   Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors.
   For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file.

   This file is part of GtkRadiant.

   GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#ifndef _PAKSTUFF_H_
#define _PAKSTUFF_H_

#ifndef _WIN32
#define WINAPI
#include <windows.h>

#include "bytebool.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"

typedef char Int8;
typedef short Int16;
typedef long Int32;
typedef unsigned char UInt8;
typedef unsigned short UInt16;
typedef unsigned long UInt32;
typedef float Float32;
typedef double Float64;
#define MAX( a, b )              ( ( ( a ) > ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )
#define MIN( a, b )              ( ( ( a ) < ( b ) ) ? ( a ) : ( b ) )
#define RANDOM( x )              ( random() % ( x ) )
#define RANDOMIZE()             srand( (int) time( NULL ) )

#define FTYPE_IWAD    1    /* .wad  "IWAD" */
#define FTYPE_PWAD    2    /* .wad  "PWAD" */
#define FTYPE_PACK    3    /* .pak  "PACK" */
#define FTYPE_WAD2    4    /* .wad  "WAD2" */
#define FTYPE_BSP     10   /* .bsp  (0x17 0x00 0x00 0x00) */
#define FTYPE_MODEL   11   /* .mdl  "IDPO" */
#define FTYPE_SPRITE  12   /* .spr  "IDSP" */
#define FTYPE_WAV     20   /* .wav  "RIFF" */
#define FTYPE_AU      21   /* .au   ".snd" */
#define FTYPE_VOC     22   /* .voc  ?      */
#define FTYPE_PBM_ASC 30   /* .pbm  "P1"   */
#define FTYPE_PGM_ASC 31   /* .pgm  "P2"   */
#define FTYPE_PPM_ASC 32   /* .ppm  "P3"   */
#define FTYPE_PBM_RAW 33   /* .pbm  "P4"   */
#define FTYPE_PGM_RAW 34   /* .pgm  "P5"   */
#define FTYPE_PPM_RAW 35   /* .ppm  "P6"   */
#define FTYPE_BMP     36   /* .bmp  "BM"   */
#define FTYPE_GIF     37   /* .gif  "GIF8" */
#define FTYPE_PCX     38   /* .pcx  (0x0a 0x05 0x01 0x08) */
#define FTYPE_ERROR   -1

Bool    ReadInt16( FILE *file, UInt16 huge *x );
Bool    ReadInt32( FILE *file, UInt32 huge *x );
Bool    ReadFloat32( FILE *file, Float32 huge *x );
Bool    WriteInt16( FILE *file, UInt16 huge *x );
Bool    WriteInt32( FILE *file, UInt32 huge *x );
Bool    WriteFloat32( FILE *file, Float32 huge *x );
UInt16  SwapInt16( UInt16 x );
UInt32  SwapInt32( UInt32 x );
Float32 SwapFloat32( Float32 x );
#define ReadInt16( f, p )     ReadBytes( ( f ), ( p ), 2L )
#define ReadInt32( f, p )     ReadBytes( ( f ), ( p ), 4L )
#define ReadFloat32( f, p )   ReadBytes( ( f ), ( p ), 4L )
#define WriteInt16( f, p )    WriteBytes( ( f ), ( p ), 2L )
#define WriteInt32( f, p )    WriteBytes( ( f ), ( p ), 4L )
#define WriteFloat32( f, p )  WriteBytes( ( f ), ( p ), 4L )
#define SwapInt16( x )        ( x )
#define SwapInt32( x )        ( x )
#define SwapFloat32( x )      ( x )
#endif /* FAT_ENDIAN */

#define FROMDISK    -1
struct PACKDirectory
	char name[56];              /* name of file */
	UInt32 offset;              /* offset to start of data */
	UInt32 size;                /* byte size of data */
typedef struct PACKDirectory *PACKDirPtr;

typedef struct DirListStruct
	char dirname[1024];
	int from;
	struct  DirListStruct   *next;

typedef struct FileListStruct
	char filename[1024];
	UInt32 offset;
	UInt32 size;
	struct  FileListStruct  *next;

typedef struct DirStruct
	char name[1024];
	FILELIST            *files;
	struct DirStruct    *next;

extern int m_nPAKIndex;
extern FILE* pakfile[16];
extern bool pakopen;
extern DIRECTORY    *paktextures;

void ClearFileList( FILELIST ** );
void ClearDirList( DIRLIST ** );
bool GetPackFileList( FILELIST **, char * );
bool GetPackTextureDirs( DIRLIST ** );
bool AddToDirListAlphabetized( DIRLIST **, char *, int );
bool AddToFileListAlphabetized( FILELIST * *t, char *, UInt32, UInt32, bool );
bool PakLoadFile( const char *, void ** );
void OpenPakFile( const char * );
void ClosePakFile( void );
int  PakLoadAnyFile( const char *filename, void **bufferptr );
void WINAPI InitPakFile( const char * pBasePath, const char *pName );

#ifdef __cplusplus
