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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __MATH_MATRIX_H__
#define __MATH_MATRIX_H__
Matrix classes, all matrices are row-major except idMat3
#define MATRIX_EPSILON 1e-6
class idAngles;
class idQuat;
class idCQuat;
class idRotation;
class idMat4;
// idMat2 - 2x2 matrix
class idMat2
explicit idMat2( const idVec2& x, const idVec2& y );
explicit idMat2( const float xx, const float xy, const float yx, const float yy );
explicit idMat2( const float src[ 2 ][ 2 ] );
const idVec2& operator[]( int index ) const;
idVec2& operator[]( int index );
idMat2 operator-() const;
idMat2 operator*( const float a ) const;
idVec2 operator*( const idVec2& vec ) const;
idMat2 operator*( const idMat2& a ) const;
idMat2 operator+( const idMat2& a ) const;
idMat2 operator-( const idMat2& a ) const;
idMat2& operator*=( const float a );
idMat2& operator*=( const idMat2& a );
idMat2& operator+=( const idMat2& a );
idMat2& operator-=( const idMat2& a );
friend idMat2 operator*( const float a, const idMat2& mat );
friend idVec2 operator*( const idVec2& vec, const idMat2& mat );
friend idVec2& operator*=( idVec2& vec, const idMat2& mat );
bool Compare( const idMat2& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const idMat2& a, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const idMat2& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const idMat2& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
void Zero();
void Identity();
bool IsIdentity( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsSymmetric( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsDiagonal( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
float Trace() const;
float Determinant() const;
idMat2 Transpose() const; // returns transpose
idMat2& TransposeSelf();
idMat2 Inverse() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat2 InverseFast() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseFastSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
int GetDimension() const;
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
idVec2 mat[ 2 ];
extern idMat2 mat2_zero;
extern idMat2 mat2_identity;
#define mat2_default mat2_identity
ID_INLINE idMat2::idMat2()
ID_INLINE idMat2::idMat2( const idVec2& x, const idVec2& y )
mat[ 0 ].x = x.x;
mat[ 0 ].y = x.y;
mat[ 1 ].x = y.x;
mat[ 1 ].y = y.y;
ID_INLINE idMat2::idMat2( const float xx, const float xy, const float yx, const float yy )
mat[ 0 ].x = xx;
mat[ 0 ].y = xy;
mat[ 1 ].x = yx;
mat[ 1 ].y = yy;
ID_INLINE idMat2::idMat2( const float src[ 2 ][ 2 ] )
memcpy( mat, src, 2 * 2 * sizeof( float ) );
ID_INLINE const idVec2& idMat2::operator[]( int index ) const
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 2 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idVec2& idMat2::operator[]( int index )
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 2 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::operator-() const
return idMat2( -mat[0][0], -mat[0][1],
-mat[1][0], -mat[1][1] );
ID_INLINE idVec2 idMat2::operator*( const idVec2& vec ) const
return idVec2(
mat[ 0 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 0 ].y * vec.y,
mat[ 1 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].y * vec.y );
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::operator*( const idMat2& a ) const
return idMat2(
mat[0].x * a[0].x + mat[0].y * a[1].x,
mat[0].x * a[0].y + mat[0].y * a[1].y,
mat[1].x * a[0].x + mat[1].y * a[1].x,
mat[1].x * a[0].y + mat[1].y * a[1].y );
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::operator*( const float a ) const
return idMat2(
mat[0].x * a, mat[0].y * a,
mat[1].x * a, mat[1].y * a );
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::operator+( const idMat2& a ) const
return idMat2(
mat[0].x + a[0].x, mat[0].y + a[0].y,
mat[1].x + a[1].x, mat[1].y + a[1].y );
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::operator-( const idMat2& a ) const
return idMat2(
mat[0].x - a[0].x, mat[0].y - a[0].y,
mat[1].x - a[1].x, mat[1].y - a[1].y );
ID_INLINE idMat2& idMat2::operator*=( const float a )
mat[0].x *= a;
mat[0].y *= a;
mat[1].x *= a;
mat[1].y *= a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat2& idMat2::operator*=( const idMat2& a )
float x, y;
x = mat[0].x;
y = mat[0].y;
mat[0].x = x * a[0].x + y * a[1].x;
mat[0].y = x * a[0].y + y * a[1].y;
x = mat[1].x;
y = mat[1].y;
mat[1].x = x * a[0].x + y * a[1].x;
mat[1].y = x * a[0].y + y * a[1].y;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat2& idMat2::operator+=( const idMat2& a )
mat[0].x += a[0].x;
mat[0].y += a[0].y;
mat[1].x += a[1].x;
mat[1].y += a[1].y;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat2& idMat2::operator-=( const idMat2& a )
mat[0].x -= a[0].x;
mat[0].y -= a[0].y;
mat[1].x -= a[1].x;
mat[1].y -= a[1].y;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idVec2 operator*( const idVec2& vec, const idMat2& mat )
return mat * vec;
ID_INLINE idMat2 operator*( const float a, idMat2 const& mat )
return mat * a;
ID_INLINE idVec2& operator*=( idVec2& vec, const idMat2& mat )
vec = mat * vec;
return vec;
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::Compare( const idMat2& a ) const
if( mat[0].Compare( a[0] ) &&
mat[1].Compare( a[1] ) )
return true;
return false;
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::Compare( const idMat2& a, const float epsilon ) const
if( mat[0].Compare( a[0], epsilon ) &&
mat[1].Compare( a[1], epsilon ) )
return true;
return false;
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::operator==( const idMat2& a ) const
return Compare( a );
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::operator!=( const idMat2& a ) const
return !Compare( a );
ID_INLINE void idMat2::Zero()
ID_INLINE void idMat2::Identity()
*this = mat2_identity;
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::IsIdentity( const float epsilon ) const
return Compare( mat2_identity, epsilon );
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::IsSymmetric( const float epsilon ) const
return ( idMath::Fabs( mat[0][1] - mat[1][0] ) < epsilon );
ID_INLINE bool idMat2::IsDiagonal( const float epsilon ) const
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[0][1] ) > epsilon ||
idMath::Fabs( mat[1][0] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE float idMat2::Trace() const
return ( mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] );
ID_INLINE float idMat2::Determinant() const
return mat[0][0] * mat[1][1] - mat[0][1] * mat[1][0];
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::Transpose() const
return idMat2( mat[0][0], mat[1][0],
mat[0][1], mat[1][1] );
ID_INLINE idMat2& idMat2::TransposeSelf()
float tmp;
tmp = mat[0][1];
mat[0][1] = mat[1][0];
mat[1][0] = tmp;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::Inverse() const
idMat2 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat2 idMat2::InverseFast() const
idMat2 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseFastSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE int idMat2::GetDimension() const
