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/* Copyright (C) 1996-2022 id Software LLC
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
See file, 'COPYING', for details.
// Spawning Functions (Hipnotic)
// spawn_think
void() spawn_think =
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
// spawn_use
void() spawn_use =
local entity spawnentity;
local entity tempself;
if ((self.spawnmulti == 1) || (horn_active))
// spawn the new entity
spawnentity = spawn();
// copy the master mold
spawnentity = self.spawnmaster;
// restore the model
spawnentity.model = spawnentity.spawnmodel;
//restore solid flag
spawnentity.solid = spawnentity.spawnsolidtype;
//restore thinking function
spawnentity.think = spawnentity.spawnthink;
setmodel (spawnentity, spawnentity.model);
setorigin (spawnentity, spawnentity.origin);
spawnentity.mins = spawnentity.spawnmins;
spawnentity.maxs = spawnentity.spawnmaxs;
setsize (spawnentity, spawnentity.mins, spawnentity.maxs);
// spawn the teleport effect
if (self.spawnsilent == 0)
spawn_tfog (spawnentity.origin);
// horn_active = 0;
// horn_charmer = find( world, classname, "player" );
// call spawnentity think function
if (horn_active)
spawnentity.charmer = horn_charmer;
spawnentity.charmed = 1;
// if (spawnentity.think)
// {
// spawnentity.nextthink = time+0.1;
// tempself = self;
// self = spawnentity;
// self.think();
// self = tempself;
// spawnentity.nextthink = time+0.1;
// self.nextthink = 1;
// if (spawnentity.nextthink < time)
// spawnentity.nextthink = 1;
// }
// check to see if it is a monster
if (spawnentity.flags & FL_MONSTER)
if ((self.spawnmulti != 0) && (horn_active == 0))
total_monsters = total_monsters + 1;
WriteLong (MSG_BROADCAST, total_monsters);
// spawn the telefrag effect
// if (self.spawnsilent == 0)
// spawn_tdeath(spawnentity.origin, spawnentity);
if (horn_active)
spawnentity.effects = spawnentity.effects | EF_DIMLIGHT;
// spawnentity.effects = spawnentity.effects | EF_BRIGHTFIELD;
if ((self.spawnmulti == 0) && (horn_active == 0))
// func_spawn
/*QUAKED func_spawn (0 .5 .8) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) big/ambush megahealth
This will spawn a thing upon being used. The thing that
is spawned depends upon the value of "spawnfunction".
"spawnclassname" should contain the same value as "spawnfunction".
If "spawnfunction" is unspecified a random monster is chosen.
The angles, target and all flags are passed on
Think of it like setting up a normal entity.
"spawnsilent" set this to 1 if you want a silent spawn.
"spawnmulti" set this to 1 if you want this spawn to be reoccuring.
void() func_spawn =
local entity tempself;
local entity monster;
local float tempdeathmatch;
local float temptotal_monsters;
local vector mn,mx;
// if (deathmatch)
// {
// remove(self);
// return;
// }
// save off deathmatch and zero it out
tempself = self;
tempdeathmatch = deathmatch;
deathmatch = 0;
if (!self.spawnfunction)
local float spawnchance;
spawnchance = random();
monster = tempself;
// save off monster count so it doesn't get f'ed up
temptotal_monsters = total_monsters;
// spawn dog
// spawn the new entity
self = spawn();
// copy over everything
self.spawnfunction = monster_dog;
self.spawnclassname = "monster_dog";
self.classname = self.spawnclassname;
// call the named spawn function
self.spawnmodel = self.model;
self.spawnmins = self.mins;
self.spawnmaxs = self.maxs;
setmodel (self, "");
setsize (self, self.spawnmins, self.spawnmaxs);
//save off solid flag
self.spawnsolidtype = self.solid;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//save off think func and
//get rid of his thinking
self.spawnthink = self.think;
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
if (spawnchance<0.5 && monster==tempself)
monster = self;
// spawn ogre
// spawn the new entity
self = spawn();
// copy over everything
self.spawnfunction = monster_ogre;
self.spawnclassname = "monster_ogre";
self.classname = self.spawnclassname;
// call the named spawn function
self.spawnmodel = self.model;
self.spawnmins = self.mins;
self.spawnmaxs = self.maxs;
setmodel (self, "");
setsize (self, self.spawnmins, self.spawnmaxs);
