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Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
Copyright (C) 2012 Robert Beckebans
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __THREAD_H__
#define __THREAD_H__
idSysMutex provides a C++ wrapper to the low level system mutex functions. A mutex is an
object that can only be locked by one thread at a time. It's used to prevent two threads
from accessing the same piece of data simultaneously.
class idSysMutex
Sys_MutexCreate( handle );
Sys_MutexDestroy( handle );
bool Lock( bool blocking = true )
return Sys_MutexLock( handle, blocking );
void Unlock()
Sys_MutexUnlock( handle );
mutexHandle_t handle;
idSysMutex( const idSysMutex& s ) {}
void operator=( const idSysMutex& s ) {}
idScopedCriticalSection is a helper class that automagically locks a mutex when it's created
and unlocks it when it goes out of scope.
class idScopedCriticalSection
idScopedCriticalSection( idSysMutex& m ) : mutex( &m )
idSysMutex* mutex; // NOTE: making this a reference causes a TypeInfo crash
idSysSignal is a C++ wrapper for the low level system signal functions. A signal is an object
that a thread can wait on for it to be raised. It's used to indicate data is available or that
a thread has reached a specific point.
// RB begin
#if defined(_WIN32)
class idSysSignal
static const int WAIT_INFINITE = -1;
idSysSignal( bool manualReset = false )
Sys_SignalCreate( handle, manualReset );
Sys_SignalDestroy( handle );
void Raise()
Sys_SignalRaise( handle );
void Clear()
Sys_SignalClear( handle );
// Wait returns true if the object is in a signalled state and
// returns false if the wait timed out. Wait also clears the signalled
// state when the signalled state is reached within the time out period.
bool Wait( int timeout = WAIT_INFINITE )
return Sys_SignalWait( handle, timeout );
signalHandle_t handle;
idSysSignal( const idSysSignal& s ) {}
void operator=( const idSysSignal& s ) {}
class idSysSignal
static const int WAIT_INFINITE = -1;
idSysSignal( bool manualReset = false );
void Raise();
void Clear();
// Wait returns true if the object is in a signalled state and
// returns false if the wait timed out. Wait also clears the signalled
// state when the signalled state is reached within the time out period.
bool Wait( int timeout = WAIT_INFINITE );
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t cond;
bool signaled;
bool waiting;
idSysSignal( const idSysSignal& s ) {}
void operator=( const idSysSignal& s ) {}
idSysInterlockedInteger is a C++ wrapper for the low level system interlocked integer
routines to atomically increment or decrement an integer.
class idSysInterlockedInteger
idSysInterlockedInteger() : value( 0 ) {}
// atomically increments the integer and returns the new value
int Increment()
return Sys_InterlockedIncrement( value );
// atomically decrements the integer and returns the new value
int Decrement()
return Sys_InterlockedDecrement( value );
// atomically adds a value to the integer and returns the new value
int Add( int v )
return Sys_InterlockedAdd( value, ( interlockedInt_t ) v );
// atomically subtracts a value from the integer and returns the new value
int Sub( int v )
return Sys_InterlockedSub( value, ( interlockedInt_t ) v );
// returns the current value of the integer
int GetValue() const
return value;
// sets a new value, Note: this operation is not atomic
void SetValue( int v )
value = ( interlockedInt_t )v;
interlockedInt_t value;
idSysInterlockedPointer is a C++ wrapper around the low level system interlocked pointer
routine to atomically set a pointer while retrieving the previous value of the pointer.
template< typename T >
class idSysInterlockedPointer
idSysInterlockedPointer() : ptr( NULL ) {}
// atomically sets the pointer and returns the previous pointer value
T* Set( T* newPtr )
return ( T* ) Sys_InterlockedExchangePointer( ( void*& ) ptr, newPtr );
// atomically sets the pointer to 'newPtr' only if the previous pointer is equal to 'comparePtr'
// ptr = ( ptr == comparePtr ) ? newPtr : ptr
T* CompareExchange( T* comparePtr, T* newPtr )
return ( T* ) Sys_InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( ( void*& ) ptr, comparePtr, newPtr );
// returns the current value of the pointer
T* Get() const
return ptr;
T* ptr;
idSysThread is an abstract base class, to be extended by classes implementing the
idSysThread::Run() method.
class idMyThread : public idSysThread {
virtual int Run() {
// run thread code here
return 0;
// specify thread data here
idMyThread thread;
thread.Start( "myThread" );
A worker thread is a thread that waits in place (without consuming CPU)
until work is available. A worker thread is implemented as normal, except that, instead of
calling the Start() method, the StartWorker() method is called to start the thread.
