Yes, that's right, you now have fog brushes in Anachronox. But, they're not as easy to use or as flexible as Daikatanas. Still, they are somewhat neat and can be used for a few different things
Creating a Fog Brush
Fog brushes are bmodels of the classname func_fog. So make a bmodel of any shape with the classname "func_fog". Then you have to flag the surface with the 40000000 flag. Then, you must set values in the key,value pairs to change the fog properties.
To set the color of the fog, you set the R, G, and B keys like you would any entity.
By default, the brush makes a gradient from full opacity to clear--you can make it fainter by using the key "lighting" and setting it to any 2 digit number. For instance, if you set the lighting key to 50, it will subtract 50 percent from the alpha value making it half as opaque.
To change the direction of the fog gradient, set the first character of the "message" field to any number between 0 and 5. The default is a graident from the bottom to the top of the brush. By setting it to 1 you can have it reverse that. The numbers 2-5 do horizontal fades. By setting the field to 6, there will be no gradient.
To pulsate the fog (as in labbuilding), in the message field, use second character as a number from 0-9 representing the fade speed. The higher the number, the slower it fades. The rest of the string is the alpha value the fog will stop fading at, so you can cap the throb off at .50 alpha etc.
By default the alpha blend is using additive blending. By setting the lightstyle key to 1, you can turn off the additive blend.
You can see a simple example of a fogbrush in the level funcfog. Also, if you look at funcfog4 you can see one application of the fog brush to create the illusion of glowing lava. Of course, this involves the laborious task of making a bunch of brushes that fit the hole you want to line with fog.
Eventually I'd like to get Daikatana/Quake3 style fog that fits the contour of any brush that intersects a fog brush (you just make a box around all the polys you want to be coated wth fog). That's a little ways off, but until then I think you can come up with some neat ways to use this.
Complain about this document to the wonderful author, Ralph Barbagallo