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4877 lines
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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "DeviceContext.h"
#include "Window.h"
#include "UserInterfaceLocal.h"
#include "EditWindow.h"
#include "ChoiceWindow.h"
#include "SliderWindow.h"
#include "BindWindow.h"
#include "ListWindow.h"
#include "RenderWindow.h"
#include "FieldWindow.h"
#include "GameSSDWindow.h"
#include "GameBearShootWindow.h"
#include "GameBustOutWindow.h"
bool idWindow::registerIsTemporary[MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS]; // statics to assist during parsing
//float idWindow::shaderRegisters[MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS];
//wexpOp_t idWindow::shaderOps[MAX_EXPRESSION_OPS];
idCVar idWindow::gui_debug( "gui_debug", "0", CVAR_GUI | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar idWindow::gui_edit( "gui_edit", "0", CVAR_GUI | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar hud_titlesafe( "hud_titlesafe", "0.0", CVAR_GUI | CVAR_FLOAT, "fraction of the screen to leave around hud for titlesafe area" );
extern idCVar r_skipGuiShaders; // 1 = don't render any gui elements on surfaces
// made RegisterVars a member of idWindow
const idRegEntry idWindow::RegisterVars[] =
{ "forecolor", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "hovercolor", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "backcolor", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "bordercolor", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "rect", idRegister::RECTANGLE },
{ "matcolor", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "scale", idRegister::VEC2 },
{ "translate", idRegister::VEC2 },
{ "rotate", idRegister::FLOAT },
{ "textscale", idRegister::FLOAT },
{ "visible", idRegister::BOOL },
{ "noevents", idRegister::BOOL },
{ "text", idRegister::STRING },
{ "background", idRegister::STRING },
{ "runscript", idRegister::STRING },
{ "varbackground", idRegister::STRING },
{ "cvar", idRegister::STRING },
{ "choices", idRegister::STRING },
{ "choiceVar", idRegister::STRING },
{ "bind", idRegister::STRING },
{ "modelRotate", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "modelOrigin", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "lightOrigin", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "lightColor", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "viewOffset", idRegister::VEC4 },
{ "hideCursor", idRegister::BOOL}
const int idWindow::NumRegisterVars = sizeof( RegisterVars ) / sizeof( idRegEntry );
const char* idWindow::ScriptNames[] =
void idWindow::CommonInit()
childID = 0;
flags = 0;
lastTimeRun = 0;
font = renderSystem->RegisterFont( "" );
timeLine = -1;
xOffset = yOffset = 0.0;
cursor = 0;
forceAspectWidth = 640;
forceAspectHeight = 480;
matScalex = 1;
matScaley = 1;
borderSize = 0;
noTime = false;
visible = true;
textAlign = 0;
textAlignx = 0;
textAligny = 0;
noEvents = false;
rotate = 0;
textScale = 0.35f;
foreColor = idVec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
hoverColor = idVec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
matColor = idVec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
background = NULL;
backGroundName = "";
focusedChild = NULL;
captureChild = NULL;
overChild = NULL;
parent = NULL;
saveOps = NULL;
saveRegs = NULL;
timeLine = -1;
textShadow = 0;
hover = false;
for( int i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
scripts[i] = NULL;
hideCursor = false;
size_t idWindow::Size()
int c = children.Num();
int sz = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
sz += children[i]->Size();
sz += sizeof( *this ) + Allocated();
return sz;
size_t idWindow::Allocated()
int i, c;
int sz = name.Allocated();
sz += text.Size();
sz += backGroundName.Size();
c = definedVars.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
sz += definedVars[i]->Size();
for( i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
if( scripts[i] )
sz += scripts[i]->Size();
c = timeLineEvents.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
sz += timeLineEvents[i]->Size();
c = namedEvents.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
sz += namedEvents[i]->Size();
c = drawWindows.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].simp )
sz += drawWindows[i].simp->Size();
return sz;
idWindow::idWindow( idUserInterfaceLocal* ui )
gui = ui;
void idWindow::CleanUp()
int i, c = drawWindows.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
delete drawWindows[i].simp;
// ensure the register list gets cleaned up
regList.Reset( );
// Cleanup the named events
namedEvents.DeleteContents( true );
children.DeleteContents( true );
definedVars.DeleteContents( true );
timeLineEvents.DeleteContents( true );
for( i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
delete scripts[i];
void idWindow::Move( float x, float y )
idRectangle rct = rect;
rct.x = x;
rct.y = y;
idRegister* reg = RegList()->FindReg( "rect" );
if( reg )
reg->Enable( false );
rect = rct;
void idWindow::SetFont()
dc->SetFont( font );
float idWindow::GetMaxCharHeight()
return dc->MaxCharHeight( textScale );
float idWindow::GetMaxCharWidth()
return dc->MaxCharWidth( textScale );
void idWindow::Draw( int time, float x, float y )
if( text.Length() == 0 )
if( textShadow )
idStr shadowText = text;
idRectangle shadowRect = textRect;
shadowRect.x += textShadow;
shadowRect.y += textShadow;
dc->DrawText( shadowText, textScale, textAlign, colorBlack, shadowRect, !( flags & WIN_NOWRAP ), -1 );
dc->DrawText( text, textScale, textAlign, foreColor, textRect, !( flags & WIN_NOWRAP ), -1 );
if( gui_edit.GetBool() )
dc->EnableClipping( false );
dc->DrawText( va( "x: %i y: %i", ( int )rect.x(), ( int )rect.y() ), 0.25, 0, dc->colorWhite, idRectangle( rect.x(), rect.y() - 15, 100, 20 ), false );
dc->DrawText( va( "w: %i h: %i", ( int )rect.w(), ( int )rect.h() ), 0.25, 0, dc->colorWhite, idRectangle( rect.x() + rect.w(), rect.w() + rect.h() + 5, 100, 20 ), false );
dc->EnableClipping( true );
void idWindow::BringToTop( idWindow* w )
if( w && !( w->flags & WIN_MODAL ) )
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( children[i] == w )
// this is it move from i - 1 to 0 to i to 1 then shove this one into 0
for( int j = i + 1; j < c; j++ )
children[j - 1] = children[j];
children[c - 1] = w;
void idWindow::Size( float x, float y, float w, float h )
idRectangle rct = rect;
rct.x = x;
rct.y = y;
rct.w = w;
rct.h = h;
rect = rct;
CalcClientRect( 0, 0 );
void idWindow::MouseEnter()
if( noEvents )
void idWindow::MouseExit()
if( noEvents )
RunScript( ON_MOUSEEXIT );
idWindow* idWindow::GetChildWithOnAction( float xd, float yd )
int c = children.Num();
while( c > 0 )
idWindow* child = children[--c];
if( child->visible && child->Contains( child->drawRect, gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() ) && !child->noEvents )
child->hover = true;
if( child->cursor > 0 )
return child;
idWindow* check = child->GetChildWithOnAction( xd, yd );
if( check != NULL && check != child )
return check;
return this;
const char* idWindow::RouteMouseCoords( float xd, float yd )
idStr str;
if( GetCaptureChild() )
//FIXME: unkludge this whole mechanism
return GetCaptureChild()->RouteMouseCoords( xd, yd );
if( xd == -2000 || yd == -2000 )
return "";
idWindow* child = GetChildWithOnAction( xd, yd );
if( overChild != child )
if( overChild )
str = overChild->cmd;
if( str.Length() )
gui->GetDesktop()->AddCommand( str );
overChild->cmd = "";
overChild = child;
if( overChild )
str = overChild->cmd;
if( str.Length() )
gui->GetDesktop()->AddCommand( str );
overChild->cmd = "";
dc->SetCursor( overChild->cursor );
return "";
void idWindow::Activate( bool activate, idStr& act )
int n = ( activate ) ? ON_ACTIVATE : ON_DEACTIVATE;
// make sure win vars are updated before activation
UpdateWinVars( );
RunScript( n );
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
children[i]->Activate( activate, act );
if( act.Length() )
act += " ; ";
void idWindow::Trigger()
RunScript( ON_TRIGGER );
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
StateChanged( true );
void idWindow::StateChanged( bool redraw )
if( expressionRegisters.Num() && ops.Num() )
int c = drawWindows.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].win )
drawWindows[i].win->StateChanged( redraw );
drawWindows[i].simp->StateChanged( redraw );
idWindow* idWindow::SetCapture( idWindow* w )
// only one child can have the focus
idWindow* last = NULL;
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( children[i]->flags & WIN_CAPTURE )
last = children[i];
//last->flags &= ~WIN_CAPTURE;
w->flags |= WIN_CAPTURE;
gui->GetDesktop()->captureChild = w;
return last;
void idWindow::AddUpdateVar( idWinVar* var )
updateVars.AddUnique( var );
void idWindow::UpdateWinVars()
int c = updateVars.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
bool idWindow::RunTimeEvents( int time )
if( time == lastTimeRun )
return false;
lastTimeRun = time;
if( expressionRegisters.Num() && ops.Num() )
if( flags & WIN_INTRANSITION )
// renamed ON_EVENT to ON_FRAME
RunScript( ON_FRAME );
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
children[i]->RunTimeEvents( time );
return true;
void idWindow::RunNamedEvent( const char* eventName )
int i;
int c;
// Find and run the event
c = namedEvents.Num( );
for( i = 0; i < c; i ++ )
if( namedEvents[i]->mName.Icmp( eventName ) )
// Make sure we got all the current values for stuff
if( expressionRegisters.Num() && ops.Num() )
EvalRegs( -1, true );
RunScriptList( namedEvents[i]->mEvent );
// Run the event in all the children as well
c = children.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
children[i]->RunNamedEvent( eventName );
bool idWindow::Contains( const idRectangle& sr, float x, float y )
idRectangle r = sr;
r.x += actualX - drawRect.x;
r.y += actualY - drawRect.y;
return r.Contains( x, y );
