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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2013 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __DRAWVERT_H__
#define __DRAWVERT_H__
// The hardware converts a byte to a float by division with 255 and in the
// vertex programs we convert the floating-point value in the range [0, 1]
// to the range [-1, 1] by multiplying with 2 and subtracting 1.
#define VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( x ) ( (x) * ( 2.0f / 255.0f ) - 1.0f )
#define VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_BYTE( x ) idMath::Ftob( ( (x) + 1.0f ) * ( 255.0f / 2.0f ) + 0.5f )
// The hardware converts a byte to a float by division with 255 and in the
// fragment programs we convert the floating-point value in the range [0, 1]
// to the range [-1, 1] by multiplying with 2 and subtracting 1.
// This is the conventional OpenGL mapping which specifies an exact
// representation for -1 and +1 but not 0. The DirectX 10 mapping is
// in the comments which specifies a non-linear mapping with an exact
// representation of -1, 0 and +1 but -1 is represented twice.
#define NORMALMAP_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( x ) VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( x ) //( (x) - 128.0f ) * ( 1.0f / 127.0f )
#define NORMALMAP_FLOAT_TO_BYTE( x ) VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_BYTE( x ) //idMath::Ftob( 128.0f + 127.0f * (x) + 0.5f )
typedef unsigned short halfFloat_t;
// GPU half-float bit patterns
#define HF_MANTISSA(x) (x&1023)
#define HF_EXP(x) ((x&32767)>>10)
#define HF_SIGN(x) ((x&32768)?-1:1)
ID_INLINE float F16toF32( halfFloat_t x )
int e = HF_EXP( x );
int m = HF_MANTISSA( x );
int s = HF_SIGN( x );
if( 0 < e && e < 31 )
return s * powf( 2.0f, ( e - 15.0f ) ) * ( 1 + m / 1024.0f );
else if( m == 0 )
return s * 0.0f;
return s * powf( 2.0f, -14.0f ) * ( m / 1024.0f );
ID_INLINE halfFloat_t F32toF16( float a )
unsigned int f = *( unsigned* )( &a );
unsigned int signbit = ( f & 0x80000000 ) >> 16;
int exponent = ( ( f & 0x7F800000 ) >> 23 ) - 112;
unsigned int mantissa = ( f & 0x007FFFFF );
if( exponent <= 0 )
return 0;
if( exponent > 30 )
return ( halfFloat_t )( signbit | 0x7BFF );
return ( halfFloat_t )( signbit | ( exponent << 10 ) | ( mantissa >> 13 ) );
Draw Vertex.
class idDrawVert
friend class idSwap;
friend class idShadowVertSkinned;
friend class idRenderModelStatic;
friend void TransformVertsAndTangents( idDrawVert* targetVerts, const int numVerts, const idDrawVert* baseVerts, const idJointMat* joints );
idVec3 xyz; // 12 bytes
// RB: don't let the old tools code mess with these values
halfFloat_t st[2]; // 4 bytes
byte normal[4]; // 4 bytes
byte tangent[4]; // 4 bytes -- [3] is texture polarity sign
byte color[4]; // 4 bytes
byte color2[4]; // 4 bytes -- weights for skinning
float operator[]( const int index ) const;
float& operator[]( const int index );
void Clear();
const idVec3 GetNormal() const;
const idVec3 GetNormalRaw() const; // not re-normalized for renderbump
// must be normalized already!
void SetNormal( float x, float y, float z );
void SetNormal( const idVec3& n );
const idVec3 GetTangent() const;
const idVec3 GetTangentRaw() const; // not re-normalized for renderbump
// must be normalized already!
