/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "../../sys/win32/rc/AFEditor_resource.h" #include "DialogAF.h" #include "DialogAFName.h" #include "DialogAFView.h" #include "DialogAFProperties.h" #include "DialogAFBody.h" #include "DialogAFConstraint.h" #ifdef ID_DEBUG_MEMORY #undef new #undef DEBUG_NEW #define DEBUG_NEW new #endif // DialogAF #define AFTAB_VIEW 0x01 #define AFTAB_PROPERTIES 0x02 #define AFTAB_BODIES 0x03 #define AFTAB_CONSTRAINTS 0x04 toolTip_t DialogAF::toolTips[] = { { IDC_COMBO_AF, "select an articulated figure for editing" }, { IDC_BUTTON_AF_NEW, "create a new articulated figure" }, { IDC_BUTTON_AF_DELETE, "delete the selected articulated figure" }, { IDC_BUTTON_AF_SPAWN, "spawn ingame entity using the selected articulated figure" }, { IDC_BUTTON_AF_TPOSE, "set ingame entity using the selected articulated figure back into T-Pose" }, { IDC_BUTTON_AF_KILL, "kill ingame entity using the selected articulated figure" }, { IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE, "save the selected articulated figure" }, { IDCANCEL, "cancel all changes to all articulated figures" }, { 0, NULL } }; DialogAF *g_AFDialog = NULL; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(DialogAF, CDialog) /* ================ DialogAF::DialogAF ================ */ DialogAF::DialogAF( CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/ ) : CDialog(DialogAF::IDD, pParent) , file(NULL) { wndTabs = NULL; wndTabDisplay = NULL; } /* ================ DialogAF::~DialogAF ================ */ DialogAF::~DialogAF() { } /* ================ DialogAF::DoDataExchange ================ */ void DialogAF::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(DialogAF) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_AF, AFList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } /* ================ DialogAF::LoadFile ================ */ void DialogAF::LoadFile( idDeclAF *af ) { file = af; propertiesDlg->LoadFile( af ); bodyDlg->LoadFile( af ); constraintDlg->LoadFile( af ); if ( file ) { // select file in AFList int i = AFList.FindString( -1, file->GetName() ); if ( i != AFList.GetCurSel() ) { AFList.SetCurSel( i ); } GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE )->EnableWindow( file->modified ); GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_DELETE )->EnableWindow( true ); } else { AFList.SetCurSel( -1 ); GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE )->EnableWindow( false ); GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_DELETE )->EnableWindow( false ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::LoadFile ================ */ void DialogAF::SaveFile( void ) { if ( !file ) { return; } propertiesDlg->SaveFile(); bodyDlg->SaveFile(); constraintDlg->SaveFile(); gameEdit->AF_UpdateEntities( file->GetName() ); } /* ================ DialogAF::SetFileModified ================ */ void DialogAF::SetFileModified( void ) { if ( file ) { file->modified = true; GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE )->EnableWindow( true ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::ReloadFile ================ */ void DialogAF::ReloadFile( void ) { LoadFile( file ); } /* ================ DialogAF::InitAFList ================ */ void DialogAF::InitAFList( void ) { int i, c; AFList.ResetContent(); c = declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_AF ); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { AFList.AddString( static_cast( declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_AF, i, false ) )->GetName() ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::AddTabItem ================ */ void DialogAF::AddTabItem( int id, const char *name ) { TCITEM item; item.mask = TCIF_PARAM; item.lParam = id; int tab = wndTabs->InsertItem( wndTabs->GetItemCount(), name ); wndTabs->SetItem( tab, &item ); } /* ================ DialogAF::SetTab ================ */ void DialogAF::SetTab( int id ) { int c = wndTabs->GetItemCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { TCITEM item; item.mask = TCIF_PARAM; wndTabs->GetItem( i, &item ); if ( item.lParam == id ) { wndTabs->SetCurSel(i); return; } } wndTabs->SetCurSel(0); } /* ================ DialogAF::SetTabChildPos position the child dialog box ================ */ void DialogAF::SetTabChildPos( void ) { if ( wndTabDisplay ) { wndTabDisplay->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); wndTabDisplay->SetWindowPos( wndTabs, 12, 60, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::OnInitDialog ================ */ BOOL DialogAF::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); com_editors |= EDITOR_AF; // initialize list with articulated figure files InitAFList(); // initialize tabs wndTabs = (CTabCtrl *) GetDlgItem( IDC_DIALOG_AF_TAB_MODE ); AddTabItem( AFTAB_VIEW, "View" ); AddTabItem( AFTAB_PROPERTIES, "Properties" ); AddTabItem( AFTAB_BODIES, "Bodies" ); AddTabItem( AFTAB_CONSTRAINTS, "Constraints" ); SetTab( AFTAB_VIEW ); // create child dialog windows viewDlg = new DialogAFView( this ); propertiesDlg = new DialogAFProperties( this ); bodyDlg = new DialogAFBody( this ); constraintDlg = new DialogAFConstraint( this ); // the body dialog may force the constraint dialog to reload the file bodyDlg->constraintDlg = constraintDlg; // the properties dialog may force the body or constraint dialog to reload the file propertiesDlg->bodyDlg = bodyDlg; propertiesDlg->constraintDlg = constraintDlg; // set active child dialog wndTabDisplay = viewDlg; SetTabChildPos(); EnableToolTips( TRUE ); GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_DELETE )->EnableWindow( false ); GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE )->EnableWindow( false ); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(DialogAF, CDialog) ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE(TTN_NEEDTEXTW, 0, 0xFFFF, OnToolTipNotify) ON_NOTIFY_EX_RANGE(TTN_NEEDTEXTA, 0, 0xFFFF, OnToolTipNotify) ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, IDC_DIALOG_AF_TAB_MODE, OnTcnSelchangeTabMode) ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_ACTIVATE() ON_WM_MOVE() ON_WM_SETFOCUS() ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO_AF, OnCbnSelchangeComboAf) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_AF_NEW, OnBnClickedButtonAfNew) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_AF_DELETE, OnBnClickedButtonAfDelete) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE, OnBnClickedButtonAfSave) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_AF_SPAWN, OnBnClickedButtonAfSpawn) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDCANCEL, OnBnClickedCancel) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_AF_KILL, OnBnClickedButtonAfKill) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_AF_TPOSE, OnBnClickedButtonAfTpose) END_MESSAGE_MAP() /* ================ AFEditorInit ================ */ void AFEditorInit( const idDict *spawnArgs ) { if ( renderSystem->IsFullScreen() ) { common->Printf( "Cannot run the articulated figure editor in fullscreen mode.\n" "Set r_fullscreen to 0 and vid_restart.\n" ); return; } if ( g_AFDialog == NULL ) { InitAfx(); g_AFDialog = new DialogAF(); } if ( g_AFDialog->GetSafeHwnd() == NULL) { g_AFDialog->Create( IDD_DIALOG_AF ); /* // FIXME: restore position CRect rct; g_AFDialog->SetWindowPos( NULL, rct.left, rct.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE ); */ } idKeyInput::ClearStates(); g_AFDialog->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); g_AFDialog->SetFocus(); if ( spawnArgs ) { // select AF based on spawn args const char *name = spawnArgs->GetString( "articulatedFigure" ); if ( name[0] == '\0' ) { name = spawnArgs->GetString( "ragdoll" ); } idDeclAF *decl = static_cast( const_cast( declManager->FindType( DECL_AF, name ) ) ); if ( decl ) { g_AFDialog->LoadFile( decl ); } } } /* ================ AFEditorRun ================ */ void AFEditorRun( void ) { #if _MSC_VER >= 1300 MSG *msg = AfxGetCurrentMessage(); // TODO Robert fix me!! #else MSG *msg = &m_msgCur; #endif while( ::PeekMessage(msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_NOREMOVE) ) { // pump message if ( !AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage() ) { } } } /* ================ AFEditorShutdown ================ */ void AFEditorShutdown( void ) { delete g_AFDialog; g_AFDialog = NULL; } // DialogAF message handlers /* ================ DialogAF::OnActivate ================ */ void DialogAF::OnActivate( UINT nState, CWnd *pWndOther, BOOL bMinimized ) { CDialog::OnActivate( nState, pWndOther, bMinimized ); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnToolTipNotify ================ */ BOOL DialogAF::OnToolTipNotify( UINT id, NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult ) { return DefaultOnToolTipNotify( toolTips, id, pNMHDR, pResult ); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnSetFocus ================ */ void DialogAF::OnSetFocus( CWnd *pOldWnd ) { //SetActiveWindow(); CDialog::OnSetFocus( pOldWnd ); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnDestroy ================ */ void DialogAF::OnDestroy() { com_editors &= ~EDITOR_AF; return CDialog::OnDestroy(); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnMove ================ */ void DialogAF::OnMove( int x, int y ) { if ( GetSafeHwnd() ) { CRect rct; GetWindowRect( rct ); // FIXME: save position } CDialog::OnMove( x, y ); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnTcnSelchangeTabMode tab control notification handler ================ */ void DialogAF::OnTcnSelchangeTabMode( NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult ) { *pResult = 0; // hide the current tab child dialog box, if any. if ( wndTabDisplay != NULL ) { wndTabDisplay->ShowWindow( SW_HIDE ); } TCITEM item; item.mask = TCIF_PARAM; wndTabs->GetItem( wndTabs->GetCurSel(), &item ); // show the new tab child dialog box. switch ( item.lParam ) { case AFTAB_VIEW: wndTabDisplay = viewDlg; break; case AFTAB_PROPERTIES: wndTabDisplay = propertiesDlg; break; case AFTAB_BODIES: wndTabDisplay = bodyDlg; break; case AFTAB_CONSTRAINTS: wndTabDisplay = constraintDlg; break; } SetTabChildPos(); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnCbnSelchangeComboAf ================ */ void DialogAF::OnCbnSelchangeComboAf() { int index = AFList.GetCurSel(); if ( index < 0 || index >= declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_AF ) ) { InitAFList(); return; } if ( index != CB_ERR ) { CString str; AFList.GetLBText( index, str ); LoadFile( static_cast( const_cast( declManager->FindType( DECL_AF, str ) ) ) ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfNew ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfNew() { DialogAFName nameDlg; CString name; idStr fileName; nameDlg.SetComboBox( &AFList ); if ( nameDlg.DoModal() != IDOK ) { return; } nameDlg.GetName( name ); CFileDialog dlgSave( FALSE, "map", NULL, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, "AF Files (*.af)|*.af|All Files (*.*)|*.*||", AfxGetMainWnd() ); if ( dlgSave.DoModal() != IDOK ) { return; } fileName = fileSystem->OSPathToRelativePath( dlgSave.m_ofn.lpstrFile ); // create a new .af file AFList.AddString( name ); AFList.SetCurSel( AFList.FindString( -1, name ) ); idDeclAF *decl = static_cast( declManager->CreateNewDecl( DECL_AF, name, fileName ) ); LoadFile( decl ); AFDialogSetFileModified(); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfDelete ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfDelete() { int i; i = AFList.GetCurSel(); if ( i != CB_ERR ) { if ( MessageBox( "Are you sure you want to delete the articulated figure file ?", "Delete Articulated Figure", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION ) == IDYES ) { // FIXME: delete the currently selected .af file } } } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfSpawn ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfSpawn() { int index = AFList.GetCurSel(); if ( index != CB_ERR ) { CString str; AFList.GetLBText( index, str ); gameEdit->AF_SpawnEntity( str ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfTpose ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfTpose() { if ( file ) { gameEdit->AF_UpdateEntities( file->GetName() ); } } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfKill ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfKill() { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "deleteSelected\n" ); } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfSave ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedButtonAfSave() { // save the selected .af file if ( file ) { if ( file->Save() ) { GetDlgItem( IDC_BUTTON_AF_SAVE )->EnableWindow( false ); } else { MessageBox( "Saving the file failed. Make sure the file is not read-only.", "Delete Articulated Figure", MB_OK ); } } } /* ================ DialogAF::OnBnClickedCancel ================ */ void DialogAF::OnBnClickedCancel() { int i, c; // check if there are modified .af files and come up with a warning if so c = declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_AF ); for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( static_cast( declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_AF, i ) )->modified ) { if ( MessageBox( "Some articulated figures have been modified.\nCancel all changes ?", "Cancel", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION ) != IDYES ) { return; } break; } } // reload all modified .af files LoadFile( NULL ); gameEdit->AF_UndoChanges(); InitAFList(); OnCancel(); } // General convenience routines /* ================ AFDialogSetFileModified ================ */ void AFDialogSetFileModified( void ) { if ( g_AFDialog ) { g_AFDialog->SetFileModified(); } } /* ================ AFDialogReloadFile ================ */ void AFDialogReloadFile( void ) { if ( g_AFDialog ) { g_AFDialog->ReloadFile(); } }