return 4;
ID_INLINE const float* idMat2::ToFloatPtr() const
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
ID_INLINE float* idMat2::ToFloatPtr()
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
// idMat3 - 3x3 matrix
// NOTE: matrix is column-major
class idMat3
explicit idMat3( const idVec3& x, const idVec3& y, const idVec3& z );
explicit idMat3( const float xx, const float xy, const float xz, const float yx, const float yy, const float yz, const float zx, const float zy, const float zz );
explicit idMat3( const float src[ 3 ][ 3 ] );
const idVec3& operator[]( int index ) const;
idVec3& operator[]( int index );
idMat3 operator-() const;
idMat3 operator*( const float a ) const;
idVec3 operator*( const idVec3& vec ) const;
idMat3 operator*( const idMat3& a ) const;
idMat3 operator+( const idMat3& a ) const;
idMat3 operator-( const idMat3& a ) const;
idMat3& operator*=( const float a );
idMat3& operator*=( const idMat3& a );
idMat3& operator+=( const idMat3& a );
idMat3& operator-=( const idMat3& a );
friend idMat3 operator*( const float a, const idMat3& mat );
friend idVec3 operator*( const idVec3& vec, const idMat3& mat );
friend idVec3& operator*=( idVec3& vec, const idMat3& mat );
bool Compare( const idMat3& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const idMat3& a, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const idMat3& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const idMat3& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
void Zero();
void Identity();
bool IsIdentity( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsSymmetric( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsDiagonal( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsRotated() const;
void ProjectVector( const idVec3& src, idVec3& dst ) const;
void UnprojectVector( const idVec3& src, idVec3& dst ) const;
bool FixDegeneracies(); // fix degenerate axial cases
bool FixDenormals(); // change tiny numbers to zero
float Trace() const;
float Determinant() const;
idMat3 OrthoNormalize() const;
idMat3& OrthoNormalizeSelf();
idMat3 Transpose() const; // returns transpose
idMat3& TransposeSelf();
idMat3 Inverse() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat3 InverseFast() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseFastSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat3 TransposeMultiply( const idMat3& b ) const;
idMat3 InertiaTranslate( const float mass, const idVec3& centerOfMass, const idVec3& translation ) const;
idMat3& InertiaTranslateSelf( const float mass, const idVec3& centerOfMass, const idVec3& translation );
idMat3 InertiaRotate( const idMat3& rotation ) const;
idMat3& InertiaRotateSelf( const idMat3& rotation );
int GetDimension() const;
idAngles ToAngles() const;
idQuat ToQuat() const;
idCQuat ToCQuat() const;
idRotation ToRotation() const;
idMat4 ToMat4() const;
idVec3 ToAngularVelocity() const;
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
friend void TransposeMultiply( const idMat3& inv, const idMat3& b, idMat3& dst );
friend idMat3 SkewSymmetric( idVec3 const& src );
idVec3 mat[ 3 ];
extern idMat3 mat3_zero;
extern idMat3 mat3_identity;
#define mat3_default mat3_identity
ID_INLINE idMat3::idMat3()
ID_INLINE idMat3::idMat3( const idVec3& x, const idVec3& y, const idVec3& z )
mat[ 0 ].x = x.x;
mat[ 0 ].y = x.y;
mat[ 0 ].z = x.z;
mat[ 1 ].x = y.x;
mat[ 1 ].y = y.y;
mat[ 1 ].z = y.z;
mat[ 2 ].x = z.x;
mat[ 2 ].y = z.y;
mat[ 2 ].z = z.z;
ID_INLINE idMat3::idMat3( const float xx, const float xy, const float xz, const float yx, const float yy, const float yz, const float zx, const float zy, const float zz )
mat[ 0 ].x = xx;
mat[ 0 ].y = xy;
mat[ 0 ].z = xz;
mat[ 1 ].x = yx;
mat[ 1 ].y = yy;
mat[ 1 ].z = yz;
mat[ 2 ].x = zx;
mat[ 2 ].y = zy;
mat[ 2 ].z = zz;
ID_INLINE idMat3::idMat3( const float src[ 3 ][ 3 ] )
memcpy( mat, src, 3 * 3 * sizeof( float ) );
ID_INLINE const idVec3& idMat3::operator[]( int index ) const
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 3 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idVec3& idMat3::operator[]( int index )
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 3 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::operator-() const
return idMat3( -mat[0][0], -mat[0][1], -mat[0][2],
-mat[1][0], -mat[1][1], -mat[1][2],
-mat[2][0], -mat[2][1], -mat[2][2] );
ID_INLINE idVec3 idMat3::operator*( const idVec3& vec ) const
return idVec3(
mat[ 0 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].x * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].x * vec.z,
mat[ 0 ].y * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].y * vec.z,
mat[ 0 ].z * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].z * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].z * vec.z );
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::operator*( const idMat3& a ) const
int i, j;
const float* m1Ptr, *m2Ptr;
float* dstPtr;
idMat3 dst;
m1Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( this );
m2Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( &a );
dstPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>( &dst );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
*dstPtr = m1Ptr[0] * m2Ptr[ 0 * 3 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[1] * m2Ptr[ 1 * 3 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[2] * m2Ptr[ 2 * 3 + j ];
m1Ptr += 3;
return dst;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::operator*( const float a ) const
return idMat3(
mat[0].x * a, mat[0].y * a, mat[0].z * a,
mat[1].x * a, mat[1].y * a, mat[1].z * a,
mat[2].x * a, mat[2].y * a, mat[2].z * a );
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::operator+( const idMat3& a ) const
return idMat3(
mat[0].x + a[0].x, mat[0].y + a[0].y, mat[0].z + a[0].z,
mat[1].x + a[1].x, mat[1].y + a[1].y, mat[1].z + a[1].z,
mat[2].x + a[2].x, mat[2].y + a[2].y, mat[2].z + a[2].z );
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::operator-( const idMat3& a ) const
return idMat3(
mat[0].x - a[0].x, mat[0].y - a[0].y, mat[0].z - a[0].z,
mat[1].x - a[1].x, mat[1].y - a[1].y, mat[1].z - a[1].z,
mat[2].x - a[2].x, mat[2].y - a[2].y, mat[2].z - a[2].z );
ID_INLINE idMat3& idMat3::operator*=( const float a )
mat[0].x *= a;
mat[0].y *= a;
mat[0].z *= a;
mat[1].x *= a;
mat[1].y *= a;
mat[1].z *= a;
mat[2].x *= a;
mat[2].y *= a;
mat[2].z *= a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat3& idMat3::operator*=( const idMat3& a )
int i, j;
const float* m2Ptr;
float* m1Ptr, dst[3];
m1Ptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>( this );
m2Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( &a );
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
dst[j] = m1Ptr[0] * m2Ptr[ 0 * 3 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[1] * m2Ptr[ 1 * 3 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[2] * m2Ptr[ 2 * 3 + j ];
m1Ptr[0] = dst[0];
m1Ptr[1] = dst[1];
m1Ptr[2] = dst[2];