bool idWindow::Contains( float x, float y )
idRectangle r = drawRect;
r.x = actualX;
r.y = actualY;
return r.Contains( x, y );
void idWindow::AddCommand( const char* _cmd )
idStr str = cmd;
if( str.Length() )
str += " ; ";
str += _cmd;
str = _cmd;
cmd = str;
const char* idWindow::HandleEvent( const sysEvent_t* event, bool* updateVisuals )
static bool actionDownRun;
static bool actionUpRun;
cmd = "";
if( flags & WIN_DESKTOP )
actionDownRun = false;
actionUpRun = false;
if( expressionRegisters.Num() && ops.Num() )
RunTimeEvents( gui->GetTime() );
CalcRects( 0, 0 );
if( overChild != NULL )
dc->SetCursor( overChild->cursor );
dc->SetCursor( idDeviceContext::CURSOR_ARROW );
if( visible && !noEvents )
if( event->evType == SE_KEY )
EvalRegs( -1, true );
if( updateVisuals )
*updateVisuals = true;
if( event->evValue == K_MOUSE1 )
if( !event->evValue2 && GetCaptureChild() )
gui->GetDesktop()->captureChild = NULL;
return "";
int c = children.Num();
while( --c >= 0 )
if( children[c]->visible && children[c]->Contains( children[c]->drawRect, gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() ) && !( children[c]->noEvents ) )
idWindow* child = children[c];
if( event->evValue2 )
BringToTop( child );
SetFocus( child );
if( child->flags & WIN_HOLDCAPTURE )
SetCapture( child );
if( child->Contains( child->clientRect, gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() ) )
//if ((gui_edit.GetBool() && (child->flags & WIN_SELECTED)) || (!gui_edit.GetBool() && (child->flags & WIN_MOVABLE))) {
// SetCapture(child);
SetFocus( child );
const char* childRet = child->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet != NULL && *childRet != '\0' )
return childRet;
if( child->flags & WIN_MODAL )
return "";
if( event->evValue2 )
SetFocus( child );
bool capture = true;
if( capture && ( ( child->flags & WIN_MOVABLE ) || gui_edit.GetBool() ) )
SetCapture( child );
return "";
if( event->evValue2 && !actionDownRun )
actionDownRun = RunScript( ON_ACTION );
else if( !actionUpRun )
actionUpRun = RunScript( ON_ACTIONRELEASE );
else if( event->evValue == K_MOUSE2 )
if( !event->evValue2 && GetCaptureChild() )
gui->GetDesktop()->captureChild = NULL;
return "";
int c = children.Num();
while( --c >= 0 )
if( children[c]->visible && children[c]->Contains( children[c]->drawRect, gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() ) && !( children[c]->noEvents ) )
idWindow* child = children[c];
if( event->evValue2 )
BringToTop( child );
SetFocus( child );
if( child->Contains( child->clientRect, gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() ) || GetCaptureChild() == child )
if( ( gui_edit.GetBool() && ( child->flags & WIN_SELECTED ) ) || ( !gui_edit.GetBool() && ( child->flags & WIN_MOVABLE ) ) )
SetCapture( child );
const char* childRet = child->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet && *childRet )
return childRet;
if( child->flags & WIN_MODAL )
return "";
else if( event->evValue == K_MOUSE3 )
if( gui_edit.GetBool() )
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( children[i]->drawRect.Contains( gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() ) )
if( event->evValue2 )
children[i]->flags ^= WIN_SELECTED;
if( children[i]->flags & WIN_SELECTED )
flags &= ~WIN_SELECTED;
return "childsel";
else if( event->evValue == K_TAB && event->evValue2 )
if( GetFocusedChild() )
const char* childRet = GetFocusedChild()->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet && *childRet )
return childRet;
// If the window didn't handle the tab, then move the focus to the next window
// or the previous window if shift is held down
int direction = 1;
if( idKeyInput::IsDown( K_LSHIFT ) || idKeyInput::IsDown( K_RSHIFT ) )
direction = -1;
idWindow* currentFocus = GetFocusedChild();
idWindow* child = GetFocusedChild();
idWindow* parent = child->GetParent();
while( parent )
bool foundFocus = false;
bool recurse = false;
int index = 0;
if( child )
index = parent->GetChildIndex( child ) + direction;
else if( direction < 0 )
index = parent->GetChildCount() - 1;
while( index < parent->GetChildCount() && index >= 0 )
idWindow* testWindow = parent->GetChild( index );
if( testWindow == currentFocus )
// we managed to wrap around and get back to our starting window
foundFocus = true;
if( testWindow && !testWindow->noEvents && testWindow->visible )
if( testWindow->flags & WIN_CANFOCUS )
SetFocus( testWindow );
foundFocus = true;
else if( testWindow->GetChildCount() > 0 )
parent = testWindow;
child = NULL;
recurse = true;
index += direction;
if( foundFocus )
// We found a child to focus on
else if( recurse )
// We found a child with children
// We didn't find anything, so go back up to our parent
child = parent;
parent = child->GetParent();
if( parent == gui->GetDesktop() )
// We got back to the desktop, so wrap around but don't actually go to the desktop
parent = NULL;
child = NULL;
else if( ( event->evValue == K_ESCAPE || event->evValue == K_JOY9 ) && event->evValue2 )
if( GetFocusedChild() )
const char* childRet = GetFocusedChild()->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet && *childRet )
return childRet;
RunScript( ON_ESC );
else if( event->evValue == K_ENTER )
if( GetFocusedChild() )
const char* childRet = GetFocusedChild()->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet && *childRet )
return childRet;
if( flags & WIN_WANTENTER )
if( event->evValue2 )
RunScript( ON_ACTION );
if( GetFocusedChild() )
const char* childRet = GetFocusedChild()->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet && *childRet )
return childRet;
else if( event->evType == SE_MOUSE )
if( updateVisuals )
*updateVisuals = true;
const char* mouseRet = RouteMouseCoords( event->evValue, event->evValue2 );
if( mouseRet != NULL && *mouseRet != '\0' )
return mouseRet;
else if( event->evType == SE_NONE )
else if( event->evType == SE_CHAR )
if( GetFocusedChild() )
const char* childRet = GetFocusedChild()->HandleEvent( event, updateVisuals );
if( childRet && *childRet )
return childRet;
gui->GetReturnCmd() = cmd;
if( gui->GetPendingCmd().Length() )
gui->GetReturnCmd() += " ; ";
gui->GetReturnCmd() += gui->GetPendingCmd();
cmd = "";
return gui->GetReturnCmd();
void idWindow::DebugDraw( int time, float x, float y )
static char buff[16384] = { 0 };
if( dc )
dc->EnableClipping( false );
if( gui_debug.GetInteger() == 1 )
dc->DrawRect( drawRect.x, drawRect.y, drawRect.w, drawRect.h, 1, idDeviceContext::colorRed );
else if( gui_debug.GetInteger() == 2 )
char out[1024];
idStr str;
str = text.c_str();
if( str.Length() )
sprintf( buff, "%s\n", str.c_str() );
sprintf( out, "Rect: %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f\n", rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.w(), rect.h() );
strcat( buff, out );
sprintf( out, "Draw Rect: %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f\n", drawRect.x, drawRect.y, drawRect.w, drawRect.h );
strcat( buff, out );
sprintf( out, "Client Rect: %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f\n", clientRect.x, clientRect.y, clientRect.w, clientRect.h );
strcat( buff, out );
sprintf( out, "Cursor: %0.1f : %0.1f\n", gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() );
strcat( buff, out );
//idRectangle tempRect = textRect;
//tempRect.x += offsetX;
//drawRect.y += offsetY;
dc->DrawText( buff, textScale, textAlign, foreColor, textRect, true );
dc->EnableClipping( true );
void idWindow::Transition()
int i, c = transitions.Num();
bool clear = true;
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
idTransitionData* data = &transitions[i];
idWinRectangle* r = NULL;
idWinVec4* v4 = dynamic_cast<idWinVec4*>( data->data );
idWinFloat* val = NULL;
if( v4 == NULL )
r = dynamic_cast<idWinRectangle*>( data->data );
if( r == NULL )
val = dynamic_cast<idWinFloat*>( data->data );
if( data->interp.IsDone( gui->GetTime() ) && data->data )
if( v4 )
*v4 = data->interp.GetEndValue();
else if( val )
*val = data->interp.GetEndValue()[0];
else if( r != NULL )
*r = data->interp.GetEndValue();
clear = false;
if( data->data )
if( v4 )
*v4 = data->interp.GetCurrentValue( gui->GetTime() );
else if( val )
*val = data->interp.GetCurrentValue( gui->GetTime() )[0];
else if( r != NULL )
*r = data->interp.GetCurrentValue( gui->GetTime() );
common->Warning( "Invalid transitional data for window %s in gui %s", GetName(), gui->GetSourceFile() );
if( clear )
transitions.SetNum( 0 );
void idWindow::Time()
if( noTime )
if( timeLine == -1 )
timeLine = gui->GetTime();
cmd = "";
int c = timeLineEvents.Num();
if( c > 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( timeLineEvents[i]->pending && gui->GetTime() - timeLine >= timeLineEvents[i]->time )
timeLineEvents[i]->pending = false;
RunScriptList( timeLineEvents[i]->event );
if( gui->Active() )
if( gui->GetPendingCmd().Length() > 0 )
gui->GetPendingCmd() += ";";
gui->GetPendingCmd() += cmd;
float idWindow::EvalRegs( int test, bool force )
static float regs[MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS];
static idWindow* lastEval = NULL;
if( !force && test >= 0 && test < MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS && lastEval == this )
return regs[test];
lastEval = this;
if( expressionRegisters.Num() )
regList.SetToRegs( regs );
EvaluateRegisters( regs );
regList.GetFromRegs( regs );
if( test >= 0 && test < MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS )
return regs[test];
return 0.0;
void idWindow::DrawBackground( const idRectangle& drawRect )
if( backColor.w() )
dc->DrawFilledRect( drawRect.x, drawRect.y, drawRect.w, drawRect.h, backColor );
if( background && matColor.w() )
float scalex, scaley;
if( flags & WIN_NATURALMAT )
scalex = drawRect.w / background->GetImageWidth();
scaley = drawRect.h / background->GetImageHeight();
scalex = matScalex;
scaley = matScaley;
dc->DrawMaterial( drawRect.x, drawRect.y, drawRect.w, drawRect.h, background, matColor, scalex, scaley );
void idWindow::DrawBorderAndCaption( const idRectangle& drawRect )
