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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "float.h"
#pragma warning( disable: 4189 ) // local variable is initialized but not referenced
void idSWFShapeParser::Parse( idSWFBitStream& bitstream, idSWFShape& shape, int recordType )
extendedCount = ( recordType > 1 );
lineStyle2 = ( recordType == 4 );
rgba = ( recordType >= 3 );
morph = false;
bitstream.ReadRect( shape.startBounds );
shape.endBounds = shape.startBounds;
if( recordType == 4 )
swfRect_t edgeBounds;
bitstream.ReadRect( edgeBounds );
bitstream.ReadU8(); // flags (that we ignore)
ReadFillStyle( bitstream );
ParseShapes( bitstream, NULL, false );
TriangulateSoup( shape );
shape.lineDraws.SetNum( lineDraws.Num() );
for( int i = 0; i < lineDraws.Num(); i++ )
idSWFShapeDrawLine& ld = shape.lineDraws[i];
swfSPDrawLine_t& spld = lineDraws[i];
ld.style = spld.style;
ld.indices.SetNum( spld.edges.Num() * 3 );
ld.indices.SetNum( 0 );
for( int e = 0; e < spld.edges.Num(); e++ )
int v0 = ld.startVerts.AddUnique( verts[ spld.edges[e].start.v0 ] );
ld.indices.Append( v0 );
ld.indices.Append( v0 );
// Rather then tesselating curves at run time, we do them once here by inserting a vert every 10 units
// It may not wind up being 10 actual pixels when rendered because the shape may have scaling applied to it
if( spld.edges[e].start.cp != 0xFFFF )
assert( spld.edges[e].end.cp != 0xFFFF );
float length1 = ( verts[ spld.edges[e].start.v0 ] - verts[ spld.edges[e].start.v1 ] ).Length();
float length2 = ( verts[ spld.edges[e].end.v0 ] - verts[ spld.edges[e].end.v1 ] ).Length();
int numPoints = 1 + idMath::Ftoi( Max( length1, length2 ) / 10.0f );
for( int ti = 0; ti < numPoints; ti++ )
float t0 = ( ti + 1 ) / ( ( float ) numPoints + 1.0f );
float t1 = ( 1.0f - t0 );
float c1 = t1 * t1;
float c2 = t0 * t1 * 2.0f;
float c3 = t0 * t0;
idVec2 p1 = c1 * verts[ spld.edges[e].start.v0 ];
p1 += c2 * verts[ spld.edges[e].start.cp ];
p1 += c3 * verts[ spld.edges[e].start.v1 ];
int v1 = ld.startVerts.AddUnique( p1 );
ld.indices.Append( v1 );
ld.indices.Append( v1 );
ld.indices.Append( v1 );
ld.indices.Append( ld.startVerts.AddUnique( verts[ spld.edges[e].start.v1 ] ) );
void idSWFShapeParser::ParseMorph( idSWFBitStream& bitstream, idSWFShape& shape )
extendedCount = true;
lineStyle2 = false;
rgba = true;
morph = true;
bitstream.ReadRect( shape.startBounds );
bitstream.ReadRect( shape.endBounds );
uint32 offset = bitstream.ReadU32();
// offset is the byte offset from the current read position to the 'endShape' record
// we read the entire block into 'bitstream1' which moves the read pointer of 'bitstream'
// to the start of the 'endShape' record
idSWFBitStream bitstream1;
bitstream1.Load( ( byte* )bitstream.ReadData( offset ), offset, false );
ReadFillStyle( bitstream1 );
ParseShapes( bitstream1, &bitstream, true );
TriangulateSoup( shape );
void idSWFShapeParser::ParseFont( idSWFBitStream& bitstream, idSWFFontGlyph& shape )
extendedCount = false;
lineStyle2 = false;
rgba = false;
morph = false;
fillDraws.SetNum( 1 );
ParseShapes( bitstream, NULL, true );
TriangulateSoup( shape );
void idSWFShapeParser::ParseShapes( idSWFBitStream& bitstream1, idSWFBitStream* bitstream2, bool swap )
