mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:01:34 +00:00
9 changed files with 325 additions and 59 deletions
@ -2584,18 +2584,15 @@ void DoTextureListDlg(){
// Initialize dialog
GSList *textures = (GSList*)NULL;
FillTextureMenu( &textures );
while ( textures != NULL )
GSList *texdirs = NULL, *dir;
FillTextureList( &texdirs );
for( dir = texdirs; dir != NULL; dir = g_slist_next( dir ) )
GtkTreeIter iter;
gtk_list_store_append( store, &iter );
gtk_list_store_set( store, &iter, 0, (gchar*)textures->data, -1 );
free( textures->data );
textures = g_slist_remove( textures, textures->data );
GtkTreeIter iter;
gtk_list_store_append( store, &iter );
gtk_list_store_set( store, &iter, 0, (gchar*)dir->data, -1 );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( store ) );
@ -1402,8 +1402,9 @@ void MainFrame::create_main_menu( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox ){
g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "menu_textures_shaderlistonly", item );
item = menu_separator( menu );
g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "menu_textures_separator", item );
g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "menu_textures", menu );
menu_in_menu = create_menu_in_menu_with_mnemonic( menu, _( "Texture Directories" ) );
g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( window ), "menu_texture_dirs", menu_in_menu );
// Misc menu
menu = create_sub_menu_with_mnemonic( menu_bar, _( "_Misc" ) );
@ -2390,6 +2391,87 @@ GtkWidget* create_framed_widget( GtkWidget* widget ){
return frame;
static void textdirlist_activate( GtkTreeView *tree_view )
GtkTreeSelection* selection;
GtkTreeModel* model;
GtkTreeIter iter;
selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection( GTK_TREE_VIEW( tree_view ) );
if ( gtk_tree_selection_get_selected( selection, &model, &iter ) ) {
GtkTreePath* path = gtk_tree_model_get_path( model, &iter );
if ( gtk_tree_path_get_depth( path ) == 1 ) {
char* p;
gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, 0, &p, -1 );
Texture_ShowDirectory_by_path( p );
g_free( p );
gtk_tree_path_free( path );
static void textdirlist_row_activated( GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_data )
textdirlist_activate( tree_view );
static void textdirlist_cursor_changed( GtkTreeView *tree_view, gpointer user_data )
textdirlist_activate( tree_view );
GtkWidget* create_texdirlist_widget()
GtkWidget *scr;
GtkWidget* view;
scr = gtk_scrolled_window_new( (GtkAdjustment*)NULL, (GtkAdjustment*)NULL );
gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW( scr ), GTK_SHADOW_IN );
GtkListStore* store = gtk_list_store_new( 1, G_TYPE_STRING );
view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model( GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ) );
gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible( GTK_TREE_VIEW( view ), FALSE );
GtkCellRenderer* renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
GtkTreeViewColumn* column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes( "Textures", renderer, "text", 0, (char *) NULL );
gtk_tree_view_append_column( GTK_TREE_VIEW( view ), column );
gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( scr ), view );
g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( g_qeglobals_gui.d_main_window ), "dirlist_treeview" , view );
GSList *texdirs = NULL;
FillTextureList( &texdirs );
FillTextureDirListWidget( texdirs );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( store ) );
gtk_tree_selection_set_mode( gtk_tree_view_get_selection( GTK_TREE_VIEW( view ) ), GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE );
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION( 3,12,0 )
gtk_tree_view_set_activate_on_single_click( GTK_TREE_VIEW( view ), TRUE );
g_signal_connect( view, "cursor-changed", G_CALLBACK( textdirlist_cursor_changed ), view );
g_signal_connect( view, "row-activated", G_CALLBACK( textdirlist_row_activated ), view );
gtk_widget_show( view );
gtk_widget_show( scr );
return scr;
gboolean entry_focus_in( GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer user_data ){
