/* Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // stdafx.h // precompiled headers // standard headers #include #include #include #include #include #if defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __FreeBSD__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ ) // Necessary for proper boolean type declaration #include "qertypes.h" typedef void* HMODULE; typedef void* LPVOID; typedef char* LPCSTR; #define MB_OK 0x00000000L #define MB_OKCANCEL 0x00000001L #define MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE 0x00000002L #define MB_YESNOCANCEL 0x00000003L #define MB_YESNO 0x00000004L #define MB_RETRYCANCEL 0x00000005L #define MB_ICONHAND 0x00000010L #define MB_ICONQUESTION 0x00000020L #define MB_ICONEXCLAMATION 0x00000030L #define MB_ICONASTERISK 0x00000040L #define MB_USERICON 0x00000080L #define MB_ICONWARNING MB_ICONEXCLAMATION #define MB_ICONERROR MB_ICONHAND #define MB_ICONINFORMATION MB_ICONASTERISK #define MB_ICONSTOP MB_ICONHAND #define MB_TYPEMASK 0x0000000FL #define MB_ICONMASK 0x000000F0L #define MB_DEFMASK 0x00000F00L #define MB_MODEMASK 0x00003000L #define MB_MISCMASK 0x0000C000L #define IDOK 1 #define IDCANCEL 2 #define IDABORT 3 #define IDRETRY 4 #define IDIGNORE 5 #define IDYES 6 #define IDNO 7 typedef struct tagRECT { long left; long top; long right; long bottom; } RECT, *PRECT, *LPRECT; #endif // defined( __linux__ ) || defined( __FreeBSD__ ) || defined( __APPLE__ ) // plugin // FIXME TTimo: drop this extern "C" void Sys_Printf( char *text, ... ); #include "synapse.h" #include "iplugin.h" #include "qerplugin.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "igl.h" #include "iselectedface.h" #include "isurfaceplugin.h" #include "iui.h" // internals // the implementation of a IWindowListener interface to use with the native UI // TODO: move in it's own set of files? // NOTE: I'm not too sure about the bool flags being any use.. they are supposed to tell if we handle the event or not class CWindowListener : public IWindowListener { int refCount; public: // Increment the number of references to this object void IncRef() { refCount++; } // Decrement the reference count void DecRef() { if ( --refCount <= 0 ) { delete this; } } // IWindowListener --------------------------------------- bool OnLButtonDown( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ); bool OnMButtonDown( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ) { return false; } bool OnRButtonDown( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ); bool OnLButtonUp( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ); bool OnMButtonUp( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ) { return false; } bool OnRButtonUp( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ); bool OnMouseMove( guint32 nFlags, double x, double y ); bool OnKeyPressed( char *s ); bool Paint(); void Close(); }; #include "2DView.h" typedef struct { float data[MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING][2]; } CtrlPts_t; #include "ControlPointsManager.h" extern _QERQglTable g_QglTable; extern _QERFuncTable_1 g_FuncTable; // prefs globals // NOTE: these are used by the CControlPointsManager classes, not very C++ish extern bool g_bPrefsUpdateCameraView; extern _QERSelectedFaceTable g_SelectedFaceTable; extern _QERFaceData g_CancelFaceData; #define Sys_Printf g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysPrintf #define Sys_FPrintf g_FuncTable.m_pfnSysFPrintf // call to validate the current changes into the editor extern void Textool_Validate(); extern void Textool_Cancel(); class CSynapseClientTexTool : public CSynapseClient { public: // CSynapseClient API bool RequestAPI( APIDescriptor_t *pAPI ); const char* GetInfo(); CSynapseClientTexTool() { } virtual ~CSynapseClientTexTool() { } }; extern IWindow *g_pToolWnd;