#if !defined( INCLUDED_CONTAINER_HASHTABLE_H ) #define INCLUDED_CONTAINER_HASHTABLE_H #include #include #include #include "debugging/debugging.h" namespace HashTableDetail { inline std::size_t next_power_of_two( std::size_t size ){ std::size_t result = 1; while ( result < size ) { result <<= 1; } return result; } struct BucketNodeBase { BucketNodeBase* next; BucketNodeBase* prev; }; inline void list_initialise( BucketNodeBase& self ){ self.next = self.prev = &self; } inline void list_swap( BucketNodeBase& self, BucketNodeBase& other ){ BucketNodeBase tmp( self ); if ( other.next == &other ) { list_initialise( self ); } else { self = other; self.next->prev = self.prev->next = &self; } if ( tmp.next == &self ) { list_initialise( other ); } else { other = tmp; other.next->prev = other.prev->next = &other; } } inline void node_link( BucketNodeBase* node, BucketNodeBase* next ){ node->next = next; node->prev = next->prev; next->prev = node; node->prev->next = node; } inline void node_unlink( BucketNodeBase* node ){ node->prev->next = node->next; node->next->prev = node->prev; } template struct KeyValue { const Key key; Value value; KeyValue( const Key& key_, const Value& value_ ) : key( key_ ), value( value_ ){ } }; template struct BucketNode : public BucketNodeBase { Hash m_hash; KeyValue m_value; BucketNode( Hash hash, const Key& key, const Value& value ) : m_hash( hash ), m_value( key, value ){ } BucketNode* getNext(){ return static_cast( next ); } BucketNode* getPrev(){ return static_cast( prev ); } }; template class BucketIterator { typedef BucketNode Node; Node* m_node; void increment(){ m_node = m_node->getNext(); } public: typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef difference_type distance_type; typedef KeyValue value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; BucketIterator( Node* node ) : m_node( node ){ } Node* node(){ return m_node; } bool operator==( const BucketIterator& other ) const { return m_node == other.m_node; } bool operator!=( const BucketIterator& other ) const { return !operator==( other ); } BucketIterator& operator++(){ increment(); return *this; } BucketIterator operator++( int ){ BucketIterator tmp = *this; increment(); return tmp; } value_type& operator*(){ return m_node->m_value; } value_type* operator->(){ return &( operator*() ); } }; } /// A hash-table container which maps keys to values. /// /// - Inserting or removing elements does not invalidate iterators. /// - Inserting or retrieving an element for a given key takes O(1) time on average. /// - Elements are stored in no particular order. /// /// \param Key Uniquely identifies a value. Must provide a copy-constructor. /// \param Value The value to be stored . Must provide a default-constructor and a copy-constructor. /// \param Hasher Must provide 'std::size_t operator()(const Key&) const' which always returns the same result if the same argument is given. /// \param KeyEqual Must provide 'bool operator==(const Key&, const Key&) const' which returns true only if both arguments are equal. /// /// \dontinclude container/hashtable.cpp /// \skipline HashTable example /// \until end example template > class HashTable : private KeyEqual, private Hasher { typedef typename Hasher::hash_type hash_type; typedef HashTableDetail::KeyValue KeyValue; typedef HashTableDetail::BucketNode BucketNode; inline BucketNode* node_create( hash_type hash, const Key& key, const Value& value ){ return new BucketNode( hash, key, value ); } inline void node_destroy( BucketNode* node ){ delete node; } typedef BucketNode* Bucket; static Bucket* buckets_new( std::size_t count ){ Bucket* buckets = new Bucket[count]; std::uninitialized_fill( buckets, buckets + count, Bucket( 0 ) ); return buckets; } static void buckets_delete( Bucket* buckets ){ delete[] buckets; } std::size_t m_bucketCount; Bucket* m_buckets; std::size_t m_size; HashTableDetail::BucketNodeBase m_list; BucketNode* getFirst(){ return static_cast( m_list.next ); } BucketNode* getLast(){ return static_cast( &m_list ); } public: typedef KeyValue value_type; typedef HashTableDetail::BucketIterator iterator; private: void initialise(){ list_initialise( m_list ); } hash_type hashKey( const Key& key ){ return Hasher::operator()( key ); } std::size_t getBucketId( hash_type hash ) const { return hash & ( m_bucketCount - 1 ); } Bucket& getBucket( hash_type hash ){ return m_buckets[getBucketId( hash )]; } BucketNode* bucket_find( Bucket bucket, hash_type