if( flags & WIN_BORDER && borderSize && borderColor.w() )
dc->DrawRect( drawRect.x, drawRect.y, drawRect.w, drawRect.h, borderSize, borderColor );
void idWindow::SetupTransforms( float x, float y )
static idMat3 trans;
static idVec3 org;
org.Set( origin.x + x, origin.y + y, 0 );
if( rotate )
static idRotation rot;
static idVec3 vec( 0, 0, 1 );
rot.Set( org, vec, rotate );
trans = rot.ToMat3();
if( shear.x || shear.y )
static idMat3 smat;
smat[0][1] = shear.x;
smat[1][0] = shear.y;
trans *= smat;
if( !trans.IsIdentity() )
dc->SetTransformInfo( org, trans );
void idWindow::CalcRects( float x, float y )
CalcClientRect( 0, 0 );
drawRect.Offset( x, y );
clientRect.Offset( x, y );
actualX = drawRect.x;
actualY = drawRect.y;
int c = drawWindows.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].win )
drawWindows[i].win->CalcRects( clientRect.x + xOffset, clientRect.y + yOffset );
drawRect.Offset( -x, -y );
clientRect.Offset( -x, -y );
void idWindow::Redraw( float x, float y, bool hud )
idStr str;
if( r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() == 1 || dc == NULL )
int time = gui->GetTime();
if( flags & WIN_DESKTOP && r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() != 3 )
RunTimeEvents( time );
if( r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() == 2 )
if( flags & WIN_SHOWTIME )
dc->DrawText( va( " %0.1f seconds\n%s", ( float )( time - timeLine ) / 1000, gui->State().GetString( "name" ) ), 0.35f, 0, dc->colorWhite, idRectangle( 100, 0, 80, 80 ), false );
if( flags & WIN_SHOWCOORDS )
dc->EnableClipping( false );
sprintf( str, "x: %i y: %i cursorx: %i cursory: %i", ( int )rect.x(), ( int )rect.y(), ( int )gui->CursorX(), ( int )gui->CursorY() );
dc->DrawText( str, 0.25f, 0, dc->colorWhite, idRectangle( 0, 0, 100, 20 ), false );
dc->EnableClipping( true );
if( !visible )
CalcClientRect( 0, 0 );
if( hud )
float tileSafeOffset = hud_titlesafe.GetFloat();
float tileSafeScale = 1.0f / ( 1.0f - hud_titlesafe.GetFloat() * 2.0f );
dc->SetSize( forceAspectWidth * tileSafeScale, forceAspectHeight * tileSafeScale );
dc->SetOffset( forceAspectWidth * tileSafeOffset, forceAspectHeight * tileSafeOffset );
dc->SetSize( forceAspectWidth, forceAspectHeight );
dc->SetOffset( 0.0f, 0.0f );
//FIXME: go to screen coord tracking
drawRect.Offset( x, y );
clientRect.Offset( x, y );
textRect.Offset( x, y );
actualX = drawRect.x;
actualY = drawRect.y;
idVec3 oldOrg;
idMat3 oldTrans;
dc->GetTransformInfo( oldOrg, oldTrans );
SetupTransforms( x, y );
DrawBackground( drawRect );
DrawBorderAndCaption( drawRect );
if( !( flags & WIN_NOCLIP ) )
dc->PushClipRect( clientRect );
if( r_skipGuiShaders.GetInteger() < 5 )
Draw( time, x, y );
if( gui_debug.GetInteger() )
DebugDraw( time, x, y );
int c = drawWindows.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].win )
drawWindows[i].win->Redraw( clientRect.x + xOffset, clientRect.y + yOffset, hud );
drawWindows[i].simp->Redraw( clientRect.x + xOffset, clientRect.y + yOffset );
// Put transforms back to what they were before the children were processed
dc->SetTransformInfo( oldOrg, oldTrans );
if( !( flags & WIN_NOCLIP ) )
if( gui_edit.GetBool() || ( flags & WIN_DESKTOP && !( flags & WIN_NOCURSOR ) && !hideCursor && ( gui->Active() || ( flags & WIN_MENUGUI ) ) ) )
dc->SetTransformInfo( vec3_origin, mat3_identity );
if( gui_debug.GetInteger() && flags & WIN_DESKTOP )
dc->EnableClipping( false );
sprintf( str, "x: %1.f y: %1.f", gui->CursorX(), gui->CursorY() );
dc->DrawText( str, 0.25, 0, dc->colorWhite, idRectangle( 0, 0, 100, 20 ), false );
dc->DrawText( gui->GetSourceFile(), 0.25, 0, dc->colorWhite, idRectangle( 0, 20, 300, 20 ), false );
dc->EnableClipping( true );
drawRect.Offset( -x, -y );
clientRect.Offset( -x, -y );
textRect.Offset( -x, -y );
void idWindow::ArchiveToDictionary( idDict* dict, bool useNames )
//FIXME: rewrite without state
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
children[i]->ArchiveToDictionary( dict );
void idWindow::InitFromDictionary( idDict* dict, bool byName )
//FIXME: rewrite without state
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
children[i]->InitFromDictionary( dict );
void idWindow::CalcClientRect( float xofs, float yofs )
drawRect = rect;
if( flags & WIN_INVERTRECT )
drawRect.x = rect.x() - rect.w();
drawRect.y = rect.y() - rect.h();
if( flags & ( WIN_HCENTER | WIN_VCENTER ) && parent )
// in this case treat xofs and yofs as absolute top left coords
// and ignore the original positioning
if( flags & WIN_HCENTER )
drawRect.x = ( parent->rect.w() - rect.w() ) / 2;
drawRect.y = ( parent->rect.h() - rect.h() ) / 2;
drawRect.x += xofs;
drawRect.y += yofs;
clientRect = drawRect;
if( rect.h() > 0.0 && rect.w() > 0.0 )
if( flags & WIN_BORDER && borderSize != 0.0 )
clientRect.x += borderSize;
clientRect.y += borderSize;
clientRect.w -= borderSize;
clientRect.h -= borderSize;
textRect = clientRect;
textRect.x += 2.0;
textRect.w -= 2.0;
textRect.y += 2.0;
textRect.h -= 2.0;
textRect.x += textAlignx;
textRect.y += textAligny;
origin.Set( rect.x() + ( rect.w() / 2 ), rect.y() + ( rect.h() / 2 ) );
void idWindow::SetupBackground()
if( backGroundName.Length() )
background = declManager->FindMaterial( backGroundName );
if( background != NULL && !background->TestMaterialFlag( MF_DEFAULTED ) )
background->SetSort( SS_GUI );
backGroundName.SetMaterialPtr( &background );
void idWindow::SetupFromState()
idStr str;
background = NULL;
if( borderSize )
flags |= WIN_BORDER;
if( regList.FindReg( "rotate" ) || regList.FindReg( "shear" ) )
CalcClientRect( 0, 0 );
if( scripts[ ON_ACTION ] )
cursor = idDeviceContext::CURSOR_HAND;
flags |= WIN_CANFOCUS;
void idWindow::Moved()
void idWindow::Sized()
void idWindow::GainFocus()
void idWindow::LoseFocus()
void idWindow::GainCapture()
void idWindow::LoseCapture()
flags &= ~WIN_CAPTURE;
void idWindow::SetFlag( unsigned int f )
flags |= f;
void idWindow::ClearFlag( unsigned int f )
flags &= ~f;
void idWindow::SetParent( idWindow* w )
parent = w;
idWindow* idWindow::GetCaptureChild()
if( flags & WIN_DESKTOP )
return gui->GetDesktop()->captureChild;
return NULL;
idWindow* idWindow::GetFocusedChild()
if( flags & WIN_DESKTOP )
return gui->GetDesktop()->focusedChild;
return NULL;
idWindow* idWindow::SetFocus( idWindow* w, bool scripts )
// only one child can have the focus
idWindow* lastFocus = NULL;
if( w->flags & WIN_CANFOCUS )
lastFocus = gui->GetDesktop()->focusedChild;
if( lastFocus )
lastFocus->flags &= ~WIN_FOCUS;
// call on lose focus
if( scripts && lastFocus )
// calling this broke all sorts of guis
// lastFocus->RunScript(ON_MOUSEEXIT);
// call on gain focus
if( scripts && w )
// calling this broke all sorts of guis
// w->RunScript(ON_MOUSEENTER);
w->flags |= WIN_FOCUS;
gui->GetDesktop()->focusedChild = w;
return lastFocus;
bool idWindow::ParseScript( idTokenParser* src, idGuiScriptList& list, int* timeParm, bool elseBlock )
bool ifElseBlock = false;
idToken token;
// scripts start with { ( unless parm is true ) and have ; separated command lists.. commands are command,
// arg.. basically we want everything between the { } as it will be interpreted at
// run time
if( elseBlock )
src->ReadToken( &token );
if( !token.Icmp( "if" ) )
ifElseBlock = true;
src->UnreadToken( &token );
if( !ifElseBlock && !src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
else if( !src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
int nest = 0;
while( 1 )
if( !src->ReadToken( &token ) )
src->Error( "Unexpected end of file" );
return false;
if( token == "{" )
if( token == "}" )
if( nest-- <= 0 )
return true;
idGuiScript* gs = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGuiScript();
if( token.Icmp( "if" ) == 0 )
gs->conditionReg = ParseExpression( src );
gs->ifList = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGuiScriptList();
ParseScript( src, *gs->ifList, NULL );
if( src->ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "else" )
gs->elseList = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGuiScriptList();
// pass true to indicate we are parsing an else condition
ParseScript( src, *gs->elseList, NULL, true );
src->UnreadToken( &token );
list.Append( gs );
// if we are parsing an else if then return out so
// the initial "if" parser can handle the rest of the tokens
if( ifElseBlock )
return true;
src->UnreadToken( &token );
// empty { } is not allowed
if( token == "{" )
src->Error( "Unexpected {" );
delete gs;
return false;
gs->Parse( src );
list.Append( gs );
void idWindow::SaveExpressionParseState()
saveTemps = ( bool* )Mem_Alloc( MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS * sizeof( bool ), TAG_CRAP );
memcpy( saveTemps, registerIsTemporary, MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS * sizeof( bool ) );
void idWindow::RestoreExpressionParseState()
memcpy( registerIsTemporary, saveTemps, MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS * sizeof( bool ) );
Mem_Free( saveTemps );
bool idWindow::ParseScriptEntry( const char* name, idTokenParser* src )
for( int i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( name, ScriptNames[i] ) == 0 )
delete scripts[i];
scripts[i] = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGuiScriptList;
return ParseScript( src, *scripts[i] );
return false;
void idWindow::DisableRegister( const char* _name )
idRegister* reg = RegList()->FindReg( _name );
if( reg )
reg->Enable( false );
class idSort_TimeLine : public idSort_Quick< idTimeLineEvent*, idSort_TimeLine >
int Compare( idTimeLineEvent* const& a, idTimeLineEvent* const& b ) const
return a->time - b->time;
void idWindow::PostParse()
// Sort timeline events
idSort_TimeLine sorter;
timeLineEvents.SortWithTemplate( sorter );
intptr_t idWindow::GetWinVarOffset( idWinVar* wv, drawWin_t* owner )
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed oldschool offsets using ptrdiff_t
// DG: => also return intptr_t..
