_BSP_NOVIS 40018 #define ID_BSP_RELIGHT 40019 #define ID_BSP_ENTITIES 40020 #define ID_FILE_POINTFILE 40021 #define ID_VIEW_100 40022 #define ID_VIEW_75 40023 #define ID_VIEW_50 40024 #define ID_VIEW_25 40025 #define ID_VIEW_12 40026 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWALL 40033 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWINUSE 40034 #define ID_TEXTURES_TOGGLEVIEW 40037 #define ID_SELECTION_CREATEENTITY 40039 #define ID_SELECTION_EDITENTITY 40040 #define ID_MISC_BENCHMARK 40041 #define ID_REGION_OFF 40043 #define ID_REGION_SETXY 40044 #define ID_REGION_SETBRUSH 40045 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKEHOLLOW 40046 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTPARTIALTALL 40047 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTCOMPLETETALL 40048 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGSUBTRACT 40049 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTTOUCHING 40050 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKEHOLLOW_TOUCH 40051 #define ID_VIEW_NEAREST 40052 #define ID_VIEW_NEARESTMIPMAP 40053 #define ID_VIEW_LINEAR 40054 #define ID_VIEW_BILINEAR 40055 #define ID_VIEW_BILINEARMIPMAP 40056 #define ID_VIEW_TRILINEAR 40057 #define ID_TEXTURES_WIREFRAME 40058 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLATSHADE 40059 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWNAMES 40060 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOMIN 40061 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOMOUT 40062 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCOORDINATES 40063 #define ID_VIEW_Z100 40064 #define ID_VIEW_ZZOOMIN 40065 #define ID_VIEW_ZZOOMOUT 40066 #define ID_SELECTION_CLONE 40067 #define ID_SELECTION_DESELECT 40068 #define ID_SELECTION_DELETE 40069 #define ID_BUTTON40068 40070 #define ID_SELECTION_DRAGVERTECIES 40074 #define ID_SELECTION_DRAGEDGES 40075 #define ID_REGION_SETTALLBRUSH 40076 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTINSIDE 40092 #define ID_PROJECT_RELEAD 40094 #define ID_PROJECT_CHANGE 40095 #define ID_MISC_GAMMA 40097 #define ID_MISC_TEXTUREBACKGROUN 40104 #define ID_TEXTUREBK 40105 #define ID_COLORS_XYBK 40106 #define ID_FILE_ABOUT 40107 #define ID_VIEW_CONSOLE 40108 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITY 40109 #define ID_VIEW_TEXTURE 40110 #define ID_COLORS_MAJOR 40111 #define ID_COLORS_MINOR 40113 #define ID_SELECTION_CONNECT 40114 #define ID_FILE_LOADPROJECT 40115 #define ID_MISC_FINDBRUSH 40116 #define ID_MISC_NEXTLEAKSPOT 40117 #define ID_MISC_PREVIOUSLEAKSPOT 40118 #define ID_BRUSH_3SIDED 40119 #define ID_BRUSH_4SIDED 40120 #define ID_BRUSH_5SIDED 40121 #define ID_BRUSH_6SIDED 40122 #define ID_BRUSH_7SIDED 40123 #define ID_BRUSH_8SIDED 40124 #define ID_BRUSH_9SIDED 40125 #define ID_SELECTION_ARBITRARYROTATION 40126 #define ID_BRUSH_ARBITRARYSIDED 40127 #define ID_SELECTION_UNGROUPENTITY 40130 #define ID_MISC_SELECTENTITYCOLOR 40131 #define ID_MISC_PRINTXY 40132 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT 40134 #define ID_EDIT_COPYBRUSH 40135 #define ID_EDIT_PASTEBRUSH 40136 #define ID_TEXTURES_INSPECTOR 40137 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKE_DETAIL 40139 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKE_STRUCTURAL 40140 #define ID_REGION_SETSELECTION 40141 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWBLOCKS 40142 #define ID_CAMERA_UP 40152 #define ID_CAMERA_DOWN 40153 #define ID_CAMERA_LEFT 40154 #define ID_CAMERA_RIGHT 40155 #define ID_CAMERA_FORWARD 40156 #define ID_CAMERA_BACK 40157 #define ID_CAMERA_ANGLEUP 40158 #define ID_CAMERA_ANGLEDOWN 40159 #define ID_CAMERA_STRAFELEFT 40160 #define ID_CAMERA_STRAFERIGHT 40161 #define ID_GRID_TOGGLE 40162 #define ID_ENTITYLIST 40163 #define ID_MAPINFO 40164 #define ID_TOGGLECONSOLE 40165 #define ID_TOGGLECAMERA 40166 #define ID_TOGGLEZ 40167 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW 40168 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_FIT 40171 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_ROTATECLOCK 40172 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_ROTATECOUNTER 40173 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALEUP 40174 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALEDOWN 40175 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTLEFT 40176 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTRIGHT 40177 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTUP 40178 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTDOWN 40179 #define ID_GRID_NEXT 40180 #define ID_GRID_PREV 40181 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALELEFT 40182 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALERIGHT 40183 #define ID_SELECTION_PRINT 40184 #define ID_SELECTION_TOGGLESIZEPAINT 40185 #define ID_PATCH_TAB 40186 #define ID_PATCH_ENTER 40187 #define ID_SELECT_SNAPTOGRID 40188 #define ID_PATCH_INSPECTOR 40189 #define ID_SELECT_ALL 40190 #define ID_CURVE_FREEZE 40191 #define ID_CURVE_UNFREEZE 40192 #define ID_CURVE_UNFREEZEALL 40193 #define ID_SELECT_RESELECT 40194 #define ID_FITFACE 40196 #define ID_VIEW_CROSSHAIR 40197 #define ID_SELECTION_INVERT 40198 #define ID_VIEW_GROUPS 40199 #define ID_FILE_SLEEP 40200 #define ID_HELP_LINKS 40201 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWOUTLINE 40202 // TTimo: outline as in colored outline around the window to quickly guess the orientation #define ID_VIEW_SHOWAXES 40203 #define ID_SELECTION_NOOUTLINE 40204 // TTimo: outline as in zbuffered outline toggle on camera view (TA Q3Radiant 200f addition) #define ID_SELECTION_OUTLINESTYLE 40205 // Arnout: cycles through selection styles (extended 'nooutline') #define ID_SELECTION_SEPERATE 40206 // TTimo: split brushes out of an entity back into worldspawn #define ID_SELECTION_MERGE 40207 // TTimo: merge brushes from worldspawn into entity #define ID_HELP_BUGREPORT 40208 #define ID_FILTER_WORLD 40209 #define ID_FILTER_PATCHES 40210 #define ID_FILTER_DETAILS 40211 #define ID_FILTER_ENTITIES 40212 #define ID_FILTER_MODELS 40213 #define ID_FILTER_HINTSSKIPS 40214 #define ID_FILTER_CLIPS 40215 #define ID_FILTER_LIQUIDS 40216 #define ID_FILTER_TRIGGERS 40217 #define ID_FILTER_AREAPORTALS 40218 #define ID_FILTER_TRANSLUCENT 40219 #define ID_FILTER_CAULK 40220 #define ID_FILTER_LIGHTS 40221 #define ID_FILTER_PATHS 40223 #define ID_FILTER_CLUSTERPORTALS 40224 #define ID_FILTER_LIGHTGRID 40225 #define ID_FILTER_STRUCTURAL 40226 #define ID_FILTER_BOTCLIPS 40227 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_INTERMEDIATE_COLS 40230 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_INTERMEDIATE_ROWS 40231 #define ID_EDIT_PASTEBRUSHTOCAMERA 40232 #define ID_COLORS_MINOR_ALT 40230 #define