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1613 lines
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1613 lines
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// Copyright (c) ZeniMax Media Inc.
// Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0.
#include "../g_local.h"
// BLOCKED Logic
bool face_wall(edict_t *self);
// blocked_checkplat
// dist: how far they are trying to walk.
bool blocked_checkplat(edict_t *self, float dist)
int playerPosition;
trace_t trace;
vec3_t pt1, pt2;
vec3_t forward;
edict_t *plat;
if (!self->enemy)
return false;
// check player's relative altitude
if (self->enemy->absmin[2] >= self->absmax[2])
playerPosition = 1;
else if (self->enemy->absmax[2] <= self->absmin[2])
playerPosition = -1;
playerPosition = 0;
// if we're close to the same position, don't bother trying plats.
if (playerPosition == 0)
return false;
plat = nullptr;
// see if we're already standing on a plat.
if (self->groundentity && self->groundentity != world)
if (!strncmp(self->groundentity->classname, "func_plat", 8))
plat = self->groundentity;
// if we're not, check to see if we'll step onto one with this move
if (!plat)
AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, nullptr, nullptr);
pt1 = self->s.origin + (forward * dist);
pt2 = pt1;
pt2[2] -= 384;
trace = gi.traceline(pt1, pt2, self, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (trace.fraction < 1 && !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid)
if (!strncmp(trace.ent->classname, "func_plat", 8))
plat = trace.ent;
// if we've found a plat, trigger it.
if (plat && plat->use)
if (playerPosition == 1)
if ((self->groundentity == plat && plat->moveinfo.state == STATE_BOTTOM) ||
(self->groundentity != plat && plat->moveinfo.state == STATE_TOP))
plat->use(plat, self, self);
return true;
else if (playerPosition == -1)
if ((self->groundentity == plat && plat->moveinfo.state == STATE_TOP) ||
(self->groundentity != plat && plat->moveinfo.state == STATE_BOTTOM))
plat->use(plat, self, self);
return true;
return false;
inline void monster_jump_start(edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.jump_time = level.time + 3_sec;
bool monster_jump_finished(edict_t *self)
// if we lost our forward velocity, give us more
vec3_t forward;
AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, nullptr, nullptr);
vec3_t forward_velocity = self->velocity.scaled(forward);
if (forward_velocity.length() < 150.f)
float z_velocity = self->velocity.z;
self->velocity = forward * 150.f;
self->velocity.z = z_velocity;
return self->monsterinfo.jump_time < level.time;
// blocked_checkjump
// dist: how far they are trying to walk.
// self->monsterinfo.drop_height/self->monsterinfo.jump_height: how far they'll ok a jump for. set to 0 to disable that direction.
blocked_jump_result_t blocked_checkjump(edict_t *self, float dist)
// can't jump even if we physically can
if (!self->monsterinfo.can_jump)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
// no enemy to path to
else if (!self->enemy)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
// we just jumped recently, don't try again
if (self->monsterinfo.jump_time > level.time)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
// if we're pathing, the nodes will ensure we can reach the destination.
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_PATHING)
if (self->monsterinfo.nav_path.returnCode != PathReturnCode::TraversalPending)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
float yaw = vectoyaw((self->monsterinfo.nav_path.firstMovePoint - self->monsterinfo.nav_path.secondMovePoint).normalized());
self->ideal_yaw = yaw + 180;
if (self->ideal_yaw > 360)
self->ideal_yaw -= 360;
if (!FacingIdeal(self))
return blocked_jump_result_t::JUMP_TURN;
if (self->monsterinfo.nav_path.secondMovePoint.z > self->monsterinfo.nav_path.firstMovePoint.z)
return blocked_jump_result_t::JUMP_JUMP_UP;
return blocked_jump_result_t::JUMP_JUMP_DOWN;
int playerPosition;
trace_t trace;
vec3_t pt1, pt2;
vec3_t forward, up;
AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, nullptr, up);
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_PATHING)
if (self->monsterinfo.nav_path.secondMovePoint[2] > (self->absmin[2] + STEPSIZE))
playerPosition = 1;
else if (self->monsterinfo.nav_path.secondMovePoint[2] < (self->absmin[2] - STEPSIZE))
playerPosition = -1;
playerPosition = 0;
if (self->enemy->absmin[2] > (self->absmin[2] + STEPSIZE))
playerPosition = 1;
else if (self->enemy->absmin[2] < (self->absmin[2] - STEPSIZE))
playerPosition = -1;
playerPosition = 0;
if (playerPosition == -1 && self->monsterinfo.drop_height)
// check to make sure we can even get to the spot we're going to "fall" from
pt1 = self->s.origin + (forward * 48);
trace = gi.trace(self->s.origin, self->mins, self->maxs, pt1, self, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (trace.fraction < 1)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
