Tutorial 1: Making a path - Plain & Simple
Load up anox. See the eidos logo. Hit ESC.
Now hit
Bring down the console using the ‘~’ key
Map joey
To begin Planet, go to the console, and enter the following:
To get rid of that music
Gl_mode 4 (this puts the resolution in 800x600. This used to be the minimum resolution you could run Planet in as it is, 640x480 is a little tight, but you can manage. Your call.)
Map Joey (If you haven’t downloaded map Joey ((it doesn’t ship with the game)), map something else, like Tours, BricksB, flashback. Joey is used because it’s a clean, empty map and good for working.)
Exec Ascript3.cfg
(NOTE: You can also simply type planet from the console. They’ve added that since this was originally written… you should still set the Gl_mode to something good beforehand, but typing planet saves a lot of work.)
If you ever change the level and have the planet screen up AND boots, just type exec ascript3.cfg.
We are now ready to Begin the Beguine.
ESDF - Movement Keys
AZ - A moves Up, Z moves Down.
Move around.
Find a good place to start.
Hit the Ctrl key. You just dropped a node. Now move forward. Hit the Ctrl key. You just dropped another node.
Turn around and look at what you made. A straight line from point to point.
F5 - PLAY SCRIPT From the Beginning
F6 - Play Script from wherever the yellow line is on the timeline
F7 - Play script without taking control of the camera
To play what you have just done, hit F5. The camera goes all over the place. Doesn’t that look screwy? Don’t worry. We’ll fix that.
Hit F8 to stop, or you can just let the script run to its end.
A node looks like a multi faceted jewel.
(NOTE: I assume you know that a "Node" refers to a Position of 3D Space, and that "Path" is a line drawn between 2 or more nodes.)
Hitting ‘g’ will take you down to the second path, ‘t’ will take you back to the 1st path. The ‘>’ is an indicator to see which path you’re on. (NOTE: ‘t’ and ‘g’ keys are used because of their proximity to the ESDF keys. The arrow keys also move up and down from path to path, and some may find that to be more convenient.)
HOLD SHIFT and hit ‘g’ (or the Down Arrow key). This should take you to the –roll path. Go down one more ‘till you’re on the –focus path.
Drop a node by hitting Ctrl. This isn’t a node in 3D space… it’s a node on the timeline. Note that the color of the node is gray. Grey nodes NEVER exist in 3D space.
Now the 1st path has a focus. We will want it to look at the 2nd path (even though we haven’t made it yet).
The info box says we can edit this node by hitting ‘1’… so let’s do that.
Hit ‘1’.
A big list appears. Move the mouse up and down, select path 2.
Now let’s make a path on 2.
Find an area of the map that you’d like your moving camera to look at. Go to that point in 3D.
But first let’s put your mouse into 2D mode. Click the middle mouse button (or press Tab) to jump between 2D Mode (for using tools on your heads-up display screen) and 3D Mode (for selecting and moving nodes in the 3D Environment). When you’re in 2D mode, you’ll see a pretty white border around the screen. ). A white mouse arrow or a hand (if you are over the timeline) will appear. Move it around. Notice that the screen isn’t moving (there’s no mouselook happening). Only the cursor moves. Select a node on the timeline by clicking on it. Pretty simple.
NOTE: You may notice that playback doesn’t work when you’re in 2D mode. This is okay. Just go into 3D mode. You’ll also notice that other keyboard commands won’t work (like Shift, t, g, etc.). Trust me. This is a good thing. Saving your ass… so to speak. However, it IS gonna confuse you once or twice, so try to remember. If you press F5, and nothing happens, and something SHOULD happen, jus’ switch to 3D mode.
Now that you’ve switched to the 2D mode (by pressing the Middle Mouse Button, or pressing Tab), Move your timeline down to the 2nd path (2 cubic). Be sure you’re NOT on focus or roll or cmd.
Drop a node.
Now play it back (with the F5 key). The camera now moves, yet still remains focused on one point in space.
Now go to path 2 and drop a second node somewhere. Move that 2nd node to 8 seconds. It now has its own moving path.
Stand back and look at the whole thing and move the 2D cursor over the timeline (notice that you have to frequently switch between 2D and 3D). You can see where the points exist in time/space.
You should also notice a grey line pointing from the camera to what it’s looking at. If not, then your timeline must be on "1 cubic" or "2 cubic" (NOT roll, focus, or command).
Play it back. Then watch it with the 2D cursor over the timeline again. You can really see what the camera and its focus are doing.
Hit Shift and watch the path turn white. This is handy for finding paths in confusing areas.