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Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Liebscher
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by DarkOne the Hacker
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* wolf_raycast.c: Wolfenstein3-D ray-casting.
* Author: Michael Liebscher <johnnycanuck@users.sourceforge.net>
* Date: 2004
* Acknowledgement:
* This code was derived from NewWolf, and was originally
* written by DarkOne the Hacker.
#include "../wolfiphone.h"
W8 tile_visible[ 64 ][ 64 ]; // can player see this tile?
Function: R_RayCast() -Ray cast viewport.
Parameters: viewport -[in] Position of camera.
lvl -[in] Pointer to valid LevelData_t structure.
Returns: Nothing.
Notes: Marks all visible tiles in tile_visible[] array.
PUBLIC void R_RayCast( placeonplane_t viewport, LevelData_t *lvl )
int n, x, y, angle, vx, vy;
r_trace_t trace;
memset( tile_visible, 0, sizeof( tile_visible ) ); // clear tile visible flags
// viewport tile coordinates
x = viewport.origin[ 0 ];
y = viewport.origin[ 1 ];
angle = viewport.angle;
vx = POS2TILE( viewport.origin[ 0 ] );
vy = POS2TILE( viewport.origin[ 1 ] );
trace.tile_vis = tile_visible;
// Ray casting
// FIXME: control ray count and make angle init
for( n = 0 ; n < 640 ; ++n )
trace.x = x;
trace.y = y;
trace.a = NormalizeAngle( angle + ColumnAngle[ n ] );
R_Trace( &trace, lvl );
// Rendering
for( x = 0 ; x < 64; ++x )
for( y = 0 ; y < 64; ++y )
if( tile_visible[ x ][ y ] )
lvl->tileEverVisible[x][y] = 1; // for automap
if( lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & DOOR_TILE )
/* door */
if( lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].action != dr_open )
_boolean backside = false;
if( lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].vertical )
if( x < vx )
backside = true;
if( y < vy )
backside = true;
lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].vertical,
lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].texture,
Door_Opened( &lvl->Doors, x, y ) );
/* door sides */
if( lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].vertical )
if( y <= vy )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)x, (float)(y-1), LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_north, TEX_PLATE );
if( y >= vy )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)x, (float)(y+1), LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_south, TEX_PLATE );
if( x <= vx && lvl->tilemap[ x - 1 ][ y ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)(x-1), (float)y, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_east, lvl->wall_tex_x[ x - 1 ][ y ] );
if( x >= vx && lvl->tilemap[ x + 1 ][ y ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)(x+1), (float)y, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_west, lvl->wall_tex_x[ x + 1 ][ y ] );
if( x <= vx )
R_Draw_Wall((float)(x-1), (float)y, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_east, TEX_PLATE+1);
if( x >= vx )
R_Draw_Wall((float)(x+1), (float)y, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_west, TEX_PLATE+1);
if( y <= vy && lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y - 1 ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)x, (float)(y-1), LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_north, lvl->wall_tex_y[x][y-1]);
if( y >= vy && lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y + 1 ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)x, (float)(y+1), LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_south, lvl->wall_tex_y[x][y+1]);
/* Push-Wall */
if( (r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & PUSHWALL_TILE) )
float dx, dy;
dx = PWall.dx * PWall.PWpointsmoved / 128.0f;
dy = PWall.dy * PWall.PWpointsmoved / 128.0f;
if( PWall.x <= vx )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)PWall.x + dx, (float)PWall.y + dy, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_east, PWall.tex_x );
if( PWall.x >= vx )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)PWall.x + dx, (float)PWall.y + dy, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_west, PWall.tex_x );
if( PWall.y <= vy )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)PWall.x + dx, (float)PWall.y + dy, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_north, PWall.tex_y );
if( PWall.y >= vy )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)PWall.x + dx, (float)PWall.y + dy, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_south, PWall.tex_y );
/* x-wall */
if( x <= vx && r_world->tilemap[ x - 1 ][ y ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)(x-1), (float)y, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_east, r_world->wall_tex_x[x-1][y]);
if( x >= vx && r_world->tilemap[ x + 1 ][ y ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)(x+1), (float)y, LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_west, r_world->wall_tex_x[x+1][y]);
/* y-wall */
if( y <= vy && r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y - 1 ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)x, (float)(y-1), LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_north, r_world->wall_tex_y[x][y-1]);
if( y >= vy && r_world->tilemap[ x ][ y + 1 ] & WALL_TILE )
R_Draw_Wall( (float)x, (float)(y+1), LOWERZCOORD, UPPERZCOORD, dir4_south, r_world->wall_tex_y[x][y+1]);
int x_tile_step[ 4 ] = { 1, -1, -1, 1 };
int y_tile_step[ 4 ] = { 1, 1, -1, -1 };
Function: R_TraceCheck() -Trace ray check.
lvl -[in] Pointer to valid LevelData_t structure.
x, y -[in] In tiles.
