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Copyright (C) 2004 Michael Liebscher
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* pak.c: Creates PAK files for Wolfenstein 3-D Redux
* Author: Michael Liebscher <johnnycanuck@users.sourceforge.net>
* Date: 2004
#include <string.h>
#include "wolf/wolf_def.h"
#include "mac/mac.h"
#include "memory/memory.h"
#include "../../common/arch.h"
#include "../../common/common_utils.h"
#include "string/com_string.h"
#include "filesys/file.h"
#include "zip/zip.h"
#include "../../zlib/zlib.h"
#define GVERSION_TEXT "set g_version "
#define SCRIPT_DIR "script"
PRIVATE struct zlist *zfchain = NULL; // Zip file chain
Function: writelocalfilechunk() -Zip file.
Parameters: filename -[in] Pointer to a NUL-terminated string that specifies
the path of the file to zip.
fout -[in] file to zip to.
Returns: On success pointer to zlist structure, otherwise NULL.
PRIVATE struct zlist *writelocalfilechunk( const char *filename, FILE *fout )
W8 *data;
struct zlist *zentry;
struct filestats fs;
int err;
W8 *compr;
W32 retval;
z_stream c_stream; /* compression stream */
zentry = MM_MALLOC( sizeof( *zentry ) );
memset( zentry, 0, sizeof( *zentry ) );
zentry->next = NULL;
zentry->versionmadeby = VMB_VFAT;
zentry->versionneeded = 20;
zentry->disknumstart = 0;
zentry->compression_method = CM_DEFLATED;
zentry->deletefile = 1;
zentry->uncompressed_size = FS_LoadFile( filename, &data );
if( zentry->uncompressed_size == -1 || data == NULL )
printf( "Could not open file (%s)\n", filename );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
FS_GetFileAttributes( filename, &fs );
zentry->timedate = UnixTimeToDosTime( &fs.lastwritetime );
// Compression
c_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
c_stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = deflateInit( &c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION );
if( err != Z_OK )
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
zentry->compressed_size = (zentry->uncompressed_size / 10) + 12 + zentry->uncompressed_size;
compr = MM_MALLOC( zentry->compressed_size );
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_out = (uInt)zentry->compressed_size;
c_stream.next_in = data;
c_stream.avail_in = (uInt)zentry->uncompressed_size;
err = deflate( &c_stream, Z_FINISH );
if( err != Z_STREAM_END )
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
err = deflateEnd( &c_stream );
if( err != Z_OK )
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
// When using the deflate method, ZLib adds a 2 byte head
// and a 4 byte tail. The head must be removed for zip
// compatability and the tail is not necessary.
zentry->compressed_size = c_stream.total_out - 6;
// End of compression
zentry->crc32 = crc32( 0, data, zentry->uncompressed_size );
cs_strlcpy( zentry->filename, filename, sizeof( zentry->filename ) );
zentry->filename_length = strlen( zentry->filename );
zentry->offset = ftell( fout );
// Write header to file
if( ! zip_writelocalfileheader( zentry, fout ) )
printf( "Error writing local header to zip file\n" );
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
// Write data to file
retval = fwrite( compr+2, 1, zentry->compressed_size, fout );
if( retval != zentry->compressed_size )
printf( "Error writing data after local header to zip file\n" );
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
return zentry;
Function: writecentralchunk() -Write central headers for Zip file.
Parameters: z -[in] Chain of zlist structures.
fout -[in] file to write to.
Returns: On success true, otherwise false.
PRIVATE _boolean writecentralchunk( struct zlist *z, FILE *fout )
W32 central_offset;
W32 central_size;
W32 num = 0;
struct zlist *ztemp;
if( z == NULL )
printf( "NULL zip list passed into writecentralchunk().\n" );
return false;
central_offset = ftell( fout );
ztemp = z;
if( ! zip_writecentral( ztemp, fout ) )
printf( "Error writing central header to zip file\n" );
return false;
ztemp = ztemp->next;
} while( ztemp );
central_size = ftell( fout ) - central_offset;
if( ! zip_writeend( num, central_size, central_offset, 0, NULL, fout ) )
printf( "Error writing end header to zip file\n" );
return false;
return true;
Function: parsedirectory() -Write central headers for Zip file.
Parameters: path -[in] path to parse.
fout -[in] zip file to write to.
Returns: On success pointer to zlist structure, otherwise NULL.
PRIVATE _boolean parsedirectory( const char *path, FILE *f )
char temp[ 256 ];
char *ptr;
struct zlist *znewnode = NULL;
cs_strlcpy( temp, path, sizeof( temp ) );
if( strstr( temp, "*" ) == NULL )
cs_strlcat( temp, "/*", sizeof( temp ) );
// run findfirst once so we can use findnext in a loop.
// This will return the current directory
(void)FS_FindFirst( temp, 0, 0 );
// Look for files
while( (ptr = FS_FindNext( 0, FA_DIR )) != NULL )
znewnode = writelocalfilechunk( ptr, f );
if( znewnode == NULL )
// add new link to chain
znewnode->next = zfchain;
zfchain = znewnode;
return true; // return pointer to start of chain
Function: addscripttozipfile() -Add script file to zip file.
Parameters: filename -[in] File name of script file.
fout -[in] zip file to write to.
version -[in]
Returns: On success pointer to zlist structure, otherwise NULL.
