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synced 2025-03-09 10:52:26 +00:00
- Implemented soft shadows using PCF hardware shadow mapping The implementation uses sampler2DArrayShadow and PCF which usually requires Direct3D 10.1 however it is in the OpenGL 3.2 core so it should be widely supported. All 3 light types are supported which means parallel lights (sun) use scene independent cascaded shadow mapping. The implementation is very fast with single taps (400 fps average per scene on a GTX 660 ti OC) however I defaulted it to 16 taps so the shadows look really good which should you give stable 100 fps on todays hardware. The shadow filtering algorithm is based on Carmack's research which was released in the original Doom 3 GPL release draw_exp.cpp. - Changed interaction shaders to use Half-Lambert lighting like in HL2 to make the game less dark - Fixed some of the renderer debugging/development tools like r_showTris
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374 lines
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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __RENDERER_H__
#define __RENDERER_H__
idRenderSystem is responsible for managing the screen, which can have
multiple idRenderWorld and 2D drawing done on it.
enum stereo3DMode_t
// half-resolution, non-square pixel views
// two full resolution views side by side, as for a dual cable display
// OpenGL quad buffer
// two full resolution views stacked with a 30 pixel guard band
// On the PC this can be configured as a custom video timing, but
// it definitely isn't a consumer level task. The quad_buffer
// support can handle 720P-3D with apropriate driver support.
typedef enum
} autoRenderIconType_t ;
enum stereoDepthType_t
enum graphicsVendor_t
// RB: similar to Q3A - allow separate codepaths between OpenGL 3.x, OpenGL ES versions
enum graphicsDriverType_t
GLDRV_OPENGL3X, // best for development with legacy OpenGL tools
GLDRV_OPENGL32_CORE_PROFILE, // best for shipping to PC
GLDRV_OPENGL_MESA, // fear this, it is probably the best to disable GPU skinning and run shaders in GLSL ES 1.0
// RB end
// Contains variables specific to the OpenGL configuration being run right now.
// These are constant once the OpenGL subsystem is initialized.
struct glconfig_t
const char* renderer_string;
const char* vendor_string;
const char* version_string;
const char* extensions_string;
const char* wgl_extensions_string;
const char* shading_language_string;
float glVersion; // atof( version_string )
graphicsVendor_t vendor;
// RB begin
graphicsDriverType_t driverType;
// RB end
int maxTextureSize; // queried from GL
int maxTextureCoords;
int maxTextureImageUnits;
int uniformBufferOffsetAlignment;
float maxTextureAnisotropy;
int colorBits;
int depthBits;
int stencilBits;
bool multitextureAvailable;
bool directStateAccess;
bool textureCompressionAvailable;
bool anisotropicFilterAvailable;
bool textureLODBiasAvailable;
bool seamlessCubeMapAvailable;
bool sRGBFramebufferAvailable;
bool vertexBufferObjectAvailable;
bool mapBufferRangeAvailable;
bool vertexArrayObjectAvailable;
bool drawElementsBaseVertexAvailable;
bool fragmentProgramAvailable;
bool glslAvailable;
bool uniformBufferAvailable;
bool twoSidedStencilAvailable;
bool depthBoundsTestAvailable;
bool syncAvailable;
bool timerQueryAvailable;
bool occlusionQueryAvailable;
bool debugOutputAvailable;
bool swapControlTearAvailable;
// RB begin
bool gremedyStringMarkerAvailable;
bool vertexHalfFloatAvailable;
bool framebufferObjectAvailable;
int maxRenderbufferSize;
int maxColorAttachments;
// bool framebufferPackedDepthStencilAvailable;
bool framebufferBlitAvailable;
// only true with uniform buffer support and an OpenGL driver that supports GLSL >= 1.50
bool gpuSkinningAvailable;
// RB end
stereo3DMode_t stereo3Dmode;
int nativeScreenWidth; // this is the native screen width resolution of the renderer
int nativeScreenHeight; // this is the native screen height resolution of the renderer
int displayFrequency;
int isFullscreen; // monitor number
bool isStereoPixelFormat;
bool stereoPixelFormatAvailable;
int multisamples;
// Screen separation for stereoscopic rendering is set based on this.