pt2 = pt1;
pt2[2] = self->absmin[2] - self->monsterinfo.drop_height - 1;
trace = gi.traceline(pt1, pt2, self, MASK_MONSTERSOLID | MASK_WATER);
if (trace.fraction < 1 && !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid)
// check how deep the water is
if (trace.contents & CONTENTS_WATER)
trace_t deep = gi.traceline(trace.endpos, pt2, self, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
water_level_t waterlevel;
contents_t watertype;
M_CatagorizePosition(self, deep.endpos, waterlevel, watertype);
if (waterlevel > WATER_WAIST)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
if ((self->absmin[2] - trace.endpos[2]) >= 24 && (trace.contents & (MASK_SOLID | CONTENTS_WATER)))
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_PATHING)
if ((self->monsterinfo.nav_path.secondMovePoint[2] - trace.endpos[2]) > 32)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
if ((self->enemy->absmin[2] - trace.endpos[2]) > 32)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
if (trace.plane.normal[2] < 0.9f)
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
return blocked_jump_result_t::JUMP_JUMP_DOWN;
else if (playerPosition == 1 && self->monsterinfo.jump_height)
pt1 = self->s.origin + (forward * 48);
pt2 = pt1;
pt1[2] = self->absmax[2] + self->monsterinfo.jump_height;
trace = gi.traceline(pt1, pt2, self, MASK_MONSTERSOLID | MASK_WATER);
if (trace.fraction < 1 && !trace.allsolid && !trace.startsolid)
if ((trace.endpos[2] - self->absmin[2]) <= self->monsterinfo.jump_height && (trace.contents & (MASK_SOLID | CONTENTS_WATER)))
return blocked_jump_result_t::JUMP_JUMP_UP;
return blocked_jump_result_t::NO_JUMP;
// *************************
// *************************
constexpr spawnflags_t SPAWNFLAG_HINT_ENDPOINT = 0x0001_spawnflag;
constexpr size_t MAX_HINT_CHAINS = 100;
int hint_paths_present;
edict_t *hint_path_start[MAX_HINT_CHAINS];
int num_hint_paths;
// AI code
// =============
// hintpath_findstart - given any hintpath node, finds the start node
// =============
edict_t *hintpath_findstart(edict_t *ent)
edict_t *e;
edict_t *last;
if (ent->target) // starting point
last = world;
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(nullptr, ent->target);
while (e)
last = e;
if (!e->target)
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(nullptr, e->target);
else // end point
last = world;
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::target>(nullptr, ent->targetname);
while (e)
last = e;
if (!e->targetname)
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::target>(nullptr, e->targetname);
if (!last->spawnflags.has(SPAWNFLAG_HINT_ENDPOINT))
return nullptr;
if (last == world)
last = nullptr;
return last;
// =============
// hintpath_other_end - given one endpoint of a hintpath, returns the other end.
// =============
edict_t *hintpath_other_end(edict_t *ent)
edict_t *e;
edict_t *last;
if (ent->target) // starting point
last = world;
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(nullptr, ent->target);
while (e)
last = e;
if (!e->target)
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(nullptr, e->target);
else // end point
last = world;
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::target>(nullptr, ent->targetname);
while (e)
last = e;
if (!e->targetname)
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::target>(nullptr, e->targetname);
if (!(last->spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_HINT_ENDPOINT))
return nullptr;
if (last == world)
last = nullptr;
return last;
// =============
// hintpath_go - starts a monster (self) moving towards the hintpath (point)
// disables all contrary AI flags.
// =============
void hintpath_go(edict_t *self, edict_t *point)
vec3_t dir;
dir = point->s.origin - self->s.origin;
self->ideal_yaw = vectoyaw(dir);
self->goalentity = self->movetarget = point;
self->monsterinfo.pausetime = 0_ms;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_HINT_PATH;
// run for it
self->monsterinfo.search_time = level.time;
// =============
// hintpath_stop - bails a monster out of following hint paths
// =============
void hintpath_stop(edict_t *self)
self->goalentity = nullptr;
self->movetarget = nullptr;
self->monsterinfo.last_hint_time = level.time;
self->monsterinfo.goal_hint = nullptr;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_HINT_PATH;
if (has_valid_enemy(self))
// if we can see our target, go nuts
if (visible(self, self->enemy))
// otherwise, keep chasing
// if our enemy is no longer valid, forget about our enemy and go into stand
self->enemy = nullptr;
// we need the pausetime otherwise the stand code
// will just revert to walking with no target and
// the monsters will wonder around aimlessly trying
// to hunt the world entity
self->monsterinfo.pausetime = HOLD_FOREVER;
// =============
// monsterlost_checkhint - the monster (self) will check around for valid hintpaths.