ID_COLORS_MAJOR_ALT 40231 #define ID_SELECT_FUNC_GROUP 40233 // those must have their own ID chunk ID_GRID_025 <= ID_GRID <= ID_GRID_256 #define ID_GRID_025 40300 #define ID_GRID_05 40301 #define ID_GRID_1 40302 #define ID_GRID_2 40303 #define ID_GRID_4 40304 #define ID_GRID_8 40305 #define ID_GRID_16 40306 #define ID_GRID_32 40307 #define ID_GRID_64 40308 #define ID_GRID_128 40309 #define ID_GRID_256 40310 #define ID_FILE_CHECKUPDATE 40320 #define ID_TEXTUREWINDOW_SCALEUP 40321 #define ID_TEXTUREWINDOW_SCALEDOWN 40322 #define ID_TOGGLE_DETAIL 40323 class CSynapseClientRadiant : public CSynapseClient { public: bool RequestAPI( APIDescriptor_t *pAPI ); const char* GetInfo(); const char* GetName(); void ImportMap( IDataStream *in, CPtrArray *ents, const char *type ); void ExportMap( CPtrArray *ents, IDataStream *out, const char *type ); CSynapseClientRadiant() { } virtual ~CSynapseClientRadiant() { } }; class MainFrame { public: enum EViewStyle { eRegular, eFloating, eSplit, eRegularLeft, }; MainFrame(); GtkWidget *m_pWidget; /*! called to fire up the help links */ void handle_help_command( int id ); protected: /*! the urls to fire up in the game packs help menus */ vector mHelpURLs; /*! scan the .game files for game install packs look there for help description nodes build the corresponding menus in Radiant */ void create_game_help_menu( GtkWidget *menu, GtkAccelGroup *accel ); /*! build the menu once the filename is found */ void process_xlink( Str &FileName, const char *menu_name, const char *base_url, GtkWidget *menu, GtkAccelGroup *accel ); void Create(); void create_main_menu( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox ); GtkWidget * toolbar_append_item( GtkToolbar *toolbar, const gchar *text, const gchar *tooltip_text, const gchar *private_text, GtkWidget *icon, GCallback callback, gpointer data ); GtkWidget * toolbar_append_space( GtkToolbar *toolbar ); GtkWidget * MainFrame::toolbar_append_element( GtkToolbar *toolbar, short, const char*, const gchar *text, const gchar *tooltip_text, const gchar *private_text, GtkWidget *icon, GCallback callback, gpointer data ); void create_main_toolbar( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox ); void create_plugin_toolbar( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox ); void create_main_statusbar( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox ); GtkWidget *m_pStatusLabel[6]; GtkWidget *m_pSplits[4]; XYWnd* m_pXYWnd; XYWnd* m_pYZWnd; XYWnd* m_pXZWnd; CamWnd* m_pCamWnd; TexWnd* m_pTexWnd; ZWnd* m_pZWnd; CWatchBSP* m_pWatchBSP; XYWnd* m_pActiveXY; bool m_bCamPreview; CPlugInManager m_PlugInMgr; int m_nNextPlugInID; guint m_nTimer; bool m_bSleeping; CString m_strStatus[15]; bool m_bNeedStatusUpdate; /*! synapse server deals with dynamically loading the modules, initializing them, requesting the APIs */ CSynapseServer m_SynapseServer; /*! we are also a synapse client in that we provide and require some APIs as well */ CSynapseClientRadiant m_SynapseClient; public: // BSP window // trigger network listen void DoWatchBSP(); bool IsSleeping() { return m_bSleeping; } void UpdatePatchToolbarButtons(); // Gef: Changed to float for sub-integer grid size void NudgeSelection( int nDirection, float nAmount ); void SetButtonMenuStates(); void SetGridStatus(); void RoutineProcessing(); XYWnd* ActiveXY() { return m_pActiveXY; }; void