m1Ptr += 3;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat3& idMat3::operator+=( const idMat3& a )
mat[0].x += a[0].x;
mat[0].y += a[0].y;
mat[0].z += a[0].z;
mat[1].x += a[1].x;
mat[1].y += a[1].y;
mat[1].z += a[1].z;
mat[2].x += a[2].x;
mat[2].y += a[2].y;
mat[2].z += a[2].z;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat3& idMat3::operator-=( const idMat3& a )
mat[0].x -= a[0].x;
mat[0].y -= a[0].y;
mat[0].z -= a[0].z;
mat[1].x -= a[1].x;
mat[1].y -= a[1].y;
mat[1].z -= a[1].z;
mat[2].x -= a[2].x;
mat[2].y -= a[2].y;
mat[2].z -= a[2].z;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idVec3 operator*( const idVec3& vec, const idMat3& mat )
return mat * vec;
ID_INLINE idMat3 operator*( const float a, const idMat3& mat )
return mat * a;
ID_INLINE idVec3& operator*=( idVec3& vec, const idMat3& mat )
float x = mat[ 0 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].x * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].x * vec.z;
float y = mat[ 0 ].y * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].y * vec.z;
vec.z = mat[ 0 ].z * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].z * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].z * vec.z;
vec.x = x;
vec.y = y;
return vec;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::Compare( const idMat3& a ) const
if( mat[0].Compare( a[0] ) &&
mat[1].Compare( a[1] ) &&
mat[2].Compare( a[2] ) )
return true;
return false;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::Compare( const idMat3& a, const float epsilon ) const
if( mat[0].Compare( a[0], epsilon ) &&
mat[1].Compare( a[1], epsilon ) &&
mat[2].Compare( a[2], epsilon ) )
return true;
return false;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::operator==( const idMat3& a ) const
return Compare( a );
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::operator!=( const idMat3& a ) const
return !Compare( a );
ID_INLINE void idMat3::Zero()
memset( mat, 0, sizeof( idMat3 ) );
ID_INLINE void idMat3::Identity()
*this = mat3_identity;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::IsIdentity( const float epsilon ) const
return Compare( mat3_identity, epsilon );
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::IsSymmetric( const float epsilon ) const
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[0][1] - mat[1][0] ) > epsilon )
return false;
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[0][2] - mat[2][0] ) > epsilon )
return false;
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[1][2] - mat[2][1] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::IsDiagonal( const float epsilon ) const
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[0][1] ) > epsilon ||
idMath::Fabs( mat[0][2] ) > epsilon ||
idMath::Fabs( mat[1][0] ) > epsilon ||
idMath::Fabs( mat[1][2] ) > epsilon ||
idMath::Fabs( mat[2][0] ) > epsilon ||
idMath::Fabs( mat[2][1] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::IsRotated() const
return !Compare( mat3_identity );
ID_INLINE void idMat3::ProjectVector( const idVec3& src, idVec3& dst ) const
dst.x = src * mat[ 0 ];
dst.y = src * mat[ 1 ];
dst.z = src * mat[ 2 ];
ID_INLINE void idMat3::UnprojectVector( const idVec3& src, idVec3& dst ) const
dst = mat[ 0 ] * src.x + mat[ 1 ] * src.y + mat[ 2 ] * src.z;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::FixDegeneracies()
bool r = mat[0].FixDegenerateNormal();
r |= mat[1].FixDegenerateNormal();
r |= mat[2].FixDegenerateNormal();
return r;
ID_INLINE bool idMat3::FixDenormals()
bool r = mat[0].FixDenormals();
r |= mat[1].FixDenormals();
r |= mat[2].FixDenormals();
return r;
ID_INLINE float idMat3::Trace() const
return ( mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2] );
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::OrthoNormalize() const
idMat3 ortho;
ortho = *this;
ortho[ 0 ].Normalize();
ortho[ 2 ].Cross( mat[ 0 ], mat[ 1 ] );
ortho[ 2 ].Normalize();
ortho[ 1 ].Cross( mat[ 2 ], mat[ 0 ] );
ortho[ 1 ].Normalize();
return ortho;
ID_INLINE idMat3& idMat3::OrthoNormalizeSelf()
mat[ 0 ].Normalize();
mat[ 2 ].Cross( mat[ 0 ], mat[ 1 ] );
mat[ 2 ].Normalize();
mat[ 1 ].Cross( mat[ 2 ], mat[ 0 ] );
mat[ 1 ].Normalize();
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::Transpose() const
return idMat3( mat[0][0], mat[1][0], mat[2][0],
mat[0][1], mat[1][1], mat[2][1],
mat[0][2], mat[1][2], mat[2][2] );
ID_INLINE idMat3& idMat3::TransposeSelf()
float tmp0, tmp1, tmp2;
tmp0 = mat[0][1];
mat[0][1] = mat[1][0];
mat[1][0] = tmp0;
tmp1 = mat[0][2];
mat[0][2] = mat[2][0];
mat[2][0] = tmp1;
tmp2 = mat[1][2];
mat[1][2] = mat[2][1];
mat[2][1] = tmp2;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::Inverse() const
idMat3 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::InverseFast() const
idMat3 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseFastSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat3::TransposeMultiply( const idMat3& b ) const
return idMat3( mat[0].x * b[0].x + mat[1].x * b[1].x + mat[2].x * b[2].x,
mat[0].x * b[0].y + mat[1].x * b[1].y + mat[2].x * b[2].y,
mat[0].x * b[0].z + mat[1].x * b[1].z + mat[2].x * b[2].z,
mat[0].y * b[0].x + mat[1].y * b[1].x + mat[2].y * b[2].x,
mat[0].y * b[0].y + mat[1].y * b[1].y + mat[2].y * b[2].y,
mat[0].y * b[0].z + mat[1].y * b[1].z + mat[2].y * b[2].z,
mat[0].z * b[0].x + mat[1].z * b[1].x + mat[2].z * b[2].x,
mat[0].z * b[0].y + mat[1].z * b[1].y + mat[2].z * b[2].y,
mat[0].z * b[0].z + mat[1].z * b[1].z + mat[2].z * b[2].z );
ID_INLINE void TransposeMultiply( const idMat3& transpose, const idMat3& b, idMat3& dst )
dst[0].x = transpose[0].x * b[0].x + transpose[1].x * b[1].x + transpose[2].x * b[2].x;
dst[0].y = transpose[0].x * b[0].y + transpose[1].x * b[1].y + transpose[2].x * b[2].y;
dst[0].z = transpose[0].x * b[0].z + transpose[1].x * b[1].z + transpose[2].x * b[2].z;
dst[1].x = transpose[0].y * b[0].x + transpose[1].y * b[1].x + transpose[2].y * b[2].x;
dst[1].y = transpose[0].y * b[0].y + transpose[1].y * b[1].y + transpose[2].y * b[2].y;
dst[1].z = transpose[0].y * b[0].z + transpose[1].y * b[1].z + transpose[2].y * b[2].z;
dst[2].x = transpose[0].z * b[0].x + transpose[1].z * b[1].x + transpose[2].z * b[2].x;
dst[2].y = transpose[0].z * b[0].y + transpose[1].z * b[1].y + transpose[2].z * b[2].y;
dst[2].z = transpose[0].z * b[0].z + transpose[1].z * b[1].z + transpose[2].z * b[2].z;
ID_INLINE idMat3 SkewSymmetric( idVec3 const& src )
return idMat3( 0.0f, -src.z, src.y, src.z, 0.0f, -src.x, -src.y, src.x, 0.0f );
ID_INLINE int idMat3::GetDimension() const
return 9;
ID_INLINE const float* idMat3::ToFloatPtr() const
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
ID_INLINE float* idMat3::ToFloatPtr()
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
// idMat4 - 4x4 matrix
class idMat4
explicit idMat4( const idVec4& x, const idVec4& y, const idVec4& z, const idVec4& w );
explicit idMat4( const float xx, const float xy, const float xz, const float xw,
const float yx, const float yy, const float yz, const float yw,
