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synced 2025-03-15 23:21:35 +00:00
339 lines
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339 lines
14 KiB
export fred {
options -prefix CB_ -keep Waist Rclavicle Lloleg cyber_barrel_smoke cyber_lfoot_dust cyber_rfoot_dust cyber_mouth_fire cyber_mouth_fire_L cyber_mouth_fire_R Lknee Rknee Barrel ROT fx cyber_backfire1 cyber_backfire2 cyber_backfire3 -parent fx Barrel -parent Barrel Rwrist -parent Lknee Hips -parent Rknee Hips -parent Waist ROT -parent ROT Body -parent cyber_lfoot_dust Ltoe_r -parent cyber_rfoot_dust Rtoe_r -parent cyber_barrel_smoke Rwrist -sourcedir models/monsters/cyberdemon/cycles -destdir models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon
mesh cyberdeath.mb -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 1 1 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_bind -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 44 89 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_a -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 90 199 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_b -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 200 220 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_c -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 221 275 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_d -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 276 340 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_e -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 341 372 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_f -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 373 428 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_g -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 429 548 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_h -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberdeath.mb -range 549 800 -dest cyberdeath_cyberdemon_i -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
options -prefix CD_ -keep Rclavicle cyber_barrel_smoke cyber_lfoot_dust cyber_rfoot_dust cyber_mouth_fire cyber_mouth_fire_R cyber_mouth_fire_L Lknee Rknee Barrel ROT fx cyber_backfire1 cyber_backfire2 cyber_backfire3 -parent fx Barrel -parent Barrel Rwrist -parent Lknee Hips -parent Rknee Hips -parent Waist ROT -parent ROT Body -parent cyber_lfoot_dust Ltoe_r -parent cyber_rfoot_dust Rtoe_r -parent cyber_barrel_smoke Rwrist -sourcedir models/monsters/cyberdemon/cycles -destdir models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon
//anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon -range 30 765 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon1 -range 30 104 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon2 -range 105 220 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon3 -range 221 252 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon4 -range 253 337 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon5 -range 338 492 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon6 -range 493 542 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon7 -range 543 654 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon8 -range 655 732 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
anim cyberintro.mb -dest cyberintro_cyberdemon9 -range 733 765 -sourcedir maps/fred/cyberdemon -destdir models/md5/cinematics/hellhole -prefix CB_
addoptions -align ALL
mesh cyberdemon.mb
anim idle.mb
anim walk2.mb
anim walk3.mb
anim sight1.mb
anim sight.mb
anim turret.mb
anim turret3.mb
anim oneshot.mb
anim twoshot.mb
anim bite1.mb
anim af_pose.mb
anim ik_pose.mb
anim stomp.mb -xyzprecision .01 -quatprecision 0.00006
anim walkheadpain.mb
anim walkleftarmpain.mb
anim walkrightarmpain.mb
anim bite1.mb
anim evade_left.mb
anim evade_right.mb
anim death.mb -range 1 1
anim pain_big1.mb
model monster_boss_cyberdemon {
mesh models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/cyberdemon.md5mesh
channel torso ( *Waist )
channel legs ( *Hips Body origin ROT -*Waist)
anim af_pose models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/af_pose.md5anim