void SetTangent( float x, float y, float z );
void SetTangent( const idVec3& t );
// derived from normal, tangent, and tangent flag
const idVec3 GetBiTangent() const;
const idVec3 GetBiTangentRaw() const; // not re-normalized for renderbump
void SetBiTangent( float x, float y, float z );
ID_INLINE void SetBiTangent( const idVec3& t );
float GetBiTangentSign() const;
byte GetBiTangentSignBit() const;
void SetTexCoordNative( const halfFloat_t s, const halfFloat_t t );
void SetTexCoord( const idVec2& st );
void SetTexCoord( float s, float t );
void SetTexCoordS( float s );
void SetTexCoordT( float t );
const idVec2 GetTexCoord() const;
const halfFloat_t GetTexCoordNativeS() const;
const halfFloat_t GetTexCoordNativeT() const;
// either 1.0f or -1.0f
ID_INLINE void SetBiTangentSign( float sign );
ID_INLINE void SetBiTangentSignBit( byte bit );
void Lerp( const idDrawVert& a, const idDrawVert& b, const float f );
void LerpAll( const idDrawVert& a, const idDrawVert& b, const float f );
void SetColor( dword color );
void SetNativeOrderColor( dword color );
dword GetColor() const;
void SetColor2( dword color );
void SetNativeOrderColor2( dword color );
void ClearColor2();
dword GetColor2() const;
static idDrawVert GetSkinnedDrawVert( const idDrawVert& vert, const idJointMat* joints );
static idVec3 GetSkinnedDrawVertPosition( const idDrawVert& vert, const idJointMat* joints );
#define DRAWVERT_SIZE 32
#define DRAWVERT_ST_OFFSET (3*4)
// RB begin
assert_sizeof( idDrawVert, DRAWVERT_SIZE );
#if 0
assert_offsetof( idDrawVert, xyz, DRAWVERT_XYZ_OFFSET );
assert_offsetof( idDrawVert, normal, DRAWVERT_NORMAL_OFFSET );
assert_offsetof( idDrawVert, tangent, DRAWVERT_TANGENT_OFFSET );
// RB end
Assumes input is in the range [-1, 1]
ID_INLINE void VertexFloatToByte( const float& x, const float& y, const float& z, byte* bval )
assert_4_byte_aligned( bval ); // for __stvebx
#if defined(USE_INTRINSICS)
const __m128 vector_float_one = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
const __m128 vector_float_half = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
const __m128 vector_float_255_over_2 = { 255.0f / 2.0f, 255.0f / 2.0f, 255.0f / 2.0f, 255.0f / 2.0f };
const __m128 xyz = _mm_unpacklo_ps( _mm_unpacklo_ps( _mm_load_ss( &x ), _mm_load_ss( &z ) ), _mm_load_ss( &y ) );
const __m128 xyzScaled = _mm_madd_ps( _mm_add_ps( xyz, vector_float_one ), vector_float_255_over_2, vector_float_half );
const __m128i xyzInt = _mm_cvtps_epi32( xyzScaled );
const __m128i xyzShort = _mm_packs_epi32( xyzInt, xyzInt );
const __m128i xyzChar = _mm_packus_epi16( xyzShort, xyzShort );
const __m128i xyz16 = _mm_unpacklo_epi8( xyzChar, _mm_setzero_si128() );
bval[0] = ( byte )_mm_extract_epi16( xyz16, 0 ); // cannot use _mm_extract_epi8 because it is an SSE4 instruction
bval[1] = ( byte )_mm_extract_epi16( xyz16, 1 );
bval[2] = ( byte )_mm_extract_epi16( xyz16, 2 );
bval[0] = VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_BYTE( x );
bval[1] = VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_BYTE( y );
bval[2] = VERTEX_FLOAT_TO_BYTE( z );
ID_INLINE float idDrawVert::operator[]( const int index ) const
assert( index >= 0 && index < 5 );
return ( ( float* )( &xyz ) )[index];
ID_INLINE float& idDrawVert::operator[]( const int index )
assert( index >= 0 && index < 5 );
return ( ( float* )( &xyz ) )[index];
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::Clear()
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( &this->xyz.x ) = 0;
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( &this->xyz.y ) = 0;
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( &this->xyz.z ) = 0;
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->st ) = 0;
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->normal ) = 0x00FF8080; // x=0, y=0, z=1
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->tangent ) = 0xFF8080FF; // x=1, y=0, z=0
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color ) = 0;
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color2 ) = 0;
ID_INLINE const idVec3 idDrawVert::GetNormal() const
idVec3 n( VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( normal[0] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( normal[1] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( normal[2] ) );
n.Normalize(); // after the normal has been compressed & uncompressed, it may not be normalized anymore
return n;
ID_INLINE const idVec3 idDrawVert::GetNormalRaw() const
idVec3 n( VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( normal[0] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( normal[1] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( normal[2] ) );
// don't re-normalize just like we do in the vertex programs
return n;
must be normalized already!