int32 pen1X = 0;
int32 pen1Y = 0;
int32 pen2X = 0;
int32 pen2Y = 0;
uint8 fillStyle0 = 0;
uint8 fillStyle1 = 0;
uint8 lineStyle = 0;
uint16 baseFillStyle = 0;
uint16 baseLineStyle = 0;
uint8 numBits = bitstream1.ReadU8();
uint8 numFillBits1 = numBits >> 4;
uint8 numLineBits1 = numBits & 0xF;
uint8 numFillBits2 = 0;
uint8 numLineBits2 = 0;
if( bitstream2 )
numBits = bitstream2->ReadU8();
numFillBits2 = numBits >> 4;
numLineBits2 = numBits & 0xF;
while( true )
if( !bitstream1.ReadBool() )
bool stateNewStyles = bitstream1.ReadBool();
bool stateLineStyle = bitstream1.ReadBool();
bool stateFillStyle1 = bitstream1.ReadBool();
bool stateFillStyle0 = bitstream1.ReadBool();
bool stateMoveTo = bitstream1.ReadBool();
if( ( stateNewStyles || stateLineStyle || stateFillStyle1 || stateFillStyle0 || stateMoveTo ) == false )
// end record
if( bitstream2 )
uint8 flags = bitstream2->ReadU( 6 );
if( flags != 0 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 1 ends before 2" );
if( stateMoveTo )
uint8 moveBits = bitstream1.ReadU( 5 );
pen1X = bitstream1.ReadS( moveBits );
pen1Y = bitstream1.ReadS( moveBits );
if( stateFillStyle0 )
fillStyle0 = bitstream1.ReadU( numFillBits1 );
if( stateFillStyle1 )
fillStyle1 = bitstream1.ReadU( numFillBits1 );
if( stateLineStyle )
lineStyle = bitstream1.ReadU( numLineBits1 );
if( stateNewStyles )
baseFillStyle = fillDraws.Num();
baseLineStyle = lineDraws.Num();
ReadFillStyle( bitstream1 );
numBits = bitstream1.ReadU8();
numFillBits1 = numBits >> 4;
numLineBits1 = numBits & 0xF;
if( bitstream2 )
bool isEdge = bitstream2->ReadBool();
if( isEdge )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 1 defines style change, but stream 2 does not" );
bool stateNewStyles = bitstream2->ReadBool();
bool stateLineStyle = bitstream2->ReadBool();
bool stateFillStyle1 = bitstream2->ReadBool();
bool stateFillStyle0 = bitstream2->ReadBool();
bool stateMoveTo = bitstream2->ReadBool();
if( stateMoveTo )
uint8 moveBits = bitstream2->ReadU( 5 );
pen2X = bitstream2->ReadS( moveBits );
pen2Y = bitstream2->ReadS( moveBits );
if( stateFillStyle0 )
if( bitstream2->ReadU( numFillBits2 ) != fillStyle0 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 2 defined a different fillStyle0 from stream 1" );
if( stateFillStyle1 )
if( bitstream2->ReadU( numFillBits2 ) != fillStyle1 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 2 defined a different fillStyle1 from stream 1" );
if( stateLineStyle )
if( bitstream2->ReadU( numLineBits2 ) != lineStyle )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 2 defined a different lineStyle from stream 1" );
if( stateNewStyles )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 2 defines new styles" );
swfSPMorphEdge_t morphEdge;
ParseEdge( bitstream1, pen1X, pen1Y, morphEdge.start );
if( bitstream2 )
bool isEdge = bitstream2->ReadBool();
if( !isEdge )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: morph stream 1 defines an edge, but stream 2 does not" );
ParseEdge( *bitstream2, pen2X, pen2Y, morphEdge.end );
morphEdge.end = morphEdge.start;
// one edge may be a straight edge, and the other may be a curve
