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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __SND_LOCAL_H__
#define __SND_LOCAL_H__
#include "WaveFile.h"
// Maximum number of voices we can have allocated
// A single voice can play multiple channels (up to 5.1, but most commonly stereo)
// This is the maximum number of channels which can play simultaneously
// This is limited primarily by seeking on the optical drive, secondarily by memory consumption, and tertiarily by CPU time spent mixing
// We may need up to 3 buffers for each hardware voice if they are all long sounds
// Maximum number of channels in a sound sample
ID_INLINE_EXTERN uint32 MsecToSamples( uint32 msec, uint32 sampleRate )
return ( msec * ( sampleRate / 100 ) ) / 10;
ID_INLINE_EXTERN uint32 SamplesToMsec( uint32 samples, uint32 sampleRate )
return sampleRate < 100 ? 0 : ( samples * 10 ) / ( sampleRate / 100 );
ID_INLINE_EXTERN float DBtoLinear( float db )
return idMath::Pow( 2.0f, db * ( 1.0f / 6.0f ) );
ID_INLINE_EXTERN float LinearToDB( float linear )
return ( linear > 0.0f ) ? ( idMath::Log( linear ) * ( 6.0f / 0.693147181f ) ) : -999.0f;
// demo sound commands
typedef enum
SCMD_STATE, // followed by a load game state
} soundDemoCommand_t;
#include "SoundVoice.h"
#if defined(USE_OPENAL)
#include <AL/al.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <AL/alext.h>
#include "OpenAL/AL_SoundSample.h"
#include "OpenAL/AL_SoundVoice.h"
#include "OpenAL/AL_SoundHardware.h"
ID_INLINE_EXTERN ALenum CheckALErrors_( const char* filename, int line )
ALenum err = alGetError();
if( err != AL_NO_ERROR )
idLib::Printf( "OpenAL Error: %s (0x%x), @ %s %d\n", alGetString( err ), err, filename, line );
return err;
#define CheckALErrors() CheckALErrors_(__FILE__, __LINE__)
ID_INLINE_EXTERN ALCenum CheckALCErrors_( ALCdevice* device, const char* filename, int linenum )
ALCenum err = alcGetError( device );
if( err != ALC_NO_ERROR )
idLib::Printf( "ALC Error: %s (0x%x), @ %s %d\n", alcGetString( device, err ), err, filename, linenum );
return err;
#define CheckALCErrors(x) CheckALCErrors_((x), __FILE__, __LINE__)
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) // DG: stub out xaudio for MinGW etc
// RB: not available on Windows 8 SDK
#if !defined(USE_WINRT) // (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0602 /*_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8*/)
#include <dxsdkver.h>
// RB end
#include <xaudio2.h>
#include <xaudio2fx.h>
#include <X3DAudio.h>
// RB: not available on Windows 8 SDK
#if !defined(USE_WINRT) // (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0602 /*_WIN32_WINNT_WIN8*/)
#include <xma2defs.h>
// RB end
#include "XAudio2/XA2_SoundSample.h"
#include "XAudio2/XA2_SoundVoice.h"
#include "XAudio2/XA2_SoundHardware.h"
#else // not _MSC_VER => MinGW, GCC, ...
// just a stub for now
#include "stub/SoundStub.h"
#endif // _MSC_VER ; DG end
// Listener data
struct listener_t
idMat3 axis; // orientation of the listener
idVec3 pos; // position in meters
int id; // the entity number, used to detect when a sound is local
int area; // area number the listener is in
class idSoundFade
int fadeStartTime;
int fadeEndTime;
float fadeStartVolume;
float fadeEndVolume;
void Clear();
void SetVolume( float to );
void Fade( float to, int length, int soundTime );
float GetVolume( int soundTime ) const;
class idSoundChannel
bool CanMute() const;
void Mute();
bool CheckForCompletion( int currentTime );
void UpdateVolume( int currentTime );
void UpdateHardware( float volumeAdd, int currentTime );
// returns true if this channel is marked as looping
bool IsLooping() const;
class idSoundEmitterLocal* emitter;
int startTime;
int endTime;
int logicalChannel;
bool allowSlow;
soundShaderParms_t parms; // combines shader parms and per-channel overrides
const idSoundShader* soundShader;
idSoundSample* leadinSample;
idSoundSample* loopingSample;
idSoundFade volumeFade;
float volumeDB; // last volume at which this channel will play (calculated in UpdateVolume)
float currentAmplitude; // current amplitude on the hardware voice
// hardwareVoice will be freed and NULL'd when a sound is out of range,
// and reallocated when it comes back in range
idSoundVoice* hardwareVoice;
// only allocated by the soundWorld block allocator
// Maximum number of SoundChannels for a single SoundEmitter.