gtk_window_remove_accel_group( GTK_WINDOW( g_pParentWnd->m_pWidget ), global_accel );
return FALSE;
@ -2657,7 +2739,26 @@ void MainFrame::Create(){
m_pTexWnd = new TexWnd();
GtkWidget* frame = create_framed_texwnd( m_pTexWnd );
gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( vsplit2 ), frame );
if( g_PrefsDlg.m_bShowTexDirList ) {
GtkWidget* texDirList = create_texdirlist_widget();
GtkWidget* texSplit = gtk_hpaned_new();
m_pSplits[4] = texSplit;
gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( vsplit2 ), texSplit, TRUE, FALSE );
gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), texDirList );
gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), frame );
if( g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth >= 0 ) {
gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth );
gtk_widget_show( texSplit );
} else
gtk_paned_pack2( GTK_PANED( vsplit2 ), frame, TRUE, TRUE );
// console
@ -2847,9 +2948,28 @@ void MainFrame::Create(){
GtkWidget* frame = create_framed_texwnd( m_pTexWnd );
m_pTexWnd->m_pParent = g_pGroupDlg->m_pWidget;
GtkWidget* w = gtk_label_new( _( "Textures" ) );
gtk_widget_show( w );
if( g_PrefsDlg.m_bShowTexDirList )
GtkWidget* texDirList = create_texdirlist_widget();
GtkWidget* texSplit = gtk_hpaned_new();
m_pSplits[4] = texSplit;
gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), texDirList );
gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), frame );
if( g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth >= 0 ) {
gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth );
gtk_widget_show( texSplit );
gtk_notebook_insert_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK( g_pGroupDlg->m_pNotebook ), texSplit, w, 1 );
} else
GtkWidget* w = gtk_label_new( _( "Textures" ) );
gtk_widget_show( w );
gtk_notebook_insert_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK( g_pGroupDlg->m_pNotebook ), frame, w, 1 );
@ -2910,9 +3030,28 @@ void MainFrame::Create(){
m_pTexWnd = new TexWnd();
GtkWidget* frame = create_framed_texwnd( m_pTexWnd );
GtkWidget* w = gtk_label_new( _( "Textures" ) );
gtk_widget_show( w );
if( g_PrefsDlg.m_bShowTexDirList )
GtkWidget* texDirList = create_texdirlist_widget();
GtkWidget* texSplit = gtk_hpaned_new();
m_pSplits[4] = texSplit;
gtk_paned_add1( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), texDirList );
gtk_paned_add2( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), frame );
if( g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth >= 0 ) {
gtk_paned_set_position( GTK_PANED( texSplit ), g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth );
gtk_widget_show( texSplit );
gtk_notebook_insert_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK( g_pGroupDlg->m_pNotebook ), texSplit, w, 1 );
} else
GtkWidget* w = gtk_label_new( _( "Textures" ) );
gtk_widget_show( w );
gtk_notebook_insert_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK( g_pGroupDlg->m_pNotebook ), frame, w, 1 );
@ -3286,6 +3425,9 @@ void MainFrame::OnDelete(){
g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nZFloatWidth = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( m_pSplits[0] ) );
if( g_PrefsDlg.m_bShowTexDirList ) {
g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth = gtk_paned_get_position( GTK_PANED( m_pSplits[4] ) );
if ( CurrentStyle() == eFloating ) {
save_window_pos( m_pCamWnd->m_pParent, g_PrefsDlg.mWindowInfo.posCamWnd );
@ -4627,6 +4769,7 @@ void MainFrame::OnPrefs() {
bool bPluginToolbar = g_PrefsDlg.m_bPluginToolbar;
bool bDetachableMenus = g_PrefsDlg.m_bDetachableMenus;
bool bFloatingZ = g_PrefsDlg.m_bFloatingZ;
bool bShowTexDirList = g_PrefsDlg.m_bShowTexDirList;
@ -4638,7 +4781,8 @@ void MainFrame::OnPrefs() {
(g_PrefsDlg.m_bLatchedPluginToolbar != bPluginToolbar ) ||
(g_PrefsDlg.m_nLatchedShader != nShader ) ||
(g_PrefsDlg.m_nLatchedTextureQuality != nTextureQuality ) ||
(g_PrefsDlg.m_bLatchedFloatingZ != bFloatingZ)) {
(g_PrefsDlg.m_bLatchedFloatingZ != bFloatingZ ) ||
(g_PrefsDlg.m_bShowTexDirList != bShowTexDirList)) {
gtk_MessageBoxNew(m_pWidget, _( "You must restart Radiant for the "
"changes to take effect." ), _( "Restart Radiant" ),
