Tutorial 13: ALT-INSERT/ALT-DELETE or How to Insert/Delete Time
Ahem. You insert a Chunk of ‘blank’ time. OR delete some.
A history of Anox: I had to script all the cines without any recorded dialogue. So I had to read the subtitles and guess about how long they would be said. Of course I would never get it correct, but thanks to this function here, it was a snap to fix the timing.
Make a new script.
Have a camera move from 0.0 to 2.0 then stop till 6.0 where it moves till 8.0
Copy this same pattern on a different cubic path
And again
1 cubic 0-------------0------------------------------0----------------0
2 cubic 0-------------0------------------------------0----------------0
3 cubic 0-------------0------------------------------0----------------0
Play this.
Now, HOLD DOWN the ALT KEY and LEFT click the TOP of the TIMELINE at around 3.0.
You just dropped an ‘IN’ point.
Now, HOLD DOWN the ALT KEY and RIGHT click the TOP of the TIMELINE at around 4.0.
You just dropped an ‘OUT’ point.
You can ADD this black second of time by hitting ALT-INSERT. Do it.
ALL PATHS were updated. Watch them.
Do it again.
Now delete this chunk of time by hitting ALT-DELETE
HOLD DOWN the ALT KEY and LEFT click the TOP of the TIMELINE at around 0.5.
HOLD DOWN the ALT KEY and RIGHT click the TOP of the TIMELINE at around 10.0.
Notice the long yellow bar is now red. It is telling you that there are nodes in the middle of this chunk of time. If you ALT-DELETE, some nodes will compound on each other. Now it is Okay to do this, but you will need to visually inspect your entire script to see if this happened. Go ahead and ALT-DELETE, to see it happen.