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetNormal( const idVec3& n )
VertexFloatToByte( n.x, n.y, n.z, normal );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetNormal( float x, float y, float z )
VertexFloatToByte( x, y, z, normal );
ID_INLINE const idVec3 idDrawVert::GetTangent() const
idVec3 t( VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( tangent[0] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( tangent[1] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( tangent[2] ) );
return t;
ID_INLINE const idVec3 idDrawVert::GetTangentRaw() const
idVec3 t( VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( tangent[0] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( tangent[1] ),
VERTEX_BYTE_TO_FLOAT( tangent[2] ) );
// don't re-normalize just like we do in the vertex programs
return t;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTangent( float x, float y, float z )
VertexFloatToByte( x, y, z, tangent );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTangent( const idVec3& t )
VertexFloatToByte( t.x, t.y, t.z, tangent );
ID_INLINE const idVec3 idDrawVert::GetBiTangent() const
// derive from the normal, tangent, and bitangent direction flag
idVec3 bitangent;
bitangent.Cross( GetNormal(), GetTangent() );
bitangent *= GetBiTangentSign();
return bitangent;
ID_INLINE const idVec3 idDrawVert::GetBiTangentRaw() const
// derive from the normal, tangent, and bitangent direction flag
// don't re-normalize just like we do in the vertex programs
idVec3 bitangent;
bitangent.Cross( GetNormalRaw(), GetTangentRaw() );
bitangent *= GetBiTangentSign();
return bitangent;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetBiTangent( float x, float y, float z )
SetBiTangent( idVec3( x, y, z ) );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetBiTangent( const idVec3& t )
idVec3 bitangent;
bitangent.Cross( GetNormal(), GetTangent() );
SetBiTangentSign( bitangent * t );
ID_INLINE float idDrawVert::GetBiTangentSign() const
return ( tangent[3] < 128 ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
ID_INLINE byte idDrawVert::GetBiTangentSignBit() const
return ( tangent[3] < 128 ) ? 1 : 0;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetBiTangentSign( float sign )
tangent[3] = ( sign < 0.0f ) ? 0 : 255;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetBiTangentSignBit( byte sign )
tangent[3] = sign ? 0 : 255;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::Lerp( const idDrawVert& a, const idDrawVert& b, const float f )
xyz = a.xyz + f * ( b.xyz - a.xyz );
SetTexCoord( ::Lerp( a.GetTexCoord(), b.GetTexCoord(), f ) );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::LerpAll( const idDrawVert& a, const idDrawVert& b, const float f )
xyz = ::Lerp( a.xyz, b.xyz, f );
SetTexCoord( ::Lerp( a.GetTexCoord(), b.GetTexCoord(), f ) );
idVec3 normal = ::Lerp( a.GetNormal(), b.GetNormal(), f );
idVec3 tangent = ::Lerp( a.GetTangent(), b.GetTangent(), f );
idVec3 bitangent = ::Lerp( a.GetBiTangent(), b.GetBiTangent(), f );
SetNormal( normal );
SetTangent( tangent );
SetBiTangent( bitangent );
color[0] = ( byte )( a.color[0] + f * ( b.color[0] - a.color[0] ) );
color[1] = ( byte )( a.color[1] + f * ( b.color[1] - a.color[1] ) );
color[2] = ( byte )( a.color[2] + f * ( b.color[2] - a.color[2] ) );
color[3] = ( byte )( a.color[3] + f * ( b.color[3] - a.color[3] ) );
color2[0] = ( byte )( a.color2[0] + f * ( b.color2[0] - a.color2[0] ) );
color2[1] = ( byte )( a.color2[1] + f * ( b.color2[1] - a.color2[1] ) );
color2[2] = ( byte )( a.color2[2] + f * ( b.color2[2] - a.color2[2] ) );
color2[3] = ( byte )( a.color2[3] + f * ( b.color2[3] - a.color2[3] ) );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetNativeOrderColor( dword color )
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color ) = color;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetColor( dword color )
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color ) = color;
ID_INLINE dword idDrawVert::GetColor() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const dword*>( this->color );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTexCoordNative( const halfFloat_t s, const halfFloat_t t )
st[0] = s;
st[1] = t;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTexCoord( const idVec2& st )
SetTexCoordS( st.x );
SetTexCoordT( st.y );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTexCoord( float s, float t )
SetTexCoordS( s );
SetTexCoordT( t );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTexCoordS( float s )
st[0] = F32toF16( s );
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetTexCoordT( float t )
