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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __AASBUILD_LOCAL_H__
#define __AASBUILD_LOCAL_H__
#include "../../../aas/AASFile.h"
#include "../../../aas/AASFile_local.h"
#include "Brush.h"
#include "BrushBSP.h"
#include "AASReach.h"
#include "AASCluster.h"
// idAASBuild
typedef struct aasProcNode_s
idPlane plane;
int children[2]; // negative numbers are (-1 - areaNumber), 0 = solid
} aasProcNode_t;
class idLedge
idVec3 start;
idVec3 end;
idBrushBSPNode* node;
int numExpandedPlanes;
int numSplitPlanes;
int numPlanes;
idPlane planes[8];
idLedge( const idVec3& v1, const idVec3& v2, const idVec3& gravityDir, idBrushBSPNode* n );
void AddPoint( const idVec3& v );
void CreateBevels( const idVec3& gravityDir );
void Expand( const idBounds& bounds, float maxStepHeight );
idWinding* ChopWinding( const idWinding* winding ) const;
bool PointBetweenBounds( const idVec3& v ) const;
class idAASBuild
bool Build( const idStr& fileName, const idAASSettings* settings );
bool BuildReachability( const idStr& fileName, const idAASSettings* settings );
void Shutdown();
const idAASSettings* aasSettings;
idAASFileLocal* file;
aasProcNode_t* procNodes;
int numProcNodes;
int numGravitationalSubdivisions;
int numMergedLeafNodes;
int numLedgeSubdivisions;
idList<idLedge> ledgeList;
idBrushMap* ledgeMap;
private: // map loading
void ParseProcNodes( idLexer* src );
bool LoadProcBSP( const char* name, ID_TIME_T minFileTime );
void DeleteProcBSP();
bool ChoppedAwayByProcBSP( int nodeNum, idFixedWinding* w, const idVec3& normal, const idVec3& origin, const float radius );
void ClipBrushSidesWithProcBSP( idBrushList& brushList );
int ContentsForAAS( int contents );
idBrushList AddBrushesForMapBrush( const idMapBrush* mapBrush, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, int entityNum, int primitiveNum, idBrushList brushList );
idBrushList AddBrushesForMapPatch( const idMapPatch* mapPatch, const idVec3& origin, const idMat3& axis, int entityNum, int primitiveNum, idBrushList brushList );
idBrushList AddBrushesForMapEntity( const idMapEntity* mapEnt, int entityNum, idBrushList brushList );
idBrushList AddBrushesForMapFile( const idMapFile* mapFile, idBrushList brushList );
bool CheckForEntities( const idMapFile* mapFile, idStrList& entityClassNames ) const;
void ChangeMultipleBoundingBoxContents_r( idBrushBSPNode* node, int mask );
private: // gravitational subdivision
void SetPortalFlags_r( idBrushBSPNode* node );
bool PortalIsGap( idBrushBSPPortal* portal, int side );
void GravSubdivLeafNode( idBrushBSPNode* node );
void GravSubdiv_r( idBrushBSPNode* node );
void GravitationalSubdivision( idBrushBSP& bsp );
private: // ledge subdivision
void LedgeSubdivFlood_r( idBrushBSPNode* node, const idLedge* ledge );
void LedgeSubdivLeafNodes_r( idBrushBSPNode* node, const idLedge* ledge );
void LedgeSubdiv( idBrushBSPNode* root );
bool IsLedgeSide_r( idBrushBSPNode* node, idFixedWinding* w, const idPlane& plane, const idVec3& normal, const idVec3& origin, const float radius );
void AddLedge( const idVec3& v1, const idVec3& v2, idBrushBSPNode* node );
void FindLeafNodeLedges( idBrushBSPNode* root, idBrushBSPNode* node );
void FindLedges_r( idBrushBSPNode* root, idBrushBSPNode* node );
void LedgeSubdivision( idBrushBSP& bsp );
void WriteLedgeMap( const idStr& fileName, const idStr& ext );
private: // merging
bool AllGapsLeadToOtherNode( idBrushBSPNode* nodeWithGaps, idBrushBSPNode* otherNode );
bool MergeWithAdjacentLeafNodes( idBrushBSP& bsp, idBrushBSPNode* node );
void MergeLeafNodes_r( idBrushBSP& bsp, idBrushBSPNode* node );
void MergeLeafNodes( idBrushBSP& bsp );
private: // storing file
void SetupHash();
void ShutdownHash();
void ClearHash( const idBounds& bounds );
int HashVec( const idVec3& vec );
bool GetVertex( const idVec3& v, int* vertexNum );
bool GetEdge( const idVec3& v1, const idVec3& v2, int* edgeNum, int v1num );
bool GetFaceForPortal( idBrushBSPPortal* portal, int side, int* faceNum );
bool GetAreaForLeafNode( idBrushBSPNode* node, int* areaNum );
int StoreTree_r( idBrushBSPNode* node );
void GetSizeEstimate_r( idBrushBSPNode* parent, idBrushBSPNode* node, struct sizeEstimate_s& size );
void SetSizeEstimate( const idBrushBSP& bsp, idAASFileLocal* file );
bool StoreFile( const idBrushBSP& bsp );
#endif /* !__AASBUILD_LOCAL_H__ */