UpdateWindows( int nBits ); void SetStatusText( int nPane, const char* pText ); void UpdateStatusText(); void SetWindowStyle( int nStyle ); virtual ~MainFrame(); XYWnd* GetXYWnd() {return m_pXYWnd; } XYWnd* GetXZWnd() {return m_pXZWnd; } XYWnd* GetYZWnd() {return m_pYZWnd; } ZWnd* GetZWnd() {return m_pZWnd; } CamWnd* GetCamWnd() {return m_pCamWnd; } TexWnd* GetTexWnd() {return m_pTexWnd; } CWatchBSP *GetWatchBSP() { return m_pWatchBSP; } void ReleaseContexts(); void CreateContexts(); void SetActiveXY( XYWnd* p ){ if ( m_pActiveXY ) { m_pActiveXY->SetActive( false ); } m_pActiveXY = p; if ( m_pActiveXY ) { m_pActiveXY->SetActive( true ); } }; EViewStyle CurrentStyle(){ return m_nCurrentStyle; }; bool FloatingGroupDialog(){ return CurrentStyle() == eFloating || CurrentStyle() == eSplit; }; #ifdef _WIN32 const GdkRectangle & GetPrimaryMonitorRect( void ) const { return primaryMonitorRect; } const int GetGDKOffsetX( void ) const { return gdk_offset_x; } const int GetGDKOffsetY( void ) const { return gdk_offset_y; } #endif protected: bool m_bDoLoop; bool m_bSplittersOK; void CreateQEChildren(); void LoadCommandMap(); void ShowMenuItemKeyBindings( GtkWidget* window ); public: void Copy(); void Paste(); void Nudge( int nDim, float fNudge ); CPlugInManager &GetPlugInMgr() {return m_PlugInMgr; }; CSynapseServer &GetSynapseServer() {return m_SynapseServer; }; CSynapseClientRadiant &GetSynapseClient() {return m_SynapseClient; }; void AddPlugInToolbarButton( const IToolbarButton* button ); void AddPlugInMenuItem( IPlugIn* pPlugIn ); void CleanPlugInMenu(); // these are public so i can easily reflect messages // from child windows.. void OnTimer(); void OnDelete(); void OnDestroy(); void ToggleCamera(); void OnFileExit(); void OnFileLoadproject(); void OnFileNew(); void OnFileOpen(); void OnFilePointfile(); void OnFileSave(); void OnFileSaveas(); void OnFileCheckUpdate(); void OnView100(); void OnViewCenter(); void OnViewConsole(); void OnViewDownfloor(); void OnViewEntity(); void OnViewFront(); void OnViewShowblocks(); void OnViewShowclip(); void OnViewShowcoordinates(); void OnViewShowOutline(); void OnViewShowAxes(); void OnViewShowdetail(); void OnViewShowent(); void OnViewShowlights(); void OnViewShownames(); void OnViewShowpath(); void OnViewShowwater(); void OnViewShowworld(); void OnViewTexture(); void OnViewUpfloor(); void OnViewXy(); void OnViewZ100(); void OnViewZoomin(); void OnViewZoomout(); void OnViewZzoomin(); void OnViewZzoomout(); void OnViewSide(); void OnTexturesShowinuse(); void OnTexturesInspector(); void OnMiscBenchmark(); void OnMiscFindbrush(); void OnMiscGamma(); void OnMiscNextleakspot(); void OnMiscPreviousleakspot(); void OnMiscPrintxy(); void OnMiscSelectentitycolor(); void OnTexturebk(); void OnColorsMajor(); void OnColorsMinor(); void OnColorsMajor_Alt(); void OnColorsMinor_Alt(); void OnColorsXybk(); void OnBrush3sided(); void OnBrush4sided(); void OnBrush5sided(); void OnBrush6sided(); void OnBrush7sided(); void OnBrush8sided(); void OnBrush9sided(); void OnBrushArbitrarysided(); void OnBrushFlipx(); void OnBrushFlipy(); void OnBrushFlipz(); void OnBrushRotatex(); void OnBrushRotatey(); void OnBrushRotatez(); void OnRegionOff(); void OnRegionSetbrush(); void OnRegionSetselection(); void OnRegionSettallbrush(); void OnRegionSetxy(); void OnSelectionArbitraryrotation(); void OnSelectionClone(); void