intptr_t ret = -1;
if( wv == &rect )
//ret = (intptr_t)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->rect;
//ret = offsetof( idWindow, rect );
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&rect - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &backColor )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->backColor;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&backColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &matColor )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->matColor;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&matColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &foreColor )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->foreColor;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&foreColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &hoverColor )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->hoverColor;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&hoverColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &borderColor )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->borderColor;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&borderColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &textScale )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->textScale;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&textScale - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
if( wv == &rotate )
//ret = (int)&( ( idWindow * ) 0 )->rotate;
ret = ( ptrdiff_t )&rotate - ( ptrdiff_t )this;
// RB end
if( ret != -1 )
owner->win = this;
return ret;
for( int i = 0; i < drawWindows.Num(); i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].win )
ret = drawWindows[i].win->GetWinVarOffset( wv, owner );
ret = drawWindows[i].simp->GetWinVarOffset( wv, owner );
if( ret != -1 )
return ret;
idWinVar* idWindow::GetWinVarByName( const char* _name, bool fixup, drawWin_t** owner )
idWinVar* retVar = NULL;
if( owner )
*owner = NULL;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "notime" ) == 0 )
retVar = &noTime;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "background" ) == 0 )
retVar = &backGroundName;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "visible" ) == 0 )
retVar = &visible;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "rect" ) == 0 )
retVar = ▭
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "backColor" ) == 0 )
retVar = &backColor;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "matColor" ) == 0 )
retVar = &matColor;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "foreColor" ) == 0 )
retVar = &foreColor;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "hoverColor" ) == 0 )
retVar = &hoverColor;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "borderColor" ) == 0 )
retVar = &borderColor;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "textScale" ) == 0 )
retVar = &textScale;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "rotate" ) == 0 )
retVar = &rotate;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "noEvents" ) == 0 )
retVar = &noEvents;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "text" ) == 0 )
retVar = &text;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "backGroundName" ) == 0 )
retVar = &backGroundName;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "hidecursor" ) == 0 )
retVar = &hideCursor;
idStr key = _name;
bool guiVar = ( key.Find( VAR_GUIPREFIX ) >= 0 );
int c = definedVars.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, ( guiVar ) ? va( "%s", definedVars[i]->GetName() ) : definedVars[i]->GetName() ) == 0 )
retVar = definedVars[i];
if( retVar )
if( fixup && *_name != '$' )
DisableRegister( _name );
if( owner && parent )
*owner = parent->FindChildByName( name );
return retVar;
int len = key.Length();
if( len > 5 && guiVar )
idWinVar* var = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinStr;
var->Init( _name, this );
definedVars.Append( var );
return var;
else if( fixup )
int n = key.Find( "::" );
if( n > 0 )
idStr winName = key.Left( n );
idStr var = key.Right( key.Length() - n - 2 );
drawWin_t* win = GetGui()->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName( winName );
if( win )
if( win->win )
return win->win->GetWinVarByName( var, false, owner );
if( owner )
*owner = win;
return win->simp->GetWinVarByName( var );
return NULL;
void idWindow::ParseString( idTokenParser* src, idStr& out )
idToken tok;
if( src->ReadToken( &tok ) )
out = tok;
void idWindow::ParseVec4( idTokenParser* src, idVec4& out )
idToken tok;
src->ReadToken( &tok );
out.x = atof( tok );
src->ExpectTokenString( "," );
src->ReadToken( &tok );
out.y = atof( tok );
src->ExpectTokenString( "," );
src->ReadToken( &tok );
out.z = atof( tok );
src->ExpectTokenString( "," );
src->ReadToken( &tok );
out.w = atof( tok );
bool idWindow::ParseInternalVar( const char* _name, idTokenParser* src )
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "showtime" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
flags |= WIN_SHOWTIME;
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "showcoords" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "forceaspectwidth" ) == 0 )
forceAspectWidth = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "forceaspectheight" ) == 0 )
forceAspectHeight = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "matscalex" ) == 0 )
matScalex = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "matscaley" ) == 0 )
matScaley = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "bordersize" ) == 0 )
borderSize = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "nowrap" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
flags |= WIN_NOWRAP;
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "shadow" ) == 0 )
textShadow = src->ParseInt();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "textalign" ) == 0 )
textAlign = src->ParseInt();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "textalignx" ) == 0 )
textAlignx = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "textaligny" ) == 0 )
textAligny = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "shear" ) == 0 )
shear.x = src->ParseFloat();
idToken tok;
src->ReadToken( &tok );
if( tok.Icmp( "," ) )
src->Error( "Expected comma in shear definiation" );
return false;
shear.y = src->ParseFloat();
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "wantenter" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "naturalmatscale" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "noclip" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
flags |= WIN_NOCLIP;
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "nocursor" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
flags |= WIN_NOCURSOR;
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "menugui" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
flags |= WIN_MENUGUI;
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "modal" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
flags |= WIN_MODAL;
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "invertrect" ) == 0 )
if( src->ParseBool() )
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "name" ) == 0 )
ParseString( src, name );
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "play" ) == 0 )
common->Warning( "play encountered during gui parse.. see Robert\n" );
idStr playStr;
ParseString( src, playStr );
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "comment" ) == 0 )
ParseString( src, comment );
return true;
if( idStr::Icmp( _name, "font" ) == 0 )
idStr fontName;
ParseString( src, fontName );
font = renderSystem->RegisterFont( fontName );
return true;
return false;
bool idWindow::ParseRegEntry( const char* name, idTokenParser* src )
idStr work;
work = name;
// DG: second argument is a bool, so use false, not NULL
idWinVar* var = GetWinVarByName( work, false );
// DG end
if( var )
for( int i = 0; i < NumRegisterVars; i++ )
if( idStr::Icmp( work, RegisterVars[i].name ) == 0 )
regList.AddReg( work, RegisterVars[i].type, src, this, var );
return true;
// not predefined so just read the next token and add it to the state
idToken tok;
idVec4 v;
idWinInt* vari;
idWinFloat* varf;
idWinStr* vars;
if( src->ReadToken( &tok ) )
if( var )
var->Set( tok );
return true;
switch( tok.type )
case TT_NUMBER :
if( tok.subtype & TT_INTEGER )
vari = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinInt();
*vari = atoi( tok );
vari->SetName( work );
definedVars.Append( vari );
else if( tok.subtype & TT_FLOAT )
varf = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinFloat();
*varf = atof( tok );
varf->SetName( work );
definedVars.Append( varf );
vars = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinStr();
*vars = tok;
vars->SetName( work );
definedVars.Append( vars );
default :
vars = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinStr();
*vars = tok;
vars->SetName( work );
definedVars.Append( vars );
return true;
void idWindow::SetInitialState( const char* _name )
name = _name;
matScalex = 1.0;
matScaley = 1.0;
forceAspectWidth = 640.0;
forceAspectHeight = 480.0;
noTime = false;
visible = true;
flags = 0;
bool idWindow::Parse( idTokenParser* src, bool rebuild )
idToken token, token2, token3, token4, token5, token6, token7;
idStr work;
if( rebuild )
drawWin_t dwt;
namedEvents.DeleteContents( true );
src->ExpectTokenType( TT_NAME, 0, &token );
SetInitialState( token );
src->ExpectTokenString( "{" );
src->ExpectAnyToken( &token );
bool ret = true;
while( token != "}" )
// track what was parsed so we can maintain it for the guieditor
src->SetMarker( );
if( token == "windowDef" || token == "animationDef" )
if( token == "animationDef" )
visible = false;
rect = idRectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
src->ExpectTokenType( TT_NAME, 0, &token );
token2 = token;
src->UnreadToken( &token );
drawWin_t* dw = FindChildByName( token2.c_str() );
if( dw != NULL && dw->win != NULL )
dw->win->Parse( src, rebuild );
idWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = NULL;
if( win->IsSimple() )
idSimpleWindow* simple = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idSimpleWindow( win );
dwt.simp = simple;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
delete win;
AddChild( win );
SetFocus( win, false );
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "editDef" )
idEditWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idEditWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "choiceDef" )
idChoiceWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idChoiceWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "sliderDef" )
idSliderWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idSliderWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "bindDef" )
idBindWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idBindWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "listDef" )
idListWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idListWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "fieldDef" )
idFieldWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idFieldWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "renderDef" )
// D3 could render a 3D model in a subrect of a full screen
// GUI for the main menus, but we have cut that ability so
// we don't need to deal with offset viewports on all platforms.
idRenderWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idRenderWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "gameSSDDef" )
idGameSSDWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGameSSDWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "gameBearShootDef" )
idGameBearShootWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGameBearShootWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
else if( token == "gameBustOutDef" )
idGameBustOutWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGameBustOutWindow( gui );
win->Parse( src, rebuild );
AddChild( win );
win->SetParent( this );
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
// added new onEvent
else if( token == "onNamedEvent" )
// Read the event name
if( !src->ReadToken( &token ) )
src->Error( "Expected event name" );
return false;
rvNamedEvent* ev = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) rvNamedEvent( token );
src->SetMarker( );
if( !ParseScript( src, *ev->mEvent ) )
ret = false;
namedEvents.Append( ev );
else if( token == "onTime" )
idTimeLineEvent* ev = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idTimeLineEvent;
if( !src->ReadToken( &token ) )
src->Error( "Unexpected end of file" );
return false;
ev->time = atoi( token.c_str() );
// reset the mark since we dont want it to include the time
src->SetMarker( );
if( !ParseScript( src, *ev->event, &ev->time ) )
ret = false;
// this is a timeline event
ev->pending = true;
timeLineEvents.Append( ev );
else if( token == "definefloat" )
src->ReadToken( &token );
work = token;
idWinFloat* varf = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinFloat();
varf->SetName( work );
definedVars.Append( varf );
// add the float to the editors wrapper dict
// Set the marker after the float name
src->SetMarker( );
// Read in the float
regList.AddReg( work, idRegister::FLOAT, src, this, varf );
else if( token == "definevec4" )
src->ReadToken( &token );
work = token;
idWinVec4* var = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinVec4();
var->SetName( work );
// set the marker so we can determine what was parsed
// set the marker after the vec4 name
src->SetMarker( );
// FIXME: how about we add the var to the desktop instead of this window so it won't get deleted
// when this window is destoyed which even happens during parsing with simple windows ?
gui->GetDesktop()->definedVars.Append( var );
gui->GetDesktop()->regList.AddReg( work, idRegister::VEC4, src, gui->GetDesktop(), var );
else if( token == "float" )
src->ReadToken( &token );
work = token;
idWinFloat* varf = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinFloat();
varf->SetName( work );
definedVars.Append( varf );
// add the float to the editors wrapper dict
// set the marker to after the float name
src->SetMarker( );
// Parse the float
regList.AddReg( work, idRegister::FLOAT, src, this, varf );
else if( ParseScriptEntry( token, src ) )
else if( ParseInternalVar( token, src ) )
ParseRegEntry( token, src );
if( !src->ReadToken( &token ) )
src->Error( "Unexpected end of file" );
ret = false;
if( ret )
EvalRegs( -1, true );
return ret;
idSimpleWindow* idWindow::FindSimpleWinByName( const char* _name )
int c = drawWindows.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].simp == NULL )
if( idStr::Icmp( drawWindows[i].simp->name, _name ) == 0 )
return drawWindows[i].simp;
return NULL;
drawWin_t* idWindow::FindChildByName( const char* _name )
static drawWin_t dw;
if( idStr::Icmp( name, _name ) == 0 )
dw.simp = NULL;
dw.win = this;
return &dw;
int c = drawWindows.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( drawWindows[i].win )
if( idStr::Icmp( drawWindows[i].win->name, _name ) == 0 )
return &drawWindows[i];
drawWin_t* win = drawWindows[i].win->FindChildByName( _name );
if( win )
return win;
if( idStr::Icmp( drawWindows[i].simp->name, _name ) == 0 )
return &drawWindows[i];
return NULL;
idStr* idWindow::GetStrPtrByName( const char* _name )
return NULL;
void idWindow::AddTransition( idWinVar* dest, idVec4 from, idVec4 to, int time, float accelTime, float decelTime )
idTransitionData data;
data.data = dest;
data.interp.Init( gui->GetTime(), accelTime * time, decelTime * time, time, from, to );
transitions.Append( data );
void idWindow::StartTransition()
void idWindow::ResetCinematics()
if( background )
background->ResetCinematicTime( gui->GetTime() );
void idWindow::ResetTime( int t )
timeLine = gui->GetTime() - t;
int i, c = timeLineEvents.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( timeLineEvents[i]->time >= t )
timeLineEvents[i]->pending = true;
noTime = false;
c = transitions.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
idTransitionData* data = &transitions[i];
if( data->interp.IsDone( gui->GetTime() ) && data->data )
transitions.RemoveIndex( i );
bool idWindow::RunScriptList( idGuiScriptList* src )
if( src == NULL )
return false;
src->Execute( this );
return true;
bool idWindow::RunScript( int n )
return RunScriptList( scripts[n] );
return false;
int idWindow::ExpressionConstant( float f )
int i;
for( i = WEXP_REG_NUM_PREDEFINED ; i < expressionRegisters.Num() ; i++ )
if( !registerIsTemporary[i] && expressionRegisters[i] == f )
return i;
if( expressionRegisters.Num() == MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS )
common->Warning( "expressionConstant: gui %s hit MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS", gui->GetSourceFile() );
return 0;
int c = expressionRegisters.Num();
if( i > c )
while( i > c )
expressionRegisters.Append( -9999999 );
i = expressionRegisters.Append( f );
registerIsTemporary[i] = false;
return i;
int idWindow::ExpressionTemporary()
if( expressionRegisters.Num() == MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS )
common->Warning( "expressionTemporary: gui %s hit MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS", gui->GetSourceFile() );
return 0;
int i = expressionRegisters.Num();
registerIsTemporary[i] = true;
i = expressionRegisters.Append( 0 );
return i;
wexpOp_t* idWindow::ExpressionOp()
if( ops.Num() == MAX_EXPRESSION_OPS )
common->Warning( "expressionOp: gui %s hit MAX_EXPRESSION_OPS", gui->GetSourceFile() );
return &ops[0];
wexpOp_t wop;
memset( &wop, 0, sizeof( wexpOp_t ) );
int i = ops.Append( wop );
return &ops[i];
// DG: a, b and the return value are really pointers, so use intptr_t
intptr_t idWindow::EmitOp( intptr_t a, intptr_t b, wexpOpType_t opType, wexpOp_t** opp )
// DG end
wexpOp_t* op;
// optimize away identity operations
if ( opType == WOP_TYPE_ADD ) {
if ( !registerIsTemporary[a] && shaderRegisters[a] == 0 ) {
return b;
if ( !registerIsTemporary[b] && shaderRegisters[b] == 0 ) {
return a;
if ( !registerIsTemporary[a] && !registerIsTemporary[b] ) {
return ExpressionConstant( shaderRegisters[a] + shaderRegisters[b] );
if ( opType == WOP_TYPE_MULTIPLY ) {
if ( !registerIsTemporary[a] && shaderRegisters[a] == 1 ) {
return b;
if ( !registerIsTemporary[a] && shaderRegisters[a] == 0 ) {
return a;
if ( !registerIsTemporary[b] && shaderRegisters[b] == 1 ) {
return a;
if ( !registerIsTemporary[b] && shaderRegisters[b] == 0 ) {
return b;
if ( !registerIsTemporary[a] && !registerIsTemporary[b] ) {
return ExpressionConstant( shaderRegisters[a] * shaderRegisters[b] );
op = ExpressionOp();
op->opType = opType;
op->a = a;
op->b = b;
op->c = ExpressionTemporary();
if( opp )
*opp = op;
return op->c;
// DG: a, b and the return value are really pointers, so use intptr_t
intptr_t idWindow::ParseEmitOp( idTokenParser* src, intptr_t a, wexpOpType_t opType, int priority, wexpOp_t** opp )
intptr_t b = ParseExpressionPriority( src, priority );
// DG end
return EmitOp( a, b, opType, opp );
Returns a register index
// DG: component and the return value are really pointers, so use intptr_t
intptr_t idWindow::ParseTerm( idTokenParser* src, idWinVar* var, intptr_t component )
// DG end
idToken token;
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to intptr_t
intptr_t a, b;
// RB end
src->ReadToken( &token );
if( token == "(" )
a = ParseExpression( src );
src->ExpectTokenString( ")" );
return a;
if( !token.Icmp( "time" ) )
// parse negative numbers
if( token == "-" )
src->ReadToken( &token );
if( token.type == TT_NUMBER || token == "." )
return ExpressionConstant( -( float ) token.GetFloatValue() );
src->Warning( "Bad negative number '%s'", token.c_str() );
return 0;
if( token.type == TT_NUMBER || token == "." || token == "-" )
return ExpressionConstant( ( float ) token.GetFloatValue() );
// see if it is a table name
const idDeclTable* table = static_cast<const idDeclTable*>( declManager->FindType( DECL_TABLE, token.c_str(), false ) );
if( table )
a = table->Index();
// parse a table expression
src->ExpectTokenString( "[" );
b = ParseExpression( src );
src->ExpectTokenString( "]" );
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_TABLE );
if( var == NULL )
var = GetWinVarByName( token, true );
if( var )
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to intptr_t
a = ( intptr_t )var;
// RB end
var->Init( token, this );
b = component;
if( dynamic_cast<idWinVec4*>( var ) )
if( src->ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "[" )
b = ParseExpression( src );
src->ExpectTokenString( "]" );
src->UnreadToken( &token );
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_VAR );
else if( dynamic_cast<idWinFloat*>( var ) )
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_VARF );
else if( dynamic_cast<idWinInt*>( var ) )
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_VARI );
else if( dynamic_cast<idWinBool*>( var ) )
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_VARB );
else if( dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>( var ) )
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_VARS );
src->Warning( "Var expression not vec4, float or int '%s'", token.c_str() );
return 0;
// ugly but used for post parsing to fixup named vars
char* p = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) char[token.Length() + 1];
strcpy( p, token );
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to intptr_t
a = ( intptr_t )p;
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed int to intptr_t
b = -2;