// a valid hintpath is one where the two endpoints can see both the monster
// and the monster's enemy. if only one person is visible from the endpoints,
// it will not go for it.
// =============
bool monsterlost_checkhint(edict_t *self)
edict_t *e, *monster_pathchain, *target_pathchain, *checkpoint = nullptr;
edict_t *closest;
float closest_range = 1000000;
edict_t *start, *destination;
int count5 = 0;
float r;
int i;
bool hint_path_represented[MAX_HINT_CHAINS];
// if there are no hint paths on this map, exit immediately.
if (!hint_paths_present)
return false;
if (!self->enemy)
return false;
// [Paril-KEX] don't do hint paths if we're using nav nodes
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & (AI_STAND_GROUND | AI_PATHING))
return false;
if (!strcmp(self->classname, "monster_turret"))
return false;
monster_pathchain = nullptr;
// find all the hint_paths.
// FIXME - can we not do this every time?
for (i = 0; i < num_hint_paths; i++)
e = hint_path_start[i];
while (e)
if (e->monster_hint_chain)
e->monster_hint_chain = nullptr;
if (monster_pathchain)
checkpoint->monster_hint_chain = e;
checkpoint = e;
monster_pathchain = e;
checkpoint = e;
e = e->hint_chain;
// filter them by distance and visibility to the monster
e = monster_pathchain;
checkpoint = nullptr;
while (e)
r = realrange(self, e);
if (r > 512)
if (checkpoint)
checkpoint->monster_hint_chain = e->monster_hint_chain;
e->monster_hint_chain = nullptr;
e = checkpoint->monster_hint_chain;
// use checkpoint as temp pointer
checkpoint = e;
e = e->monster_hint_chain;
checkpoint->monster_hint_chain = nullptr;
// and clear it again
checkpoint = nullptr;
// since we have yet to find a valid one (or else checkpoint would be set) move the
// start of monster_pathchain
monster_pathchain = e;
if (!visible(self, e))
if (checkpoint)
checkpoint->monster_hint_chain = e->monster_hint_chain;
e->monster_hint_chain = nullptr;
e = checkpoint->monster_hint_chain;
// use checkpoint as temp pointer
checkpoint = e;
e = e->monster_hint_chain;
checkpoint->monster_hint_chain = nullptr;
// and clear it again
checkpoint = nullptr;
// since we have yet to find a valid one (or else checkpoint would be set) move the
// start of monster_pathchain
monster_pathchain = e;
checkpoint = e;
e = e->monster_hint_chain;
// at this point, we have a list of all of the eligible hint nodes for the monster
// we now take them, figure out what hint chains they're on, and traverse down those chains,
// seeing whether any can see the player
// first, we figure out which hint chains we have represented in monster_pathchain
if (count5 == 0)
return false;
for (i = 0; i < num_hint_paths; i++)
hint_path_represented[i] = false;
e = monster_pathchain;
checkpoint = nullptr;
while (e)
if ((e->hint_chain_id < 0) || (e->hint_chain_id > num_hint_paths))
return false;
hint_path_represented[e->hint_chain_id] = true;
e = e->monster_hint_chain;
count5 = 0;
// now, build the target_pathchain which contains all of the hint_path nodes we need to check for
// validity (within range, visibility)
target_pathchain = nullptr;
checkpoint = nullptr;
for (i = 0; i < num_hint_paths; i++)
// if this hint chain is represented in the monster_hint_chain, add all of it's nodes to the target_pathchain
// for validity checking
if (hint_path_represented[i])
e = hint_path_start[i];
while (e)
if (target_pathchain)
checkpoint->target_hint_chain = e;
checkpoint = e;
target_pathchain = e;
checkpoint = e;
e = e->hint_chain;
// target_pathchain is a list of all of the hint_path nodes we need to check for validity relative to the target
e = target_pathchain;
checkpoint = nullptr;
while (e)
r = realrange(self->enemy, e);
if (r > 512)
if (checkpoint)
checkpoint->target_hint_chain = e->target_hint_chain;
e->target_hint_chain = nullptr;
e = checkpoint->target_hint_chain;
// use checkpoint as temp pointer
checkpoint = e;
e = e->target_hint_chain;
checkpoint->target_hint_chain = nullptr;
// and clear it again
checkpoint = nullptr;
target_pathchain = e;
if (!visible(self->enemy, e))
if (checkpoint)
checkpoint->target_hint_chain = e->target_hint_chain;
e->target_hint_chain = nullptr;
e = checkpoint->target_hint_chain;
// use checkpoint as temp pointer
checkpoint = e;
e = e->target_hint_chain;
checkpoint->target_hint_chain = nullptr;
// and clear it again
checkpoint = nullptr;
target_pathchain = e;
checkpoint = e;
e = e->target_hint_chain;
// at this point we should have:
// monster_pathchain - a list of "monster valid" hint_path nodes linked together by monster_hint_chain
// target_pathcain - a list of "target valid" hint_path nodes linked together by target_hint_chain. these
// are filtered such that only nodes which are on the same chain as "monster valid" nodes
// Now, we figure out which "monster valid" node we want to use
// To do this, we first off make sure we have some target nodes. If we don't, there are no valid hint_path nodes
// for us to take
// If we have some, we filter all of our "monster valid" nodes by which ones have "target valid" nodes on them
// Once this filter is finished, we select the closest "monster valid" node, and go to it.
