/* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined(INCLUDED_MAP_H) #define INCLUDED_MAP_H #include "iscenegraph.h" #include "generic/callback.h" #include "string/stringfwd.h" class Map; extern Map g_map; class MapFormat; void Map_addValidCallback(Map& map, const Callback& callback); bool Map_Valid(const Map& map); class DeferredDraw { Callback m_draw; bool m_defer; bool m_deferred; public: DeferredDraw(const Callback& draw) : m_draw(draw), m_defer(false), m_deferred(false) { } void defer() { m_defer = true; } void draw() { if(m_defer) { m_deferred = true; } else { m_draw(); } } void flush() { if(m_defer && m_deferred) { m_draw(); } m_deferred = false; m_defer = false; } }; inline void DeferredDraw_onMapValidChanged(DeferredDraw& self) { if(Map_Valid(g_map)) { self.flush(); } else { self.defer(); } } typedef ReferenceCaller<DeferredDraw, DeferredDraw_onMapValidChanged> DeferredDrawOnMapValidChangedCaller; const char* Map_Name(const Map& map); const MapFormat& Map_getFormat(const Map& map); bool Map_Unnamed(const Map& map); namespace scene { class Node; class Graph; } scene::Node* Map_GetWorldspawn(const Map& map); scene::Node* Map_FindWorldspawn(Map& map); scene::Node& Map_FindOrInsertWorldspawn(Map& map); template<typename Element> class BasicVector3; typedef BasicVector3<float> Vector3; extern Vector3 region_mins, region_maxs; extern bool region_active; // used to be #defines, multiple engine support suggests we should go towards dynamic extern float g_MaxWorldCoord; extern float g_MinWorldCoord; void Map_LoadFile(const char* filename); bool Map_SaveFile(const char* filename); void Map_New(); void Map_Free(); void Map_RegionOff(); bool Map_SaveRegion(const char* filename); class TextInputStream; class TextOutputStream; void Map_ImportSelected(TextInputStream& in, const MapFormat& format); void Map_ExportSelected(TextOutputStream& out, const MapFormat& format); bool Map_Modified(const Map& map); void Map_SetModified(Map& map, bool modified); bool Map_Save(); bool Map_SaveAs(); scene::Node& Node_Clone(scene::Node& node); void DoMapInfo(); void Scene_parentSelectedBrushesToEntity(scene::Graph& graph, scene::Node& parent); std::size_t Scene_countSelectedBrushes(scene::Graph& graph); void Scene_parentSelected(); void OnUndoSizeChanged(); void NewMap(); void OpenMap(); void ImportMap(); void SaveMapAs(); void SaveMap(); void ExportMap(); void SaveRegion(); void Map_Traverse(scene::Node& root, const scene::Traversable::Walker& walker); void SelectBrush (int entitynum, int brushnum); extern CopiedString g_strLastMap; extern bool g_bLoadLastMap; void Map_Construct(); void Map_Destroy(); void Map_gatherNamespaced(scene::Node& root); void Map_mergeClonedNames(); #endif