OnSelectionConnect(); void OnSelectionCsgsubtract(); void OnSelectionCsgmerge(); void OnSelectionNoOutline(); void OnSelectionOutlineStyle(); void OnSelectionDelete(); void OnSelectionDeselect(); void OnSelectionDragedges(); void OnSelectionDragvertecies(); void OnSelectionMakeDetail(); void OnSelectionMakeStructural(); void OnSelectionMakehollow(); void OnSelectionMakehollowTouch(); void OnSelectionSelectcompletetall(); void OnSelectionSelectinside(); void OnSelectionSelectpartialtall(); void OnSelectionSelecttouching(); void OnSelectionUngroupentity(); void OnSelectionMergeentity(); void OnSelectionGroupworld(); void OnTexturesPopup(); void OnPopupSelection(); void OnViewChange(); void OnViewCameraupdate(); void OnHelpAbout(); void OnHelp(); void OnHelpLinks(); void OnHelpBugreport(); void OnViewClipper(); void OnToggleDetail(); void OnCameraAngledown(); void OnCameraAngleup(); void OnCameraBack( bool keydown ); void OnCameraDown(); void OnCameraForward( bool keydown ); void OnCameraLeft( bool keydown ); void OnCameraRight( bool keydown ); void OnCameraStrafeleft( bool keydown ); void OnCameraStraferight( bool keydown ); void OnCameraUp(); void OnGridToggle(); void OnPrefs(); void OnTogglecamera(); void OnToggleconsole(); void OnToggleview(); void OnTogglez(); void OnToggleLock(); void OnEditMapinfo(); void OnEditEntityinfo(); void OnBrushScripts(); void OnViewCenterview(); void OnViewNextview(); void OnHelpCommandlist(); void OnFileNewproject(); void OnFlipClip(); void OnClipSelected(); void OnSplitSelected(); void OnToggleviewXz(); void OnToggleviewYz(); void OnColorsBrush(); void OnColorsClipper(); void OnColorsGridtext(); void OnColorsSelectedbrush(); void OnColorsSelectedbrush3D(); void OnColorsCameraBack(); void OnColorsGridblock(); void OnColorsViewname(); void OnColorsDetail(); void OnColorSetoriginal(); void OnColorSetqer(); void OnColorSetblack(); void OnColorSetydnar(); /* ydnar */ void OnSnaptogrid(); void OnSelectScale(); void OnSelectMouserotate(); void OnEditCopybrush(); void OnEditPastebrush(); void OnEditPastebrushToCamera(); void OnEditUndo(); void OnEditRedo(); void OnSelectionInvert(); // void OnSelectionTextureDec(); void OnSelectionTextureFit(); // void OnSelectionTextureInc(); void OnSelectionTextureRotateclock(); void OnSelectionTextureRotatecounter(); void OnSelectionTextureScaledown(); void OnSelectionTextureScaleup(); void OnSelectionTextureShiftdown(); void OnSelectionTextureShiftleft(); void OnSelectionTextureShiftright(); void OnSelectionTextureShiftup(); void OnGridNext(); void OnGridPrev(); void OnSelectionTextureScaleLeft(); void OnSelectionTextureScaleRight(); void OnTextureReplaceall(); void OnScalelockx(); void OnScalelocky(); void OnScalelockz(); void OnSelectMousescale(); void OnViewCubicclipping(); void OnFileProjectsettings(); void OnViewCubein(); void OnViewCubeout(); void OnFileSaveregion(); void OnSelectionMovedown(); void OnSelectionMoveup(); void OnToolbarMain(); void OnToolbarTexture(); void OnSelectionPrint(); void OnSelectionTogglesizepaint(); void OnBrushMakecone(); void OnTexturesLoad(); void OnToggleRotatelock(); void OnFileImportmap(); void OnFileExportmap(); void OnEditLoadprefab(); void OnSelectionSelectNudgedown(); void OnSelectionSelectNudgeleft(); void OnSelectionSelectNudgeright(); void OnSelectionSelectNudgeup(); void OnTexturesLoadlist(); void