if (count5 == 0)
return false;
// reuse the hint_chain_represented array, this time to see which chains are represented by the target
for (i = 0; i < num_hint_paths; i++)
hint_path_represented[i] = false;
e = target_pathchain;
checkpoint = nullptr;
while (e)
if ((e->hint_chain_id < 0) || (e->hint_chain_id > num_hint_paths))
return false;
hint_path_represented[e->hint_chain_id] = true;
e = e->target_hint_chain;
// traverse the monster_pathchain - if the hint_node isn't represented in the "target valid" chain list,
// remove it
// if it is on the list, check it for range from the monster. If the range is the closest, keep it
closest = nullptr;
e = monster_pathchain;
while (e)
if (!(hint_path_represented[e->hint_chain_id]))
checkpoint = e->monster_hint_chain;
e->monster_hint_chain = nullptr;
e = checkpoint;
r = realrange(self, e);
if (r < closest_range)
closest = e;
e = e->monster_hint_chain;
if (!closest)
return false;
start = closest;
// now we know which one is the closest to the monster .. this is the one the monster will go to
// we need to finally determine what the DESTINATION node is for the monster .. walk down the hint_chain,
// and find the closest one to the player
closest = nullptr;
closest_range = 10000000;
e = target_pathchain;
while (e)
if (start->hint_chain_id == e->hint_chain_id)
r = realrange(self, e);
if (r < closest_range)
closest = e;
e = e->target_hint_chain;
if (!closest)
return false;
destination = closest;
self->monsterinfo.goal_hint = destination;
hintpath_go(self, start);
return true;
// Path code
// =============
// hint_path_touch - someone's touched the hint_path
// =============
TOUCH(hint_path_touch) (edict_t *self, edict_t *other, const trace_t &tr, bool other_touching_self) -> void
edict_t *e, *goal, *next = nullptr;
// int chain; // direction - (-1) = upstream, (1) = downstream, (0) = done
bool goalFound = false;
// make sure we're the target of it's obsession
if (other->movetarget == self)
goal = other->monsterinfo.goal_hint;
// if the monster is where he wants to be
if (goal == self)
// if we aren't, figure out which way we want to go
e = hint_path_start[self->hint_chain_id];
while (e)
// if we get up to ourselves on the hint chain, we're going down it
if (e == self)
next = e->hint_chain;
if (e == goal)
goalFound = true;
// if we get to where the next link on the chain is this hint_path and have found the goal on the way
// we're going upstream, so remember who the previous link is
if ((e->hint_chain == self) && goalFound)
next = e;
e = e->hint_chain;
// if we couldn't find it, have the monster go back to normal hunting.
if (!next)
// send him on his way
hintpath_go(other, next);
// have the monster freeze if the hint path we just touched has a wait time
// on it, for example, when riding a plat.
if (self->wait)
other->nextthink = level.time + gtime_t::from_sec(self->wait);
/*QUAKED hint_path (.5 .3 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) END
Target: next hint path
END - set this flag on the endpoints of each hintpath.
"wait" - set this if you want the monster to freeze when they touch this hintpath
void SP_hint_path(edict_t *self)
if (deathmatch->integer)
if (!self->targetname && !self->target)
gi.Com_PrintFmt("{}: unlinked\n", *self);
self->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
self->touch = hint_path_touch;
self->mins = { -8, -8, -8 };
self->maxs = { 8, 8, 8 };
self->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT;
// ============
// InitHintPaths - Called by InitGame (g_save) to enable quick exits if valid
// ============
void InitHintPaths()
edict_t *e, *current;
int i;
hint_paths_present = 0;
// check all the hint_paths.
