archive 78c5b3e9a4 as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
entities as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
IONRadiant.exe as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
Scripts.ini as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
_DEISREG.ISR as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
colormap.bmp as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
entities.def as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
projmap.dat as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
projqe4.dat as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
radiant.ini as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
readme.txt as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
settings.ini as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
settings.prj as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
settings.qe4 as released 2002-01-21 2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00


QERadiant Readme.txt
Version 1.0 Beta build 045 (Originally based one QE4 4.0b)
E-mail questions/comments/bugs to


 * Done
-* In progress

*Grabbing a texture updates the surface dialog
*The Update XY preference now works. Turn this OFF if you are having new SGI crashes.
*Copy between map crash
*Crash when loading a new map with a face selected

*CTF Entities in default .def file
*Cubic clipping with the camera view
*Status bar 2nd panel from the right is now G:n T:n C:n where
G = grid
T = texture adjustment 
C = cubic clipping scale
-*Scale lock buttons are now on their own toolbar which only shows up during scale mode
*Project dialog (preview and set project (.QE4) file options
*Generic wording in pref dialog for game name
*Game combo (Quake2 is only one available)
*Right click + New entity on top of a selected entity will change entity type. This only
works on single selected fixed size entities but can be handy for changing monster types
and/or item types.. 
This changes the size (if it's a fixed size) but leaves all other properties

* New prefs added for camera speed and update flags.
* A few bug fixes from 042.


I did of bunch of stability work on this build so the memory leaks when loading and reloading a lot of textures and levels should be gone. I think I've finally fixed the texture loading problems with the QERadiant executable, the build executables, and the DLL build tools as well.

CTF support will be in any moment now. I am waiting on some entity information and then I will provide an updated entity file for all you CTF builders.. 

(From private 042)
* Dragging a brush backwards no longer produces illegal brushes
* +set game now works
* XY Region grid painting
* Horizontal keyboard texture scale was scaling vertically
* No decimal point was allowed in scale dialog
* Fixed several things I broke in the surface dialog
 * ESC - exists
 * ENTER - accpets
 * TAB - works
* Arbitrary sides dialog has proper control focus when activated
* Memory leaks when dragging edges, vertices, brushes

* Entity copy/paste
* Mouse scaling
* You can adjust sizes etc. of multiple brushes now
* The light dialog 'K' pulls the current light color if appropriate
* Added hint and skip brushes to show/hide clip brushes
* Water brushes are now filtered based on the contents flag as opposed to the name. 
* The above change means mud and lava are now filtered with water
* Snapshot autosave. This snapshots maps under the \maps\snapshots\ path. This works by appendeding an .0 .. .n to the map during autosave and when running the build tools 
* A status bar font point size to prefs (this shows up when you restart radiant)
* Pak file locator. You must now point at the pak file you want to use in the prefs
* Working PAK file support within the DLL build tools
* -pak option to command line tools. NOTE: You must add the pak file option to your QE4 file if you want to use PAK files with the command line executables.
* BrushScripting updated. This is still fairly NON-functional but the rotation stuff can produce some nifty stuff.
* Smart entities (well only one for now). Smart_Train, drop a smart train then define 3D points for the path_corners. Everything is automatically linked :-)
* A small help/info dialog pops up occasionally to help you along. This will become more extensive but for now it only appears when dropping Smart_Trains or doing the brush rotations with BrushScripting

There was a lot of new info. See the update at

Older build notes (still useful info)

Functionality updates are scattered throughout this readme. Please review the new clipping behaviour.

Several problems have been addressed in build 038. I've also included separate links to download the new .exe's (SGI and normal) as well as a full installation. Do to a severe case of HUB syndrom (Head Up Butt) and the fact that I was wrapping the build up around 3am, 037 had a couple of semi-severe problems. What's new:

*Region crash
*Clip points where not movable.
*Moving multiple brushes caused the camera and z checker to move as well.
*Z checker is no longer drawn in ZY and XZ mode
*Camera strafing keys were backwards
*Couldn't select small (8x8) brushes which in reality meant could not select anything that was the same size or smaller than the current grid setting.
*Entity window always maximized in split views. 
*Z and XZ, YZ modes where not synced during selection movement or sizing

*Surface dialog is non-modal, this means you can select faces while it is up.
*Dropped entities are now left selected
*Load last map pref so you can load the last project without loading the last map
*Status text on Z window move, selection drag (destination coords), new brush creation (size), and selected brushes (size)

If your having trouble loading custom textures, make sure you turn PAK support OFF in preferences. If you still have trouble, change the texture path in the QE4 file from "__Q2PATH\baseq2\textures\" to your actual texture path. If that doesn't work, e-mail me with details. I'm trying to track this one down. 

If you are having OpenGL stack overflow bugs, send me your system spec's. I am trying to track this down.