//save off solid flag
self.spawnsolidtype = self.solid;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//save off think func and
//get rid of his thinking
self.spawnthink = self.think;
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
if (spawnchance<0.8 && monster==tempself)
monster = self;
// spawn fiend
// spawn the new entity
self = spawn();
// copy over everything
self.spawnfunction = monster_demon1;
self.spawnclassname = "monster_demon1";
self.classname = self.spawnclassname;
// call the named spawn function
self.spawnmodel = self.model;
self.spawnmins = self.mins;
self.spawnmaxs = self.maxs;
setmodel (self, "");
setsize (self, self.spawnmins, self.spawnmaxs);
//save off solid flag
self.spawnsolidtype = self.solid;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//save off think func and
//get rid of his thinking
self.spawnthink = self.think;
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
if (spawnchance<0.92 && monster==tempself)
monster = self;
// spawn zombie
// spawn the new entity
self = spawn();
// copy over everything
self.spawnfunction = monster_zombie;
self.spawnclassname = "monster_zombie";
self.classname = self.spawnclassname;
// call the named spawn function
self.spawnmodel = self.model;
self.spawnmins = self.mins;
self.spawnmaxs = self.maxs;
setmodel (self, "");
setsize (self, self.spawnmins, self.spawnmaxs);
//save off solid flag
self.spawnsolidtype = self.solid;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//save off think func and
//get rid of his thinking
self.spawnthink = self.think;
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
if (spawnchance<0.97 && monster==tempself)
monster = self;
// spawn shambler
// spawn the new entity
self = spawn();
// copy over everything
self.spawnfunction = monster_shambler;
self.spawnclassname = "monster_shambler";
self.classname = self.spawnclassname;
// call the named spawn function
self.spawnmodel = self.model;
self.spawnmins = self.mins;
self.spawnmaxs = self.maxs;
setmodel (self, "");
setsize (self, self.spawnmins, self.spawnmaxs);
//save off solid flag
self.spawnsolidtype = self.solid;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//save off think func and
//get rid of his thinking
self.spawnthink = self.think;
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
if (monster==tempself)
monster = self;
// make sure monster count is correct
total_monsters = temptotal_monsters + 1;
// spawn the new entity
self = spawn();
// copy over everything
// save off monster count so it doesn't get f'ed up
temptotal_monsters = total_monsters;
if (self.spawnclassname == string_null)
objerror("No spawnclassname defined");
self.classname = self.spawnclassname;
// call the named spawn function
if (self.spawnmulti != 0)
// make sure monster count is correct
total_monsters = temptotal_monsters;
self.spawnmodel = self.model;
self.spawnmins = self.mins;
self.spawnmaxs = self.maxs;
setmodel (self, "");
self.model = "";
setsize (self, self.spawnmins, self.spawnmaxs);
//save off solid flag
self.spawnsolidtype = self.solid;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
//save off think func and
//get rid of his thinking
self.spawnthink = self.think;
self.think = spawn_think;
self.nextthink = time + 1;
monster = self;
self = tempself;
deathmatch = tempdeathmatch;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
self.modelindex = 0;
self.model = "";
setmodel (self, self.model); // set size and link into world
self.use = spawn_use;
self.spawnmaster = monster;
// func_spawn_small
/*QUAKED func_spawn_small (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) big/ambush megahealth
This will spawn a thing upon being used. The thing that
is spawned depends upon the value of "spawnfunction".
"spawnclassname" should contain the same value as "spawnfunction".
If "spawnfunction" is unspecified a random monster is chosen.
The angles, target and all flags are passed on
Think of it like setting up a normal entity.
"spawnsilent" set this to 1 if you want a silent spawn.
"spawnmulti" set this to 1 if you want this spawn to be reoccuring.
void() func_spawn_small =