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::classname>(nullptr, "hint_path");
if (e)
hint_paths_present = 1;
memset(hint_path_start, 0, MAX_HINT_CHAINS * sizeof(edict_t *));
num_hint_paths = 0;
while (e)
if (e->spawnflags.has(SPAWNFLAG_HINT_ENDPOINT))
if (e->target) // start point
if (e->targetname) // this is a bad end, ignore it
gi.Com_PrintFmt("{}: marked as endpoint with both target ({}) and targetname ({})\n",
*e, e->target, e->targetname);
if (num_hint_paths >= MAX_HINT_CHAINS)
hint_path_start[num_hint_paths++] = e;
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::classname>(e, "hint_path");
for (i = 0; i < num_hint_paths; i++)
current = hint_path_start[i];
current->hint_chain_id = i;
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(nullptr, current->target);
if (G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(e, current->target))
gi.Com_PrintFmt("{}: Forked path detected for chain {}, target {}\n",
*current, num_hint_paths, current->target);
hint_path_start[i]->hint_chain = nullptr;
while (e)
if (e->hint_chain)
gi.Com_PrintFmt("{}: Circular path detected for chain {}, targetname {}\n",
*e, num_hint_paths, e->targetname);
hint_path_start[i]->hint_chain = nullptr;
current->hint_chain = e;
current = e;
current->hint_chain_id = i;
if (!current->target)
e = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(nullptr, current->target);
if (G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>(e, current->target))
gi.Com_PrintFmt("{}: Forked path detected for chain {}, target {}\n",
*current, num_hint_paths, current->target);
hint_path_start[i]->hint_chain = nullptr;
// *****************************
// *****************************
// PMM - inback
// use to see if opponent is behind you (not to side)
// if it looks a lot like infront, well, there's a reason
bool inback(edict_t *self, edict_t *other)
vec3_t vec;
float dot;
vec3_t forward;
AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, nullptr, nullptr);
vec = other->s.origin - self->s.origin;
dot = vec.dot(forward);
return dot < -0.3f;
float realrange(edict_t *self, edict_t *other)
vec3_t dir;
dir = self->s.origin - other->s.origin;
return dir.length();
bool face_wall(edict_t *self)
vec3_t pt;
vec3_t forward;
vec3_t ang;
trace_t tr;
AngleVectors(self->s.angles, forward, nullptr, nullptr);
pt = self->s.origin + (forward * 64);
tr = gi.traceline(self->s.origin, pt, self, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (tr.fraction < 1 && !tr.allsolid && !tr.startsolid)
ang = vectoangles(tr.plane.normal);
self->ideal_yaw = ang[YAW] + 180;
if (self->ideal_yaw > 360)
self->ideal_yaw -= 360;
return true;
return false;
// Monster "Bad" Areas
TOUCH(badarea_touch) (edict_t *ent, edict_t *other, const trace_t &tr, bool other_touching_self) -> void
edict_t *SpawnBadArea(const vec3_t &mins, const vec3_t &maxs, gtime_t lifespan, edict_t *owner)
edict_t *badarea;
vec3_t origin;
origin = mins + maxs;
origin *= 0.5f;
badarea = G_Spawn();
badarea->s.origin = origin;
badarea->maxs = maxs - origin;
badarea->mins = mins - origin;
badarea->touch = badarea_touch;
badarea->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
badarea->solid = SOLID_TRIGGER;
badarea->classname = "bad_area";
if (lifespan)
badarea->think = G_FreeEdict;
badarea->nextthink = level.time + lifespan;
if (owner)
badarea->owner = owner;
return badarea;
static BoxEdictsResult_t CheckForBadArea_BoxFilter(edict_t *hit, void *data)
edict_t *&result = (edict_t *&) data;
if (hit->touch == badarea_touch)
result = hit;
return BoxEdictsResult_t::End;
return BoxEdictsResult_t::Skip;
// CheckForBadArea
// This is a customized version of G_TouchTriggers that will check
// for bad area triggers and return them if they're touched.