anim ik_pose models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/ik_pose.md5anim
anim stand models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/idle.md5anim
anim idle models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/idle.md5anim
anim sight1 models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/sight.md5anim {
frame 16.5 sound_voice snd_sight1
anim walk models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/walk3.md5anim {
frame 17 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 17 triggerSmokeParticle cyber_rfoot_dust
frame 37 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 37 triggerSmokeParticle cyber_lfoot_dust
anim pain models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/pain_big1.md5anim {
frame 1 call overrideLegs
frame 1 sound_voice snd_pain
frame 16 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 49 sound_body snd_footstep
anim pain_chest models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/pain_big1.md5anim {
frame 1 call overrideLegs
frame 1 sound_voice snd_pain
frame 16 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 49 sound_body snd_footstep
anim pain_head models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/pain_big1.md5anim {
frame 1 call overrideLegs
frame 1 sound_voice snd_pain
frame 16 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 49 sound_body snd_footstep
anim pain_left_arm models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/pain_big1.md5anim {
frame 1 call overrideLegs
frame 1 sound_voice snd_pain
frame 16 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 49 sound_body snd_footstep
anim pain_right_arm models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/pain_big1.md5anim {
frame 1 call overrideLegs
frame 1 sound_voice snd_pain
frame 16 sound_body snd_footstep
frame 49 sound_body snd_footstep
//anim melee_attack1 models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/stomp.md5anim {
// frame 18 melee melee_cyberdemon_kick
// frame 18 sound_body snd_footstep
// frame 19 sound_voice snd_footstep
anim range_attack1 models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/turret3.md5anim {
frame 19 sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
frame 19 launch_missile Barrel
frame 42 sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
frame 42 launch_missile Barrel
frame 66 sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
frame 66 launch_missile Barrel
anim range_attack2 models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/oneshot.md5anim {
frame 19 sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
frame 19 launch_missile Barrel
anim range_attack3 models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/twoshot.md5anim {
frame 19 sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
frame 19 launch_missile Barrel
frame 42 sound_weapon snd_attackmissile
frame 42 launch_missile Barrel
anim death models/md5/monsters/cyberdemon/death.md5anim
entityDef monster_boss_cyberdemon {
"inherit" "monster_default"
"editor_mins" "-90 -90 0"
"editor_maxs" "90 90 300"
"scriptobject" "monster_boss_cyberdemon"
"model" "monster_boss_cyberdemon"
"ragdoll" "monster_boss_cyberdemon"
"size" "100 100 300"
"use_aas" "aas_cyberdemon"
"team" "1"
"rank" "3"
"health" "4000"
"mass" "1000"
"def_projectile" "projectile_cyber_rocket"
"fov" "120"
"attack_cone" "120"
"attack_accuracy" "2"
"melee_range" "95"
"combat_chatter_min" "2"
"combat_chatter_max" "4"
"af_push_moveables" "1"
"def_kickdamage" "melee_cyberdemon_kick"
"big_monster" "1" // makes his bounding box non-solid to other monsters
"smokeParticleSystem1" "cyber_barrel_smoke"
"smokeParticleSystem2" "cyber_backfire1"
"smokeParticleSystem3" "cyber_backfire2"
"smokeParticleSystem4" "cyber_backfire3"
"smokeParticleSystem5" "cyber_mouth_fire"
"smokeParticleSystem6" "cyber_mouth_fire_L"
"smokeParticleSystem7" "cyber_mouth_fire_R"
"smokeParticleSystem8" "cyber_rfoot_dust"
"smokeParticleSystem9" "cyber_lfoot_dust"
"damage_zone head" "*Neck"
"damage_zone chest" "*Waist -*Rshldr -*Lshldr -*Neck"
"damage_zone left_arm" "*Lshldr"
"damage_zone right_arm" "*Rshldr"