// PC vid code sets this, converting from diagonals / inches / whatever as needed.
// If the value can't be determined, set something reasonable, like 50cm.
float physicalScreenWidthInCentimeters;
float pixelAspect;
// RB begin
#if !defined(__ANDROID__)
GLuint global_vao;
// RB end
struct emptyCommand_t;
bool R_IsInitialized();
const int SMALLCHAR_WIDTH = 8;
const int SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT = 16;
const int BIGCHAR_WIDTH = 16;
const int BIGCHAR_HEIGHT = 16;
// all drawing is done to a 640 x 480 virtual screen size
// and will be automatically scaled to the real resolution
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;
extern idCVar r_useVirtualScreenResolution;
class idRenderWorld;
class idRenderSystem
virtual ~idRenderSystem() {}
// set up cvars and basic data structures, but don't
// init OpenGL, so it can also be used for dedicated servers
virtual void Init() = 0;
// only called before quitting
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual void ResetGuiModels() = 0;
virtual void InitOpenGL() = 0;
virtual void ShutdownOpenGL() = 0;
virtual bool IsOpenGLRunning() const = 0;
virtual bool IsFullScreen() const = 0;
virtual int GetWidth() const = 0;
virtual int GetHeight() const = 0;
virtual int GetVirtualWidth() const = 0;
virtual int GetVirtualHeight() const = 0;
// return w/h of a single pixel. This will be 1.0 for normal cases.
// A side-by-side stereo 3D frame will have a pixel aspect of 0.5.
// A top-and-bottom stereo 3D frame will have a pixel aspect of 2.0
virtual float GetPixelAspect() const = 0;
// This is used to calculate stereoscopic screen offset for a given interocular distance.
virtual float GetPhysicalScreenWidthInCentimeters() const = 0;
// GetWidth() / GetHeight() return the size of a single eye
// view, which may be replicated twice in a stereo display
virtual stereo3DMode_t GetStereo3DMode() const = 0;
virtual bool IsStereoScopicRenderingSupported() const = 0;
virtual stereo3DMode_t GetStereoScopicRenderingMode() const = 0;
virtual void EnableStereoScopicRendering( const stereo3DMode_t mode ) const = 0;
virtual bool HasQuadBufferSupport() const = 0;
// allocate a renderWorld to be used for drawing
virtual idRenderWorld* AllocRenderWorld() = 0;
virtual void FreeRenderWorld( idRenderWorld* rw ) = 0;
// All data that will be used in a level should be
// registered before rendering any frames to prevent disk hits,
// but they can still be registered at a later time
// if necessary.
virtual void BeginLevelLoad() = 0;
virtual void EndLevelLoad() = 0;
virtual void Preload( const idPreloadManifest& manifest, const char* mapName ) = 0;
virtual void LoadLevelImages() = 0;
virtual void BeginAutomaticBackgroundSwaps( autoRenderIconType_t icon = AUTORENDER_DEFAULTICON ) = 0;
virtual void EndAutomaticBackgroundSwaps() = 0;
virtual bool AreAutomaticBackgroundSwapsRunning( autoRenderIconType_t* icon = NULL ) const = 0;
// font support
virtual class idFont* RegisterFont( const char* fontName ) = 0;
virtual void ResetFonts() = 0;
virtual void SetColor( const idVec4& rgba ) = 0;
virtual void SetColor4( float r, float g, float b, float a )
SetColor( idVec4( r, g, b, a ) );
virtual uint32 GetColor() = 0;
virtual void SetGLState( const uint64 glState ) = 0;
virtual void DrawFilled( const idVec4& color, float x, float y, float w, float h ) = 0;
virtual void DrawStretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, const idMaterial* material ) = 0;
void DrawStretchPic( const idVec4& rect, const idVec4& st, const idMaterial* material )
DrawStretchPic( rect.x, rect.y, rect.z, rect.w, st.x, st.y, st.z, st.w, material );
virtual void DrawStretchPic( const idVec4& topLeft, const idVec4& topRight, const idVec4& bottomRight, const idVec4& bottomLeft, const idMaterial* material ) = 0;
virtual void DrawStretchTri( const idVec2& p1, const idVec2& p2, const idVec2& p3, const idVec2& t1, const idVec2& t2, const idVec2& t3, const idMaterial* material ) = 0;
virtual idDrawVert* AllocTris( int numVerts, const triIndex_t* indexes, int numIndexes, const idMaterial* material, const stereoDepthType_t stereoType = STEREO_DEPTH_TYPE_NONE ) = 0;
virtual void PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t* mi ) = 0;
virtual void DrawSmallChar( int x, int y, int ch ) = 0;
virtual void DrawSmallStringExt( int x, int y, const char* string, const idVec4& setColor, bool forceColor ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBigChar( int x, int y, int ch ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBigStringExt( int x, int y, const char* string, const idVec4& setColor, bool forceColor ) = 0;
// dump all 2D drawing so far this frame to the demo file
virtual void WriteDemoPics() = 0;
// draw the 2D pics that were saved out with the current demo frame
virtual void DrawDemoPics() = 0;
// Performs final closeout of any gui models being defined.