edict_t *CheckForBadArea(edict_t *ent)
vec3_t mins, maxs;
mins = ent->s.origin + ent->mins;
maxs = ent->s.origin + ent->maxs;
edict_t *hit = nullptr;
gi.BoxEdicts(mins, maxs, nullptr, 0, AREA_TRIGGERS, CheckForBadArea_BoxFilter, &hit);
return hit;
constexpr float TESLA_DAMAGE_RADIUS = 128;
bool MarkTeslaArea(edict_t *self, edict_t *tesla)
vec3_t mins, maxs;
edict_t *e;
edict_t *tail;
edict_t *area;
if (!tesla || !self)
return false;
area = nullptr;
// make sure this tesla doesn't have a bad area around it already...
e = tesla->teamchain;
tail = tesla;
while (e)
tail = tail->teamchain;
if (!strcmp(e->classname, "bad_area"))
return false;
e = e->teamchain;
// see if we can grab the trigger directly
if (tesla->teamchain && tesla->teamchain->inuse)
edict_t *trigger;
trigger = tesla->teamchain;
mins = trigger->absmin;
maxs = trigger->absmax;
if (tesla->air_finished)
area = SpawnBadArea(mins, maxs, tesla->air_finished, tesla);
area = SpawnBadArea(mins, maxs, tesla->nextthink, tesla);
// otherwise we just guess at how long it'll last.
mins = { -TESLA_DAMAGE_RADIUS, -TESLA_DAMAGE_RADIUS, tesla->mins[2] };
area = SpawnBadArea(mins, maxs, 30_sec, tesla);
// if we spawned a bad area, then link it to the tesla
if (area)
tail->teamchain = area;
return true;
// predictive calculator
// target is who you want to shoot
// start is where the shot comes from
// bolt_speed is how fast the shot is (or 0 for hitscan)
// eye_height is a boolean to say whether or not to adjust to targets eye_height
// offset is how much time to miss by
// aimdir is the resulting aim direction (pass in nullptr if you don't want it)
// aimpoint is the resulting aimpoint (pass in nullptr if don't want it)
void PredictAim(edict_t *self, edict_t *target, const vec3_t &start, float bolt_speed, bool eye_height, float offset, vec3_t *aimdir, vec3_t *aimpoint)
vec3_t dir, vec;
float dist, time;
if (!target || !target->inuse)
*aimdir = {};
dir = target->s.origin - start;
if (eye_height)
dir[2] += target->viewheight;
dist = dir.length();
// [Paril-KEX] if our current attempt is blocked, try the opposite one
trace_t tr = gi.traceline(start, start + dir, self, MASK_PROJECTILE);
if (tr.ent != target)
eye_height = !eye_height;
dir = target->s.origin - start;
if (eye_height)
dir[2] += target->viewheight;
dist = dir.length();
if (bolt_speed)
time = dist / bolt_speed;
time = 0;
vec = target->s.origin + (target->velocity * (time - offset));
// went backwards...
if (dir.normalized().dot((vec - start).normalized()) < 0)
vec = target->s.origin;
// if the shot is going to impact a nearby wall from our prediction, just fire it straight.
if (gi.traceline(start, vec, nullptr, MASK_SOLID).fraction < 0.9f)
vec = target->s.origin;
if (eye_height)
vec[2] += target->viewheight;
if (aimdir)
*aimdir = (vec - start).normalized();
if (aimpoint)
*aimpoint = vec;
// [Paril-KEX] find a pitch that will at some point land on or near the player.
// very approximate. aim will be adjusted to the correct aim vector.