// This is probably excessive...
class idSoundWorldLocal : public idSoundWorld
virtual ~idSoundWorldLocal();
// Functions from idSoundWorld, implemented in SoundWorld.cpp
// Called at map start
virtual void ClearAllSoundEmitters();
// stop all playing sounds
virtual void StopAllSounds();
// get a new emitter that can play sounds in this world
virtual idSoundEmitter* AllocSoundEmitter();
// for load games
virtual idSoundEmitter* EmitterForIndex( int index );
// query data from all emitters in the world
virtual float CurrentShakeAmplitude();
// where is the camera
virtual void PlaceListener( const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, const int listenerId );
// fade all sounds in the world with a given shader soundClass
// to is in Db, over is in seconds
virtual void FadeSoundClasses( const int soundClass, const float to, const float over );
// dumps the current state and begins archiving commands
virtual void StartWritingDemo( idDemoFile* demo );
virtual void StopWritingDemo();
// read a sound command from a demo file
virtual void ProcessDemoCommand( idDemoFile* readDemo );
// menu sounds
virtual int PlayShaderDirectly( const char* name, int channel = -1 );
virtual void Skip( int time );
virtual void Pause();
virtual void UnPause();
virtual bool IsPaused()
return isPaused;
virtual int GetSoundTime();
// avidump
virtual void AVIOpen( const char* path, const char* name );
virtual void AVIClose();
// SaveGame Support
virtual void WriteToSaveGame( idFile* savefile );
virtual void ReadFromSaveGame( idFile* savefile );
virtual void SetSlowmoSpeed( float speed );
virtual void SetEnviroSuit( bool active );
// Random stuff that's not exposed outside the sound system
void Update();
void OnReloadSound( const idDecl* decl );
idSoundChannel* AllocSoundChannel();
void FreeSoundChannel( idSoundChannel* );
// even though all these variables are public, nobody outside the sound system includes SoundWorld_local.h
// so this is equivalent to making it private and friending all the other classes in the sound system
idSoundFade volumeFade; // master volume knob for the entire world
idSoundFade soundClassFade[SOUND_MAX_CLASSES];
idRenderWorld* renderWorld; // for debug visualization and light amplitude sampling
idDemoFile* writeDemo; // if not NULL, archive commands here
float currentCushionDB; // channels at or below this level will be faded to 0
float shakeAmp; // last calculated shake amplitude
listener_t listener;
idList<idSoundEmitterLocal*, TAG_AUDIO> emitters;
idSoundEmitter* localSound; // for PlayShaderDirectly()
idBlockAlloc<idSoundEmitterLocal, 16> emitterAllocator;
idBlockAlloc<idSoundChannel, 16> channelAllocator;
idSoundFade pauseFade;
int pausedTime;
int accumulatedPauseTime;
bool isPaused;
float slowmoSpeed;
bool enviroSuitActive;
struct soundPortalTrace_t
int portalArea;
const soundPortalTrace_t* prevStack;
void ResolveOrigin( const int stackDepth, const soundPortalTrace_t* prevStack, const int soundArea, const float dist, const idVec3& soundOrigin, idSoundEmitterLocal* def );
class idSoundEmitterLocal : public idSoundEmitter
virtual void Free( bool immediate );
virtual void Reset();
virtual void UpdateEmitter( const idVec3& origin, int listenerId, const soundShaderParms_t* parms );
virtual int StartSound( const idSoundShader* shader, const s_channelType channel, float diversity = 0, int shaderFlags = 0, bool allowSlow = true );
virtual void ModifySound( const s_channelType channel, const soundShaderParms_t* parms );
virtual void StopSound( const s_channelType channel );
virtual void FadeSound( const s_channelType channel, float to, float over );
virtual bool CurrentlyPlaying( const s_channelType channel = SCHANNEL_ANY ) const;
virtual float CurrentAmplitude();
virtual int Index() const;
void Init( int i, idSoundWorldLocal* sw );
// Returns true if the emitter should be freed.