const float zx, const float zy, const float zz, const float zw,
const float wx, const float wy, const float wz, const float ww );
explicit idMat4( const idMat3& rotation, const idVec3& translation );
explicit idMat4( const float src[ 4 ][ 4 ] );
const idVec4& operator[]( int index ) const;
idVec4& operator[]( int index );
idMat4 operator*( const float a ) const;
idVec4 operator*( const idVec4& vec ) const;
idVec3 operator*( const idVec3& vec ) const;
idMat4 operator*( const idMat4& a ) const;
idMat4 operator+( const idMat4& a ) const;
idMat4 operator-( const idMat4& a ) const;
idMat4& operator*=( const float a );
idMat4& operator*=( const idMat4& a );
idMat4& operator+=( const idMat4& a );
idMat4& operator-=( const idMat4& a );
friend idMat4 operator*( const float a, const idMat4& mat );
friend idVec4 operator*( const idVec4& vec, const idMat4& mat );
friend idVec3 operator*( const idVec3& vec, const idMat4& mat );
friend idVec4& operator*=( idVec4& vec, const idMat4& mat );
friend idVec3& operator*=( idVec3& vec, const idMat4& mat );
bool Compare( const idMat4& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const idMat4& a, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const idMat4& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const idMat4& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
void Zero();
void Identity();
bool IsIdentity( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsSymmetric( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsDiagonal( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsRotated() const;
void ProjectVector( const idVec4& src, idVec4& dst ) const;
void UnprojectVector( const idVec4& src, idVec4& dst ) const;
float Trace() const;
float Determinant() const;
idMat4 Transpose() const; // returns transpose
idMat4& TransposeSelf();
idMat4 Inverse() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat4 InverseFast() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseFastSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat4 TransposeMultiply( const idMat4& b ) const;
int GetDimension() const;
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
idVec4 mat[ 4 ];
extern idMat4 mat4_zero;
extern idMat4 mat4_identity;
#define mat4_default mat4_identity
ID_INLINE idMat4::idMat4()
ID_INLINE idMat4::idMat4( const idVec4& x, const idVec4& y, const idVec4& z, const idVec4& w )
mat[ 0 ] = x;
mat[ 1 ] = y;
mat[ 2 ] = z;
mat[ 3 ] = w;
ID_INLINE idMat4::idMat4( const float xx, const float xy, const float xz, const float xw,
const float yx, const float yy, const float yz, const float yw,
const float zx, const float zy, const float zz, const float zw,
const float wx, const float wy, const float wz, const float ww )
mat[0][0] = xx;
mat[0][1] = xy;
mat[0][2] = xz;
mat[0][3] = xw;
mat[1][0] = yx;
mat[1][1] = yy;
mat[1][2] = yz;
mat[1][3] = yw;
mat[2][0] = zx;
mat[2][1] = zy;
mat[2][2] = zz;
mat[2][3] = zw;
mat[3][0] = wx;
mat[3][1] = wy;
mat[3][2] = wz;
mat[3][3] = ww;
ID_INLINE idMat4::idMat4( const idMat3& rotation, const idVec3& translation )
// NOTE: idMat3 is transposed because it is column-major
mat[ 0 ][ 0 ] = rotation[0][0];
mat[ 0 ][ 1 ] = rotation[1][0];
mat[ 0 ][ 2 ] = rotation[2][0];
mat[ 0 ][ 3 ] = translation[0];
mat[ 1 ][ 0 ] = rotation[0][1];
mat[ 1 ][ 1 ] = rotation[1][1];
mat[ 1 ][ 2 ] = rotation[2][1];
mat[ 1 ][ 3 ] = translation[1];
mat[ 2 ][ 0 ] = rotation[0][2];
mat[ 2 ][ 1 ] = rotation[1][2];
mat[ 2 ][ 2 ] = rotation[2][2];
mat[ 2 ][ 3 ] = translation[2];
mat[ 3 ][ 0 ] = 0.0f;
mat[ 3 ][ 1 ] = 0.0f;
mat[ 3 ][ 2 ] = 0.0f;
mat[ 3 ][ 3 ] = 1.0f;
ID_INLINE idMat4::idMat4( const float src[ 4 ][ 4 ] )
memcpy( mat, src, 4 * 4 * sizeof( float ) );
ID_INLINE const idVec4& idMat4::operator[]( int index ) const
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 4 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idVec4& idMat4::operator[]( int index )
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 4 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat4::operator*( const float a ) const
return idMat4(
mat[0].x * a, mat[0].y * a, mat[0].z * a, mat[0].w * a,
mat[1].x * a, mat[1].y * a, mat[1].z * a, mat[1].w * a,
mat[2].x * a, mat[2].y * a, mat[2].z * a, mat[2].w * a,
mat[3].x * a, mat[3].y * a, mat[3].z * a, mat[3].w * a );
ID_INLINE idVec4 idMat4::operator*( const idVec4& vec ) const
return idVec4(
mat[ 0 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 0 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 0 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 0 ].w * vec.w,
mat[ 1 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 1 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 1 ].w * vec.w,
mat[ 2 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 2 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 2 ].w * vec.w,
mat[ 3 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 3 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 3 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 3 ].w * vec.w );
ID_INLINE idVec3 idMat4::operator*( const idVec3& vec ) const
float s = mat[ 3 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 3 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 3 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 3 ].w;
if( s == 0.0f )
return idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
if( s == 1.0f )
return idVec3(
mat[ 0 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 0 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 0 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 0 ].w,
mat[ 1 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 1 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 1 ].w,
mat[ 2 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 2 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 2 ].w );
float invS = 1.0f / s;
return idVec3(
( mat[ 0 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 0 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 0 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 0 ].w ) * invS,
( mat[ 1 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 1 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 1 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 1 ].w ) * invS,
( mat[ 2 ].x * vec.x + mat[ 2 ].y * vec.y + mat[ 2 ].z * vec.z + mat[ 2 ].w ) * invS );
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat4::operator*( const idMat4& a ) const
int i, j;
const float* m1Ptr, *m2Ptr;
float* dstPtr;
idMat4 dst;
m1Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( this );
m2Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( &a );
dstPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>( &dst );
for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
*dstPtr = m1Ptr[0] * m2Ptr[ 0 * 4 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[1] * m2Ptr[ 1 * 4 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[2] * m2Ptr[ 2 * 4 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[3] * m2Ptr[ 3 * 4 + j ];
m1Ptr += 4;
return dst;