@ -5788,6 +5932,12 @@ void MainFrame::OnTexturesReloadshaders(){
Texture_SetTexture( &g_qeglobals.d_texturewin.texdef, &g_qeglobals.d_texturewin.brushprimit_texdef, false, NULL, false );
Sys_UpdateWindows( W_ALL );
GSList *texdirs = NULL;
FillTextureList( &texdirs );
FillTextureMenu( texdirs );
FillTextureDirListWidget( texdirs );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
void MainFrame::OnTexturesShadersShow(){
@ -5879,7 +6029,12 @@ void MainFrame::OnTexturesShaderlistonly(){
gtk_check_menu_item_set_active( GTK_CHECK_MENU_ITEM( item ), g_PrefsDlg.m_bTexturesShaderlistOnly ? TRUE : FALSE );
GSList *texdirs = NULL;
FillTextureList( &texdirs );
FillTextureMenu( texdirs );
FillTextureDirListWidget( texdirs );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
void MainFrame::OnTextureWad( unsigned int nID ){
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ void create_main_toolbar( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox );
void create_plugin_toolbar( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox );
void create_main_statusbar( GtkWidget *window, GtkWidget *vbox );
GtkWidget *m_pStatusLabel[6];
GtkWidget *m_pSplits[4];
GtkWidget *m_pSplits[5];
XYWnd* m_pXYWnd;
XYWnd* m_pYZWnd;
XYWnd* m_pXZWnd;
@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
#define SHADERTEST_KEY "ShaderTest"
#define GLLIGHTING_KEY "UseGLLighting"
#define LOADSHADERS_KEY "LoadShaders"
#define SHOWTEXDIRLIST_KEY "ShowTextureDirectoryList"
#define NOSTIPPLE_KEY "NoStipple"
#define UNDOLEVELS_KEY "UndoLevels"
#define VERTEXMODE_KEY "VertexSplit"
@ -185,6 +186,7 @@
#define CAMHEIGHT_KEY "CamHeight"
#define ZFLOATWIDTH_KEY "ZWidthFloating"
#define STATE_KEY "State"
#define TEXDIRLISTWIDTH_KEY "TextureDirectoryListWidth"
// menu stuff
#define COUNT_KEY "Count"
@ -1668,6 +1670,11 @@ void PrefsDlg::BuildDialog(){
gtk_tree_store_append( store, &tab, &group );
gtk_tree_store_set( store, &tab, 0, _( "Texture Settings" ), 1, (gpointer)PTAB_TEXTURE, -1 );
GtkTreeIter tab;
gtk_tree_store_append( store, &tab, &group );
gtk_tree_store_set( store, &tab, 0, _( "Texture Directory List" ), 1, (gpointer)PTAB_TEXTURE_DIR, -1 );
@ -2106,6 +2113,23 @@ void PrefsDlg::BuildDialog(){
g_list_free( combo_list );
/******** Texture dir list group *********/
preflabel = gtk_label_new( _( "Texture directory list" ) );
gtk_widget_show( preflabel );
pageframe = gtk_frame_new( _( "Texture directory list" ) );
gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( pageframe ), 5 );
gtk_widget_show( pageframe );
vbox = gtk_vbox_new( FALSE, 5 );
gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( vbox ), 5 );
gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( pageframe ), vbox );
gtk_widget_show( vbox );
check = gtk_check_button_new_with_label( _( "Show Texture Directory List" ) );
gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( vbox ), check, FALSE, FALSE, 0 );
gtk_widget_show( check );
AddDialogData( check, &m_bShowTexDirList, DLG_CHECK_BOOL );
// Add the page to the notebook
gtk_notebook_append_page( GTK_NOTEBOOK( notebook ), pageframe, preflabel );
@ -3024,6 +3048,8 @@ void PrefsDlg::LoadPrefs(){
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( LOADSHADERS_KEY, &m_nLatchedShader, 0 );
m_nShader = m_nLatchedShader;
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( SHOWTEXDIRLIST_KEY, &m_bShowTexDirList, TRUE );
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( NOCLAMP_KEY, &m_bNoClamp, FALSE );
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( SNAP_KEY, &m_bSnap, TRUE );
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( USERINI_KEY, &m_strUserPath, "" );
@ -3106,6 +3132,7 @@ void PrefsDlg::LoadPrefs(){
#ifdef _WIN32
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( STATE_KEY, &mWindowInfo.nState, SW_SHOW );
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( TEXDIRLISTWIDTH_KEY, &mWindowInfo.nTextureDirectoryListWidth, 50 );
// menu stuff
mLocalPrefs.GetPref( COUNT_KEY, &m_nMRUCount, 0 );
@ -469,6 +469,8 @@ typedef struct {
int nCamHeight;
int nZFloatWidth;
int nState;
int nTextureDirectoryListWidth;
} windowPosInfo_t;
