// Copyright (c) ZeniMax Media Inc. // Licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0. #include "../g_local.h" #include "../m_player.h" #include "bot_utils.h" constexpr int Team_Coop_Monster = 0; /* ================ Player_UpdateState ================ */ void Player_UpdateState( edict_t * player ) { const client_persistant_t & persistant = player->client->pers; player->sv.ent_flags = SVFL_NONE; if ( player->groundentity != nullptr || ( player->flags & FL_PARTIALGROUND ) != 0 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_ONGROUND; } else { if ( player->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_JUMP_HELD ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_JUMPING; } } if ( player->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_ON_LADDER ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_ON_LADDER; } if ( ( player->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) != 0 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_CROUCHING; } if ( player->client->quad_time > level.time ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_HAS_DMG_BOOST; } else if ( player->client->quadfire_time > level.time ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_HAS_DMG_BOOST; } else if ( player->client->double_time > level.time ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_HAS_DMG_BOOST; } if ( player->client->invincible_time > level.time ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_HAS_PROTECTION; } if ( player->client->invisible_time > level.time ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_HAS_INVISIBILITY; } if ( ( player->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_TIME_TELEPORT ) != 0 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_HAS_TELEPORTED; } if ( player->takedamage ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_TAKES_DAMAGE; } if ( player->solid == SOLID_NOT ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_HIDDEN; } if ( ( player->flags & FL_INWATER ) != 0 ) { if ( player->waterlevel >= WATER_WAIST ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IN_WATER; } } if ( ( player->flags & FL_NOTARGET ) != 0 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_NO_TARGET; } if ( ( player->flags & FL_GODMODE ) != 0 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_GOD_MODE; } if ( player->movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_NOCLIP; } if ( player->client->anim_end == FRAME_flip12 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_FLIPPING_OFF; } if ( player->client->anim_end == FRAME_salute11 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_SALUTING; } if ( player->client->anim_end == FRAME_taunt17 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_TAUNTING; } if ( player->client->anim_end == FRAME_wave11 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_WAVING; } if ( player->client->anim_end == FRAME_point12 ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_POINTING; } if ( ( player->client->ps.pmove.pm_flags & PMF_DUCKED ) == 0 && player->client->anim_priority <= ANIM_WAVE ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_CAN_GESTURE; } if ( player->lastMOD.id == MOD_TELEFRAG || player->lastMOD.id == MOD_TELEFRAG_SPAWN ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_WAS_TELEFRAGGED; } if ( player->client->resp.spectator ) { player->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_SPECTATOR; } player_skinnum_t pl_skinnum; pl_skinnum.skinnum = player->s.skinnum; player->sv.team = pl_skinnum.team_index; player->sv.buttons = player->client->buttons; const item_id_t armorType = ArmorIndex( player ); player->sv.armor_type = armorType; player->sv.armor_value = persistant.inventory[ armorType ]; player->sv.health = ( player->deadflag != true ) ? player->health : -1; player->sv.weapon = ( persistant.weapon != nullptr ) ? persistant.weapon->id : IT_NULL; player->sv.last_attackertime = static_cast( player->client->last_attacker_time.milliseconds() ); player->sv.respawntime = static_cast( player->client->respawn_time.milliseconds() ); player->sv.waterlevel = player->waterlevel; player->sv.viewheight = player->viewheight; player->sv.viewangles = player->client->v_angle; player->sv.viewforward = player->client->v_forward; player->sv.velocity = player->velocity; player->sv.ground_entity = player->groundentity; player->sv.enemy = player->enemy; static_assert( sizeof( persistant.inventory ) <= sizeof( player->sv.inventory ) ); memcpy( &player->sv.inventory, &persistant.inventory, sizeof( persistant.inventory ) ); if ( !player->sv.init ) { player->sv.init = true; player->sv.classname = player->classname; player->sv.targetname = player->targetname; player->sv.lobby_usernum = P_GetLobbyUserNum( player ); player->sv.starting_health = player->health; player->sv.max_health = player->max_health; // NOTE: entries are assumed to be ranked with the first armor assumed // NOTE: to be the "best", and last the "worst". You don't need to add // NOTE: entries for things like armor shards, only actual armors. // NOTE: Check "Max_Armor_Types" to raise/lower the armor count. armorInfo_t * armorInfo = player->sv.armor_info; armorInfo[ 0 ].item_id = IT_ARMOR_BODY; armorInfo[ 0 ].max_count = bodyarmor_info.max_count; armorInfo[ 1 ].item_id = IT_ARMOR_COMBAT; armorInfo[ 1 ].max_count = combatarmor_info.max_count; armorInfo[ 2 ].item_id = IT_ARMOR_JACKET; armorInfo[ 2 ].max_count = jacketarmor_info.max_count; gi.Info_ValueForKey( player->client->pers.userinfo, "name", player->sv.netname, sizeof( player->sv.netname ) ); gi.Bot_RegisterEdict( player ); } } /* ================ Monster_UpdateState ================ */ void Monster_UpdateState( edict_t * monster ) { monster->sv.ent_flags = SVFL_NONE; if ( monster->groundentity != nullptr ) { monster->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_ONGROUND; } if ( monster->takedamage ) { monster->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_TAKES_DAMAGE; } if ( monster->solid == SOLID_NOT || monster->movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE ) { monster->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_HIDDEN; } if ( ( monster->flags & FL_INWATER ) != 0 ) { monster->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IN_WATER; } if ( coop->integer ) { monster->sv.team = Team_Coop_Monster; } else { monster->sv.team = Team_None; // TODO: CTF/TDM/etc... } monster->sv.health = ( monster->deadflag != true ) ? monster->health : -1; monster->sv.waterlevel = monster->waterlevel; monster->sv.enemy = monster->enemy; monster->sv.ground_entity = monster->groundentity; int32_t viewHeight = monster->viewheight; if ( ( monster->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_DUCKED ) != 0 ) { viewHeight = int32_t( monster->maxs[ 2 ] - 4.0f ); } monster->sv.viewheight = viewHeight; monster->sv.viewangles = monster->s.angles; AngleVectors( monster->s.angles, monster->sv.viewforward, nullptr, nullptr ); monster->sv.velocity = monster->velocity; if ( !monster->sv.init ) { monster->sv.init = true; monster->sv.classname = monster->classname; monster->sv.targetname = monster->targetname; monster->sv.starting_health = monster->health; monster->sv.max_health = monster->max_health; gi.Bot_RegisterEdict( monster ); } } /* ================ Item_UpdateState ================ */ void Item_UpdateState( edict_t * item ) { item->sv.ent_flags = SVFL_IS_ITEM; item->sv.respawntime = 0; if ( item->team != nullptr ) { item->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IN_TEAM; } // some DM maps have items chained together in teams... if ( item->solid == SOLID_NOT ) { item->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_HIDDEN; if ( item->nextthink.milliseconds() > 0 ) { if ( ( item->svflags & SVF_RESPAWNING ) != 0 ) { const gtime_t pendingRespawnTime = ( item->nextthink - level.time ); item->sv.respawntime = static_cast( pendingRespawnTime.milliseconds() ); } else { // item will respawn at some unknown time in the future... item->sv.respawntime = Item_UnknownRespawnTime; } } } const item_id_t itemID = item->item->id; if ( itemID == IT_FLAG1 || itemID == IT_FLAG2 ) { item->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_OBJECTIVE; // TODO: figure out if the objective is dropped/carried/home... } // always need to update these for items, since random item spawning // could change them at any time... item->sv.classname = item->classname; item->sv.item_id = item->item->id; if ( !item->sv.init ) { item->sv.init = true; item->sv.targetname = item->targetname; gi.Bot_RegisterEdict( item ); } } /* ================ Trap_UpdateState ================ */ void Trap_UpdateState( edict_t * danger ) { danger->sv.ent_flags = SVFL_TRAP_DANGER; danger->sv.velocity = danger->velocity; if ( danger->owner != nullptr && danger->owner->client != nullptr ) { player_skinnum_t pl_skinnum; pl_skinnum.skinnum = danger->owner->s.skinnum; danger->sv.team = pl_skinnum.team_index; } if ( danger->groundentity != nullptr ) { danger->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_ONGROUND; } if ( ( danger->flags & FL_TRAP_LASER_FIELD ) == 0 ) { danger->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_ACTIVE; // non-lasers are always active } else { danger->sv.start_origin = danger->s.origin; danger->sv.end_origin = danger->s.old_origin; if ( ( danger->svflags & SVF_NOCLIENT ) == 0 ) { if ( ( danger->s.renderfx & RF_BEAM ) ) { danger->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_ACTIVE; // lasers are active!! } } } if ( !danger->sv.init ) { danger->sv.init = true; danger->sv.classname = danger->classname; gi.Bot_RegisterEdict( danger ); } } /* ================ Edict_UpdateState ================ */ void Edict_UpdateState( edict_t * edict ) { edict->sv.ent_flags = SVFL_NONE; edict->sv.health = edict->health; if ( edict->takedamage ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_TAKES_DAMAGE; } // plats, movers, and doors use this to determine move state. const bool isDoor = ( ( edict->svflags & SVF_DOOR ) != 0 ); const bool isReversedDoor = ( isDoor && edict->spawnflags.has( SPAWNFLAG_DOOR_REVERSE ) ); // doors have their top/bottom states reversed from plats // ( unless "reverse" spawnflag is set! ) if ( isDoor && !isReversedDoor ) { if ( edict->moveinfo.state == STATE_TOP ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_MOVESTATE_BOTTOM; } else if ( edict->moveinfo.state == STATE_BOTTOM ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_MOVESTATE_TOP; } } else { if ( edict->moveinfo.state == STATE_TOP ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_MOVESTATE_TOP; } else if ( edict->moveinfo.state == STATE_BOTTOM ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_MOVESTATE_BOTTOM; } } if ( edict->moveinfo.state == STATE_UP || edict->moveinfo.state == STATE_DOWN ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_MOVESTATE_MOVING; } edict->sv.start_origin = edict->moveinfo.start_origin; edict->sv.end_origin = edict->moveinfo.end_origin; if ( edict->svflags & SVF_DOOR ) { if ( edict->flags & FL_LOCKED ) { edict->sv.ent_flags |= SVFL_IS_LOCKED_DOOR; } } if ( !edict->sv.init ) { edict->sv.init = true; edict->sv.classname = edict->classname; edict->sv.targetname = edict->targetname; edict->sv.spawnflags = edict->spawnflags.value; } } /* ================ Entity_UpdateState ================ */ void Entity_UpdateState( edict_t * edict ) { if ( edict->svflags & SVF_MONSTER ) { Monster_UpdateState( edict ); } else if ( edict->flags & FL_TRAP || edict->flags & FL_TRAP_LASER_FIELD ) { Trap_UpdateState( edict ); } else if ( edict->item != nullptr ) { Item_UpdateState( edict ); } else if ( edict->client != nullptr ) { Player_UpdateState( edict ); } else { Edict_UpdateState( edict ); } } USE( info_nav_lock_use ) ( edict_t * self, edict_t * other, edict_t * activator ) -> void { edict_t * n = nullptr; while ( ( n = G_FindByString<&edict_t::targetname>( n, self->target ) ) ) { if ( !( n->svflags & SVF_DOOR ) ) { gi.Com_PrintFmt( "{} tried targeting {}, a non-SVF_DOOR\n", *self, *n ); continue; } n->flags ^= FL_LOCKED; } } /*QUAKED info_nav_lock (1.0 1.0 0.0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32) toggle locked state on linked entity */ void SP_info_nav_lock( edict_t * self ) { if ( !self->targetname ) { gi.Com_PrintFmt( "{} missing targetname\n", *self ); G_FreeEdict( self ); return; } if ( !self->target ) { gi.Com_PrintFmt( "{} missing target\n", *self ); G_FreeEdict( self ); return; } self->svflags |= SVF_NOCLIENT; self->use = info_nav_lock_use; } /* ================ FindLocalPlayer ================ */ const edict_t * FindLocalPlayer() { const edict_t * localPlayer = nullptr; const edict_t * ent = &g_edicts[ 0 ]; for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < globals.num_edicts; i++, ent++ ) { if ( !ent->inuse || !( ent->svflags & SVF_PLAYER ) ) { continue; } if ( ent->health <= 0 ) { continue; } localPlayer = ent; break; } return localPlayer; } /* ================ FindFirstBot ================ */ const edict_t * FindFirstBot() { const edict_t * firstBot = nullptr; const edict_t * ent = &g_edicts[ 0 ]; for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < globals.num_edicts; i++, ent++ ) { if ( !ent->inuse || !( ent->svflags & SVF_PLAYER ) ) { continue; } if ( ent->health <= 0 ) { continue; } if ( !( ent->svflags & SVF_BOT ) ) { continue; } firstBot = ent; break; } return firstBot; } /* ================ FindFirstMonster ================ */ const edict_t * FindFirstMonster() { const edict_t * firstMonster = nullptr; const edict_t * ent = &g_edicts[ 0 ]; for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < globals.num_edicts; i++, ent++ ) { if ( !ent->inuse || !( ent->svflags & SVF_MONSTER ) ) { continue; } if ( ent->health <= 0 ) { continue; } firstMonster = ent; break; } return firstMonster; } /* ================ FindFirstMonster "Actors" are either players or monsters - i.e. something alive and thinking. ================ */ const edict_t * FindActorUnderCrosshair( const edict_t * player ) { if ( player == nullptr || !player->inuse ) { return nullptr; } vec3_t forward, right, up; AngleVectors( player->client->v_angle, forward, right, up ); const vec3_t eye_position = ( player->s.origin + vec3_t{ 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)player->viewheight } ); const vec3_t end = ( eye_position + ( forward * 8192.0f ) ); const contents_t mask = ( MASK_PROJECTILE & ~CONTENTS_DEADMONSTER ); trace_t tr = gi.traceline( eye_position, end, player, mask ); const edict_t * traceEnt = tr.ent; if ( traceEnt == nullptr || !tr.ent->inuse ) { return nullptr; } if ( !( traceEnt->svflags & SVF_PLAYER ) && !( traceEnt->svflags & SVF_MONSTER ) ) { return nullptr; } if ( traceEnt->health <= 0 ) { return nullptr; } return traceEnt; }