Installing ION Radiant


My apologies to anyone who tried to use ION Radiant from the previous tool release. Unfortunately things were changed in Radiant near the end of the project and while I had the new version, the settings screenshot I used was based off an older version. I also failed to include some of the needed files, as a previous installation of Radiant allowed me to run the new version without them. It wasn't until weeks later that I found out there were problems, and it was only now that I finally had the time to fix them.

ION Radiant is not the most userfriendly thing in the world to install, so get ready to get your hands dirty. To use ION Radiant, you will need a 3d graphics card, and you will need have a copy of Anachronox with all data files extracted from the .dat files, and placed in their proper directories.
(or at least Textures.dat and Models.dat)

If you unzipped the tools zip correctly, you should find ION Radiant in the

  1. Copy this directory onto your hardrive in any folder of your choice, such as c:\IONRadiant.
  2. Open settings.ini and search for the line "; --change this line--". Change the path below each of these lines to point to your Anachronox directory.
  3. Open settings.qe4 and settings.prj and change all the paths dealing with Anachronox to point to your Anachronox directory.
  4. Run the ION Radiant executable. You will get a configuration screen. Configure it to look like this.
  5. Resize the windows to your preference. Here is the most common setup that was used on the Anox team.

It is very possible that ION Radiant will crash on you a few times during installation.