return EmitOp( a, b, WOP_TYPE_VAR );
Returns a register index
#define TOP_PRIORITY 4
// DG: a, component and the return value are really pointers, so use intptr_t
intptr_t idWindow::ParseExpressionPriority( idTokenParser* src, int priority, idWinVar* var, intptr_t component )
idToken token;
intptr_t a;
if( priority == 0 )
return ParseTerm( src, var, component );
a = ParseExpressionPriority( src, priority - 1, var, component );
if( !src->ReadToken( &token ) )
// we won't get EOF in a real file, but we can
// when parsing from generated strings
return a;
if( priority == 1 && token == "*" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_MULTIPLY, priority );
if( priority == 1 && token == "/" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_DIVIDE, priority );
if( priority == 1 && token == "%" ) // implied truncate both to integer
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_MOD, priority );
if( priority == 2 && token == "+" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_ADD, priority );
if( priority == 2 && token == "-" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_SUBTRACT, priority );
if( priority == 3 && token == ">" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_GT, priority );
if( priority == 3 && token == ">=" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_GE, priority );
if( priority == 3 && token == "<" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_LT, priority );
if( priority == 3 && token == "<=" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_LE, priority );
if( priority == 3 && token == "==" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_EQ, priority );
if( priority == 3 && token == "!=" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_NE, priority );
if( priority == 4 && token == "&&" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_AND, priority );
if( priority == 4 && token == "||" )
return ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_OR, priority );
if( priority == 4 && token == "?" )
wexpOp_t* oop = NULL;
intptr_t o = ParseEmitOp( src, a, WOP_TYPE_COND, priority, &oop );
// DG end
if( !src->ReadToken( &token ) )
return o;
if( token == ":" )
a = ParseExpressionPriority( src, priority - 1, var );
oop->d = a;
return o;
// assume that anything else terminates the expression
// not too robust error checking...
src->UnreadToken( &token );
return a;
Returns a register index
// DG: component and the return value are really pointers, so use intptr_t
intptr_t idWindow::ParseExpression( idTokenParser* src, idWinVar* var, intptr_t component )
// DG end
return ParseExpressionPriority( src, TOP_PRIORITY, var );
void idWindow::ParseBracedExpression( idTokenParser* src )
src->ExpectTokenString( "{" );
ParseExpression( src );
src->ExpectTokenString( "}" );
Parameters are taken from the localSpace and the renderView,
then all expressions are evaluated, leaving the shader registers
set to their apropriate values.
void idWindow::EvaluateRegisters( float* registers )
int i, b;
wexpOp_t* op;
idVec4 v;
int erc = expressionRegisters.Num();
int oc = ops.Num();
// copy the constants
for( i = WEXP_REG_NUM_PREDEFINED ; i < erc ; i++ )
registers[i] = expressionRegisters[i];
// copy the local and global parameters
registers[WEXP_REG_TIME] = gui->GetTime();
for( i = 0 ; i < oc ; i++ )
op = &ops[i];
if( op->b == -2 )
switch( op->opType )
registers[op->c] = registers[op->a] + registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[op->a] - registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[op->a] * registers[op->b];
if( registers[op->b] == 0.0f )
common->Warning( "Divide by zero in window '%s' in %s", GetName(), gui->GetSourceFile() );
registers[op->c] = registers[op->a];
registers[op->c] = registers[op->a] / registers[op->b];
b = ( int )registers[op->b];
b = b != 0 ? b : 1;
registers[op->c] = ( int )registers[op->a] % b;
const idDeclTable* table = static_cast<const idDeclTable*>( declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_TABLE, op->a ) );
registers[op->c] = table->TableLookup( registers[op->b] );
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] > registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] >= registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] < registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] <= registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] == registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] != registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = ( registers[ op->a ] ) ? registers[op->b] : registers[op->d];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] && registers[op->b];
registers[op->c] = registers[ op->a ] || registers[op->b];
if( !op->a )
registers[op->c] = 0.0f;
if( op->b >= 0 && registers[op->b] >= 0 && registers[op->b] < 4 )
// grabs vector components
idWinVec4* var = ( idWinVec4* )( op->a );
registers[op->c] = ( ( idVec4& )var )[registers[op->b]];
registers[op->c] = ( ( idWinVar* )( op->a ) )->x();
if( op->a )
idWinStr* var = ( idWinStr* )( op->a );
registers[op->c] = atof( var->c_str() );
registers[op->c] = 0;
if( op->a )
idWinFloat* var = ( idWinFloat* )( op->a );
registers[op->c] = *var;
registers[op->c] = 0;
if( op->a )
idWinInt* var = ( idWinInt* )( op->a );
registers[op->c] = *var;
registers[op->c] = 0;
if( op->a )
idWinBool* var = ( idWinBool* )( op->a );
registers[op->c] = *var;
registers[op->c] = 0;
common->FatalError( "R_EvaluateExpression: bad opcode" );
void idWindow::ReadFromDemoFile( class idDemoFile* f, bool rebuild )
// should never hit unless we re-enable WRITE_GUIS
#ifndef WRITE_GUIS
assert( false );
if( rebuild )
f->SetLog( true, "window1" );
backGroundName = f->ReadHashString();
f->SetLog( true, backGroundName );
if( backGroundName[0] )
background = declManager->FindMaterial( backGroundName );
background = NULL;
f->ReadUnsignedChar( cursor );
f->ReadUnsignedInt( flags );
f->ReadInt( timeLine );
f->ReadInt( lastTimeRun );
idRectangle rct = rect;
f->ReadFloat( rct.x );
f->ReadFloat( rct.y );
f->ReadFloat( rct.w );
f->ReadFloat( rct.h );
f->ReadFloat( drawRect.x );
f->ReadFloat( drawRect.y );
f->ReadFloat( drawRect.w );
f->ReadFloat( drawRect.h );
f->ReadFloat( clientRect.x );
f->ReadFloat( clientRect.y );
f->ReadFloat( clientRect.w );
f->ReadFloat( clientRect.h );
f->ReadFloat( textRect.x );
f->ReadFloat( textRect.y );
f->ReadFloat( textRect.w );
f->ReadFloat( textRect.h );
f->ReadFloat( xOffset );
f->ReadFloat( yOffset );
int i, c;
idStr work;
if( rebuild )
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-scripts" ) );
for( i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
bool b;
f->ReadBool( b );
if( b )
delete scripts[i];
scripts[i] = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idGuiScriptList;
scripts[i]->ReadFromDemoFile( f );
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-timelines" ) );
f->ReadInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
idTimeLineEvent* tl = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idTimeLineEvent;
f->ReadInt( tl->time );
f->ReadBool( tl->pending );
tl->event->ReadFromDemoFile( f );
if( rebuild )
timeLineEvents.Append( tl );
assert( i < timeLineEvents.Num() );
timeLineEvents[i]->time = tl->time;
timeLineEvents[i]->pending = tl->pending;
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-transitions" ) );
f->ReadInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
idTransitionData td;
td.data = NULL;
f->ReadInt( td.offset );
float startTime, accelTime, linearTime, decelTime;
idVec4 startValue, endValue;
f->ReadFloat( startTime );
f->ReadFloat( accelTime );
f->ReadFloat( linearTime );
f->ReadFloat( decelTime );
f->ReadVec4( startValue );
f->ReadVec4( endValue );
td.interp.Init( startTime, accelTime, decelTime, accelTime + linearTime + decelTime, startValue, endValue );
// read this for correct data padding with the win32 savegames
// the extrapolate is correctly initialized through the above Init call
int extrapolationType;
float duration;
idVec4 baseSpeed, speed;
float currentTime;
idVec4 currentValue;
f->ReadInt( extrapolationType );
f->ReadFloat( startTime );
f->ReadFloat( duration );
f->ReadVec4( startValue );
f->ReadVec4( baseSpeed );
f->ReadVec4( speed );
f->ReadFloat( currentTime );
f->ReadVec4( currentValue );
transitions.Append( td );
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-regstuff" ) );
if( rebuild )
f->ReadInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
wexpOp_t w;
f->ReadInt( ( int& )w.opType );
f->ReadInt( w.a );
f->ReadInt( w.b );
f->ReadInt( w.c );
f->ReadInt( w.d );
ops.Append( w );
f->ReadInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
float ff;
f->ReadFloat( ff );
expressionRegisters.Append( ff );
regList.ReadFromDemoFile( f );
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-children" ) );
f->ReadInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( rebuild )
idWindow* win = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWindow( dc, gui );
win->ReadFromDemoFile( f );
AddChild( win );
for( int j = 0; j < c; j++ )
if( children[j]->childID == i )
children[j]->ReadFromDemoFile( f, rebuild );
#endif /* WRITE_GUIS */
void idWindow::WriteToDemoFile( class idDemoFile* f )
// should never hit unless we re-enable WRITE_GUIS
#ifndef WRITE_GUIS
assert( false );
f->SetLog( true, "window" );
f->WriteHashString( backGroundName );
f->SetLog( true, backGroundName );
f->WriteUnsignedChar( cursor );
f->WriteUnsignedInt( flags );
f->WriteInt( timeLine );
f->WriteInt( lastTimeRun );
idRectangle rct = rect;
f->WriteFloat( rct.x );
f->WriteFloat( rct.y );
f->WriteFloat( rct.w );
f->WriteFloat( rct.h );
f->WriteFloat( drawRect.x );
f->WriteFloat( drawRect.y );
f->WriteFloat( drawRect.w );
f->WriteFloat( drawRect.h );
f->WriteFloat( clientRect.x );
f->WriteFloat( clientRect.y );
f->WriteFloat( clientRect.w );
f->WriteFloat( clientRect.h );
f->WriteFloat( textRect.x );
f->WriteFloat( textRect.y );
f->WriteFloat( textRect.w );
f->WriteFloat( textRect.h );
f->WriteFloat( xOffset );
f->WriteFloat( yOffset );
idStr work;
f->SetLog( true, work );
int i, c;
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-transitions" ) );