class PrefsDlg : public Dialog
@ -505,7 +507,7 @@ enum {SHADER_NONE = 0, SHADER_COMMON, SHADER_ALL};
// Gef: updated preferences dialog
/*! Preference notebook page numbers */
GtkWidget *notebook;
@ -726,6 +728,8 @@ int m_nLatchedTextureQuality;
// texture compression format
int m_nTextureCompressionFormat;
bool m_bShowTexDirList;
int m_nLightRadiuses;
bool m_bQ3Map2Texturing;
@ -902,7 +902,10 @@ void QE_Init( void ){
FillClassList(); // list in entity window
GSList *texdirs = NULL;
FillTextureList( &texdirs );
FillTextureMenu( texdirs );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
@ -259,8 +259,11 @@ void MRU_AddFile( const char *str );
void MRU_Activate( int index );
void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray = NULL );
void FillBSPMenu( void );
void ClearGSList( GSList *lst );
void FillTextureList( GSList** pArray );
void FillTextureMenu( GSList *texdirs );
void FillTextureDirListWidget( GSList *texdirs );
// profile functions - kind of utility lib
// they are kind of dumb, they expect to get the path to the .ini file or to the prefs directory when called
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
void Texture_Init();
void Texture_ShowDirectory( int menunum );
void Texture_ShowDirectory();
void Texture_ShowDirectory_by_path( const char* pPath );
void Texture_ShowAll();
void WINAPI Texture_ShowInuse();
extern char texture_directory[];
@ -540,35 +540,15 @@ void ClearGSList( GSList* lst ){
void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
GtkWidget *menu, *sep, *item; // point to the Textures GtkMenu and to the last separator
GList *children, *seplst, *lst;
GSList *texdirs = NULL;
GSList *texdirs_tmp = NULL;
void FillTextureList( GSList** pArray )
GSList *p;
char dirRoot[NAME_MAX];
int texture_num;
GSList *texdirs = NULL;
GSList *texdirs_tmp = NULL;
// delete everything
menu = GTK_WIDGET( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( g_qeglobals_gui.d_main_window ), "menu_textures" ) );
sep = GTK_WIDGET( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( g_qeglobals_gui.d_main_window ), "menu_textures_separator" ) );
children = gtk_container_get_children( GTK_CONTAINER( menu ) );
if( children ) {
seplst = g_list_find( children, sep );
if( seplst ) {
for ( lst = g_list_next( seplst ); lst != NULL; lst = g_list_next( lst ) )
gtk_widget_destroy( GTK_WIDGET( lst->data ) );
g_list_free( children );
texture_nummenus = 0;
// add everything
if ( !g_qeglobals.d_project_entity ) {
texture_num = 0;
// scan texture dirs and pak files only if not restricting to shaderlist
if ( !g_PrefsDlg.m_bTexturesShaderlistOnly ) {
@ -578,7 +558,7 @@ void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
// Hydra: erm, this didn't used to do anything except leak memory...
// For Halflife support this is required to work however.
// g_slist_append(texdirs, p->data);
texdirs = g_slist_append( texdirs, strdup( (char *)p->data ) );
texdirs = g_slist_append( texdirs, g_strdup( (char *)p->data ) );
vfsClearFileDirList( &texdirs_tmp );
@ -590,12 +570,20 @@ void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
while ( l_shaderfiles != NULL )
char shaderfile[PATH_MAX];
char *colon;
gboolean found = FALSE;
ExtractFileName( (char*)l_shaderfiles->data, shaderfile );
StripExtension( shaderfile );
strlwr( shaderfile );
//support for shaderlist.txt tags, forward
colon = strstr( (char*)l_shaderfiles->data, ":" );
if( colon )
strncat( shaderfile, colon, sizeof( shaderfile ) );
for ( GSList *tmp = texdirs; tmp; tmp = g_slist_next( tmp ) )
if ( !strcasecmp( (char*)tmp->data, shaderfile ) ) {
found = TRUE;
@ -603,16 +591,79 @@ void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
if ( !found ) {
texdirs = g_slist_prepend( texdirs, strdup( shaderfile ) );
texdirs = g_slist_prepend( texdirs, g_strdup( shaderfile ) );
free( l_shaderfiles->data );
g_free( l_shaderfiles->data );
l_shaderfiles = g_slist_remove( l_shaderfiles, l_shaderfiles->data );
// sort the list
texdirs = g_slist_sort( texdirs, (GCompareFunc)strcmp );
GSList *temp = texdirs;
while ( temp )
char* ptr = strchr( (char*)temp->data, '_' );
// do we shrink the menus?