st[1] = F32toF16( t );
ID_INLINE const idVec2 idDrawVert::GetTexCoord() const
return idVec2( F16toF32( st[0] ), F16toF32( st[1] ) );
ID_INLINE const halfFloat_t idDrawVert::GetTexCoordNativeS() const
return st[0];
ID_INLINE const halfFloat_t idDrawVert::GetTexCoordNativeT() const
return st[1];
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetNativeOrderColor2( dword color2 )
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color2 ) = color2;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::SetColor2( dword color2 )
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color2 ) = color2;
ID_INLINE void idDrawVert::ClearColor2()
*reinterpret_cast<dword*>( this->color2 ) = 0x80808080;
ID_INLINE dword idDrawVert::GetColor2() const
return *reinterpret_cast<const dword*>( this->color2 );
Use 16-byte in-order SIMD writes because the destVerts may live in write-combined memory
ID_INLINE void WriteDrawVerts16( idDrawVert* destVerts, const idDrawVert* localVerts, int numVerts )
assert_sizeof( idDrawVert, 32 );
assert_16_byte_aligned( destVerts );
assert_16_byte_aligned( localVerts );
#if defined(USE_INTRINSICS)
for( int i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ )
__m128i v0 = _mm_load_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ( byte* )( localVerts + i ) + 0 ) );
__m128i v1 = _mm_load_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ( byte* )( localVerts + i ) + 16 ) );
_mm_stream_si128( ( __m128i* )( ( byte* )( destVerts + i ) + 0 ), v0 );
_mm_stream_si128( ( __m128i* )( ( byte* )( destVerts + i ) + 16 ), v1 );
memcpy( destVerts, localVerts, numVerts * sizeof( idDrawVert ) );
ID_INLINE idDrawVert idDrawVert::GetSkinnedDrawVert( const idDrawVert& vert, const idJointMat* joints )
if( joints == NULL )
return vert;
const idJointMat& j0 = joints[vert.color[0]];
const idJointMat& j1 = joints[vert.color[1]];
const idJointMat& j2 = joints[vert.color[2]];
const idJointMat& j3 = joints[vert.color[3]];
const float w0 = vert.color2[0] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
const float w1 = vert.color2[1] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
const float w2 = vert.color2[2] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
const float w3 = vert.color2[3] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
idJointMat accum;
idJointMat::Mul( accum, j0, w0 );
idJointMat::Mad( accum, j1, w1 );
idJointMat::Mad( accum, j2, w2 );
idJointMat::Mad( accum, j3, w3 );
idDrawVert outVert;
outVert.xyz = accum * idVec4( vert.xyz.x, vert.xyz.y, vert.xyz.z, 1.0f );
outVert.SetTexCoordNative( vert.GetTexCoordNativeS(), vert.GetTexCoordNativeT() );
outVert.SetNormal( accum * vert.GetNormal() );
outVert.SetTangent( accum * vert.GetTangent() );
outVert.tangent[3] = vert.tangent[3];
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
outVert.color[i] = vert.color[i];
outVert.color2[i] = vert.color2[i];
return outVert;
ID_INLINE idVec3 idDrawVert::GetSkinnedDrawVertPosition( const idDrawVert& vert, const idJointMat* joints )
if( joints == NULL )
return vert.xyz;
const idJointMat& j0 = joints[vert.color[0]];
const idJointMat& j1 = joints[vert.color[1]];
const idJointMat& j2 = joints[vert.color[2]];
const idJointMat& j3 = joints[vert.color[3]];
const float w0 = vert.color2[0] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
const float w1 = vert.color2[1] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
const float w2 = vert.color2[2] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
const float w3 = vert.color2[3] * ( 1.0f / 255.0f );
idJointMat accum;
idJointMat::Mul( accum, j0, w0 );
idJointMat::Mad( accum, j1, w1 );
idJointMat::Mad( accum, j2, w2 );
idJointMat::Mad( accum, j3, w3 );
return accum * idVec4( vert.xyz.x, vert.xyz.y, vert.xyz.z, 1.0f );
Shadow Vertex
class idShadowVert
idVec4 xyzw;
void Clear();
static int CreateShadowCache( idShadowVert* vertexCache, const idDrawVert* verts, const int numVerts );
assert_offsetof( idShadowVert, xyzw, SHADOWVERT_XYZW_OFFSET );
ID_INLINE void idShadowVert::Clear()
Skinned Shadow Vertex
class idShadowVertSkinned
idVec4 xyzw;
byte color[4];
byte color2[4];
byte pad[8]; // pad to multiple of 32-byte for glDrawElementsBaseVertex
void Clear();
static int CreateShadowCache( idShadowVertSkinned* vertexCache, const idDrawVert* verts, const int numVerts );
assert_offsetof( idShadowVertSkinned, xyzw, SHADOWVERTSKINNED_XYZW_OFFSET );
assert_offsetof( idShadowVertSkinned, color, SHADOWVERTSKINNED_COLOR_OFFSET );
assert_offsetof( idShadowVertSkinned, color2, SHADOWVERTSKINNED_COLOR2_OFFSET );
ID_INLINE void idShadowVertSkinned::Clear()
#endif /* !__DRAWVERT_H__ */