// in this case, we turn the straight edge into a curve by adding
// a control point in the middle of the line
if( morphEdge.start.cp != 0xFFFF )
if( morphEdge.end.cp == 0xFFFF )
const idVec2& v0 = verts[ morphEdge.end.v0 ];
const idVec2& v1 = verts[ morphEdge.end.v1 ];
morphEdge.end.cp = verts.AddUnique( ( v0 + v1 ) * 0.5f );
if( morphEdge.end.cp != 0xFFFF )
const idVec2& v0 = verts[ morphEdge.start.v0 ];
const idVec2& v1 = verts[ morphEdge.start.v1 ];
morphEdge.start.cp = verts.AddUnique( ( v0 + v1 ) * 0.5f );
if( lineStyle != 0 )
lineDraws[ baseLineStyle + lineStyle - 1 ].edges.Append( morphEdge );
if( swap )
SwapValues( morphEdge.start.v0, morphEdge.start.v1 );
SwapValues( morphEdge.end.v0, morphEdge.end.v1 );
if( fillStyle1 != 0 )
fillDraws[ baseFillStyle + fillStyle1 - 1 ].edges.Append( morphEdge );
if( fillStyle0 != 0 )
// for fill style 0, we need to reverse the winding
swfSPMorphEdge_t swapped = morphEdge;
SwapValues( swapped.start.v0, swapped.start.v1 );
SwapValues( swapped.end.v0, swapped.end.v1 );
fillDraws[ baseFillStyle + fillStyle0 - 1 ].edges.Append( swapped );
void idSWFShapeParser::ParseEdge( idSWFBitStream& bitstream, int32& penX, int32& penY, swfSPEdge_t& edge )
bool straight = bitstream.ReadBool();
uint8 numBits = bitstream.ReadU( 4 ) + 2;
edge.v0 = verts.AddUnique( idVec2( SWFTWIP( penX ), SWFTWIP( penY ) ) );
if( straight )
edge.cp = 0xFFFF;
if( bitstream.ReadBool() )
penX += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
penY += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
if( bitstream.ReadBool() )
penY += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
penX += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
penX += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
penY += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
edge.cp = verts.AddUnique( idVec2( SWFTWIP( penX ), SWFTWIP( penY ) ) );
penX += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
penY += bitstream.ReadS( numBits );
edge.v1 = verts.AddUnique( idVec2( SWFTWIP( penX ), SWFTWIP( penY ) ) );
void idSWFShapeParser::MakeLoops()
// At this point, each fill style has an edge soup associated with it
// We want to turn this soup into loops of connected verts
for( int i = 0; i < fillDraws.Num(); i++ )
swfSPDrawFill_t& fill = fillDraws[i];
// first remove degenerate edges
for( int e = 0; e < fill.edges.Num(); e++ )
if( ( fill.edges[e].start.v0 == fill.edges[e].start.v1 ) || ( fill.edges[e].end.v0 == fill.edges[e].end.v1 ) )
fill.edges.RemoveIndexFast( e );
idList< int > unusedEdges;
unusedEdges.SetNum( fill.edges.Num() );
for( int e = 0; e < fill.edges.Num(); e++ )
unusedEdges[e] = e;
while( unusedEdges.Num() > 0 )
swfSPLineLoop_t& loop = fill.loops.Alloc();
loop.hole = false;
int e1 = unusedEdges[ unusedEdges.Num() - 1 ];
unusedEdges.SetNum( unusedEdges.Num() - 1 );
while( true )
loop.vindex1.Append( fill.edges[e1].start.v0 );
loop.vindex2.Append( fill.edges[e1].end.v0 );
// Rather then tesselating curves at run time, we do them once here by inserting a vert every 10 units
// It may not wind up being 10 actual pixels when rendered because the shape may have scaling applied to it
if( fill.edges[e1].start.cp != 0xFFFF )
assert( fill.edges[e1].end.cp != 0xFFFF );