OnDontselectcurve(); void OnConvertcurves(); void OnCurveSimplepatchmesh(); void OnPatchToggleBox(); void OnPatchWireframe(); void OnCurvePatchcone(); void OnCurvePatchtube(); void OnPatchWeld(); void OnCurvePatchbevel(); void OnCurvePatchendcap(); void OnPatchDrilldown(); void OnCurveInsertcolumn(); void OnCurveInsertrow(); void OnCurveDeletecolumn(); void OnCurveDeleterow(); void OnCurveInsertAddcolumn(); void OnCurveInsertAddrow(); void OnCurveInsertInsertcolumn(); void OnCurveInsertInsertrow(); void OnCurveNegative(); void OnCurveNegativeTextureX(); void OnCurveNegativeTextureY(); void OnCurveDeleteFirstcolumn(); void OnCurveDeleteFirstrow(); void OnCurveDeleteLastcolumn(); void OnCurveDeleteLastrow(); void OnPatchBend(); // void OnPatchInsdel(); void OnPatchEnter(); void OnPatchTab(); void OnCurvePatchdensetube(); void OnCurvePatchverydensetube(); void OnCurveCap(); void OnCurveCapInvertedbevel(); void OnCurveCapInvertedendcap(); void OnCurveRedisperseRows(); void OnCurveRedisperseIntermediateCols(); void OnCurveRedisperseIntermediateRows(); void OnPatchNaturalize(); void OnSnapToGrid(); void OnCurvePatchsquare(); void OnTexturewindowScaleup(); void OnTexturewindowScaledown(); void OnCurveOverlayClear(); void OnCurveOverlaySet(); void OnCurveThicken(); void OnCurveCyclecap(); void OnCurveMatrixTranspose(); void OnTexturesReloadshaders(); void OnShowEntities(); // will set the view mode right, don't set the value for mode if you only want to update the radio item void OnEntitiesSetViewAs( int mode = 0 ); void OnPluginsRefresh(); void OnTexturesShowall(); void OnPatchInspector(); void OnViewOpengllighting(); void OnSelectAll(); void OnCurveFreeze(); void OnCurveUnFreeze(); void OnCurveUnFreezeAll(); void OnSelectReselect(); void OnEditSaveprefab(); void OnCurveMoreendcapsbevelsSquarebevel(); void OnCurveMoreendcapsbevelsSquareendcap(); void OnBrushPrimitivesSphere(); void OnViewCrosshair(); void OnViewHideshowHideselected(); void OnViewHideshowShowhidden(); void OnTexturesShadersShow(); void OnViewGroups(); void OnDropGroupAddtoWorld(); void OnDropGroupName(); void OnDropGroupNewgroup(); void OnDropGroupRemove(); void OnViewShowWorkzone(); void OnViewShowAngles(); void OnMru( unsigned int nID ); void OnViewNearest( unsigned int nID ); void OnTextureWad( unsigned int nID ); void OnBspCommand( unsigned int nID ); void OnGrid( unsigned int nID ); void OnPlugIn( unsigned int nID, const char *str ); void OnFaceFit(); void SetTextureScale( int id ); void OnDontselectmodel(); void OnTexturesShaderlistonly(); void OnSleep(); void OnFilterAreaportals(); void OnFilterCaulk(); void OnFilterStructural(); void OnFilterClips(); void OnFilterBotClips(); void OnFilterDetails(); void OnFilterEntities(); void OnFilterHintsskips(); void OnFilterLights(); void OnFilterLiquids(); void OnFilterModels(); void OnFilterPatches(); void OnFilterTranslucent(); void OnFilterTriggers(); void OnFilterWorld(); void OnFilterPaths(); void OnFilterClusterportals(); void OnFilterLightgrid(); void OnSelectFuncGroup(); private: EViewStyle m_nCurrentStyle; #ifdef _WIN32 GdkRectangle primaryMonitorRect; int gdk_offset_x; int gdk_offset_y; #endif }; // some C API to the mainframe functions void WINAPI QERApp_Sleep(); // Checks whether a given filename ends in .map const bool IsMap(const char* filename); #endif // _MAINFRAME_H_