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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2022 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "TileMap.h"
#include "../libs/binpack2d/binpack2d.h"
This routine performs a tight packing of a list of rectangles, attempting to minimize the area
of the rectangle that encloses all of them. Algorithm order is N^2, so it is not apropriate
for lists with many thousands of elements.
Contrast with idBitBlockAllocator, which is used incrementally with either fixed size or
size-doubling target areas.
Typical uses:
packing glyphs into a font image
packing model surfaces into a skin atlas
packing images into swf atlases
If you want a minimum alignment, ensure that all the sizes are multiples of that alignment,
or scale the input sizes down by that alignment and scale the outputPositions back up.
float RectPackingFraction( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, const idVec2i totalSize )
int totalArea = totalSize.Area();
if( totalArea == 0 )
return 0;
int inputArea = 0;
for( int i = 0 ; i < inputSizes.Num() ; i++ )
inputArea += inputSizes[i].Area();
return ( float )inputArea / totalArea;
class idSortrects : public idSort_Quick< int, idSortrects >
int SizeMetric( idVec2i v ) const
// skinny rects will sort earlier than square ones, because
// they are more likely to grow the entire region
return v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y;
int Compare( const int& a, const int& b ) const
return SizeMetric( ( *inputSizes )[b] ) - SizeMetric( ( *inputSizes )[a] );
const idList<idVec2i>* inputSizes;
// RB: added START_MAX and imageMax
void RectAllocator( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, idList<idVec2i>& outputPositions, idVec2i& totalSize, const int START_MAX, const int imageMax )
outputPositions.SetNum( inputSizes.Num() );
if( inputSizes.Num() == 0 )
totalSize.Set( 0, 0 );
idList<int> sizeRemap;
sizeRemap.SetNum( inputSizes.Num() );
for( int i = 0; i < inputSizes.Num(); i++ )
sizeRemap[i] = i;
// Sort the rects from largest to smallest (it makes allocating them in the image better)
idSortrects sortrectsBySize;
sortrectsBySize.inputSizes = &inputSizes;
sizeRemap.SortWithTemplate( sortrectsBySize );
// the largest rect goes to the top-left corner
outputPositions[sizeRemap[0]].Set( 0, 0 );
totalSize = inputSizes[sizeRemap[0]];
// For each image try to fit it at a corner of one of the already fitted images while
// minimizing the total area.
// Somewhat better allocation could be had by checking all the combinations of x and y edges
// in the allocated rectangles, rather than just the corners of each rectangle, but it
// still does a pretty good job.
//static const int START_MAX = 1 << 14;
for( int i = 1; i < inputSizes.Num(); i++ )
idVec2i best( 0, 0 );
idVec2i bestMax( START_MAX, START_MAX );
idVec2i size = inputSizes[sizeRemap[i]];
for( int j = 0; j < i; j++ )
for( int k = 1; k < 4; k++ )
idVec2i test;
for( int n = 0 ; n < 2 ; n++ )
test[n] = outputPositions[sizeRemap[j]][n] + ( ( k >> n ) & 1 ) * inputSizes[sizeRemap[j]][n];
idVec2i newMax;
for( int n = 0 ; n < 2 ; n++ )
newMax[n] = Max( totalSize[n], test[n] + size[n] );
// widths must be multiples of 128 pixels / 32 DXT blocks to
// allow it to be used directly as a GPU texture without re-packing
// FIXME: make this a parameter
newMax[0] = ( newMax[0] + 31 ) & ~31;
// don't let an image get larger than 1024 DXT block, or PS3 crashes
// FIXME: pass maxSize in as a parameter
//if( newMax[0] > 1024 || newMax[1] > 1024 )
if( imageMax > 0 && ( newMax[0] > imageMax || newMax[1] > imageMax ) )
// if we have already found a spot that keeps the image smaller, don't bother checking here
// This calculation biases the rect towards more square shapes instead of
// allowing it to extend in one dimension for a long time.
int newSize = newMax.x * newMax.x + newMax.y * newMax.y;
int bestSize = bestMax.x * bestMax.x + bestMax.y * bestMax.y;
if( newSize > bestSize )
// if the image isn't required to grow, favor the location closest to the origin
if( newSize == bestSize && best.x + best.y < test.x + test.y )
// see if this spot overlaps any already allocated rect
int n = 0;
for( ; n < i; n++ )
const idVec2i& check = outputPositions[sizeRemap[n]];
const idVec2i& checkSize = inputSizes[sizeRemap[n]];
if( test.x + size.x > check.x &&
test.y + size.y > check.y &&
test.x < check.x + checkSize.x &&
test.y < check.y + checkSize.y )
if( n < i )
// overlapped, can't use
best = test;
bestMax = newMax;
if( bestMax[0] == START_MAX ) // FIXME: return an error code
idLib::FatalError( "RectAllocator: couldn't fit everything" );
outputPositions[sizeRemap[i]] = best;
totalSize = bestMax;
// Maximum resolution of one tile within tiled shadow map. Resolution must be power of two and
// square, since quad-tree for managing tiles will not work correctly otherwise. Furthermore
// resolution must be at least 16.
//#define MAX_TILE_RES 512
// Specifies how many levels the quad-tree for managing tiles within tiled shadow map should
// have. The higher the value, the smaller the resolution of the smallest used tile will be.
