#!/bin/sh # Generate qwcl.spec # $1 is version # $2 is release # $3 is install dir (assumed to be in /var/tmp) cat < URL: http://www.idsoftware.com/ Source: glqwcl-%{version}.tar.gz Group: Games Copyright: Restricted Icon: quake.gif BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-%{version} Summary: OpenGL QuakeWorld Client %description "Quake is the biggest, baddest, and bloodiest 3-D action game ever conceived" - PC GAMER "The most important PC game ever" - PC ZONE ""Quake": Bloody Amazing" - USA TODAY "The Vanguard of a terrifying new level of immersive interactivity" - COMPUTER GAMING WORLD %install %files %attr(644,root,root) ${3}/readme.glqwcl %attr(4755,root,root) ${3}/glqwcl %attr(4755,root,root) ${3}/glqwcl.glx %attr(755,root,root) ${3}/glqwcl.3dfxgl %attr(755,root,root) ${3}/lib3dfxgl.so EOF