c = transitions.Num();
f->WriteInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
f->WriteInt( 0 );
f->WriteInt( transitions[i].offset );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetStartTime() );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetAccelTime() );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetLinearTime() );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetDecelTime() );
f->WriteVec4( transitions[i].interp.GetStartValue() );
f->WriteVec4( transitions[i].interp.GetEndValue() );
// write to keep win32 render demo format compatiblity - we don't actually read them back anymore
f->WriteInt( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetExtrapolationType() );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetStartTime() );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetDuration() );
f->WriteVec4( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetStartValue() );
f->WriteVec4( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetBaseSpeed() );
f->WriteVec4( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetSpeed() );
f->WriteFloat( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetCurrentTime() );
f->WriteVec4( transitions[i].interp.GetExtrapolate()->GetCurrentValue() );
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-regstuff" ) );
f->SetLog( true, ( work + "-children" ) );
c = children.Num();
f->WriteInt( c );
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < c; j++ )
if( children[j]->childID == i )
children[j]->WriteToDemoFile( f );
#endif /* WRITE_GUIS */
void idWindow::WriteSaveGameString( const char* string, idFile* savefile )
int len = strlen( string );
savefile->Write( &len, sizeof( len ) );
savefile->Write( string, len );
void idWindow::WriteSaveGameTransition( idTransitionData& trans, idFile* savefile )
drawWin_t dw, *fdw;
idStr winName( "" );
dw.simp = NULL;
dw.win = NULL;
int offset = gui->GetDesktop()->GetWinVarOffset( trans.data, &dw );
if( dw.win || dw.simp )
winName = ( dw.win ) ? dw.win->GetName() : dw.simp->name.c_str();
fdw = gui->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName( winName );
if( offset != -1 && fdw != NULL && ( fdw->win != NULL || fdw->simp != NULL ) )
savefile->Write( &offset, sizeof( offset ) );
WriteSaveGameString( winName, savefile );
savefile->Write( &trans.interp, sizeof( trans.interp ) );
offset = -1;
savefile->Write( &offset, sizeof( offset ) );
void idWindow::ReadSaveGameTransition( idTransitionData& trans, idFile* savefile )
int offset;
savefile->Read( &offset, sizeof( offset ) );
if( offset != -1 )
idStr winName;
ReadSaveGameString( winName, savefile );
savefile->Read( &trans.interp, sizeof( trans.interp ) );
trans.data = NULL;
trans.offset = offset;
if( winName.Length() )
idWinStr* strVar = new( TAG_OLD_UI ) idWinStr();
strVar->Set( winName );
trans.data = dynamic_cast< idWinVar* >( strVar );
void idWindow::WriteToSaveGame( idFile* savefile )
int i;
WriteSaveGameString( cmd, savefile );
savefile->Write( &actualX, sizeof( actualX ) );
savefile->Write( &actualY, sizeof( actualY ) );
savefile->Write( &childID, sizeof( childID ) );
savefile->Write( &flags, sizeof( flags ) );
savefile->Write( &lastTimeRun, sizeof( lastTimeRun ) );
savefile->Write( &drawRect, sizeof( drawRect ) );
savefile->Write( &clientRect, sizeof( clientRect ) );
savefile->Write( &origin, sizeof( origin ) );
savefile->Write( &timeLine, sizeof( timeLine ) );
savefile->Write( &xOffset, sizeof( xOffset ) );
savefile->Write( &yOffset, sizeof( yOffset ) );
savefile->Write( &cursor, sizeof( cursor ) );
savefile->Write( &forceAspectWidth, sizeof( forceAspectWidth ) );
savefile->Write( &forceAspectHeight, sizeof( forceAspectHeight ) );
savefile->Write( &matScalex, sizeof( matScalex ) );
savefile->Write( &matScaley, sizeof( matScaley ) );
savefile->Write( &borderSize, sizeof( borderSize ) );
savefile->Write( &textAlign, sizeof( textAlign ) );
savefile->Write( &textAlignx, sizeof( textAlignx ) );
savefile->Write( &textAligny, sizeof( textAligny ) );
savefile->Write( &textShadow, sizeof( textShadow ) );
savefile->Write( &shear, sizeof( shear ) );
savefile->WriteString( font->GetName() );
WriteSaveGameString( name, savefile );
WriteSaveGameString( comment, savefile );
// WinVars
noTime.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
visible.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
rect.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
backColor.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
matColor.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
foreColor.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
hoverColor.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
borderColor.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
textScale.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
noEvents.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
rotate.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
text.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
backGroundName.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
hideCursor.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
// Defined Vars
for( i = 0; i < definedVars.Num(); i++ )
definedVars[i]->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
savefile->Write( &textRect, sizeof( textRect ) );
// Window pointers saved as the child ID of the window
int winID;
winID = focusedChild ? focusedChild->childID : -1 ;
savefile->Write( &winID, sizeof( winID ) );
winID = captureChild ? captureChild->childID : -1 ;
savefile->Write( &winID, sizeof( winID ) );
winID = overChild ? overChild->childID : -1 ;
savefile->Write( &winID, sizeof( winID ) );
// Scripts
for( i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
if( scripts[i] )
scripts[i]->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
// TimeLine Events
for( i = 0; i < timeLineEvents.Num(); i++ )
if( timeLineEvents[i] )
savefile->Write( &timeLineEvents[i]->pending, sizeof( timeLineEvents[i]->pending ) );
savefile->Write( &timeLineEvents[i]->time, sizeof( timeLineEvents[i]->time ) );
if( timeLineEvents[i]->event )
timeLineEvents[i]->event->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
// Transitions
int num = transitions.Num();
savefile->Write( &num, sizeof( num ) );
for( i = 0; i < transitions.Num(); i++ )
WriteSaveGameTransition( transitions[ i ], savefile );
// Named Events
for( i = 0; i < namedEvents.Num(); i++ )
if( namedEvents[i] )
WriteSaveGameString( namedEvents[i]->mName, savefile );
if( namedEvents[i]->mEvent )
namedEvents[i]->mEvent->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
// regList
regList.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
if( background )
savefile->WriteInt( background->GetCinematicStartTime() );
savefile->WriteInt( -1 );
// Save children
for( i = 0; i < drawWindows.Num(); i++ )
drawWin_t window = drawWindows[i];
if( window.simp )
window.simp->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
else if( window.win )
window.win->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
void idWindow::ReadSaveGameString( idStr& string, idFile* savefile )
int len;
savefile->Read( &len, sizeof( len ) );
if( len < 0 )
common->Warning( "idWindow::ReadSaveGameString: invalid length" );
string.Fill( ' ', len );
savefile->Read( &string[0], len );
void idWindow::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile* savefile )
int i;
ReadSaveGameString( cmd, savefile );
savefile->Read( &actualX, sizeof( actualX ) );
savefile->Read( &actualY, sizeof( actualY ) );
savefile->Read( &childID, sizeof( childID ) );
savefile->Read( &flags, sizeof( flags ) );
savefile->Read( &lastTimeRun, sizeof( lastTimeRun ) );
savefile->Read( &drawRect, sizeof( drawRect ) );
savefile->Read( &clientRect, sizeof( clientRect ) );
savefile->Read( &origin, sizeof( origin ) );
/* if ( savefile->GetFileVersion() < BUILD_NUMBER_8TH_ANNIVERSARY_1 ) {
unsigned char fontNum;
savefile->Read( &fontNum, sizeof( fontNum ) );
font = renderSystem->RegisterFont( "" );
savefile->Read( &timeLine, sizeof( timeLine ) );
savefile->Read( &xOffset, sizeof( xOffset ) );
savefile->Read( &yOffset, sizeof( yOffset ) );
savefile->Read( &cursor, sizeof( cursor ) );
savefile->Read( &forceAspectWidth, sizeof( forceAspectWidth ) );
savefile->Read( &forceAspectHeight, sizeof( forceAspectHeight ) );
savefile->Read( &matScalex, sizeof( matScalex ) );
savefile->Read( &matScaley, sizeof( matScaley ) );
savefile->Read( &borderSize, sizeof( borderSize ) );
savefile->Read( &textAlign, sizeof( textAlign ) );
savefile->Read( &textAlignx, sizeof( textAlignx ) );
savefile->Read( &textAligny, sizeof( textAligny ) );
savefile->Read( &textShadow, sizeof( textShadow ) );
savefile->Read( &shear, sizeof( shear ) );
// if ( savefile->GetFileVersion() >= BUILD_NUMBER_8TH_ANNIVERSARY_1 ) {
idStr fontName;
savefile->ReadString( fontName );
font = renderSystem->RegisterFont( fontName );
// }
ReadSaveGameString( name, savefile );
ReadSaveGameString( comment, savefile );
// WinVars
noTime.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
visible.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
rect.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
backColor.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
matColor.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
foreColor.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
hoverColor.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
borderColor.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
textScale.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
noEvents.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
rotate.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
text.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
backGroundName.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
hideCursor.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
// Defined Vars
for( i = 0; i < definedVars.Num(); i++ )
definedVars[i]->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
savefile->Read( &textRect, sizeof( textRect ) );
// Window pointers saved as the child ID of the window
int winID = -1;
savefile->Read( &winID, sizeof( winID ) );