bool M_CalculatePitchToFire(edict_t *self, const vec3_t &target, const vec3_t &start, vec3_t &aim, float speed, float time_remaining, bool mortar, bool destroy_on_touch)
constexpr float pitches[] = { -80.f, -70.f, -60.f, -50.f, -40.f, -30.f, -20.f, -10.f, -5.f };
float best_pitch = 0.f;
float best_dist = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
constexpr float sim_time = 0.1f;
vec3_t pitched_aim = vectoangles(aim);
for (auto &pitch : pitches)
if (mortar && pitch >= -30.f)
pitched_aim[PITCH] = pitch;
vec3_t fwd = AngleVectors(pitched_aim).forward;
vec3_t velocity = fwd * speed;
vec3_t origin = start;
float t = time_remaining;
while (t > 0.f)
velocity += vec3_t{ 0, 0, -1 } * level.gravity * sim_time;
vec3_t end = origin + (velocity * sim_time);
trace_t tr = gi.traceline(origin, end, nullptr, MASK_SHOT);
origin = tr.endpos;
if (tr.fraction < 1.0f)
if (tr.surface->flags & SURF_SKY)
origin += tr.plane.normal;
velocity = ClipVelocity(velocity, tr.plane.normal, 1.6f);
float dist = (origin - target).lengthSquared();
if (tr.ent == self->enemy || tr.ent->client || (tr.plane.normal.z >= 0.7f && dist < (128.f * 128.f) && dist < best_dist))
best_pitch = pitch;
best_dist = dist;
if (destroy_on_touch || (tr.contents & (CONTENTS_MONSTER | CONTENTS_PLAYER | CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER)))
t -= sim_time;
if (!isinf(best_dist))
pitched_aim[PITCH] = best_pitch;
aim = AngleVectors(pitched_aim).forward;
return true;
return false;
bool below(edict_t *self, edict_t *other)
vec3_t vec;
float dot;
vec3_t down;
vec = other->s.origin - self->s.origin;
down = { 0, 0, -1 };
dot = vec.dot(down);
if (dot > 0.95f) // 18 degree arc below
return true;
return false;
void drawbbox(edict_t *self)
int lines[4][3] = {
{ 1, 2, 4 },
{ 1, 2, 7 },
{ 1, 4, 5 },
{ 2, 4, 7 }
int starts[4] = { 0, 3, 5, 6 };
vec3_t pt[8];
int i, j, k;
vec3_t coords[2];
vec3_t newbox;
vec3_t f, r, u, dir;
coords[0] = self->absmin;
coords[1] = self->absmax;
for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
for (k = 0; k <= 1; k++)
pt[4 * i + 2 * j + k][0] = coords[i][0];
pt[4 * i + 2 * j + k][1] = coords[j][1];
pt[4 * i + 2 * j + k][2] = coords[k][2];
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= 2; j++)
gi.multicast(pt[starts[i]], MULTICAST_ALL, false);
dir = vectoangles(self->s.angles);
AngleVectors(dir, f, r, u);
newbox = self->s.origin + (f * 50);
gi.multicast(self->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS, false);
newbox = self->s.origin + (r * 50);
gi.multicast(self->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS, false);
newbox = self->s.origin + (u * 50);
gi.multicast(self->s.origin, MULTICAST_PVS, false);
// [Paril-KEX] returns true if the skill check passes
inline bool G_SkillCheck(const std::initializer_list<float> &skills)
if (skills.size() < skill->integer)
return true;
const float &skill_switch = *(skills.begin() + skill->integer);
return skill_switch == 1.0f ? true : frandom() < skill_switch;
// New dodge code
MONSTERINFO_DODGE(M_MonsterDodge) (edict_t *self, edict_t *attacker, gtime_t eta, trace_t *tr, bool gravity) -> void
float r = frandom();
float height;
bool ducker = false, dodger = false;
// this needs to be here since this can be called after the monster has "died"
if (self->health < 1)
if ((self->monsterinfo.duck) && (self->monsterinfo.unduck) && !gravity)
ducker = true;
if ((self->monsterinfo.sidestep) && !(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_STAND_GROUND))
dodger = true;
if ((!ducker) && (!dodger))
if (!self->enemy)
self->enemy = attacker;
// PMM - don't bother if it's going to hit anyway; fix for weird in-your-face etas (I was
// seeing numbers like 13 and 14)
if ((eta < FRAME_TIME_MS) || (eta > 2.5_sec))
// skill level determination..
if (r > 0.50f)
if (ducker && tr)
height = self->absmax[2] - 32 - 1; // the -1 is because the absmax is s.origin + maxs + 1
if ((!dodger) && ((tr->endpos[2] <= height) || (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED)))
height = self->absmax[2];
if (dodger)
// if we're already dodging, just finish the sequence, i.e. don't do anything else
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DODGING)
// if we're ducking already, or the shot is at our knees
if ((!ducker || !tr || tr->endpos[2] <= height) || (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED))
// on Easy & Normal, don't sidestep as often (25% on Easy, 50% on Normal)
if (!G_SkillCheck({ 0.25f, 0.50f, 1.0f, 1.0f }))
self->monsterinfo.dodge_time = level.time + random_time(0.8_sec, 1.4_sec);
if (tr)
vec3_t right, diff;
AngleVectors(self->s.angles, nullptr, right, nullptr);
diff = tr->endpos - self->s.origin;
if (right.dot(diff) < 0)
self->monsterinfo.lefty = false;
self->monsterinfo.lefty = true;
self->monsterinfo.lefty = brandom();
// call the monster specific code here
if (self->monsterinfo.sidestep(self))
// if we are currently ducked, unduck
if ((ducker) && (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED))
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_DODGING;
self->monsterinfo.attack_state = AS_SLIDING;
self->monsterinfo.dodge_time = level.time + random_time(0.4_sec, 2.0_sec);
// [Paril-KEX] we don't need to duck until projectiles are going to hit us very
// soon.
