; QERadiant BrushScripts ; ; This version is extremely preliminary and much of this may change.. ; the parser was about a 15 minute hack job which translates to it sucks ; and will wreak havoc whenever possible ; ; I'm going to give the syntax and requirements a lot of thought over the next ; week or so. The next rev should be a lot cleaner ; ; If you have any thoughts on this (good or bad), e-mail me.. I'm interested ; in a lot of diverse feedback on this particular feature ; ; _CopySelected(nHoldPos) ; copies selected brush to hold spot 1, 2 or 3 ; ; _MoveSelected(x, y, z) ; moves selected brush by coords provided ; ; _RotateSelected(x, y, z) ; rotates selected brush by coords provided ; ; _MoveHold(nHoldPos, x, y, z) ; moves brush in hold pos by coords provided ; ; NON-FUNCTIONAL _RotateHold(nHoldPos, x, y, z) ; rotates brush in hold pos by coords provided ; ; _CopyToMap(nHoldPos) ; copies hold brush to map ; ; _CopyAndSelect(nHoldPos) ; copies hold brush to map and selects it ; ; NON-FUNCTIONAL _Input(VarName1, ... VarNamennn) ; inputs a list of values from the user ; ; RunScript(ScriptName) ; runs the named script ; ; NON0FUNCTIONAL RunCommand ; runs the named QERadiant command (internal) ; ; designed to work on a 16 by 8 brush ; next rev will have brush size info and ; variable definition available.. [BuildStep] _CopySelected(1) _CopyAndSelect(1) _MoveSelected(16,0,8) ; YES.. looping/branching will be available in the next rev too [BuildStairs] _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) _RunScript(BuildStair) [BuildRotatedBrush] _CopySelected(1) _CopyAndSelect(1) _RotateSelected(0,0,$Rotation) _MoveSelected(0,0,$Height) [BuildSpirals] _ConfirmMessage("This requires a single brush to be selected. It will support multiple brushes in the future. Rotates the selection based on an origin, number of copies, rotation angle, and height per copy") _3DPointInput($v, "Place the rotation origin by left clicking with your mouse in the XY Top viewport")) _SetRotateOrigin($v) _InputVar($Stairs, "Number of copies") _InputVar($Rotation, "Rotation angle per copy") _InputVar($Height, "Height adjustment per copy") _Input() _LoopCount($Stairs) _RunScript(BuildRotatedBrush) _LoopRun