for( i = 0; i < children.Num(); i++ )
if( children[i]->childID == winID )
focusedChild = children[i];
savefile->Read( &winID, sizeof( winID ) );
for( i = 0; i < children.Num(); i++ )
if( children[i]->childID == winID )
captureChild = children[i];
savefile->Read( &winID, sizeof( winID ) );
for( i = 0; i < children.Num(); i++ )
if( children[i]->childID == winID )
overChild = children[i];
// Scripts
for( i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
if( scripts[i] )
scripts[i]->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
// TimeLine Events
for( i = 0; i < timeLineEvents.Num(); i++ )
if( timeLineEvents[i] )
savefile->Read( &timeLineEvents[i]->pending, sizeof( timeLineEvents[i]->pending ) );
savefile->Read( &timeLineEvents[i]->time, sizeof( timeLineEvents[i]->time ) );
if( timeLineEvents[i]->event )
timeLineEvents[i]->event->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
// Transitions
int num;
savefile->Read( &num, sizeof( num ) );
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
idTransitionData trans;
trans.data = NULL;
ReadSaveGameTransition( trans, savefile );
if( trans.data )
transitions.Append( trans );
// Named Events
for( i = 0; i < namedEvents.Num(); i++ )
if( namedEvents[i] )
ReadSaveGameString( namedEvents[i]->mName, savefile );
if( namedEvents[i]->mEvent )
namedEvents[i]->mEvent->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
// regList
regList.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
int cinematicStartTime = 0;
savefile->ReadInt( cinematicStartTime );
if( background )
background->ResetCinematicTime( cinematicStartTime );
// Read children
for( i = 0; i < drawWindows.Num(); i++ )
drawWin_t window = drawWindows[i];
if( window.simp )
window.simp->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
else if( window.win )
window.win->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
if( flags & WIN_DESKTOP )
int idWindow::NumTransitions()
int c = transitions.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < children.Num(); i++ )
c += children[i]->NumTransitions();
return c;
void idWindow::FixupTransitions()
int i, c = transitions.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
drawWin_t* dw = gui->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName( ( ( idWinStr* )transitions[i].data )->c_str() );
delete transitions[i].data;
transitions[i].data = NULL;
if( dw != NULL && ( dw->win != NULL || dw->simp != NULL ) )
// RB: 64 bit fixes, changed oldschool offsets using ptrdiff_t
if( dw->win != NULL )
if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&rect - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->rect;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&backColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->backColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&matColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->matColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&foreColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->foreColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&borderColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->borderColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&textScale - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->textScale;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&rotate - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->win->rotate;
if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&rect - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->rect;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&backColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->backColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&matColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->matColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&foreColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->foreColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&borderColor - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->borderColor;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&textScale - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->textScale;
else if( transitions[i].offset == ( ptrdiff_t )&rotate - ( ptrdiff_t )this )
transitions[i].data = &dw->simp->rotate;
// RB end
if( transitions[i].data == NULL )
transitions.RemoveIndex( i );
for( c = 0; c < children.Num(); c++ )
void idWindow::AddChild( idWindow* win )
win->childID = children.Append( win );
void idWindow::FixupParms()
int i;
int c = children.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
for( i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
if( scripts[i] )
scripts[i]->FixupParms( this );
c = timeLineEvents.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
timeLineEvents[i]->event->FixupParms( this );
c = namedEvents.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
namedEvents[i]->mEvent->FixupParms( this );
c = ops.Num();
for( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( ops[i].b == -2 )
// need to fix this up
const char* p = ( const char* )( ops[i].a );
idWinVar* var = GetWinVarByName( p, true );
delete []p;
// RB: 64 bit fix, changed int to intptr_t
ops[i].a = ( intptr_t )var;
// RB end
ops[i].b = -1;
if( flags & WIN_DESKTOP )
CalcRects( 0, 0 );
bool idWindow::IsSimple()
if( ops.Num() )
return false;
if( flags & ( WIN_HCENTER | WIN_VCENTER ) )
return false;
if( children.Num() || drawWindows.Num() )
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < SCRIPT_COUNT; i++ )
if( scripts[i] )
return false;
if( timeLineEvents.Num() )
return false;
if( namedEvents.Num() )
return false;
return true;
bool idWindow::ContainsStateVars()
if( updateVars.Num() )
return true;
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( children[i]->ContainsStateVars() )
return true;
return false;
bool idWindow::Interactive()
if( scripts[ ON_ACTION ] )
return true;
int c = children.Num();
for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if( children[i]->Interactive() )
return true;
return false;
void idWindow::SetChildWinVarVal( const char* name, const char* var, const char* val )
drawWin_t* dw = FindChildByName( name );
idWinVar* wv = NULL;
if( dw != NULL && dw->simp != NULL )
wv = dw->simp->GetWinVarByName( var );
else if( dw != NULL && dw->win != NULL )
wv = dw->win->GetWinVarByName( var );
if( wv )
wv->Set( val );
wv->SetEval( false );
Finds the window under the given point
idWindow* idWindow::FindChildByPoint( float x, float y, idWindow** below )
int c = children.Num();
// If we are looking for a window below this one then
// the next window should be good, but this one wasnt it
if( *below == this )
*below = NULL;
return NULL;
if( !Contains( drawRect, x, y ) )
return NULL;
for( int i = c - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
idWindow* found = children[i]->FindChildByPoint( x, y, below );
if( found )
if( *below )
return found;
return this;
idWindow* idWindow::FindChildByPoint( float x, float y, idWindow* below )
return FindChildByPoint( x, y, &below );
Returns the number of children
int idWindow::GetChildCount()
return drawWindows.Num( );
Returns the child window at the given index
idWindow* idWindow::GetChild( int index )
return drawWindows[index].win;
Returns the index of the given child window
int idWindow::GetChildIndex( idWindow* window )
int find;
for( find = 0; find < drawWindows.Num(); find ++ )
if( drawWindows[find].win == window )
return find;
return -1;
Removes the child from the list of children. Note that the child window being
removed must still be deallocated by the caller
void idWindow::RemoveChild( idWindow* win )
int find;
// Remove the child window
children.Remove( win );
for( find = 0; find < drawWindows.Num(); find ++ )
if( drawWindows[find].win == win )
drawWindows.RemoveIndex( find );
Inserts the given window as a child into the given location in the zorder.
bool idWindow::InsertChild( idWindow* win, idWindow* before )
AddChild( win );
win->parent = this;
drawWin_t dwt;
dwt.simp = NULL;
dwt.win = win;
// If not inserting before anything then just add it at the end
if( before )
int index;
index = GetChildIndex( before );
if( index != -1 )
drawWindows.Insert( dwt, index );
return true;
drawWindows.Append( dwt );
return true;
void idWindow::ScreenToClient( idRectangle* r )
int x;
int y;
idWindow* p;
for( p = this, x = 0, y = 0; p; p = p->parent )
x += p->rect.x();
y += p->rect.y();
r->x -= x;
r->y -= y;
void idWindow::ClientToScreen( idRectangle* r )
int x;
int y;
idWindow* p;
for( p = this, x = 0, y = 0; p; p = p->parent )
x += p->rect.x();
y += p->rect.y();
r->x += x;
r->y += y;
Set the window do a default window with no text, no background and
default colors, etc..
void idWindow::SetDefaults()
forceAspectWidth = 640.0f;
forceAspectHeight = 480.0f;
matScalex = 1;
matScaley = 1;
borderSize = 0;
noTime = false;
visible = true;
textAlign = 0;
textAlignx = 0;
textAligny = 0;
noEvents = false;
rotate = 0;
textScale = 0.35f;
foreColor = idVec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
hoverColor = idVec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
matColor = idVec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
text = "";
background = NULL;
backGroundName = "";
The editor only has a dictionary to work with so the easiest way to push the
values of the dictionary onto the window is for the window to interpret the
dictionary as if were a file being parsed.
bool idWindow::UpdateFromDictionary( idDict& dict )
const idKeyValue* kv;
int i;
SetDefaults( );
// Clear all registers since they will get recreated
regList.Reset( );
expressionRegisters.Clear( );
ops.Clear( );
for( i = 0; i < dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i ++ )
kv = dict.GetKeyVal( i );
// Special case name
if( !kv->GetKey().Icmp( "name" ) )
name = kv->GetValue();
idParser src( kv->GetValue().c_str(), kv->GetValue().Length(), "",
idTokenParser src2;
src2.LoadFromParser( src, "temp" );
src2.StartParsing( "temp" );
if( !ParseInternalVar( kv->GetKey(), &src2 ) )
// Kill the old register since the parse reg entry will add a new one
if( !ParseRegEntry( kv->GetKey(), &src2 ) )
EvalRegs( -1, true );
return true;