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<h3>Radiant links, news, tutorials, forums &amp; help</h3>
<b>General Links</b>
- <a href="">
GtkRadiant start page
<br>- <a href=";f=16">
GtkRadiant Forum on MapCenter
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q3map2 support forum
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Download selector
<br>- <a href=""> Main Website, News and Stuff
<br>- <a href=""> File Section
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<b>Quake III Arena, Quake III: Team Arena</b>
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Quake 3 section on
<br>- <a href="">
Level Editing Forums on Mapcenter
<br>- <a href=";forum=Level+Editing&amp;number=6&amp;DaysPrune=10&amp;LastLogin=">
Quake III Level Editing Forum on Quake3World
<br>- <a href="">
The BFLT</a> .. all the Q3 editing links known to man.
<b>Return To Castle Wolfenstein</b>
- <a href="">
Return To Castle Wolfenstein Editing Forum on PlanetWolfenstein
<br>- <a href="">
Level Editing Forums on Mapcenter
<b>Bug reporting, testing, suggestions, flaming and developer information:</b>
- <a href="">
Zerowing: mailing lists, CVS information, test builds..
<br>- <a href="">
GtkRadiant bug tracker (bugzilla)
- <a href="irc://">
IRC #qeradiant on
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BobToolz</a> - multipurpose quake3 mappers tool<br>
<br>- <a href="">
PrtView</a> - portal viewer plugin<br>
<br>- <a href="">
Curry</a>- shader preview and editing<br>
<br>- <a href="">
Pk3Man</a>- easy pk3 file creation<br>
<br>- <a href="TexToolHelp/TexTool.html"><font size="3">
TexTool Documentation</a>
I forgot something <a href="">Tell me!</a>
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<i>Last updated: Jan 21, 2002 &nbsp;</i>