PRIVATE struct zlist *addscripttozipfile( char *filename, FILE *fout, W16 version )
W8 *data;
struct zlist *zentry;
struct filestats fs;
int err;
W32 retval;
W8 *compr;
z_stream c_stream; /* compression stream */
char commandline[ 256 ];
int value = 0;
FILE *fin;
fin = fopen( filename, "rb" );
if( fin == NULL )
return NULL;
retval = FS_FileLength( fin );
if( retval == -1 )
printf( "Could not open file (%s)\n", filename );
return NULL;
// add g_version command
if( version == SDM_PAK || version == SOD_PAK )
value = 1;
value = 0;
cs_snprintf( commandline, sizeof( commandline ), "\n%s%d\n", GVERSION_TEXT, value );
data = MM_MALLOC( retval + strlen( commandline ) + 1 );
if( fread( data, 1, retval, fin ) != retval )
printf( "Could not read from file (%s)\n", filename );
MM_FREE( data )
return NULL;
fclose( fin );
memcpy( data + retval, commandline, strlen( commandline ) );
zentry = MM_MALLOC( sizeof( *zentry ) );
memset( zentry, 0, sizeof( *zentry ) );
zentry->next = NULL;
zentry->versionmadeby = VMB_VFAT;
zentry->versionneeded = 20;
zentry->disknumstart = 0;
zentry->compression_method = CM_DEFLATED;
zentry->deletefile = 0;
zentry->uncompressed_size = retval + strlen( commandline );
FS_GetFileAttributes( filename, &fs );
zentry->timedate = UnixTimeToDosTime( &fs.lastwritetime );
// Compression
c_stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
c_stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = deflateInit( &c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION );
if( err != Z_OK )
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
zentry->compressed_size = (zentry->uncompressed_size / 10) + 12 + zentry->uncompressed_size;
compr = MM_MALLOC( zentry->compressed_size );
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_out = (uInt)zentry->compressed_size;
c_stream.next_in = data;
c_stream.avail_in = (uInt)zentry->uncompressed_size;
err = deflate( &c_stream, Z_FINISH );
if( err != Z_STREAM_END )
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
err = deflateEnd( &c_stream );
if( err != Z_OK )
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
// When using the deflate method, ZLib adds a 2 byte head
// and a 4 byte tail. The head must be removed for zip
// compatability and the tail is not necessary.
zentry->compressed_size = c_stream.total_out - 6;
// End of compression
zentry->crc32 = crc32( 0, data, zentry->uncompressed_size );
cs_strlcpy( zentry->filename, filename, sizeof( zentry->filename ) );
zentry->filename_length = strlen( zentry->filename );
zentry->offset = ftell( fout );
// Write header to file
if( ! zip_writelocalfileheader( zentry, fout ) )
printf( "Error writing local header to zip file\n" );
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
// Write data to file
retval = fwrite( compr+2, 1, zentry->compressed_size, fout );
if( retval != zentry->compressed_size )
printf( "Error writing data after local header to zip file\n" );
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
MM_FREE( zentry );
return NULL;
MM_FREE( compr );
MM_FREE( data );
return zentry;
Function: deletezlist() -delete zip file chain.
Parameters: in -[in] zlist structure chain to delete.
deletefile -[in] Delete the file?
Returns: Nothing.
PRIVATE void deletezlist( struct zlist *in, _boolean deletefile )
struct zlist *z1;
if( in == NULL )
printf( "NULL zip list passed into deletezlist.\n" );
if( deletefile )
printf( "Removing cached files.\n" );
z1 = in->next;
if( in )
// delete file
if( deletefile && in->deletefile )
if( ! FS_DeleteFile( in->filename ) )
printf( "Unable to delete file (%s)\n", in->filename );
MM_FREE( in );
if( z1 )
in = z1;
z1 = in->next;
} while( in );
Function: PAK_builder() -Builds a PAK file for Wolfenstein 3-D Redux.
Parameters: path -[in] game path.
packname -[in] Name of PAK file to create.
version -[in] Versions of game files create/found.
Returns: Nothing.
PUBLIC void PAK_builder( const char *packname, W16 version )
FILE *fout;
printf( "\n\nGenerating pack file (%s)\nThis could take a few minutes.\n", packname );
fout = fopen( packname, "wb" );
if( fout == NULL )
printf( "[PAK_builder]: Could not create file (%s)\n", packname );
// Script file should be first
zfchain = addscripttozipfile( SCRIPTNAME, fout, version );
if( version & WL1_PAK || version & WL6_PAK ||
version & SDM_PAK || version & SOD_PAK )
parsedirectory( MAPDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( LGFXDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( GFXWALLDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( MUSICDIR, fout );
if( version & WL1_PAK || version & WL6_PAK )
parsedirectory( SCRIPT_DIR, fout );
parsedirectory( SFXDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( GFXSPRITEDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( LSFXDIR, fout );
if( version & SDM_PAK || version & SOD_PAK )
parsedirectory( SODSFXDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( SODGFXSPRITEDIR, fout );
parsedirectory( SODLSFXDIR, fout );
if( version & MAC_PAK )
parsedirectory( DIRPATHSPRITES, fout );
parsedirectory( DIRPATHWALLS, fout );
parsedirectory( DIRPATHPICS, fout );
parsedirectory( DIRPATHMIDI, fout );
if( ! writecentralchunk( zfchain, fout ) )
deletezlist( zfchain, false );
// close and delete zip file.
fclose( fout );
FS_DeleteFile( packname );
// close zip file.
fclose( fout );
deletezlist( zfchain, true );
zfchain = NULL;