// Waits for the previous GPU rendering to complete and vsync.
// Returns the head of the linked command list that was just closed off.
// Returns timing information from the previous frame.
// After this is called, new command buffers can be built up in parallel
// with the rendering of the closed off command buffers by RenderCommandBuffers()
virtual const emptyCommand_t* SwapCommandBuffers( uint64* frontEndMicroSec, uint64* backEndMicroSec, uint64* shadowMicroSec, uint64* gpuMicroSec ) = 0;
// SwapCommandBuffers operation can be split in two parts for non-smp rendering
// where the GPU is idled intentionally for minimal latency.
virtual void SwapCommandBuffers_FinishRendering( uint64* frontEndMicroSec, uint64* backEndMicroSec, uint64* shadowMicroSec, uint64* gpuMicroSec ) = 0;
virtual const emptyCommand_t* SwapCommandBuffers_FinishCommandBuffers() = 0;
// issues GPU commands to render a built up list of command buffers returned
// by SwapCommandBuffers(). No references should be made to the current frameData,
// so new scenes and GUIs can be built up in parallel with the rendering.
virtual void RenderCommandBuffers( const emptyCommand_t* commandBuffers ) = 0;
// aviDemo uses this.
// Will automatically tile render large screen shots if necessary
// Samples is the number of jittered frames for anti-aliasing
// If ref == NULL, common->UpdateScreen will be used
// This will perform swapbuffers, so it is NOT an approppriate way to
// generate image files that happen during gameplay, as for savegame
// markers. Use WriteRender() instead.
virtual void TakeScreenshot( int width, int height, const char* fileName, int samples, struct renderView_s* ref ) = 0;
// the render output can be cropped down to a subset of the real screen, as
// for save-game reviews and split-screen multiplayer. Users of the renderer
// will not know the actual pixel size of the area they are rendering to
// the x,y,width,height values are in virtual SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT coordinates
// to render to a texture, first set the crop size with makePowerOfTwo = true,
// then perform all desired rendering, then capture to an image
// if the specified physical dimensions are larger than the current cropped region, they will be cut down to fit
virtual void CropRenderSize( int width, int height ) = 0;
virtual void CaptureRenderToImage( const char* imageName, bool clearColorAfterCopy = false ) = 0;
// fixAlpha will set all the alpha channel values to 0xff, which allows screen captures
// to use the default tga loading code without having dimmed down areas in many places
virtual void CaptureRenderToFile( const char* fileName, bool fixAlpha = false ) = 0;
virtual void UnCrop() = 0;
// the image has to be already loaded ( most straightforward way would be through a FindMaterial )
// texture filter / mipmapping / repeat won't be modified by the upload
// returns false if the image wasn't found
virtual bool UploadImage( const char* imageName, const byte* data, int width, int height ) = 0;
// consoles switch stereo 3D eye views each 60 hz frame
virtual int GetFrameCount() const = 0;
extern idRenderSystem* renderSystem;
// functions mainly intended for editor and dmap integration
// for use by dmap to do the carving-on-light-boundaries and for the editor for display
void R_LightProjectionMatrix( const idVec3& origin, const idPlane& rearPlane, idVec4 mat[4] );
// used by the view shot taker
void R_ScreenshotFilename( int& lastNumber, const char* base, idStr& fileName );
#endif /* !__RENDERER_H__ */