bool CheckForCompletion( int currentTime );
void OverrideParms( const soundShaderParms_t* base, const soundShaderParms_t* over, soundShaderParms_t* out );
void Update( int currentTime );
void OnReloadSound( const idDecl* decl );
idSoundWorldLocal* soundWorld; // the world that holds this emitter
int index; // in world emitter list
bool canFree; // if true, this emitter can be canFree (once channels.Num() == 0)
// a single soundEmitter can have many channels playing from the same point
idStaticList<idSoundChannel*, MAX_CHANNELS_PER_EMITTER> channels;
//----- set by UpdateEmitter -----
idVec3 origin;
soundShaderParms_t parms;
int emitterId; // sounds will be full volume when emitterId == listenerId
//----- set by Update -----
int lastValidPortalArea;
float directDistance;
float spatializedDistance;
idVec3 spatializedOrigin;
// sound emitters are only allocated by the soundWorld block allocator
virtual ~idSoundEmitterLocal();
class idSoundSystemLocal : public idSoundSystem
// all non-hardware initialization
virtual void Init();
// shutdown routine
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual idSoundWorld* AllocSoundWorld( idRenderWorld* rw );
virtual void FreeSoundWorld( idSoundWorld* sw );
// specifying NULL will cause silence to be played
virtual void SetPlayingSoundWorld( idSoundWorld* soundWorld );
// some tools, like the sound dialog, may be used in both the game and the editor
// This can return NULL, so check!
virtual idSoundWorld* GetPlayingSoundWorld();
// sends the current playing sound world information to the sound hardware
virtual void Render();
// Mutes the SSG_MUSIC group
virtual void MuteBackgroundMusic( bool mute )
musicMuted = mute;
// sets the final output volume to 0
// This should only be used when the app is deactivated
// Since otherwise there will be problems with different subsystems muting and unmuting at different times
virtual void SetMute( bool mute )
muted = mute;
virtual bool IsMuted()
return muted;
virtual void OnReloadSound( const idDecl* sound );
virtual void StopAllSounds();
virtual void InitStreamBuffers();
virtual void FreeStreamBuffers();
virtual void* GetIXAudio2() const; // FIXME: stupid name; get rid of this? not sure if it's really needed..
// RB begin
virtual void* GetOpenALDevice() const;
// RB end
// for the sound level meter window
virtual cinData_t ImageForTime( const int milliseconds, const bool waveform );
// Free all sounds loaded during the last map load
virtual void BeginLevelLoad();
// We might want to defer the loading of new sounds to this point
virtual void EndLevelLoad();
// prints memory info
virtual void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t* mi );
// Before a sound is reloaded, any active voices using it must
// be stopped. Returns true if any were playing, and should be
// restarted after the sound is reloaded.
void StopVoicesWithSample( const idSoundSample* const sample );
void Restart();
void SetNeedsRestart()
needsRestart = true;
int SoundTime() const;
// may return NULL if there are no more voices left
idSoundVoice* AllocateVoice( const idSoundSample* leadinSample, const idSoundSample* loopingSample );
void FreeVoice( idSoundVoice* );
idSoundSample* LoadSample( const char* name );
virtual void Preload( idPreloadManifest& preload );
struct bufferContext_t
bufferContext_t() :
voice( NULL ),
sample( NULL ),
bufferNumber( 0 )
{ }
#if defined(USE_OPENAL)
idSoundVoice_OpenAL* voice;
idSoundSample_OpenAL* sample;
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) // XAudio backend
// DG: because the inheritance is kinda strange (idSoundVoice is derived
// from idSoundVoice_XAudio2), casting the latter to the former isn't possible
// so we need this ugly #ifdef ..
idSoundVoice_XAudio2* voice;
idSoundSample_XAudio2* sample;
#else // not _MSC_VER
// from stub or something..
idSoundVoice* voice;
idSoundSample* sample;
#endif // _MSC_VER ; DG end
int bufferNumber;
// Get a stream buffer from the free pool, returns NULL if none are available
bufferContext_t* ObtainStreamBufferContext();
void ReleaseStreamBufferContext( bufferContext_t* p );
idSysMutex streamBufferMutex;
idStaticList< bufferContext_t*, MAX_SOUND_BUFFERS > freeStreamBufferContexts;
idStaticList< bufferContext_t*, MAX_SOUND_BUFFERS > activeStreamBufferContexts;
idStaticList< bufferContext_t, MAX_SOUND_BUFFERS > bufferContexts;
idSoundWorldLocal* currentSoundWorld;
idStaticList<idSoundWorldLocal*, 32> soundWorlds;
idList<idSoundSample*, TAG_AUDIO> samples;
idHashIndex sampleHash;
idSoundHardware hardware;
idRandom2 random;
int soundTime;
bool muted;
bool musicMuted;
bool needsRestart;
bool insideLevelLoad;
idSoundSystemLocal() :
currentSoundWorld( NULL ),
soundTime( 0 ),
muted( false ),
musicMuted( false ),
needsRestart( false )
extern idSoundSystemLocal soundSystemLocal;
#endif /* !__SND_LOCAL_H__ */