if ( ptr != NULL ) {
// extract the root
strcpy( dirRoot, (char*)temp->data );
dirRoot[ptr - (char*)temp->data + 1] = 0;
// we shrink only if we have at least two things to shrink :-)
if ( temp->next && ( strstr( (char*)temp->next->data, dirRoot ) == (char*)temp->next->data ) ) {
if ( pArray ) {
*pArray = g_slist_append( *pArray, g_strdup( (char*)temp->data ) );
if ( ++texture_num == MAX_TEXTUREDIRS ) {
Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: max texture directories count has been reached!\n" );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
temp = temp->next;
while ( temp && ( strstr( (char*)temp->data, dirRoot ) == temp->data ) );
ptr = strchr( dirRoot, '_' );
*ptr = 0;
if ( pArray ) {
*pArray = g_slist_append( *pArray, g_strdup( (char*)temp->data ) );
if ( ++texture_num == MAX_TEXTUREDIRS ) {
Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: max texture directories count has been reached!\n" );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
temp = temp->next;
ClearGSList( texdirs );
void FillTextureMenu( GSList *texdirs )
GtkWidget *menu, *item;
GList *children, *lst;
char dirRoot[NAME_MAX];
// delete everything
menu = GTK_WIDGET( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( g_qeglobals_gui.d_main_window ), "menu_texture_dirs" ) );
children = gtk_container_get_children( GTK_CONTAINER( menu ) );
if( children ) {
for ( lst = g_list_first( children ); lst != NULL; lst = g_list_next( lst ) )
gtk_widget_destroy( GTK_WIDGET( lst->data ) );
g_list_free( children );
GSList *temp = texdirs;
while ( temp )
@ -640,9 +691,7 @@ void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
strcpy( texture_menunames[texture_nummenus], (char*)temp->data );
strcat( texture_menunames[texture_nummenus], "/" );
if ( pArray ) {
*pArray = g_slist_append( *pArray, strdup( (char*)temp->data ) );
if ( ++texture_nummenus == MAX_TEXTUREDIRS ) {
Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: max texture directories count has been reached!\n" );
// push submenu and get out
@ -677,9 +726,7 @@ void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
strcpy( texture_menunames[texture_nummenus], (char*)temp->data );
strcat( texture_menunames[texture_nummenus], "/" );
if ( pArray ) {
*pArray = g_slist_append( *pArray, strdup( (char*)temp->data ) );
if ( ++texture_nummenus == MAX_TEXTUREDIRS ) {
Sys_FPrintf( SYS_WRN, "WARNING: max texture directories count has been reached!\n" );
ClearGSList( texdirs );
@ -688,7 +735,36 @@ void FillTextureMenu( GSList** pArray ){
temp = temp->next;
ClearGSList( texdirs );
void FillTextureDirListWidget( GSList *texdirs )
GtkWidget* treeview;
GtkTreeModel* model;
GtkListStore* store;
GtkTreeIter iter;
GSList *dir;
treeview = GTK_WIDGET( g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( g_qeglobals_gui.d_main_window ), "dirlist_treeview" ) );
if( treeview == NULL ) {
model = gtk_tree_view_get_model( GTK_TREE_VIEW( treeview ) );
store = GTK_LIST_STORE( model );
gtk_list_store_clear( store );
for( dir = texdirs; dir != NULL; dir = g_slist_next( dir ) )
gtk_list_store_append( store, &iter );
gtk_list_store_set( store, &iter, 0, (gchar*)dir->data, -1 );
void Texture_ShowDirectory_by_path( const char* pPath )
snprintf( texture_directory, sizeof( texture_directory ), "%s%s", pPath, "/" );
Reference in a new issue