ANACHRONOX PARTICLE MANAGER. ParticleMan was written for Anachronox by Super Warrior Brain Robot Joey Liaw. Hot diggity. Y'know, there isn't any existing documentation on this puppy, else I'd hand you it. But if you Just wanna see how it works, I'll lay out the menus. 1. This is the window of Doom, where you get to see the particle in action. You change the background color under the view menu, and you zoom in\out by right dragging. You can also simulate a low frame rate and high frame rate (slows th' thing down) and an option called "Motion Generator" which shows how the particle holds up while moving. . 2. This is the window of Destiny, where the particle is defined. It's broken into two windows: Particle Properties and Generator properties. PARTICLE PROPERTIES: This is the life of Each particle spawned. you click in the window and insert/drag a node to change stuff over time. Right click, and get more info (color picker, numerical input, etc.) All pretty self-explanitory. Texture is complicated, so I won't go into it unless you REALLY want me to. Msec down there is the duration in Milliseconds, and you can zoom in/out on the timeline. GENERATOR PROPERTIES: Think of these as looping scripts that define HOW the generators work. In the latest build, you can tell a particle to loop x number of times and Die, or loop infinately. The categories under this sucker aren't as self-explanitory, so I'll fill in some detail. Flow: How many particles\second this baby pumps out. Burst: This has been greyed out as long as I've seen it. Still is. NO idea. Angle Range: This is neato. Right-click on a node for this, and you get window 6. Imagine the window as a cross-section of the particle cloud. You can tell it to emit directly up, down, to the sides, or lerp all those through time. The range means that a particle will emit in a random direction within the upper and lower limits. Init vel: Initial velocity. Particles spit out randomly within the range... Some shoot out slowly, some FLY. Set the upper and lower limits to the same number, and particles will emit at a steady stream. MODEL PROPERTIES: (F5) Not shown in the image, see Okay. That's more than you've wanted to know about the Anox Particle system... The latest build also has a "rotation" and a "variations" tab in the advanced menu. And I didn't wanna cover shit like all that. I'll show it to you in person someday. Wow. You currently posess the most exhaustive writeup of the Anachronox Particle Descriptor system. Congratulations. <=) /me should have gone to sleep