; QERadiant ini file ; contains preferences for new pref dialog ; contains keyboard command bindings ; all original QE4 stuff is still kept in the registry ; [Prefs] ; 2 or 3 MouseButtons = 3 ; 0 = new splitter style, 1 = old QE4 style, 2 = 4 way split QE4StyleWindows = 0 ; 0 = standard ;|---|-------|---| ;| | | C | ;| Z | XY |---| ;| | | T | ;|---------------| ;|console | ;|---------------| ; 1 switches Z with C & T ; 2 switches XY with C & T ; NOT WORKING YET WindowLayout = 0 ; quake2 directory AND exe and run options Quake2Dir = e:\anachronox\anox.exe ; 0 - don't run ; 1 - copy map to baseq2\maps and run ; 2 - run with current project set as +set game = param RunQuake2Run = 0 ; texture locking (this doesn't show in the prefs dialog) ; 0 - off ; 1 - on TextureLock = 1 ; load last map ; 0 - off ; 1 - on LoadLast = 0 LastProject = LastMap = ; use 3Dfx for preview ; NOT supported in this release Use3Dfx=0 ; use new face attribute grab NewFaceGrab=1 ; use internal (DLL) build tools InternalBSP=1 ; use new right click handling NewRightClick=1 ; use new vertex editing NewVertex=1 ; autosave Autosave=1 Minutes=5 Snapshots=0 ; use pak0.pak if available ; additional pak files will be supported soon UsePAK=0 ; remove tiny brushes ;CleanTinyBrushes = 0 ;CleanTinyBrusheSize = 0.5 ; misc hacks for various people/companies/things ApplydismissesSurface=0 Gatewayescapehack=0 ; new stuff LoadLastMap=1 NewTextureWindowStuff=1 PAKFile= StatusPointSize=10 UseSetGame=0 CamXYUpdate=1 NewLightStyle=1 MoveSpeed=800 AngleSpeed=600 CubicClipping=1 CubicScale=11 ALTEdgeDrag=1 UseTextureBar=1 FaceColors=0 WhichGame=Quake2 ; command mapping for QERadiant ; ; syntax is as follows ; Command name = keystroke ; ; use +alt, shift or ctrl to modify the keys (you can combine them) ; i.e. ; EntityColor = k+ctrl ; ; the special keys are as follows ; ; UP = Cursor up ; DOWN = Cursor down ; LEFT = Cursor left ; RIGHT = Cursor right ; SPACE = space ; BACKSPACE = back space ; ESCAPE = escape ; END = end ; INSERT = insert ; DELETE = delete ; PAGEUP = page up ; PAGEDOWN = page down ; TAB = tab ; RETURN = return (enter) ; F1..F2 = f1 .. f12 ; COMMAN = , ; PERIOD = . ; PLUS = + ; MULTIPLY = * ; SUBTRACT = - [Commands] EntityColor = K CameraForward = UP CameraBack = DOWN CameraLeft = LEFT CameraRight = RIGHT CameraUp = D CameraDown = C CameraAngleUp = A CameraAngleDown = Z CameraStrafeRight = PERIOD CameraStrafeLeft = COMMA ToggleGrid = 0 SetGrid1 = 1 SetGrid2 = 2 SetGrid4 = 3 SetGrid8 = 4 SetGrid16 = 5 SetGrid32 = 6 SetGrid64 = 7 DragEdges = E DragVertices = V ViewEntityInfo = N ViewConsole = O ViewTextures = T SurfaceInspector = S CloneSelection = SPACE DeleteSelection = BACKSPACE UnSelectSelection = ESCAPE CenterView = END ZoomOut = INSERT ZoomIn = DELETE UpFloor = PAGEUP DownFloor = PAGEDOWN ToggleClipper = X ToggleRealtime = R EntityList = L MapInfo = M Preferences = P ToggleCamera = C+shift+ctrl ToggleConsole = O+shift+ctrl ToggleView = V+shift+ctrl ToggleZ = Z+shift+ctrl ConnectSelection = K+ctrl Brush3Sided = 3+ctrl Brush4Sided = 4+ctrl Brush5Sided = 5+ctrl Brush6Sided = 6+ctrl Brush7Sided = 7+ctrl Brush8Sided = 8+ctrl Brush9Sided = 9+ctrl ShowDetail = D+ctrl MakeDetail = M+ctrl NextLeakSpot = K+ctrl+shift PrevLeakSpot = L+ctrl+shift FileOpen = O+ctrl FileSave = S+ctrl Exit = X+ctrl NextView = TAB+ctrl ; internal stuff don't mess with [Internals] RunBefore = 1