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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
Non-portable system services.
// Win32
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#define CPUSTRING "x86"
#define BUILD_OS_ID 0
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define ALIGN16( x ) __declspec(align(16)) x
#define ALIGNTYPE16 __declspec(align(16))
#define ALIGNTYPE128 __declspec(align(128))
// DG: mingw/GCC (and probably clang) support
#define ALIGN16( x ) x __attribute__ ((aligned (16)))
// FIXME: change ALIGNTYPE* ?
#define ALIGNTYPE16
#define ALIGNTYPE128
// DG end
#define FORMAT_PRINTF( x )
#define NEWLINE "\r\n"
#define ID_INLINE inline
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
// DG: this should at least work with GCC/MinGW, probably with clang as well..
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE inline // TODO: always_inline?
// DG end
// lint complains that extern used with definition is a hazard, but it
// has the benefit (?) of making it illegal to take the address of the function
#ifdef _lint
#define ID_INLINE_EXTERN inline
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE_EXTERN __forceinline
#define ID_INLINE_EXTERN extern inline
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE_EXTERN extern __forceinline
// DG: GCC/MinGW, probably clang
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE_EXTERN extern inline // TODO: always_inline ?
// DG end
// DG: #pragma hdrstop is only available on MSVC, so make sure it doesn't cause compiler warnings on other compilers..
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// afaik __pragma is a MSVC specific alternative to #pragma that can be used in macros
#define ID_HDRSTOP __pragma(hdrstop)
#define ID_HDRSTOP
#endif // DG end
// we should never rely on this define in our code. this is here so dodgy external libraries don't get confused
#ifndef WIN32
#define WIN32
#elif defined(__linux__)
#if defined(__i386__)
#define CPUSTRING "x86"
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
#define CPUSTRING "x86_86"
#define BUILD_OS_ID 2
#define _alloca alloca
// DG: mingw/GCC (and probably clang) support
#define ALIGN16( x ) x __attribute__ ((aligned (16)))
// FIXME: change ALIGNTYPE* ?
#define ALIGNTYPE16
#define ALIGNTYPE128
// DG end
#define FORMAT_PRINTF( x )
#define NEWLINE "\n"
#define ID_INLINE inline
// DG: this should at least work with GCC/MinGW, probably with clang as well..
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE inline // TODO: always_inline?
// DG end
#define ID_INLINE_EXTERN extern inline
// DG: GCC/MinGW, probably clang
#define ID_FORCE_INLINE_EXTERN extern inline // TODO: always_inline ?
// DG end
#define ID_HDRSTOP
#define CALLBACK
#define __cdecl
// RB end
Defines and macros usable in all code
#define ALIGN( x, a ) ( ( ( x ) + ((a)-1) ) & ~((a)-1) )
// RB: changed UINT_PTR to uintptr_t
#define _alloca16( x ) ((void *)ALIGN( (uintptr_t)_alloca( ALIGN( x, 16 ) + 16 ), 16 ) )
#define _alloca128( x ) ((void *)ALIGN( (uintptr_t)_alloca( ALIGN( x, 128 ) + 128 ), 128 ) )
// RB end
#define likely( x ) ( x )
#define unlikely( x ) ( x )
// A macro to disallow the copy constructor and operator= functions
// NOTE: The macro contains "private:" so all members defined after it will be private until
// public: or protected: is specified.
private: \
TypeName(const TypeName&); \
void operator=(const TypeName&);
Setup for /analyze code analysis, which we currently only have on the 360, but
we may get later for win32 if we buy the higher end vc++ licenses.
Even with VS2010 ultmate, /analyze only works for x86, not x64
Also note the __analysis_assume macro in sys_assert.h relates to code analysis.
This header should be included even by job code that doesn't reference the
bulk of the codebase, so it is the best place for analyze pragmas.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// disable some /analyze warnings here
#pragma warning( disable: 6255 ) // warning C6255: _alloca indicates failure by raising a stack overflow exception. Consider using _malloca instead. (Note: _malloca requires _freea.)
#pragma warning( disable: 6262 ) // warning C6262: Function uses '36924' bytes of stack: exceeds /analyze:stacksize'32768'. Consider moving some data to heap
#pragma warning( disable: 6326 ) // warning C6326: Potential comparison of a constant with another constant
#pragma warning( disable: 6031 ) // warning C6031: Return value ignored
// this warning fires whenever you have two calls to new in a function, but we assume new never fails, so it is not relevant for us
#pragma warning( disable: 6211 ) // warning C6211: Leaking memory 'staticModel' due to an exception. Consider using a local catch block to clean up memory
// we want to fix all these at some point...
#pragma warning( disable: 6246 ) // warning C6246: Local declaration of 'es' hides declaration of the same name in outer scope. For additional information, see previous declaration at line '969' of 'w:\tech5\rage\game\ai\fsm\fsm_combat.cpp': Lines: 969
#pragma warning( disable: 6244 ) // warning C6244: Local declaration of 'viewList' hides previous declaration at line '67' of 'w:\tech5\engine\renderer\rendertools.cpp'
// win32 needs this, but 360 doesn't
#pragma warning( disable: 6540 ) // warning C6540: The use of attribute annotations on this function will invalidate all of its existing __declspec annotations [D:\tech5\engine\engine-10.vcxproj]
// checking format strings catches a LOT of errors
#include <CodeAnalysis\SourceAnnotations.h>
#define VERIFY_FORMAT_STRING [SA_FormatString(Style="printf")]
// DG: alternative for GCC with attribute (NOOP for MSVC)
#elif defined(__GNUC__) // FIXME: what about clang?
// STRIDX: index of format string in function arguments (first arg == 1)
// FIRSTARGIDX: index of first argument for the format string
#define ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(STRIDX, FIRSTARGIDX) __attribute__ ((format (printf, STRIDX, FIRSTARGIDX)))
// DG end
#endif // _MSC_VER
// We need to inform the compiler that Error() and FatalError() will
// never return, so any conditions that leeds to them being called are
// guaranteed to be false in the following code
// RB begin
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define NO_RETURN __declspec(noreturn)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define NO_RETURN __attribute__((noreturn))
#define NO_RETURN
// RB end
// I don't want to disable "warning C6031: Return value ignored" from /analyze
// but there are several cases with sprintf where we pre-initialized the variables
// being scanned into, so we truly don't care if they weren't all scanned.
// Rather than littering #pragma statements around these cases, we can assign the
// return value to this, which means we have considered the issue and decided that
// it doesn't require action.
// The volatile qualifier is to prevent:PVS-Studio warnings like:
// False 2 4214 V519 The 'ignoredReturnValue' object is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 545, 547. Rage collisionmodelmanager_debug.cpp 547 False
extern volatile int ignoredReturnValue;
#define MAX_TYPE( x ) ( ( ( ( 1 << ( ( sizeof( x ) - 1 ) * 8 - 1 ) ) - 1 ) << 8 ) | 255 )
#define MIN_TYPE( x ) ( - MAX_TYPE( x ) - 1 )
#define MAX_UNSIGNED_TYPE( x ) ( ( ( ( 1U << ( ( sizeof( x ) - 1 ) * 8 ) ) - 1 ) << 8 ) | 255U )
#define MIN_UNSIGNED_TYPE( x ) 0