if (ducker && tr && eta < 0.5_sec)
if (self->monsterinfo.next_duck_time > level.time)
if (self->monsterinfo.duck(self, eta))
// if duck didn't set us yet, do it now
if (self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time < level.time)
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time = level.time + eta;
// on Easy & Normal mode, duck longer
if (skill->integer == 0)
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time += random_time(500_ms, 1000_ms);
else if (skill->integer == 1)
self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time += random_time(100_ms, 350_ms);
self->monsterinfo.dodge_time = level.time + random_time(0.2_sec, 0.7_sec);
void monster_duck_down(edict_t *self)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_DUCKED;
self->maxs[2] = self->monsterinfo.base_height - 32;
self->takedamage = true;
self->monsterinfo.next_duck_time = level.time + DUCK_INTERVAL;
void monster_duck_hold(edict_t *self)
if (level.time >= self->monsterinfo.duck_wait_time)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_HOLD_FRAME;
self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_HOLD_FRAME;
MONSTERINFO_UNDUCK(monster_duck_up) (edict_t *self) -> void
if (!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED))
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_DUCKED;
self->maxs[2] = self->monsterinfo.base_height;
self->takedamage = true;
// we finished a duck-up successfully, so cut the time remaining in half
if (self->monsterinfo.next_duck_time > level.time)
self->monsterinfo.next_duck_time = level.time + ((self->monsterinfo.next_duck_time - level.time) / 2);
bool has_valid_enemy(edict_t *self)
if (!self->enemy)
return false;
if (!self->enemy->inuse)
return false;
if (self->enemy->health < 1)
return false;
return true;
void TargetTesla(edict_t *self, edict_t *tesla)
if ((!self) || (!tesla))
// PMM - medic bails on healing things
if (self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_MEDIC)
if (self->enemy)
self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_MEDIC;
// store the player enemy in case we lose track of him.
if (self->enemy && self->enemy->client)
self->monsterinfo.last_player_enemy = self->enemy;
if (self->enemy != tesla)
self->oldenemy = self->enemy;
self->enemy = tesla;
if (self->monsterinfo.attack)
if (self->health <= 0)
// this returns a randomly selected coop player who is visible to self
// returns nullptr if bad
edict_t *PickCoopTarget(edict_t *self)
edict_t **targets;
int num_targets = 0, targetID;
edict_t *ent;
// if we're not in coop, this is a noop
if (!coop->integer)
return nullptr;
targets = (edict_t **) alloca(sizeof(edict_t *) * game.maxclients);
for (uint32_t player = 1; player <= game.maxclients; player++)
ent = &g_edicts[player];
if (!ent->inuse)
if (!ent->client)
if (visible(self, ent))
targets[num_targets++] = ent;
if (!num_targets)
return nullptr;
// get a number from 0 to (num_targets-1)
targetID = irandom(num_targets);
return targets[targetID];
// only meant to be used in coop
int CountPlayers()
edict_t *ent;
int count = 0;
// if we're not in coop, this is a noop
if (!coop->integer)
return 1;
for (uint32_t player = 1; player <= game.maxclients; player++)
ent = &g_edicts[player];
if (!ent->inuse)
if (!ent->client)
ent = g_edicts+1; // skip the worldspawn
while (ent)
if ((ent->client) && (ent->inuse))
ent = nullptr;
return count;
THINK(BossExplode_think) (edict_t *self) -> void
// owner gone or changed
if (!self->owner->inuse || self->owner->s.modelindex != self->style || self->count != self->owner->spawn_count)
vec3_t org = self->owner->s.origin + self->owner->mins;
org.x += frandom() * self->owner->size.x;
org.y += frandom() * self->owner->size.y;
org.z += frandom() * self->owner->size.z;
gi.WriteByte(!(self->viewheight % 3) ? TE_EXPLOSION1 : TE_EXPLOSION1_NL);
gi.multicast(org, MULTICAST_PVS, false);
self->nextthink = level.time + random_time(50_ms, 200_ms);
void BossExplode(edict_t *self)
// no blowy on deady
if (self->spawnflags.has(SPAWNFLAG_MONSTER_DEAD))
edict_t *exploder = G_Spawn();
exploder->owner = self;
exploder->count = self->spawn_count;
exploder->style = self->s.modelindex;
exploder->think = BossExplode_think;
exploder->nextthink = level.time + random_time(75_ms, 250_ms);
exploder->viewheight = 0;
} |