float length1 = ( verts[ fill.edges[e1].start.v0 ] - verts[ fill.edges[e1].start.v1 ] ).Length();
float length2 = ( verts[ fill.edges[e1].end.v0 ] - verts[ fill.edges[e1].end.v1 ] ).Length();
int numPoints = 1 + idMath::Ftoi( Max( length1, length2 ) / 10.0f );
for( int ti = 0; ti < numPoints; ti++ )
float t0 = ( ti + 1 ) / ( ( float ) numPoints + 1.0f );
float t1 = ( 1.0f - t0 );
float c1 = t1 * t1;
float c2 = t0 * t1 * 2.0f;
float c3 = t0 * t0;
idVec2 p1 = c1 * verts[ fill.edges[e1].start.v0 ];
p1 += c2 * verts[ fill.edges[e1].start.cp ];
p1 += c3 * verts[ fill.edges[e1].start.v1 ];
idVec2 p2 = c1 * verts[ fill.edges[e1].end.v0 ];
p2 += c2 * verts[ fill.edges[e1].end.cp ];
p2 += c3 * verts[ fill.edges[e1].end.v1 ];
loop.vindex1.Append( verts.AddUnique( p1 ) );
loop.vindex2.Append( verts.AddUnique( p2 ) );
const swfSPEdge_t& edge1 = fill.edges[e1].start;
float bestNormal = FLT_MAX;
int beste = -1;
for( int e = 0; e < unusedEdges.Num(); e++ )
int e2 = unusedEdges[e];
const swfSPEdge_t& edge2 = fill.edges[e2].start;
if( edge1.v1 != edge2.v0 )
assert( edge1.v0 != edge2.v0 );
assert( edge1.v1 != edge2.v1 );
const idVec2& v1 = verts[ edge1.v0 ];
const idVec2& v2 = verts[ edge1.v1 ]; // == edge2.v0
const idVec2& v3 = verts[ edge2.v1 ];
idVec2 a = v1 - v2;
idVec2 b = v3 - v2;
float normal = ( a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x );
if( normal < bestNormal )
bestNormal = normal;
beste = e;
assert( beste != -1 );
if( beste < 0 )
// no more edges connect to this one
e1 = unusedEdges[beste];
unusedEdges.RemoveIndexFast( beste );
if( loop.vindex1.Num() < 3 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: loop with < 3 verts" );
fill.loops.SetNum( fill.loops.Num() - 1 );
// Use the left most vert to determine if it's a hole or not
float leftMostX = FLT_MAX;
int leftMostIndex = 0;
for( int j = 0; j < loop.vindex1.Num(); j++ )
idVec2& v = verts[ loop.vindex1[j] ];
if( v.x < leftMostX )
leftMostIndex = j;
leftMostX = v.x;
const idVec2& v1 = verts[ loop.vindex1[( loop.vindex1.Num() + leftMostIndex - 1 ) % loop.vindex1.Num()] ];
const idVec2& v2 = verts[ loop.vindex1[leftMostIndex] ];
const idVec2& v3 = verts[ loop.vindex1[( leftMostIndex + 1 ) % loop.vindex1.Num()] ];
idVec2 a = v1 - v2;
idVec2 b = v3 - v2;
float normal = ( a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x );
loop.hole = ( normal > 0.0f );
// now we have a series of loops, which define either shapes or holes
// we want to merge the holes into the shapes by inserting edges
// this assumes shapes are either completely contained or not
// we start merging holes starting on the right so nested holes work
while( true )
int hole = -1;
int holeVert = -1;
float rightMostX = -1e10f;
for( int j = 0; j < fill.loops.Num(); j++ )
swfSPLineLoop_t& loop = fill.loops[j];
if( !loop.hole )
for( int v = 0; v < loop.vindex1.Num(); v++ )
if( verts[ loop.vindex1[v] ].x > rightMostX )
hole = j;
holeVert = v;
rightMostX = verts[ loop.vindex1[v] ].x;
if( hole == -1 )
swfSPLineLoop_t& loopHole = fill.loops[ hole ];
const idVec2& holePoint = verts[ loopHole.vindex1[ holeVert ] ];
int shape = -1;
for( int j = 0; j < fill.loops.Num(); j++ )