"damage_scale head" "1"
"pain_threshold" "150"
"finalBoss" "1"
"focus_align_time" "0"
"head_focus_rate" "0.05"
"head_look" "1"
"bone_focus" "Barrel"
"look_min" "-90 -120 0"
"look_max" "25 120 0"
"look_joint Waist" "0.4 0.4 0.4"
"look_joint Chest" "0.4 0.4 0.4"
"look_joint Head" "0.2 0.2 0.2"
"look_joint Rshldr" "0.1 0.2 0.1"
"look_joint Relbow" "0.1 0.2 0.1"
"turn_rate" "75"
"ik_numLegs" "2"
"ik_footSize" "20"
"ik_minWaistAnkleDist" "50"
"ik_footUpTrace" "32"
"ik_footDownTrace" "128"
"ik_waist" "Body"
"ik_hip1" "Lupleg"
"ik_hip2" "Rupleg"
"ik_knee1" "Lloleg"
"ik_knee2" "Rloleg"
"ik_ankle1" "Lankle_r"
"ik_ankle2" "Rankle_r"
"ik_dir1" "Lknee"
"ik_dir2" "Rknee"
"ik_foot1" "cyber_lfoot_dust"
"ik_foot2" "cyber_rfoot_dust"
"snd_sight1" "monster_boss_cyberdemon_sight1"
"snd_chatter" "monster_boss_cyberdemon_chatter"
"snd_chatter_combat" "monster_boss_cyberdemon_chatter_combat"
"snd_pain" "monster_boss_cyberdemon_pain"
"snd_attackmissile" "monster_boss_cyberdemon_attackmissile"
"snd_footstep" "monster_boss_cyberdemon_step"
entityDef melee_cyberdemon_kick {
"damage" "400"
"kickDir" "1 0 1"
"mtr_blob" "leftSmack"
"blob_time" "300"
"gib" "1"
"blob_x" "0"
"blob_y" "-50"
"blob_width" "650"
"blob_height" "650"
"knockback" "100"
"push" "2000"
"kick_time" "400"
"kick_amplitude" "1"
"dv_time" "100"
entityDef projectile_cyber_rocket {
"spawnclass" "idProjectile"
"mins" "-6 -6 -9"
"maxs" "6 6 9"
"cone" "3"
"model" "models/monsters/cyberdemon/cdrocket.lwo"
"def_damage" "damage_CyberrocketDirect"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_CyberRocketSplash"
"launchFromBarrel" "1" // launch from barrel
"health" "5" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed)
"velocity" "900 0 0" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0)
"angular_velocity" "0 0 0" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun
"thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model)
"thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating
"thrust_end" "4" // when to stop accelerating
"linear_friction" "0" // "air" friction
"angular_friction" "0"
"contact_friction" "0"
"bounce" "0" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce.
"mass" "300"
"gravity" "0" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it.
"fuse" "10" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance).
"detonate_on_fuse" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out
"detonate_on_death" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out)
"detonate_on_world" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle
"detonate_on_actor" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game
"impact_damage_effect" "1" // whether projectile causes blood splats from characters that bleed
"impact_gib" "1" // whether projectile can gib a character or not (for example: bullets don't gib, but rockets do)
"mtr_detonate" "textures/decals/ballburn01"
"decal_size" "75"
"smoke_fly" "rockettrail.prt" // particle effect while in the air
// parametric particles -- temp
"model_detonate" "rocketExplosion.prt"
"smoke_detonate" "" // particle effect when detonates
"smoke_residue" "" // particle effect while in the air
"smoke_bounce" ""
"smoke_fuse" ""
"debris_count" "6"
"def_debris" "debris_largeshrapnel"
"def_shrapnel" "debris_shrapnel"
"mtr_light_shader" ""
"light_color" "1 0.8 0.4"
"light_radius" "160"
"light_offset" "0 0 0"
"mtr_explode_light_shader" "muzzleflash"
"explode_light_color" "2 1.6 0.8"
"explode_light_radius" "320"
"explode_light_fadetime" "0.5"
"snd_fly" "rocket_flight" // sound effect while in the air
"snd_explode" "rocket_impact"
entityDef damage_CyberrocketDirect {
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"damage" "40"
"knockback" "0"
"push" "2000"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
"mtr_wound_flesh" "textures/decals/hurt02"
"mtr_splat_flesh" ""
"gib" "1"
"kick_time" "600"
"kick_amplitude" "4"
"dv_time" "500"
entityDef damage_CyberRocketSplash {
"damage" "40"
"radius" "40"
"knockback" "0"
"push" "5000"
"gib" "1"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
"kick_time" "600"
"kick_amplitude" "4"
"dv_time" "500"