3Dfx support is not enabled at this time. There are several reasons for this, the first and most prominent one being it's not quite done :-)

Multiple PAK files are not supported which is why the button is always grey.

037 Notes
SGI is now stable! This thing is fast!

* QE4 emulation mode is now more like QE4.. console/entity/texture window is not topmost anymore
* View windows are now captioned accordingly (XY, YZ, XZ)
* Entity window now remembers it's position
* 3 button mouse camera movement no longer creeps

* Found (and fixed) why it was slow on some systems
* Clipper now defaults to clipping clockwise
* More memory leaks. 

036 Notes
The biggest news is I actually remembered to include the SGI version of the executable. I placed a link on the QERadiant page about 3 weeks ago stating how much faster it was with the SGI OpenGL drivers. After recieving quite a bit of e-mail, I realized I had not included the SGI build. Oops.. There are a couple of problems with the SGI build, the default texture (blue and black checkerboard) does not work correctly and therefore looks pink. There may be other problems with SGI support. I am starting some extensive testing now. The speed is really nice.

The DLL version of the build tools are still preliminary. There is no elapsed or estimated time. I plan on revisiting this soon.

"Incubus" released a modified version of QE4 and the source code for the changes. He included several interesting modifications, some of which overlapped with the QERadiant project. He was kind enough to allow me to peruse and snipe the source. This saved me an evening or two of coding and provided PAK file support. Thanks Incubus!

* Color support (Click "Misc | Color" on the menu)

* PAK Support. Textures will be loaded from \yourquake2dir\baseq2\pak0.pak if they are not foundelsewhere. This means you don't even need to extract them unless you need individual file support

* Autosave minute pref.. allows you to set the number of minutes between autosaves

* Origin centers on selected brush or camera (if no selected brush) on view switch (ctrl-tab) 

* you can now open XZ and YZ views in default QE4 mode 

* new view added, standard qeradiant view with z on the right 

* view name support, draws name (xy, yz, xz) in tl corner 

* coord fix in status display 

035 Notes
I plan on releasing this to the public in the next evening or so. I am working on a few tweaks and fixing some DLL build crashes.

I have had several "vertex editing doesn't seem to work" e-mails. Many people may find that 'E' for edge manip's are what they expecting 'V' to do. This actually moves entire edges but it does not warp the brush per 'V'.

*Face attribute bug when using spinners or apply buttons from face dialog
*Couple of other minor problems

*Proper camera support for XZ and YZ views. The camera shows in the proper place
 and if when angling the camera in these modes, you alter the PITCH as opposed to
 the YAW. Remember Ctrl-Right click places or moves the camera and 
 Ctrl+Shift-Right click adjusts the YAW or PITCH  (in XY,XZ,YZ views)

034 Notes
*annoying mouse cursor movement when dragging the origin in 4 way style
*DLL tool crashes when an error was encountered (like a leak)
*more right click entity menu fixes under win95
*4 way view is substantially faster

033 Notes
*Several preferences
*Clipping has been changed substantially
*Transparent textures preview as such
*Neato right click entity drop menu
*4 way split view
*Recycling console, texture, entity windows in QE4 and 4 way split modes
*Face selection retains the original face properties (as opposed to replacing with default)

*Show Paths,Water,Clip works
*Z rotation button works
*Many more.. making a list for the public release.. 

Clipping Notes
The clipper has been changed quite a bit as far as how you use it. It is still a modal operation but you now use ENTER to perform the clip, shift+ENTER to split the selection, ctrl+ENTER to flip the clip plane.. 

The right mouse button allows you to move the origin in clip mode which should help out quite a bit.

ESC now backs out of clip mode

Right Click
Right clicking in the XY View will popup an entity drop window. This allows you to drop entities without creating a brush first. If one or more brushes are selected then it will bind them to the entity you choose. The menu DOES NOT popup if you move the origin so this should not be intrusive. 

This release does NOT contain the OpenGL files for Windows 95. You can get those at the the following url if necessary. 

This release does NOT contain any textures. You need to unpack the texture directories for QERadiant to operate correctly.

A default command/key map is at the end of this file as well as the 2 button mouse changes.

Many video card makers supply a version of the OpenGL drivers for their cards. You might want to check into this to combat the speed problem on non hardware OpenGL systems.

032 Notes
*Clipping artifacts
*Clipping snap to grid
*Brush creation in XZ and YZ views
*3 button mouse camera roam 
*Spelling of Vertices
*A couple of small tweaky bugs, reworked a couple of loops for speed... anal retentive stuff.. 

*Help|Command List.. menu option, lists the mapped commands and keys
*XYZ Coords in status bar
*Current view in status bar
*SHIFT + RightMouse button moves camera in camera window

Other stuff
*Setup a bug/beta tracking database
*Benchmarked versions on the SGI OpenGL (no appreciable difference)
*Working on integrating the Mesa OpenGL, it has a 3dfx driver which may prove promising.
*Reviewed D3D again. It still sucks.
*Researched some ways to speed up preview for non OpenGL systems.