swfSPLineLoop_t& loop = fill.loops[j];
if( loop.hole )
bool inside = false;
for( int k = 0; k < loop.vindex1.Num(); k++ )
const idVec2& v1 = verts[ loop.vindex1[k] ];
const idVec2& v2 = verts[ loop.vindex1[( k + 1 ) % loop.vindex1.Num()] ];
if( v1.x < holePoint.x && v2.x < holePoint.x )
continue; // both on the left of the holePoint
if( ( v1.y < holePoint.y ) == ( v2.y < holePoint.y ) )
continue; // both on the same side of the horizon
assert( v1 != holePoint );
assert( v2 != holePoint );
inside = !inside;
if( inside )
shape = j;
if( shape == -1 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: Hole not in a shape" );
fill.loops.RemoveIndexFast( hole );
swfSPLineLoop_t& loopShape = fill.loops[ shape ];
// now that we have a hole and the shape it's inside, merge the two together
// find the nearest vert that's on the right side of holePoint
float bestDist = 1e10f;
int shapeVert = -1;
for( int j = 0; j < loopShape.vindex1.Num(); j++ )
const idVec2& v1 = verts[ loopShape.vindex1[j] ];
if( v1.x < holePoint.x )
continue; // on the left of the holePoint
float dist = ( v1 - holePoint ).Length();
if( dist < bestDist )
shapeVert = j;
bestDist = dist;
// connect holeVert to shapeVert
idList< uint16 > vindex;
vindex.SetNum( loopShape.vindex1.Num() + loopHole.vindex1.Num() + 1 );
vindex.SetNum( 0 );
for( int j = 0; j <= shapeVert; j++ )
vindex.Append( loopShape.vindex1[j] );
for( int j = holeVert; j < loopHole.vindex1.Num(); j++ )
vindex.Append( loopHole.vindex1[j] );
for( int j = 0; j <= holeVert; j++ )
vindex.Append( loopHole.vindex1[j] );
for( int j = shapeVert; j < loopShape.vindex1.Num(); j++ )
vindex.Append( loopShape.vindex1[j] );
loopShape.vindex1 = vindex;
for( int j = 0; j <= shapeVert; j++ )
vindex.Append( loopShape.vindex2[j] );
for( int j = holeVert; j < loopHole.vindex2.Num(); j++ )
vindex.Append( loopHole.vindex2[j] );
for( int j = 0; j <= holeVert; j++ )
vindex.Append( loopHole.vindex2[j] );
for( int j = shapeVert; j < loopShape.vindex2.Num(); j++ )
vindex.Append( loopShape.vindex2[j] );
loopShape.vindex2 = vindex;
fill.loops.RemoveIndexFast( hole );
void idSWFShapeParser::TriangulateSoup( idSWFShape& shape )
// Now turn the (potentially) concave line loops into triangles by using ear clipping
shape.fillDraws.SetNum( fillDraws.Num() );
for( int i = 0; i < fillDraws.Num(); i++ )
swfSPDrawFill_t& spDrawFill = fillDraws[i];
idSWFShapeDrawFill& drawFill = shape.fillDraws[i];
swfFillStyle_t& style = spDrawFill.style;
drawFill.style = spDrawFill.style;
for( int j = 0; j < spDrawFill.loops.Num(); j++ )
swfSPLineLoop_t& loop = spDrawFill.loops[j];
int numVerts = loop.vindex1.Num();
for( int k = 0; k < numVerts - 2; k++ )
int v1 = FindEarVert( loop );
if( v1 == -1 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: could not find an ear vert" );
int num = loop.vindex1.Num();
int v2 = ( v1 + 1 ) % num;
int v3 = ( v1 + 2 ) % num;
AddUniqueVert( drawFill, verts[ loop.vindex1[ v1 ] ], verts[ loop.vindex2[ v1 ] ] );
AddUniqueVert( drawFill, verts[ loop.vindex1[ v2 ] ], verts[ loop.vindex2[ v2 ] ] );
AddUniqueVert( drawFill, verts[ loop.vindex1[ v3 ] ], verts[ loop.vindex2[ v3 ] ] );
loop.vindex1.RemoveIndex( v2 );
loop.vindex2.RemoveIndex( v2 );