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat4::operator+( const idMat4& a ) const
return idMat4(
mat[0].x + a[0].x, mat[0].y + a[0].y, mat[0].z + a[0].z, mat[0].w + a[0].w,
mat[1].x + a[1].x, mat[1].y + a[1].y, mat[1].z + a[1].z, mat[1].w + a[1].w,
mat[2].x + a[2].x, mat[2].y + a[2].y, mat[2].z + a[2].z, mat[2].w + a[2].w,
mat[3].x + a[3].x, mat[3].y + a[3].y, mat[3].z + a[3].z, mat[3].w + a[3].w );
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat4::operator-( const idMat4& a ) const
return idMat4(
mat[0].x - a[0].x, mat[0].y - a[0].y, mat[0].z - a[0].z, mat[0].w - a[0].w,
mat[1].x - a[1].x, mat[1].y - a[1].y, mat[1].z - a[1].z, mat[1].w - a[1].w,
mat[2].x - a[2].x, mat[2].y - a[2].y, mat[2].z - a[2].z, mat[2].w - a[2].w,
mat[3].x - a[3].x, mat[3].y - a[3].y, mat[3].z - a[3].z, mat[3].w - a[3].w );
ID_INLINE idMat4& idMat4::operator*=( const float a )
mat[0].x *= a;
mat[0].y *= a;
mat[0].z *= a;
mat[0].w *= a;
mat[1].x *= a;
mat[1].y *= a;
mat[1].z *= a;
mat[1].w *= a;
mat[2].x *= a;
mat[2].y *= a;
mat[2].z *= a;
mat[2].w *= a;
mat[3].x *= a;
mat[3].y *= a;
mat[3].z *= a;
mat[3].w *= a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat4& idMat4::operator*=( const idMat4& a )
*this = ( *this ) * a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat4& idMat4::operator+=( const idMat4& a )
mat[0].x += a[0].x;
mat[0].y += a[0].y;
mat[0].z += a[0].z;
mat[0].w += a[0].w;
mat[1].x += a[1].x;
mat[1].y += a[1].y;
mat[1].z += a[1].z;
mat[1].w += a[1].w;
mat[2].x += a[2].x;
mat[2].y += a[2].y;
mat[2].z += a[2].z;
mat[2].w += a[2].w;
mat[3].x += a[3].x;
mat[3].y += a[3].y;
mat[3].z += a[3].z;
mat[3].w += a[3].w;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat4& idMat4::operator-=( const idMat4& a )
mat[0].x -= a[0].x;
mat[0].y -= a[0].y;
mat[0].z -= a[0].z;
mat[0].w -= a[0].w;
mat[1].x -= a[1].x;
mat[1].y -= a[1].y;
mat[1].z -= a[1].z;
mat[1].w -= a[1].w;
mat[2].x -= a[2].x;
mat[2].y -= a[2].y;
mat[2].z -= a[2].z;
mat[2].w -= a[2].w;
mat[3].x -= a[3].x;
mat[3].y -= a[3].y;
mat[3].z -= a[3].z;
mat[3].w -= a[3].w;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat4 operator*( const float a, const idMat4& mat )
return mat * a;
ID_INLINE idVec4 operator*( const idVec4& vec, const idMat4& mat )
return mat * vec;
ID_INLINE idVec3 operator*( const idVec3& vec, const idMat4& mat )
return mat * vec;
ID_INLINE idVec4& operator*=( idVec4& vec, const idMat4& mat )
vec = mat * vec;
return vec;
ID_INLINE idVec3& operator*=( idVec3& vec, const idMat4& mat )
vec = mat * vec;
return vec;
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::Compare( const idMat4& a ) const
dword i;
const float* ptr1, *ptr2;
ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mat );
ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( a.mat );
for( i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++ )
if( ptr1[i] != ptr2[i] )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::Compare( const idMat4& a, const float epsilon ) const
dword i;
const float* ptr1, *ptr2;
ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mat );
ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( a.mat );
for( i = 0; i < 4 * 4; i++ )
if( idMath::Fabs( ptr1[i] - ptr2[i] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::operator==( const idMat4& a ) const
return Compare( a );
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::operator!=( const idMat4& a ) const
return !Compare( a );
ID_INLINE void idMat4::Zero()
memset( mat, 0, sizeof( idMat4 ) );
ID_INLINE void idMat4::Identity()
*this = mat4_identity;
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::IsIdentity( const float epsilon ) const
return Compare( mat4_identity, epsilon );
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::IsSymmetric( const float epsilon ) const
for( int i = 1; i < 4; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[i][j] - mat[j][i] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::IsDiagonal( const float epsilon ) const
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
if( i != j && idMath::Fabs( mat[i][j] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat4::IsRotated() const
if( !mat[ 0 ][ 1 ] && !mat[ 0 ][ 2 ] &&
!mat[ 1 ][ 0 ] && !mat[ 1 ][ 2 ] &&
!mat[ 2 ][ 0 ] && !mat[ 2 ][ 1 ] )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE void idMat4::ProjectVector( const idVec4& src, idVec4& dst ) const
dst.x = src * mat[ 0 ];
dst.y = src * mat[ 1 ];
dst.z = src * mat[ 2 ];
dst.w = src * mat[ 3 ];
ID_INLINE void idMat4::UnprojectVector( const idVec4& src, idVec4& dst ) const
dst = mat[ 0 ] * src.x + mat[ 1 ] * src.y + mat[ 2 ] * src.z + mat[ 3 ] * src.w;
ID_INLINE float idMat4::Trace() const
return ( mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2] + mat[3][3] );
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat4::Inverse() const
idMat4 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat4::InverseFast() const
idMat4 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseFastSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat4 idMat3::ToMat4() const
// NOTE: idMat3 is transposed because it is column-major
return idMat4( mat[0][0], mat[1][0], mat[2][0], 0.0f,
mat[0][1], mat[1][1], mat[2][1], 0.0f,
mat[0][2], mat[1][2], mat[2][2], 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
ID_INLINE int idMat4::GetDimension() const
return 16;
ID_INLINE const float* idMat4::ToFloatPtr() const
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
ID_INLINE float* idMat4::ToFloatPtr()
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
// idMat5 - 5x5 matrix
class idMat5
explicit idMat5( const idVec5& v0, const idVec5& v1, const idVec5& v2, const idVec5& v3, const idVec5& v4 );
explicit idMat5( const float src[ 5 ][ 5 ] );
const idVec5& operator[]( int index ) const;
idVec5& operator[]( int index );
idMat5 operator*( const float a ) const;
idVec5 operator*( const idVec5& vec ) const;
idMat5 operator*( const idMat5& a ) const;
idMat5 operator+( const idMat5& a ) const;
idMat5 operator-( const idMat5& a ) const;
idMat5& operator*=( const float a );
idMat5& operator*=( const idMat5& a );
idMat5& operator+=( const idMat5& a );
idMat5& operator-=( const idMat5& a );
friend idMat5 operator*( const float a, const idMat5& mat );
friend idVec5 operator*( const idVec5& vec, const idMat5& mat );
friend idVec5& operator*=( idVec5& vec, const idMat5& mat );
bool Compare( const idMat5& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const idMat5& a, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const idMat5& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const idMat5& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
void Zero();
void Identity();
bool IsIdentity( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsSymmetric( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsDiagonal( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
float Trace() const;
float Determinant() const;
idMat5 Transpose() const; // returns transpose
idMat5& TransposeSelf();
