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2002-01-21 00:00:00 +00:00
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<TITLE>Animated Textures</TITLE>
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<H1>Animated Textures</H1>
<P>Forget your silly 10 fps looping quake animated textures.
Now you can create complex multi-framed animated textures AND
control them from APE. Explosion effects, computer terminal
displays, animated 2D user-interface controls, even the mouse!
....the possibilities are endless.</P>
<PRE class="syntax">
<B>type = animation</B>
<B>colortype =</B> <I>integer</I>
<B>width =</B> <I>integer</I>
<B>height =</B> <I>integer</I>
<B>bilinear =</B> <I>integer</I> (optional, def=1)
<B>clamp =</B> <I>integer</I> (optional, def=0)
<PRE class="syntax">
<B>file =</B> <I>filename</I>
... repeat for all bitmaps
<PRE class="syntax">
<B>bitmap =</B> <I>integer</I>
<B>next =</B> <I>integer</I> (optional)
<B>wait =</B> <I>float</I> (optional)
<B>x =</B> <I>integer</I> (optional)
<B>y =</B> <I>integer</I> (optional)
... repeat for all frames
<H4>Parameters (main)</H4>
Determines how the texture is stored on the card. All
source bitmaps must be in the same format. Can be one of
the following values:
<TD>8-bit greyscale PNG</TD>
<TD>8-bit greyscale + 8-bit alpha PNG</TD>
<TD>24-bit RGB PNG</TD>
<TD>24-bit RGB + 8-bit alpha PNG</TD>
<DD>Width of output texture, must be power of two.</DD>
<DD>Height of output texture, must be power of two.</DD>
<DD>Must be 0 or 1, controls whether bilinear filtering is
used on this image. <B>Default is 1.</B></DD>
<DD>Must be 0 or 1, controls whether the texture is clamped
to its edges or is repeated (tiled). It must be 1 if you
want to use an animated parabolic environment map. <B>
Default is 0.</B></DD>
<H4>Parameters (bitmap list)</H4>
<DD>Specifies a source image file. Must be in PNG format and
have the same color type as specified earlier by <B>
colortype</B>. It can be <I>any</I> size as long as it not
larger than the output size in any dimension.</DD>
<H4>Parameters (frame list)</H4>
<DD>Integer specifying which file specified in the bitmap
list to use. The first bitmap you specified is numbered 0;
subsequent bitmaps are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on.</DD>
<DD>Integer specifying the next frame in the animation
sequence. The first frame you specified is numbered 0;
subsequence frames are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on. If you
specify &minus;1, then the image will stop animating after
this frame. The default value is &minus;1.</DD>
<DD>Floating point value specifying the number of seconds to
wait before displaying the next frame in the animation
sequence. If you specify 0, then the next frame will be
uploaded on the next rendering pass. If you specify &minus;1,
then the current frame is uploaded immediately and the next
frame in the sequence is processed (see Remarks section). The
default value is 0.</DD>
<DD>Integer specifying the x offset into the output texture
where the bitmap should appear.</DD>
<DD>Integer specifying the y offset into the output texture
where the bitmap should appear.</DD>
<P>Since this new animated texture code uses frame uploading,
having many frames of animation takes up main memory instead of
video card texture memory. The amount of video texture memory
used is never more than the amount required to store the output
frame. However, this doesn't mean animated textures are free
and you should frame-output the FF8 opening movie into PNG
format and watch it play in Anachronox.</P>
<P>Although they no longer take up video memory, they still do
take up main memory, and taking up too much main memory is a
bad thing. One way to reduce your RAM usage is to not change
the all of the texture in the animation frame. For example, say
you skin a robot, and you want one of his lights to blink.
Instead of making two copies of the skin with the light either
on or off, you can have one frame be the original skin, and one
frame be a very small bitmap containing only the part of the
skin that changes with the blinking light. Then you can do
something like this:</P>
<TD><IMG src="animex_base.png"></TD>
<TD><IMG src="animex_on.png"></TD>
<TD><IMG src="animex_off.png"></TD>
<TD><IMG src="animexample.gif"></TD>
<PRE class="syntax">
# Frame 0 is what is always uploaded to the texture
# before anything is displayed. In this case, wait
# is -1 so the next frame (1) is immediately processed.
# Frame 1 says to upload on.png at the specified
# offsets into the texture. Then it waits half
# a second before processing the next frame.
# Frame 2 uploads off.png at the specified offset.
# This replaces the center light with a picture
# of the light turned off. It then waits .2
# seconds before looping back to frame 1.
<P>Look in <B>map joeyproc</B> for some examples in animated