hash, const Key& key ){ std::size_t bucketId = getBucketId( hash ); for ( iterator i( bucket ); i != end(); ++i ) { hash_type nodeHash = i.node()->m_hash; if ( getBucketId( nodeHash ) != bucketId ) { return 0; } if ( nodeHash == hash && KeyEqual::operator()( ( *i ).key, key ) ) { return i.node(); } } return 0; } BucketNode* bucket_insert( Bucket& bucket, BucketNode* node ){ // link node into list node_link( node, bucket_next( bucket ) ); bucket = node; return node; } BucketNode* bucket_next( Bucket& bucket ){ Bucket* end = m_buckets + m_bucketCount; for ( Bucket* i = &bucket; i != end; ++i ) { if ( *i != 0 ) { return *i; } } return getLast(); } void buckets_resize( std::size_t count ){ BucketNode* first = getFirst(); BucketNode* last = getLast(); buckets_delete( m_buckets ); m_bucketCount = count; m_buckets = buckets_new( m_bucketCount ); initialise(); for ( BucketNode* i = first; i != last; ) { BucketNode* node = i; i = i->getNext(); bucket_insert( getBucket( ( *node ).m_hash ), node ); } } void size_increment(){ if ( m_size == m_bucketCount ) { buckets_resize( m_bucketCount == 0 ? 8 : m_bucketCount << 1 ); } ++m_size; } void size_decrement(){ --m_size; } HashTable( const HashTable& other ); HashTable& operator=( const HashTable& other ); public: HashTable() : m_bucketCount( 0 ), m_buckets( 0 ), m_size( 0 ){ initialise(); } HashTable( std::size_t bucketCount ) : m_bucketCount( HashTableDetail::next_power_of_two( bucketCount ) ), m_buckets( buckets_new( m_bucketCount ) ), m_size( 0 ){ initialise(); } ~HashTable(){ for ( BucketNode* i = getFirst(); i != getLast(); ) { BucketNode* node = i; i = i->getNext(); node_destroy( node ); } buckets_delete( m_buckets ); } iterator begin(){ return iterator( getFirst() ); } iterator end(){ return iterator( getLast() ); } bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; } std::size_t size() const { return m_size; } /// \brief Returns an iterator pointing to the value associated with \p key if it is contained by the hash-table, else \c end(). iterator find( const Key& key ){ hash_type hash = hashKey( key ); if ( m_bucketCount != 0 ) { Bucket bucket = getBucket( hash ); if ( bucket != 0 ) { BucketNode* node = bucket_find( bucket, hash, key ); if ( node != 0 ) { return iterator( node ); } } } return end(); } /// \brief Adds \p value to the hash-table associated with \p key if it does not exist, or replaces the current value associated with \p key. iterator insert( const Key& key, const Value& value ){ hash_type hash = hashKey( key ); if ( m_bucketCount != 0 ) { Bucket& bucket = getBucket( hash ); if ( bucket != 0 ) { BucketNode* node = bucket_find( bucket, hash, key ); if ( node != 0 ) { node->m_value.value = value; return iterator( node ); } } } size_increment(); return iterator( bucket_insert( getBucket( hash ), node_create( hash, key, value ) ) ); } /// \brief Removes the value pointed to by \p i from the hash-table. /// /// \p i must be a deferenceable iterator into the hash-table. void erase( iterator i ){ Bucket& bucket = getBucket( i.node()->m_hash ); BucketNode* node = i.node(); // if this was the last node in the bucket if ( bucket == node ) { bucket = ( node->getNext() == getLast() || &getBucket( node->getNext()->m_hash ) != &bucket ) ? 0 : node->getNext(); } node_unlink( node ); ASSERT_MESSAGE( node != 0, "tried to erase a non-existent key/value" ); node_destroy( node ); size_decrement(); } /// \brief Returns the value identified by \p key if it is contained by the hash-table, else inserts and returns a new default-constructed value associated with \p key. Value& operator[]( const Key& key ){ hash_type hash = hashKey( key ); if ( m_bucketCount != 0 ) { Bucket& bucket = getBucket( hash ); if ( bucket != 0 ) { BucketNode* node = bucket_find( bucket, hash, key ); if ( node != 0 ) { return node->m_value.value; } } } size_increment(); return bucket_insert( getBucket( hash ), node_create( hash, key, Value() ) )->m_value.value; } /// \brief Removes the value associated with \p key from the hash-table. void erase( const Key& key ){ erase( find( key ) ); } /// \brief Swaps the contents of the hash-table with \p other. void swap( HashTable& other ){ std::swap( m_buckets, other.m_buckets ); std::swap( m_bucketCount, other.m_bucketCount ); std::swap( m_size, other.m_size ); HashTableDetail::list_swap( m_list, other.m_list ); } /// \brief Removes all values from the hash-table. void clear(){ HashTable tmp; tmp.swap( *this ); } }; #endif