// In the current configuration of 8192 resolution and 8 levels, the smallest tile will have
// a resolution of 64. 16 is the smallest allowed value for the min tile resolution.
void RectAllocatorQuadTree( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, idList<idVec2i>& outputPositions, idVec2i& totalSize, const int TILED_SM_RES, const int MAX_TILE_RES = 512, const int NUM_QUAD_TREE_LEVELS = 8 )
outputPositions.SetNum( inputSizes.Num() );
if( inputSizes.Num() == 0 )
totalSize.Set( 0, 0 );
idList<int> sizeRemap;
sizeRemap.SetNum( inputSizes.Num() );
for( int i = 0; i < inputSizes.Num(); i++ )
sizeRemap[i] = i;
// Sort the rects from largest to smallest (it makes allocating them in the image better)
idSortrects sortrectsBySize;
sortrectsBySize.inputSizes = &inputSizes;
sizeRemap.SortWithTemplate( sortrectsBySize );
// quad-tree for managing tiles within tiled shadow map
TileMap tileMap;
totalSize.x = 0;
totalSize.y = 0;
// initialize tile-map that will manage tiles within tiled shadow map
for( int i = 0; i < inputSizes.Num(); i++ )
idVec2i size = inputSizes[sizeRemap[i]];
int area = Max( size.x, size.y );
Tile tile;
bool result = tileMap.GetTile( area, tile );
if( !result )
outputPositions[sizeRemap[i]].Set( -1, -1 );
// convert from [-1..-1] -> [0..1] and flip y
idVec2 uvPos;
uvPos.x = tile.position.x * 0.5f + 0.5f;
uvPos.y = 1.0f - ( tile.position.y * 0.5f + 0.5f );
outputPositions[sizeRemap[i]].x = uvPos.x * TILED_SM_RES;
outputPositions[sizeRemap[i]].y = uvPos.y * TILED_SM_RES;
if( ( tile.position.x + tile.size ) > totalSize.x )
totalSize.x = tile.position.x + tile.size;
if( ( tile.position.y + tile.size ) > totalSize.y )
totalSize.y = tile.position.y + tile.size;
// RB
class MyContent
int itemIndex;
idStr str;
MyContent() : str( "default string" ) {}
MyContent( const idStr& str ) : str( str ) {}
void RectAllocatorBinPack2D( const idList<idVec2i>& inputSizes, const idStrList& inputNames, idList<idVec2i>& outputPositions, idVec2i& totalSize, const int START_MAX )
outputPositions.SetNum( inputSizes.Num() );
if( inputSizes.Num() == 0 )
totalSize.Set( 0, 0 );
// Create some 'content' to work on.
BinPack2D::ContentAccumulator<MyContent> inputContent;
for( int i = 0; i < inputSizes.Num(); i++ )
// random size for this content
int width = inputSizes[ i ].x;
int height = inputSizes[ i ].y;
// whatever data you want to associate with this content
MyContent mycontent( inputNames[ i ] );
mycontent.itemIndex = i;
// Add it
inputContent += BinPack2D::Content<MyContent>( mycontent, BinPack2D::Coord(), BinPack2D::Size( width, height ), false );
// Sort the input content by size... usually packs better.
// Create some bins! ( 2 bins, 128x128 in this example )
BinPack2D::CanvasArray<MyContent> canvasArray =
BinPack2D::UniformCanvasArrayBuilder<MyContent>( START_MAX, START_MAX, 2 ).Build();
// A place to store content that didnt fit into the canvas array.
BinPack2D::ContentAccumulator<MyContent> remainder;
// try to pack content into the bins.
bool success = canvasArray.Place( inputContent, remainder );
// A place to store packed content.
BinPack2D::ContentAccumulator<MyContent> outputContent;
// Read all placed content.
canvasArray.CollectContent( outputContent );
// parse output.
typedef BinPack2D::Content<MyContent>::Vector::iterator binpack2d_iterator;
//idLib::Printf( "PLACED:\n" );
totalSize.x = 0;
totalSize.y = 0;
int i = 0;
for( binpack2d_iterator itor = outputContent.Get().begin(); itor != outputContent.Get().end(); itor++, i++ )
const BinPack2D::Content<MyContent>& content = *itor;
// retreive your data.
const MyContent& myContent = content.content;
int index = myContent.itemIndex;
outputPositions[ index ].x = content.coord.x;
outputPositions[ index ].y = content.coord.y;
if( ( content.coord.x + content.size.w ) > totalSize.x )
totalSize.x = content.coord.x + content.size.w;
if( ( content.coord.y + content.size.h ) > totalSize.y )
totalSize.y = content.coord.y + content.size.h;
#if 0
idLib::Printf( "\t%9s of size %3dx%3d at position %3d,%3d,%2d rotated=%s\n",
( content.rotated ? "yes" : " no" ) );
#if 0
for( binpack2d_iterator itor = remainder.Get().begin(); itor != remainder.Get().end(); itor++ )
const BinPack2D::Content<MyContent>& content = *itor;
const MyContent& myContent = content.content;
int index = myContent.itemIndex;
outputPositions[ index ].x = -1;
outputPositions[ index ].y = -1;
idLib::Printf( "\tFailed to place %9s of size %3dx%3d\n",
content.size.h );