#if !defined (INCLUDED_EXPRESSION_H) #define INCLUDED_EXPRESSION_H #include template class Literal { Value m_value; public: typedef Value value_type; Literal(const Value& value) : m_value(value) { } const value_type& eval() const { return m_value; } }; template inline Literal float_literal(const Value& value) { return Literal(value); } template inline float float_for_expression(const Expression& expression) { return expression.eval(); } template class ScalarDivided { First first; Second second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; ScalarDivided(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_) { } value_type eval() const { return static_cast(first.eval() / second.eval()); } }; template inline ScalarDivided float_divided(const First& first, const Second& second) { return ScalarDivided(first, second); } template inline ScalarDivided, First> float_reciprocal(const First& first) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; return ScalarDivided, First>(float_literal(first_value_type(1.0)), first); } template class SquareRoot { First first; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; SquareRoot(const First& first_) : first(first_) { } value_type eval() const { return static_cast(sqrt(first.eval())); } }; template inline SquareRoot float_square_root(const First& first) { return SquareRoot(first); } template class BasicVector3Literal { const BasicVector3 m_value; public: typedef Element value_type; typedef ct_int<3> dimension; BasicVector3Literal(const BasicVector3& value) : m_value(value) { } const value_type& eval(unsigned int i) const { return m_value[i]; } }; template inline BasicVector3Literal vector3_literal(const BasicVector3& value) { return BasicVector3Literal(value); } typedef BasicVector3Literal Vector3Literal; template class BasicVector3Identity { const BasicVector3& m_value; public: typedef Element value_type; typedef ct_int<3> dimension; BasicVector3Identity(const BasicVector3& value) : m_value(value) { } const value_type& eval(unsigned int i) const { return m_value[i]; } }; template inline BasicVector3Identity vector3_identity(const BasicVector3& value) { return BasicVector3Identity(value); } typedef BasicVector3Identity Vector3Identity; template inline BasicVector3 vector3_for_expression(const Expression& expression) { return Vector3(expression.eval(0), expression.eval(1), expression.eval(2)); } template class VectorScalar { First first; Literal second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; VectorScalar(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_.eval()) { } value_type eval(unsigned int i) const { return Operation::apply( first.eval(i), second.eval() ); } }; template class VectorVector { First first; Second second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; VectorVector(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_) { } value_type eval(unsigned int i) const { return Operation::apply(first.eval(i), second.eval(i)); } }; template class Added { public: typedef First value_type; static value_type apply(const First& first, const Second& second) { return static_cast(first + second); } }; template inline VectorVector, First, Second> vector_added(const First& first, const Second& second) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; typedef typename Second::value_type second_value_type; return VectorVector, First, Second>(first, second); } template class Multiplied { public: typedef First value_type; static value_type apply(const First& first, const Second& second) { return static_cast(first * second); } }; template inline VectorVector, First, Second> vector_multiplied(const First& first, const Second& second) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; typedef typename Second::value_type second_value_type; return VectorVector, First, Second>(first, second); } template inline VectorScalar, First, Second> vector_scaled(const First& first, const Second& second) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; typedef typename Second::value_type second_value_type; return VectorScalar, First, Second>(first, second); } template class Negated { public: typedef First value_type; static value_type apply(const First& first) { return -first; } }; template class VectorUnary { First first; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; VectorUnary(const First& first_) : first(first_) { } value_type eval(unsigned int i) const { return Operation::apply(first.eval(i)); } }; template inline VectorUnary > vector_negated(const First& first) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; return VectorUnary >(first); } template class VectorCross { First first; Second second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; VectorCross(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_) { } value_type eval(unsigned int i) const { return first.eval((i+1)%3) * second.eval((i+2)%3) - first.eval((i+2)%3) * second.eval((i+1)%3); } }; template inline VectorCross vector_cross(const First& first, const Second& second) { return VectorCross(first, second); } template class VectorDot { First first; Second second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; VectorDot(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_) { } template struct eval_dot { static value_type apply(const First& first, const Second& second) { return