031 Notes

 * New Project command -- creates a path and all files
 * Realtime preview of clipped brushes in camera window

 * Clip bug, clip artifacts were always left after save/open map

*If you use the default.qe4 shipped (as opposed to loading a real project), qrad will not work.
*The entity window comes up HUGE
*Keys on the menus don't necessarily reflect the "mapped" state of the keyboard and commands
*Texture creep with rotated textures
*Rotated texture locking does not work in cases
*Cancel in the rotation dialog will not remove applied rotations
*The Run button in the BrushScript dialog does not work. Double click the list instead.
*Windows paint white after OpenGL screensaver runs in NT 4.0
*About a zillion more

There are quite a few changes in this release. This is the short list, there are a lot of small changes.

Win95 stability
This is MUCH better on the Win95 and Win98 machine(s) at my disposal. Let me know how it works for you.

Map/Entity info dialogs
Check the Edit menu these. Double click an entity in the entity dialog and it will select it. There will be much more functionality to these in the next major rev.

QERadiant should now run without having downloaded the source from id. There ARE DRAWBACKS to doing this and you should make a project file and use it instead. This was done to get people up and running. If you are using a normal project file, it should work as it always has. If now

Keyboard/Command mapping
You can map the keyboard anyway you like. All of the commands are not exposed but everything that had a key mapped to it before is avaialbe as well as some of the new stuff.

2/3 button mouse operation
Pick your flavor

Set a variety of options.

Window Style
Choose between "split" windows or floating (i.e. original QE4) The floating is a bit different than the original but functions almost identically. Use key commands to hide windows your not interested in.

2 & 3 point clipping planes
 When in "clip" mode, the mouse works as follows.

LeftMouse - Define a clip point. If 3 points are already defined, starts over with a single point.

RightMouse  - Performs the clip.

Shift+RightMouse - Switches the clip direction

Ctrl+RightMouse - Splits the brush instead of clipping it

Texture Locking
This is still buggy. Texture creep, rotated texture problems, etc.

THIS IS HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL. Use it at your own risk and save everything  you can think of before trying it. I included two scripts. I have an update to this but it is not finished which adds variables, the ability to query brush dimensions, etc..

Default Keyboard / Mouse mappings

2btn Mouse changes
You cannot drag around the camera window with a 2btn mouse. Sorry.
You can drag the camera around the other windows however..

For texturing
 RightBtn - grab a texture
 RightBtn+ctrl - set entire brush to texture
 RightBtn+shift+ctrl - set single face to texture

XY + ZView
 RightBtn - drags origin
 RightBtn+ctrl - move camera
 RightBtn+ctrl+shift - point the camera
 RightBtn+shift - move z checker

EntityColor = K
CameraForward = UP
CameraBack = DOWN
CameraLeft = LEFT
CameraRight = RIGHT
CameraUp = D
CameraDown = C
CameraAngleUp = A
CameraAngleDown = Z
CameraStrafeRight = PERIOD
CameraStrafeLeft = COMMA
ToggleGrid = 0
SetGrid1 = 1
SetGrid2 = 2
SetGrid4 = 3
SetGrid8 = 4
SetGrid16 = 5
SetGrid32 = 6
SetGrid64 = 7
DragEdges = E
DragVertices = V
ViewEntityInfo = N
ViewConsole = O
ViewTextures = T
SurfaceInspector = S
CloneSelection = SPACE
DeleteSelection = BACKSPACE
UnSelectSelection = ESCAPE
CenterView = END
ZoomOut = INSERT
UpFloor = PAGEUP
DownFloor = PAGEDOWN
ToggleClipper = X
ToggleRealtime = R
EntityList = L
MapInfo = M
Preferences = P
ToggleCamera = C+shift+ctrl
ToggleConsole = O+shift+ctrl
ToggleView = V+shift+ctrl
ToggleZ = Z+shift+ctrl
ConnectSelection = K+ctrl
Brush3Sided = 3+ctrl
Brush4Sided = 4+ctrl
Brush5Sided = 5+ctrl
Brush6Sided = 6+ctrl
Brush7Sided = 7+ctrl
Brush8Sided = 8+ctrl
Brush9Sided = 9+ctrl
ShowDetail = D+ctrl
MakeDetail = M+ctrl
NextLeakSpot = K+ctrl+shift
PrevLeakSpot = L+ctrl+shift
FileOpen = O+ctrl
FileSave = S+ctrl
Exit = X+ctrl
NextView = TAB+ctrl
ClipSelected = RETURN
SplitSelected = RETURN+shift
FlipClip = RETURN+ctrl