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Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Liebscher
Copyright (C) 2000 by DarkOne the Hacker
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* wolf_math.h: Wolfenstein 3-D math routines.
* Author: Michael Liebscher <johnnycanuck@users.sourceforge.net>
* Acknowledgement:
* This code was derived from NewWolf, and was originally
* written by DarkOne the Hacker.
This module is implemented by wolf_math.c
#ifndef __WOLF_MATH_H__
#define __WOLF_MATH_H__
#define FLOATTILE 65536.0f
// Angle Direction Types & LUTs (Hard Coded! Please do not mess them)
typedef enum {q_first, q_second, q_third, q_fourth} quadrant;
typedef enum {dir4_east, dir4_north, dir4_west, dir4_south, dir4_nodir} dir4type;
typedef enum { dir8_east, dir8_northeast, dir8_north, dir8_northwest, dir8_west,
dir8_southwest, dir8_south, dir8_southeast, dir8_nodir} dir8type;
extern char dx4dir[5], dy4dir[5], dx8dir[9], dy8dir[9];
extern dir4type opposite4[5], dir4d[3][3];
extern dir8type opposite8[9], dir4to8[5], diagonal[9][9];
extern int dir8angle[9], dir4angle[5];
// ------------------------- * Vectors * -------------------------
// Vectors & angles for 3D-Space
typedef struct
long origin[2];
long angle;
} placeonplane_t;
// ------------------------- * Some Macroses * -------------------------
#define max_of_2(a, b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#define LABS(x) ((long)(x)>0?(x):-(x))
#define POS2TILE(a) ((a)>>TILESHIFT)
#define POS2TILEf(a) ((a)/FLOATTILE)
// ------------------------- * vvv FINE angles vvv * -------------------------
#define ASTEP 0.0078125f // 1 FINE=x DEGREES
#define ASTEPRAD 0.000136354f // 1 FINE=x RADIANS
#define ANG_1RAD 7333.8598 // 1 RADIAN=x FINES
#define ANG_0 0 //(int)((float)0/ASTEP)
#define ANG_1 128 //(int)((float)1/ASTEP)
#define ANG_6 768 //(int)((float)6/ASTEP)
#define ANG_15 1920 //(int)((float)15/ASTEP)
#define ANG_22_5 2880 //(int)((float)22.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_30 3840 //(int)((float)30/ASTEP)
#define ANG_45 5760 //(int)((float)45/ASTEP)
#define ANG_67_5 8640 //(int)((float)67.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_90 11520 //(int)((float)90/ASTEP)
#define ANG_112_5 14400 //(int)((float)112.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_135 17280 //(int)((float)135/ASTEP)
#define ANG_157_5 20160 //(int)((float)157.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_180 23040 //(int)((float)180/ASTEP)
#define ANG_202_5 25920 //(int)((float)202.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_225 28800 //(int)((float)225/ASTEP)
#define ANG_247_5 31680 //(int)((float)247.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_270 34560 //(int)((float)270/ASTEP)
#define ANG_292_5 37440 //(int)((float)292.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_315 40320 //(int)((float)225/ASTEP)
#define ANG_337_5 43200 //(int)((float)337.5/ASTEP)
#define ANG_360 46080 //(int)((float)360/ASTEP)
// ------------------------- * ^^^ FINE angles ^^^ * -------------------------
#define FINE2RAD( a ) (((a) * M_PI ) / ANG_180)
#define RAD2FINE( a ) (((a) * ANG_180) / M_PI)
#define FINE2DEG( a ) ((float)(a) / ANG_1) // !@# don't lose precision bits
#define FINE2DEGf( a ) ((a) / (float)ANG_1)
#define DEG2FINE( a ) ((a) * ANG_1)
extern double SinTable[], *CosTable, TanTable[ ANG_360 + 1 ];
extern int XnextTable[ ANG_360 + 1], YnextTable[ ANG_360 + 1 ];
extern int ColumnAngle[640]; //
extern int G_Build_Tables(void);
#define TanDgr( x ) (tan( DEG2RAD( x ) ))
#define SinDgr( x ) (sin( DEG2RAD( x ) ))
#define CosDgr( x ) (cos( DEG2RAD( x ) ))
#define ArcTanDgr( x ) (RAD2DEG( atan( x ) ))
#define ArcSinDgr( x ) (RAD2DEG( asin( x ) ))
#define ArcCosDgr( x ) (RAD2DEG( acos( x ) ))
extern int NormalizeAngle( int angle );
extern int Point2LineDist( int x, int y, int a );
extern int LineLen2Point( int x, int y, int a );
extern quadrant GetQuadrant( float angle );
extern dir4type Get4dir( float angle );
extern dir8type Get8dir( float angle );
extern float TransformPoint( double Point1X, double Point1Y, double Point2X, double Point2Y );
#endif /* __WOLF_MATH_H__ */