void idSWFShapeParser::TriangulateSoup( idSWFFontGlyph& shape )
// Now turn the (potentially) concave line loops into triangles by using ear clipping
assert( fillDraws.Num() == 1 );
swfSPDrawFill_t& spDrawFill = fillDraws[0];
for( int j = 0; j < spDrawFill.loops.Num(); j++ )
swfSPLineLoop_t& loop = spDrawFill.loops[j];
int numVerts = loop.vindex1.Num();
for( int k = 0; k < numVerts - 2; k++ )
int v1 = FindEarVert( loop );
if( v1 == -1 )
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: could not find an ear vert" );
int num = loop.vindex1.Num();
int v2 = ( v1 + 1 ) % num;
int v3 = ( v1 + 2 ) % num;
shape.indices.Append( shape.verts.AddUnique( verts[ loop.vindex1[ v1 ] ] ) );
shape.indices.Append( shape.verts.AddUnique( verts[ loop.vindex1[ v2 ] ] ) );
shape.indices.Append( shape.verts.AddUnique( verts[ loop.vindex1[ v3 ] ] ) );
loop.vindex1.RemoveIndex( v2 );
loop.vindex2.RemoveIndex( v2 );
struct earVert_t
int i1;
int i2;
int i3;
float cross;
class idSort_Ears : public idSort_Quick< earVert_t, idSort_Ears >
int Compare( const earVert_t& a, const earVert_t& b ) const
if( a.cross < b.cross )
return -1;
else if( a.cross > b.cross )
return 1;
return 0;
int idSWFShapeParser::FindEarVert( const swfSPLineLoop_t& loop )
assert( loop.vindex1.Num() == loop.vindex2.Num() );
int num = loop.vindex1.Num();
idList<earVert_t> ears;
ears.SetNum( num );
for( int i1 = 0; i1 < num; i1++ )
int i2 = ( i1 + 1 ) % num;
int i3 = ( i1 + 2 ) % num;
const idVec2& v1s = verts[ loop.vindex1[ i1 ] ];
const idVec2& v2s = verts[ loop.vindex1[ i2 ] ];
const idVec2& v3s = verts[ loop.vindex1[ i3 ] ];
idVec2 a = v1s - v2s;
idVec2 b = v2s - v3s;
ears[i1].cross = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x;
ears[i1].i1 = i1;
ears[i1].i2 = i2;
ears[i1].i3 = i3;
ears.SortWithTemplate( idSort_Ears() );
for( int i = 0; i < ears.Num(); i++ )
if( ears[i].cross < 0.0f )
int i1 = ears[i].i1;
int i2 = ears[i].i2;
int i3 = ears[i].i3;
const idVec2& v1s = verts[ loop.vindex1[ i1 ] ];
const idVec2& v2s = verts[ loop.vindex1[ i2 ] ];
const idVec2& v3s = verts[ loop.vindex1[ i3 ] ];
const idVec2& v1e = verts[ loop.vindex2[ i1 ] ];
const idVec2& v2e = verts[ loop.vindex2[ i2 ] ];
const idVec2& v3e = verts[ loop.vindex2[ i3 ] ];
idMat3 edgeEquations1;
edgeEquations1[0].Set( v1s.x, v1s.y, 1.0f );
edgeEquations1[1].Set( v2s.x, v2s.y, 1.0f );
edgeEquations1[2].Set( v3s.x, v3s.y, 1.0f );
idMat3 edgeEquations2;
edgeEquations2[0].Set( v1e.x, v1e.y, 1.0f );
edgeEquations2[1].Set( v2e.x, v2e.y, 1.0f );
edgeEquations2[2].Set( v3e.x, v3e.y, 1.0f );
bool isEar = true;
for( int j = 0; j < num; j++ )
if( j == i1 || j == i2 || j == i3 )
idVec3 p1;
p1.ToVec2() = verts[ loop.vindex1[j] ];
p1.z = 1.0f;
idVec3 signs1 = p1 * edgeEquations1;
bool b1x = signs1.x > 0;
bool b1y = signs1.y > 0;
bool b1z = signs1.z > 0;
if( b1x == b1y && b1x == b1z )
// point inside
isEar = false;
idVec3 p2;
p2.ToVec2() = verts[ loop.vindex2[j] ];
p2.z = 1.0f;
idVec3 signs2 = p2 * edgeEquations2;
bool b2x = signs2.x > 0;
bool b2y = signs2.y > 0;
bool b2z = signs2.z > 0;
if( b2x == b2y && b2x == b2z )
// point inside
isEar = false;
if( isEar )
return i1;
return -1;
