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Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Liebscher <johnnycanuck@users.sourceforge.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "../wolfiphone.h"
// if true, use mmap instead of alloc and read
//#define USE_MMAP
Function: FS_GetLoadedFilePointer() -Get file pointer.
filestream -[in] Target file handle.
origin -[in] Pointer position
SEEK_SET -Beginning of file.
SEEK_CUR -Current position of file pointer.
SEEK_END -End of file.
Returns: File pointer on success, otherwise NULL.
PUBLIC void *FS_GetLoadedFilePointer( filehandle_t *fhandle, W32 origin )
switch( origin )
case SEEK_SET:
return( (void *)fhandle->ptrStart );
case SEEK_END:
return( (void *)fhandle->ptrEnd );
case SEEK_CUR:
return( (void *)fhandle->ptrCurrent );
return NULL;
Function: FS_GetFileSize() -Get the length of a file.
Parameters: filestream -[in] Target file handle.
Returns: The file length in bytes.
PUBLIC SW32 FS_GetFileSize( filehandle_t *fhandle )
return fhandle->filesize;
Function: FS_FileSeek() -Moves the file pointer to a specified location.
fhandle -[in] Pointer to filehandle_t structure.
offset -[in] Number of bytes from origin
origin -[in] Initial position
SEEK_SET -Beginning of file.
SEEK_CUR -Current position of file pointer.
SEEK_END -End of file.
Returns: If successful zero, otherwise a nonzero value.
PUBLIC W32 FS_FileSeek( filehandle_t *fhandle, SW32 offset, W32 origin )
switch( origin )
case SEEK_SET:
if( offset < 0 ||
offset > fhandle->filesize )
return 1;
fhandle->ptrCurrent = fhandle->ptrStart + offset;
case SEEK_END:
if( offset > 0 )
return 1;
/* Commenting this out to avoid a warning - note that this is probably not what was
// offset is negative
if( (fhandle->filesize + offset) < 0 )
return 1;
// offset is negative
fhandle->ptrCurrent = fhandle->ptrEnd + offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
if( offset < 0 )
// offset is negative
if( ((fhandle->ptrCurrent - fhandle->ptrStart) + offset) < 0 )
return 1;
if( offset > 0 )
if( offset > (fhandle->ptrEnd - fhandle->ptrCurrent) )
return 1;
fhandle->ptrCurrent += offset;
return 1;
return 0;
Function: FS_FileTell() -Gets the current position of a file pointer.
Parameters: fhandle -[in] Pointer to filehandle_t structure.
Returns: If successful current file position, otherwise -1.
PUBLIC SW32 FS_FileTell( filehandle_t *fhandle )
return( fhandle->ptrCurrent - fhandle->ptrStart );
Function: FS_CloseFile -Close file handle.
Parameters: filestream -[in] Pointer to valid FILE structure.
Returns: Nothing.
Notes: Closes a file stream that was returned by FS_FOpenFile.
PUBLIC void FS_CloseFile( filehandle_t *fhandle )
if( fhandle->filedata )
#ifdef USE_MMAP
if ( munmap( fhandle->filedata, fhandle->filesize ) != 0 ) {
assert( 0 );
free( fhandle->filedata );
fhandle->filedata = NULL;
Z_Free( fhandle );
Function: FS_OpenFile -Open file from the file system.
PUBLIC filehandle_t *FS_OpenFile( const char *filename, W32 FlagsAndAttributes )
char netpath[ MAX_OSPATH ];
filehandle_t *hFile;
const char *pathBase;
struct stat s;
int fd;
// Check for the file in the directory tree
if ( FlagsAndAttributes & FA_FILE_IPHONE_DOC_DIR ) {
extern char iphoneDocDirectory[1024];
pathBase = iphoneDocDirectory;
my_snprintf( netpath, sizeof( netpath ), "%s/%s", pathBase, filename );
} else {
pathBase = FS_Gamedir();
my_snprintf( netpath, sizeof( netpath ), "%s/%s", pathBase, filename );
// high performance file mapping path, avoiding stdio
fd = open( netpath, O_RDONLY );
if ( fd == -1 ) {
//if it couldn't be found in that path then check again in the document directory
//pathBase = FS_ForceGamedir();
extern char iphoneDocDirectory[1024];
pathBase = iphoneDocDirectory;
my_snprintf( netpath, sizeof( netpath ), "%s/%s", pathBase, filename );
fd = open( netpath, O_RDONLY );
if ( fd == -1 ) {
return NULL;
fstat( fd, &s );
hFile = Z_Malloc( sizeof( filehandle_t ) );
memset( hFile, 0, sizeof( filehandle_t ) );
hFile->filesize = s.st_size;
#ifdef USE_MMAP
hFile->filedata = mmap( NULL, hFile->filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE|MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0 );
if ( (int)hFile->filedata == -1 ) {
Com_Printf( "mmap failed: %s\n", strerror( errno ) );
assert( 0 );
hFile->filedata = malloc( hFile->filesize );
read( fd, hFile->filedata, hFile->filesize );
hFile->ptrStart = hFile->ptrCurrent = (PW8)hFile->filedata;
hFile->ptrEnd = (PW8)hFile->filedata + hFile->filesize;
hFile->bLoaded = true;
// mmap doesn't require the file to stay open
close( fd );
return hFile;
Function: FS_ReadFile -Reads data from a stream.
Parameters: buffer -[in/out] Storage location for data.
size -[in] Item size in bytes.
count -[in] Maximum number of items to be read.
fhandle -[in] Pointer to valid filehandle_t structure.
Returns: On success number of full items actually read, otherwise -1.
PUBLIC SW32 FS_ReadFile( void *buffer, W32 size, W32 count, filehandle_t *fhandle )
W8 *buf = (PW8)buffer;
W32 i;
if( (size * count) > (fhandle->ptrEnd - fhandle->ptrCurrent) )
SW32 read;
read = (fhandle->ptrEnd - fhandle->ptrCurrent);
for( i = 0 ; i < (fhandle->ptrEnd - fhandle->ptrCurrent) ; ++i )
buf[ i ] = fhandle->ptrCurrent[ i ];
fhandle->ptrCurrent = fhandle->ptrEnd;
return( read );
for( i = 0 ; i < (size * count) ; ++i, fhandle->ptrCurrent++ )
buf[ i ] = *fhandle->ptrCurrent;
return( (size * count) / size );
/* should never get here */
return -1;