idMat5 Inverse() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat5 InverseFast() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseFastSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
int GetDimension() const;
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
idVec5 mat[ 5 ];
extern idMat5 mat5_zero;
extern idMat5 mat5_identity;
#define mat5_default mat5_identity
ID_INLINE idMat5::idMat5()
ID_INLINE idMat5::idMat5( const float src[ 5 ][ 5 ] )
memcpy( mat, src, 5 * 5 * sizeof( float ) );
ID_INLINE idMat5::idMat5( const idVec5& v0, const idVec5& v1, const idVec5& v2, const idVec5& v3, const idVec5& v4 )
mat[0] = v0;
mat[1] = v1;
mat[2] = v2;
mat[3] = v3;
mat[4] = v4;
ID_INLINE const idVec5& idMat5::operator[]( int index ) const
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 5 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idVec5& idMat5::operator[]( int index )
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 5 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idMat5 idMat5::operator*( const idMat5& a ) const
int i, j;
const float* m1Ptr, *m2Ptr;
float* dstPtr;
idMat5 dst;
m1Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( this );
m2Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( &a );
dstPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>( &dst );
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
*dstPtr = m1Ptr[0] * m2Ptr[ 0 * 5 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[1] * m2Ptr[ 1 * 5 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[2] * m2Ptr[ 2 * 5 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[3] * m2Ptr[ 3 * 5 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[4] * m2Ptr[ 4 * 5 + j ];
m1Ptr += 5;
return dst;
ID_INLINE idMat5 idMat5::operator*( const float a ) const
return idMat5(
idVec5( mat[0][0] * a, mat[0][1] * a, mat[0][2] * a, mat[0][3] * a, mat[0][4] * a ),
idVec5( mat[1][0] * a, mat[1][1] * a, mat[1][2] * a, mat[1][3] * a, mat[1][4] * a ),
idVec5( mat[2][0] * a, mat[2][1] * a, mat[2][2] * a, mat[2][3] * a, mat[2][4] * a ),
idVec5( mat[3][0] * a, mat[3][1] * a, mat[3][2] * a, mat[3][3] * a, mat[3][4] * a ),
idVec5( mat[4][0] * a, mat[4][1] * a, mat[4][2] * a, mat[4][3] * a, mat[4][4] * a ) );
ID_INLINE idVec5 idMat5::operator*( const idVec5& vec ) const
return idVec5(
mat[0][0] * vec[0] + mat[0][1] * vec[1] + mat[0][2] * vec[2] + mat[0][3] * vec[3] + mat[0][4] * vec[4],
mat[1][0] * vec[0] + mat[1][1] * vec[1] + mat[1][2] * vec[2] + mat[1][3] * vec[3] + mat[1][4] * vec[4],
mat[2][0] * vec[0] + mat[2][1] * vec[1] + mat[2][2] * vec[2] + mat[2][3] * vec[3] + mat[2][4] * vec[4],
mat[3][0] * vec[0] + mat[3][1] * vec[1] + mat[3][2] * vec[2] + mat[3][3] * vec[3] + mat[3][4] * vec[4],
mat[4][0] * vec[0] + mat[4][1] * vec[1] + mat[4][2] * vec[2] + mat[4][3] * vec[3] + mat[4][4] * vec[4] );
ID_INLINE idMat5 idMat5::operator+( const idMat5& a ) const
return idMat5(
idVec5( mat[0][0] + a[0][0], mat[0][1] + a[0][1], mat[0][2] + a[0][2], mat[0][3] + a[0][3], mat[0][4] + a[0][4] ),
idVec5( mat[1][0] + a[1][0], mat[1][1] + a[1][1], mat[1][2] + a[1][2], mat[1][3] + a[1][3], mat[1][4] + a[1][4] ),
idVec5( mat[2][0] + a[2][0], mat[2][1] + a[2][1], mat[2][2] + a[2][2], mat[2][3] + a[2][3], mat[2][4] + a[2][4] ),
idVec5( mat[3][0] + a[3][0], mat[3][1] + a[3][1], mat[3][2] + a[3][2], mat[3][3] + a[3][3], mat[3][4] + a[3][4] ),
idVec5( mat[4][0] + a[4][0], mat[4][1] + a[4][1], mat[4][2] + a[4][2], mat[4][3] + a[4][3], mat[4][4] + a[4][4] ) );
ID_INLINE idMat5 idMat5::operator-( const idMat5& a ) const
return idMat5(
idVec5( mat[0][0] - a[0][0], mat[0][1] - a[0][1], mat[0][2] - a[0][2], mat[0][3] - a[0][3], mat[0][4] - a[0][4] ),
idVec5( mat[1][0] - a[1][0], mat[1][1] - a[1][1], mat[1][2] - a[1][2], mat[1][3] - a[1][3], mat[1][4] - a[1][4] ),
idVec5( mat[2][0] - a[2][0], mat[2][1] - a[2][1], mat[2][2] - a[2][2], mat[2][3] - a[2][3], mat[2][4] - a[2][4] ),
idVec5( mat[3][0] - a[3][0], mat[3][1] - a[3][1], mat[3][2] - a[3][2], mat[3][3] - a[3][3], mat[3][4] - a[3][4] ),
idVec5( mat[4][0] - a[4][0], mat[4][1] - a[4][1], mat[4][2] - a[4][2], mat[4][3] - a[4][3], mat[4][4] - a[4][4] ) );
ID_INLINE idMat5& idMat5::operator*=( const float a )
mat[0][0] *= a;
mat[0][1] *= a;
mat[0][2] *= a;
mat[0][3] *= a;
mat[0][4] *= a;
mat[1][0] *= a;
mat[1][1] *= a;
mat[1][2] *= a;
mat[1][3] *= a;
mat[1][4] *= a;
mat[2][0] *= a;
mat[2][1] *= a;
mat[2][2] *= a;
mat[2][3] *= a;
mat[2][4] *= a;
mat[3][0] *= a;
mat[3][1] *= a;
mat[3][2] *= a;
mat[3][3] *= a;
mat[3][4] *= a;
mat[4][0] *= a;
mat[4][1] *= a;
mat[4][2] *= a;
mat[4][3] *= a;
mat[4][4] *= a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat5& idMat5::operator*=( const idMat5& a )
*this = *this * a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat5& idMat5::operator+=( const idMat5& a )
mat[0][0] += a[0][0];
mat[0][1] += a[0][1];
mat[0][2] += a[0][2];
mat[0][3] += a[0][3];
mat[0][4] += a[0][4];
mat[1][0] += a[1][0];
mat[1][1] += a[1][1];
mat[1][2] += a[1][2];
mat[1][3] += a[1][3];
mat[1][4] += a[1][4];
mat[2][0] += a[2][0];
mat[2][1] += a[2][1];
mat[2][2] += a[2][2];
mat[2][3] += a[2][3];
mat[2][4] += a[2][4];
mat[3][0] += a[3][0];
mat[3][1] += a[3][1];
mat[3][2] += a[3][2];
mat[3][3] += a[3][3];
mat[3][4] += a[3][4];
mat[4][0] += a[4][0];
mat[4][1] += a[4][1];
mat[4][2] += a[4][2];
mat[4][3] += a[4][3];
mat[4][4] += a[4][4];
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat5& idMat5::operator-=( const idMat5& a )
mat[0][0] -= a[0][0];
mat[0][1] -= a[0][1];
mat[0][2] -= a[0][2];
mat[0][3] -= a[0][3];
mat[0][4] -= a[0][4];
mat[1][0] -= a[1][0];
mat[1][1] -= a[1][1];
mat[1][2] -= a[1][2];
mat[1][3] -= a[1][3];
mat[1][4] -= a[1][4];
mat[2][0] -= a[2][0];
mat[2][1] -= a[2][1];
mat[2][2] -= a[2][2];
mat[2][3] -= a[2][3];
mat[2][4] -= a[2][4];
mat[3][0] -= a[3][0];
mat[3][1] -= a[3][1];
mat[3][2] -= a[3][2];
mat[3][3] -= a[3][3];
mat[3][4] -= a[3][4];
mat[4][0] -= a[4][0];
mat[4][1] -= a[4][1];
mat[4][2] -= a[4][2];
mat[4][3] -= a[4][3];
mat[4][4] -= a[4][4];
return *this;
ID_INLINE idVec5 operator*( const idVec5& vec, const idMat5& mat )
return mat * vec;
ID_INLINE idMat5 operator*( const float a, idMat5 const& mat )
return mat * a;
ID_INLINE idVec5& operator*=( idVec5& vec, const idMat5& mat )
vec = mat * vec;
return vec;
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::Compare( const idMat5& a ) const
dword i;
const float* ptr1, *ptr2;
ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mat );
ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( a.mat );
for( i = 0; i < 5 * 5; i++ )
if( ptr1[i] != ptr2[i] )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::Compare( const idMat5& a, const float epsilon ) const
dword i;
const float* ptr1, *ptr2;
ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mat );
ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( a.mat );
for( i = 0; i < 5 * 5; i++ )
if( idMath::Fabs( ptr1[i] - ptr2[i] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::operator==( const idMat5& a ) const
return Compare( a );