void idSWFShapeParser::AddUniqueVert( idSWFShapeDrawFill& drawFill, const idVec2& start, const idVec2& end )
if( morph )
for( int i = 0; i < drawFill.startVerts.Num(); i++ )
if( drawFill.startVerts[i] == start && drawFill.endVerts[i] == end )
drawFill.indices.Append( i );
int index1 = drawFill.startVerts.Append( start );
int index2 = drawFill.endVerts.Append( end );
assert( index1 == index2 );
drawFill.indices.Append( index1 );
drawFill.indices.Append( drawFill.startVerts.AddUnique( start ) );
void idSWFShapeParser::ReadFillStyle( idSWFBitStream& bitstream )
uint16 fillStyleCount = bitstream.ReadU8();
if( extendedCount && fillStyleCount == 0xFF )
fillStyleCount = bitstream.ReadU16();
for( int i = 0; i < fillStyleCount; i++ )
uint8 fillStyleType = bitstream.ReadU8();
swfFillStyle_t& fillStyle = fillDraws.Alloc().style;
fillStyle.type = fillStyleType >> 4;
fillStyle.subType = fillStyleType & 0xF;
if( fillStyle.type == 0 )
if( morph )
bitstream.ReadColorRGBA( fillStyle.startColor );
bitstream.ReadColorRGBA( fillStyle.endColor );
if( rgba )
bitstream.ReadColorRGBA( fillStyle.startColor );
bitstream.ReadColorRGB( fillStyle.startColor );
fillStyle.endColor = fillStyle.startColor;
else if( fillStyle.type == 1 )
bitstream.ReadMatrix( fillStyle.startMatrix );
if( morph )
bitstream.ReadMatrix( fillStyle.endMatrix );
bitstream.ReadMorphGradient( fillStyle.gradient );
fillStyle.endMatrix = fillStyle.startMatrix;
bitstream.ReadGradient( fillStyle.gradient, rgba );
if( fillStyle.subType == 3 )
assert( morph == false ); // focal gradients aren't allowed in morph shapes
fillStyle.focalPoint = bitstream.ReadFixed8();
else if( fillStyle.type == 4 )
fillStyle.bitmapID = bitstream.ReadU16();
bitstream.ReadMatrix( fillStyle.startMatrix );
if( morph )
bitstream.ReadMatrix( fillStyle.endMatrix );
fillStyle.endMatrix = fillStyle.startMatrix;
uint16 lineStyleCount = bitstream.ReadU8();
if( extendedCount && lineStyleCount == 0xFF )
lineStyleCount = bitstream.ReadU16();
lineDraws.SetNum( lineDraws.Num() + lineStyleCount );
lineDraws.SetNum( 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < lineStyleCount; i++ )
swfLineStyle_t& lineStyle = lineDraws.Alloc().style;
lineStyle.startWidth = bitstream.ReadU16();
if( lineStyle2 )
lineStyle.endWidth = lineStyle.startWidth;
uint8 startCapStyle = bitstream.ReadU( 2 );
uint8 joinStyle = bitstream.ReadU( 2 );
bool hasFillFlag = bitstream.ReadBool();
bool noHScaleFlag = bitstream.ReadBool();
bool noVScaleFlag = bitstream.ReadBool();
bool pixelHintingFlag = bitstream.ReadBool();
uint8 reserved = bitstream.ReadU( 5 );
bool noClose = bitstream.ReadBool();
uint8 endCapStyle = bitstream.ReadU( 2 );
if( joinStyle == 2 )
uint16 miterLimitFactor = bitstream.ReadU16();
if( hasFillFlag )
// FIXME: read fill style
idLib::Warning( "idSWFShapeParser: Ignoring hasFillFlag" );
bitstream.ReadColorRGBA( lineStyle.startColor );
lineStyle.endColor = lineStyle.startColor;
if( morph )
lineStyle.endWidth = bitstream.ReadU16();
lineStyle.endWidth = lineStyle.startWidth;
if( rgba )
bitstream.ReadColorRGBA( lineStyle.startColor );
bitstream.ReadColorRGB( lineStyle.startColor );
if( morph )
bitstream.ReadColorRGBA( lineStyle.endColor );
lineStyle.endColor = lineStyle.startColor;