static_cast( first.eval(Index::value) * second.eval(Index::value) + eval_dot< ct_int >::apply(first, second) ); } }; template<> struct eval_dot< ct_int<0> > { static value_type apply(const First& first, const Second& second) { return first.eval(0) * second.eval(0); } }; value_type eval() const { return eval_dot< ct_int >::apply(first, second); } }; template inline VectorDot vector_dot(const First& first, const Second& second) { return VectorDot(first, second); } template class VectorLengthSquared { First first; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; VectorLengthSquared(const First& first_) : first(first_) { } static value_type squared(const value_type& value) { return value * value; } template struct eval_squared { static value_type apply(const First& first) { return static_cast( squared(first.eval(Index::value)) + eval_squared< ct_int >::apply(first) ); } }; template<> struct eval_squared< ct_int<0> > { static value_type apply(const First& first) { return squared(first.eval(0)); } }; value_type eval() const { return eval_squared< ct_int >::apply(first); } }; template inline VectorLengthSquared vector_length_squared(const First& first) { return VectorLengthSquared(first); } template inline SquareRoot< VectorLengthSquared > vector_length(const First& first) { return float_square_root(vector_length_squared(first)); } #if 1 template inline VectorScalar< Multiplied, First, // multiple evaulations of subexpression ScalarDivided< Literal, SquareRoot< VectorLengthSquared > > > vector_normalised(const First& first) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; return vector_scaled(first, float_reciprocal(vector_length(first))); } #else template inline VectorScalar< Multiplied, First, // single evaluation of subexpression Literal > vector_normalised(const First& first) { typedef typename First::value_type first_value_type; return vector_scaled(first, float_literal(static_cast(first_value_type(1.0) / vector_length(first).eval()))); } #endif class Matrix4Literal { const Matrix4 m_value; public: typedef float value_type; typedef ct_int<4> dimension0; typedef ct_int<4> dimension1; Matrix4Literal(const Matrix4& value) : m_value(value) { } const value_type& eval(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const { return m_value[r*4+c]; } }; inline Matrix4Literal matrix4_literal(const Matrix4& value) { return Matrix4Literal(value); } class Matrix4Identity { const Matrix4& m_value; public: typedef float value_type; typedef ct_int<4> dimension0; typedef ct_int<4> dimension1; Matrix4Identity(const Matrix4& value) : m_value(value) { } const value_type& eval(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const { return m_value[r*4+c]; } }; inline Matrix4Identity matrix4_identity(const Matrix4& value) { return Matrix4Identity(value); } template inline Matrix4 matrix4_for_expression(const Expression& expression) { return Matrix4( expression.eval(0, 0), expression.eval(0, 1), expression.eval(0, 2), expression.eval(0, 3), expression.eval(1, 0), expression.eval(1, 1), expression.eval(1, 2), expression.eval(1, 3), expression.eval(2, 0), expression.eval(2, 1), expression.eval(2, 2), expression.eval(2, 3), expression.eval(3, 0), expression.eval(3, 1), expression.eval(3, 2), expression.eval(3, 3) ); } template inline Matrix4 matrix4_affine_for_expression(const Expression& expression) { return Matrix4( expression.eval(0, 0), expression.eval(0, 1), expression.eval(0, 2), 0, expression.eval(1, 0), expression.eval(1, 1), expression.eval(1, 2), 0, expression.eval(2, 0), expression.eval(2, 1), expression.eval(2, 2), 0, expression.eval(3, 0), expression.eval(3, 1), expression.eval(3, 2), 1 ); } template class PointMultiplied { const First& first; const Second& second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension dimension; PointMultiplied(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_) { } value_type eval(unsigned int i) const { return static_cast(second.eval(0, i) * first.eval(0) + second.eval(1, i) * first.eval(1) + second.eval(2, i) * first.eval(2) + second.eval(3, i)); } }; template inline PointMultiplied point_multiplied(const First& point, const Second& matrix) { return PointMultiplied(point, matrix); } template class Matrix4Multiplied { const First& first; const Second& second; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension0 dimension0; typedef typename First::dimension1 dimension1; Matrix4Multiplied(const First& first_, const Second& second_) : first(first_), second(second_) { } value_type eval(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const { return static_cast( second.eval(r, 0) * first.eval(0, c) + second.eval(r, 1) * first.eval(1, c) + second.eval(r, 2) * first.eval(2, c) + second.eval(r, 3) * first.eval(3, c) ); } }; template inline Matrix4Multiplied matrix4_multiplied(const First& first, const Second& second) { return Matrix4Multiplied(first, second); } template class MatrixTransposed { const First& first; public: typedef typename First::value_type value_type; typedef typename First::dimension0 dimension0; typedef typename First::dimension1 dimension1; MatrixTransposed(const First& first_) : first(first_) { } value_type eval(unsigned int r, unsigned int c) const { return first.eval(c, r); } }; template inline MatrixTransposed matrix_transposed(const First& first) { return MatrixTransposed(first); } #endif