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::operator!=( const idMat5& a ) const
return !Compare( a );
ID_INLINE void idMat5::Zero()
memset( mat, 0, sizeof( idMat5 ) );
ID_INLINE void idMat5::Identity()
*this = mat5_identity;
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::IsIdentity( const float epsilon ) const
return Compare( mat5_identity, epsilon );
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::IsSymmetric( const float epsilon ) const
for( int i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[i][j] - mat[j][i] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat5::IsDiagonal( const float epsilon ) const
for( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
if( i != j && idMath::Fabs( mat[i][j] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE float idMat5::Trace() const
return ( mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2] + mat[3][3] + mat[4][4] );
ID_INLINE idMat5 idMat5::Inverse() const
idMat5 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat5 idMat5::InverseFast() const
idMat5 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseFastSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE int idMat5::GetDimension() const
return 25;
ID_INLINE const float* idMat5::ToFloatPtr() const
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
ID_INLINE float* idMat5::ToFloatPtr()
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
// idMat6 - 6x6 matrix
class idMat6
explicit idMat6( const idVec6& v0, const idVec6& v1, const idVec6& v2, const idVec6& v3, const idVec6& v4, const idVec6& v5 );
explicit idMat6( const idMat3& m0, const idMat3& m1, const idMat3& m2, const idMat3& m3 );
explicit idMat6( const float src[ 6 ][ 6 ] );
const idVec6& operator[]( int index ) const;
idVec6& operator[]( int index );
idMat6 operator*( const float a ) const;
idVec6 operator*( const idVec6& vec ) const;
idMat6 operator*( const idMat6& a ) const;
idMat6 operator+( const idMat6& a ) const;
idMat6 operator-( const idMat6& a ) const;
idMat6& operator*=( const float a );
idMat6& operator*=( const idMat6& a );
idMat6& operator+=( const idMat6& a );
idMat6& operator-=( const idMat6& a );
friend idMat6 operator*( const float a, const idMat6& mat );
friend idVec6 operator*( const idVec6& vec, const idMat6& mat );
friend idVec6& operator*=( idVec6& vec, const idMat6& mat );
bool Compare( const idMat6& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool Compare( const idMat6& a, const float epsilon ) const; // compare with epsilon
bool operator==( const idMat6& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
bool operator!=( const idMat6& a ) const; // exact compare, no epsilon
void Zero();
void Identity();
bool IsIdentity( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsSymmetric( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
bool IsDiagonal( const float epsilon = MATRIX_EPSILON ) const;
idMat3 SubMat3( int n ) const;
float Trace() const;
float Determinant() const;
idMat6 Transpose() const; // returns transpose
idMat6& TransposeSelf();
idMat6 Inverse() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
idMat6 InverseFast() const; // returns the inverse ( m * m.Inverse() = identity )
bool InverseFastSelf(); // returns false if determinant is zero
int GetDimension() const;
const float* ToFloatPtr() const;
float* ToFloatPtr();
const char* ToString( int precision = 2 ) const;
idVec6 mat[ 6 ];
extern idMat6 mat6_zero;
extern idMat6 mat6_identity;
#define mat6_default mat6_identity
ID_INLINE idMat6::idMat6()
ID_INLINE idMat6::idMat6( const idMat3& m0, const idMat3& m1, const idMat3& m2, const idMat3& m3 )
mat[0] = idVec6( m0[0][0], m0[0][1], m0[0][2], m1[0][0], m1[0][1], m1[0][2] );
mat[1] = idVec6( m0[1][0], m0[1][1], m0[1][2], m1[1][0], m1[1][1], m1[1][2] );
mat[2] = idVec6( m0[2][0], m0[2][1], m0[2][2], m1[2][0], m1[2][1], m1[2][2] );
mat[3] = idVec6( m2[0][0], m2[0][1], m2[0][2], m3[0][0], m3[0][1], m3[0][2] );
mat[4] = idVec6( m2[1][0], m2[1][1], m2[1][2], m3[1][0], m3[1][1], m3[1][2] );
mat[5] = idVec6( m2[2][0], m2[2][1], m2[2][2], m3[2][0], m3[2][1], m3[2][2] );
ID_INLINE idMat6::idMat6( const idVec6& v0, const idVec6& v1, const idVec6& v2, const idVec6& v3, const idVec6& v4, const idVec6& v5 )
mat[0] = v0;
mat[1] = v1;
mat[2] = v2;
mat[3] = v3;
mat[4] = v4;
mat[5] = v5;
ID_INLINE idMat6::idMat6( const float src[ 6 ][ 6 ] )
memcpy( mat, src, 6 * 6 * sizeof( float ) );
ID_INLINE const idVec6& idMat6::operator[]( int index ) const
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 6 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idVec6& idMat6::operator[]( int index )
//assert( ( index >= 0 ) && ( index < 6 ) );
return mat[ index ];
ID_INLINE idMat6 idMat6::operator*( const idMat6& a ) const
int i, j;
const float* m1Ptr, *m2Ptr;
float* dstPtr;
idMat6 dst;
m1Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( this );
m2Ptr = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( &a );
dstPtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>( &dst );
for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
*dstPtr = m1Ptr[0] * m2Ptr[ 0 * 6 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[1] * m2Ptr[ 1 * 6 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[2] * m2Ptr[ 2 * 6 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[3] * m2Ptr[ 3 * 6 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[4] * m2Ptr[ 4 * 6 + j ]
+ m1Ptr[5] * m2Ptr[ 5 * 6 + j ];
m1Ptr += 6;
return dst;
ID_INLINE idMat6 idMat6::operator*( const float a ) const
return idMat6(
idVec6( mat[0][0] * a, mat[0][1] * a, mat[0][2] * a, mat[0][3] * a, mat[0][4] * a, mat[0][5] * a ),
idVec6( mat[1][0] * a, mat[1][1] * a, mat[1][2] * a, mat[1][3] * a, mat[1][4] * a, mat[1][5] * a ),
idVec6( mat[2][0] * a, mat[2][1] * a, mat[2][2] * a, mat[2][3] * a, mat[2][4] * a, mat[2][5] * a ),
idVec6( mat[3][0] * a, mat[3][1] * a, mat[3][2] * a, mat[3][3] * a, mat[3][4] * a, mat[3][5] * a ),
idVec6( mat[4][0] * a, mat[4][1] * a, mat[4][2] * a, mat[4][3] * a, mat[4][4] * a, mat[4][5] * a ),
idVec6( mat[5][0] * a, mat[5][1] * a, mat[5][2] * a, mat[5][3] * a, mat[5][4] * a, mat[5][5] * a ) );
ID_INLINE idVec6 idMat6::operator*( const idVec6& vec ) const
return idVec6(
mat[0][0] * vec[0] + mat[0][1] * vec[1] + mat[0][2] * vec[2] + mat[0][3] * vec[3] + mat[0][4] * vec[4] + mat[0][5] * vec[5],
mat[1][0] * vec[0] + mat[1][1] * vec[1] + mat[1][2] * vec[2] + mat[1][3] * vec[3] + mat[1][4] * vec[4] + mat[1][5] * vec[5],
mat[2][0] * vec[0] + mat[2][1] * vec[1] + mat[2][2] * vec[2] + mat[2][3] * vec[3] + mat[2][4] * vec[4] + mat[2][5] * vec[5],
mat[3][0] * vec[0] + mat[3][1] * vec[1] + mat[3][2] * vec[2] + mat[3][3] * vec[3] + mat[3][4] * vec[4] + mat[3][5] * vec[5],
mat[4][0] * vec[0] + mat[4][1] * vec[1] + mat[4][2] * vec[2] + mat[4][3] * vec[3] + mat[4][4] * vec[4] + mat[4][5] * vec[5],
mat[5][0] * vec[0] + mat[5][1] * vec[1] + mat[5][2] * vec[2] + mat[5][3] * vec[3] + mat[5][4] * vec[4] + mat[5][5] * vec[5] );
ID_INLINE idMat6 idMat6::operator+( const idMat6& a ) const
return idMat6(