Returns: true to stop tracing, false otherwise.
Notes: Tells ray casting if we hit a wall or door and to stop tracing.
PRIVATE _boolean R_TraceCheck( LevelData_t *lvl, int x, int y, int frac, int dfrac, _boolean vert, _boolean flip, r_trace_t *trace )
if( lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & WALL_TILE )
if( vert )
trace->x = (x << TILESHIFT) + (flip ? TILEGLOBAL : 0);
trace->y = (y << TILESHIFT) + frac;
trace->flags |= TRACE_HIT_VERT;
trace->x = (x << TILESHIFT) + frac;
trace->y = (y << TILESHIFT) + (flip ? TILEGLOBAL : 0);
trace->flags &= ~TRACE_HIT_VERT;
return true; // wall, stop tracing
if( trace->tile_vis )
trace->tile_vis[ x ][ y ] = true; // this tile is visible
if( lvl->tilemap[ x ][ y ] & DOOR_TILE &&
lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].action != dr_open )
frac += dfrac >> 1;
if( POS2TILE( frac ) )
return false;
if( vert )
if( lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].action != dr_closed &&
(frac >> 10) > DOOR_FULLOPEN - Door_Opened( &lvl->Doors, x, y ) )
return false; // opened enough
trace->x = TILE2POS( x );
trace->y = (y << TILESHIFT) + frac;
trace->flags |= TRACE_HIT_VERT;
if( lvl->Doors.DoorMap[ x ][ y ].action != dr_closed &&
(frac >> 10) < Door_Opened( &lvl->Doors, x, y ) )
return false; // opened enough
trace->y = TILE2POS( y );
trace->x = (x << TILESHIFT) + frac;
trace->flags &= ~TRACE_HIT_VERT;
trace->flags |= TRACE_HIT_DOOR;
return true; // closed door, stop tracing
return false; // no intersection, go on!
Function: R_Trace() -Trace ray.
trace -[in] Pointer to valid r_trace_t structure.
lvl -[in] Pointer to valid LevelData_t structure.
Returns: Nothing.
PUBLIC void R_Trace( r_trace_t *trace, LevelData_t *lvl )
int xtilestep, ytilestep;
int xstep, ystep;
int xtile, ytile;
int xintercept, yintercept;
int YmapPos, XmapPos;
quadrant q;
// Setup for ray casting
q = GetQuadrant( FINE2RAD( trace->a ) );
xtilestep = x_tile_step[ q ];
ytilestep = y_tile_step[ q ];
xtile = POS2TILE( trace->x ) + xtilestep;
ytile = POS2TILE( trace->y ) + ytilestep;
xstep = ytilestep * XnextTable[ trace->a ];
ystep = xtilestep * YnextTable[ trace->a ];
xintercept = (int)( ( ((ytilestep == -1 ? ytile+1 : ytile) << TILESHIFT) - trace->y ) / TanTable[ trace->a ]) + trace->x;
yintercept = (int)( ( ((xtilestep == -1 ? xtile+1 : xtile) << TILESHIFT) - trace->x ) * TanTable[ trace->a ]) + trace->y;
YmapPos = yintercept >> TILESHIFT; // toXray
XmapPos = xintercept >> TILESHIFT; // toYray
if( trace->tile_vis )
// this tile is visible
trace->tile_vis[ POS2TILE( trace->x ) ][ POS2TILE( trace->y ) ] = true;
// Start of ray-casting
while( 1 )
// Vertical loop // an anologue for X-Ray
while( ! (ytilestep == -1 && YmapPos <= ytile) && ! (ytilestep == 1 && YmapPos >= ytile) )
if( xtile < 0 || xtile >= 64 || YmapPos < 0 || YmapPos >= 64 )
if( R_TraceCheck( lvl, xtile, YmapPos, yintercept % TILEGLOBAL, ystep, true, (_boolean)(xtilestep == -1), trace ) )
// prepare for next step
xtile += xtilestep;
yintercept += ystep;
YmapPos = yintercept >> TILESHIFT;
// Horizontal loop // an anologue for Y-Ray
while( ! (xtilestep == -1 && XmapPos <= xtile) && ! (xtilestep == 1 && XmapPos >= xtile) )
if( ytile < 0 || ytile >= 64 || XmapPos < 0 || XmapPos >= 64 )
if( R_TraceCheck( lvl, XmapPos, ytile, xintercept % TILEGLOBAL, xstep, false, (_boolean)(ytilestep == -1), trace ) )
// prepare for next step
ytile += ytilestep;
xintercept += xstep;
XmapPos = xintercept >> TILESHIFT;
} // end of while( 1 )