idVec6( mat[0][0] + a[0][0], mat[0][1] + a[0][1], mat[0][2] + a[0][2], mat[0][3] + a[0][3], mat[0][4] + a[0][4], mat[0][5] + a[0][5] ),
idVec6( mat[1][0] + a[1][0], mat[1][1] + a[1][1], mat[1][2] + a[1][2], mat[1][3] + a[1][3], mat[1][4] + a[1][4], mat[1][5] + a[1][5] ),
idVec6( mat[2][0] + a[2][0], mat[2][1] + a[2][1], mat[2][2] + a[2][2], mat[2][3] + a[2][3], mat[2][4] + a[2][4], mat[2][5] + a[2][5] ),
idVec6( mat[3][0] + a[3][0], mat[3][1] + a[3][1], mat[3][2] + a[3][2], mat[3][3] + a[3][3], mat[3][4] + a[3][4], mat[3][5] + a[3][5] ),
idVec6( mat[4][0] + a[4][0], mat[4][1] + a[4][1], mat[4][2] + a[4][2], mat[4][3] + a[4][3], mat[4][4] + a[4][4], mat[4][5] + a[4][5] ),
idVec6( mat[5][0] + a[5][0], mat[5][1] + a[5][1], mat[5][2] + a[5][2], mat[5][3] + a[5][3], mat[5][4] + a[5][4], mat[5][5] + a[5][5] ) );
ID_INLINE idMat6 idMat6::operator-( const idMat6& a ) const
return idMat6(
idVec6( mat[0][0] - a[0][0], mat[0][1] - a[0][1], mat[0][2] - a[0][2], mat[0][3] - a[0][3], mat[0][4] - a[0][4], mat[0][5] - a[0][5] ),
idVec6( mat[1][0] - a[1][0], mat[1][1] - a[1][1], mat[1][2] - a[1][2], mat[1][3] - a[1][3], mat[1][4] - a[1][4], mat[1][5] - a[1][5] ),
idVec6( mat[2][0] - a[2][0], mat[2][1] - a[2][1], mat[2][2] - a[2][2], mat[2][3] - a[2][3], mat[2][4] - a[2][4], mat[2][5] - a[2][5] ),
idVec6( mat[3][0] - a[3][0], mat[3][1] - a[3][1], mat[3][2] - a[3][2], mat[3][3] - a[3][3], mat[3][4] - a[3][4], mat[3][5] - a[3][5] ),
idVec6( mat[4][0] - a[4][0], mat[4][1] - a[4][1], mat[4][2] - a[4][2], mat[4][3] - a[4][3], mat[4][4] - a[4][4], mat[4][5] - a[4][5] ),
idVec6( mat[5][0] - a[5][0], mat[5][1] - a[5][1], mat[5][2] - a[5][2], mat[5][3] - a[5][3], mat[5][4] - a[5][4], mat[5][5] - a[5][5] ) );
ID_INLINE idMat6& idMat6::operator*=( const float a )
mat[0][0] *= a;
mat[0][1] *= a;
mat[0][2] *= a;
mat[0][3] *= a;
mat[0][4] *= a;
mat[0][5] *= a;
mat[1][0] *= a;
mat[1][1] *= a;
mat[1][2] *= a;
mat[1][3] *= a;
mat[1][4] *= a;
mat[1][5] *= a;
mat[2][0] *= a;
mat[2][1] *= a;
mat[2][2] *= a;
mat[2][3] *= a;
mat[2][4] *= a;
mat[2][5] *= a;
mat[3][0] *= a;
mat[3][1] *= a;
mat[3][2] *= a;
mat[3][3] *= a;
mat[3][4] *= a;
mat[3][5] *= a;
mat[4][0] *= a;
mat[4][1] *= a;
mat[4][2] *= a;
mat[4][3] *= a;
mat[4][4] *= a;
mat[4][5] *= a;
mat[5][0] *= a;
mat[5][1] *= a;
mat[5][2] *= a;
mat[5][3] *= a;
mat[5][4] *= a;
mat[5][5] *= a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat6& idMat6::operator*=( const idMat6& a )
*this = *this * a;
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat6& idMat6::operator+=( const idMat6& a )
mat[0][0] += a[0][0];
mat[0][1] += a[0][1];
mat[0][2] += a[0][2];
mat[0][3] += a[0][3];
mat[0][4] += a[0][4];
mat[0][5] += a[0][5];
mat[1][0] += a[1][0];
mat[1][1] += a[1][1];
mat[1][2] += a[1][2];
mat[1][3] += a[1][3];
mat[1][4] += a[1][4];
mat[1][5] += a[1][5];
mat[2][0] += a[2][0];
mat[2][1] += a[2][1];
mat[2][2] += a[2][2];
mat[2][3] += a[2][3];
mat[2][4] += a[2][4];
mat[2][5] += a[2][5];
mat[3][0] += a[3][0];
mat[3][1] += a[3][1];
mat[3][2] += a[3][2];
mat[3][3] += a[3][3];
mat[3][4] += a[3][4];
mat[3][5] += a[3][5];
mat[4][0] += a[4][0];
mat[4][1] += a[4][1];
mat[4][2] += a[4][2];
mat[4][3] += a[4][3];
mat[4][4] += a[4][4];
mat[4][5] += a[4][5];
mat[5][0] += a[5][0];
mat[5][1] += a[5][1];
mat[5][2] += a[5][2];
mat[5][3] += a[5][3];
mat[5][4] += a[5][4];
mat[5][5] += a[5][5];
return *this;
ID_INLINE idMat6& idMat6::operator-=( const idMat6& a )
mat[0][0] -= a[0][0];
mat[0][1] -= a[0][1];
mat[0][2] -= a[0][2];
mat[0][3] -= a[0][3];
mat[0][4] -= a[0][4];
mat[0][5] -= a[0][5];
mat[1][0] -= a[1][0];
mat[1][1] -= a[1][1];
mat[1][2] -= a[1][2];
mat[1][3] -= a[1][3];
mat[1][4] -= a[1][4];
mat[1][5] -= a[1][5];
mat[2][0] -= a[2][0];
mat[2][1] -= a[2][1];
mat[2][2] -= a[2][2];
mat[2][3] -= a[2][3];
mat[2][4] -= a[2][4];
mat[2][5] -= a[2][5];
mat[3][0] -= a[3][0];
mat[3][1] -= a[3][1];
mat[3][2] -= a[3][2];
mat[3][3] -= a[3][3];
mat[3][4] -= a[3][4];
mat[3][5] -= a[3][5];
mat[4][0] -= a[4][0];
mat[4][1] -= a[4][1];
mat[4][2] -= a[4][2];
mat[4][3] -= a[4][3];
mat[4][4] -= a[4][4];
mat[4][5] -= a[4][5];
mat[5][0] -= a[5][0];
mat[5][1] -= a[5][1];
mat[5][2] -= a[5][2];
mat[5][3] -= a[5][3];
mat[5][4] -= a[5][4];
mat[5][5] -= a[5][5];
return *this;
ID_INLINE idVec6 operator*( const idVec6& vec, const idMat6& mat )
return mat * vec;
ID_INLINE idMat6 operator*( const float a, idMat6 const& mat )
return mat * a;
ID_INLINE idVec6& operator*=( idVec6& vec, const idMat6& mat )
vec = mat * vec;
return vec;
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::Compare( const idMat6& a ) const
dword i;
const float* ptr1, *ptr2;
ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mat );
ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( a.mat );
for( i = 0; i < 6 * 6; i++ )
if( ptr1[i] != ptr2[i] )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::Compare( const idMat6& a, const float epsilon ) const
dword i;
const float* ptr1, *ptr2;
ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( mat );
ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<const float*>( a.mat );
for( i = 0; i < 6 * 6; i++ )
if( idMath::Fabs( ptr1[i] - ptr2[i] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::operator==( const idMat6& a ) const
return Compare( a );
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::operator!=( const idMat6& a ) const
return !Compare( a );
ID_INLINE void idMat6::Zero()
memset( mat, 0, sizeof( idMat6 ) );
ID_INLINE void idMat6::Identity()
*this = mat6_identity;
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::IsIdentity( const float epsilon ) const
return Compare( mat6_identity, epsilon );
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::IsSymmetric( const float epsilon ) const
for( int i = 1; i < 6; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
if( idMath::Fabs( mat[i][j] - mat[j][i] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE bool idMat6::IsDiagonal( const float epsilon ) const
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < 6; j++ )
if( i != j && idMath::Fabs( mat[i][j] ) > epsilon )
return false;
return true;
ID_INLINE idMat3 idMat6::SubMat3( int n ) const
assert( n >= 0 && n < 4 );
int b0 = ( ( n & 2 ) >> 1 ) * 3;
int b1 = ( n & 1 ) * 3;
return idMat3(
mat[b0 + 0][b1 + 0], mat[b0 + 0][b1 + 1], mat[b0 + 0][b1 + 2],
mat[b0 + 1][b1 + 0], mat[b0 + 1][b1 + 1], mat[b0 + 1][b1 + 2],
mat[b0 + 2][b1 + 0], mat[b0 + 2][b1 + 1], mat[b0 + 2][b1 + 2] );
ID_INLINE float idMat6::Trace() const
return ( mat[0][0] + mat[1][1] + mat[2][2] + mat[3][3] + mat[4][4] + mat[5][5] );
ID_INLINE idMat6 idMat6::Inverse() const
idMat6 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE idMat6 idMat6::InverseFast() const
idMat6 invMat;
invMat = *this;
verify( invMat.InverseFastSelf() );
return invMat;
ID_INLINE int idMat6::GetDimension() const
return 36;
ID_INLINE const float* idMat6::ToFloatPtr() const
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
ID_INLINE float* idMat6::ToFloatPtr()
return mat[0].ToFloatPtr();
#endif /* !__MATH_MATRIX_H__ */