Note that the Sys_CreateThread function does not support the concept of worker threads.
class idMyWorkerThread : public idSysThread {
virtual int Run() {
// run thread code here
return 0;
// specify thread data here
idMyWorkerThread thread;
thread.StartThread( "myWorkerThread" );
// main thread loop
for ( ; ; ) {
// setup work for the thread here (by modifying class data on the thread)
thread.SignalWork(); // kick in the worker thread
// run other code in the main thread here (in parallel with the worker thread)
thread.WaitForThread(); // wait for the worker thread to finish
// use results from worker thread here
In the above example, the thread does not continuously run in parallel with the main Thread,
but only for a certain period of time in a very controlled manner. Work is set up for the
Thread and then the thread is signalled to process that work while the main thread continues.
After doing other work, the main thread can wait for the worker thread to finish, if it has not
finished already. When the worker thread is done, the main thread can safely use the results
from the worker thread.
Note that worker threads are useful on all platforms but they do not map to the SPUs on the PS3.
class idSysThread
virtual ~idSysThread();
const char* GetName() const
return name.c_str();
uintptr_t GetThreadHandle() const
return threadHandle;
bool IsRunning() const
return isRunning;
bool IsTerminating() const
return isTerminating;
// Thread Start/Stop/Wait
bool StartThread( const char* name, core_t core,
xthreadPriority priority = THREAD_NORMAL,
bool StartWorkerThread( const char* name, core_t core,
xthreadPriority priority = THREAD_NORMAL,
void StopThread( bool wait = true );
// This can be called from multiple other threads. However, in the case
// of a worker thread, the work being "done" has little meaning if other
// threads are continuously signalling more work.
void WaitForThread();
// Worker Thread
// Signals the thread to notify work is available.
// This can be called from multiple other threads.
void SignalWork();
// Returns true if the work is done without waiting.
// This can be called from multiple other threads. However, the work
// being "done" has little meaning if other threads are continuously
// signalling more work.
bool IsWorkDone();
// The routine that performs the work.
virtual int Run();
idStr name;
uintptr_t threadHandle;
bool isWorker;
bool isRunning;
volatile bool isTerminating;
volatile bool moreWorkToDo;
idSysSignal signalWorkerDone;
idSysSignal signalMoreWorkToDo;
idSysMutex signalMutex;
static int ThreadProc( idSysThread* thread );
idSysThread( const idSysThread& s ) {}
void operator=( const idSysThread& s ) {}
idSysWorkerThreadGroup implements a group of worker threads that
typically crunch through a collection of similar tasks.
class idMyWorkerThread : public idSysThread {
virtual int Run() {
// run thread code here
return 0;
// specify thread data here
idSysWorkerThreadGroup<idMyWorkerThread> workers( "myWorkers", 4 );
for ( ; ; ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < workers.GetNumThreads(); i++ ) {
// workers.GetThread( i )-> // setup work for this thread
// use results from the worker threads here
The concept of worker thread Groups is probably most useful for tools and compilers.
For instance, the AAS Compiler is using a worker thread group. Although worker threads
will work well on the PC, Mac and the 360, they do not directly map to the PS3,
in that the worker threads won't automatically run on the SPUs.
template<class threadType>
class idSysWorkerThreadGroup
idSysWorkerThreadGroup( const char* name, int numThreads,
xthreadPriority priority = THREAD_NORMAL,
virtual ~idSysWorkerThreadGroup();
int GetNumThreads() const
return threadList.Num();
threadType& GetThread( int i )
return *threadList[i];
void SignalWorkAndWait();
idList<threadType*, TAG_THREAD> threadList;
bool runOneThreadInline; // use the signalling thread as one of the threads
bool singleThreaded; // set to true for debugging
template<class threadType>
ID_INLINE idSysWorkerThreadGroup<threadType>::idSysWorkerThreadGroup( const char* name,
int numThreads, xthreadPriority priority, int stackSize )
runOneThreadInline = ( numThreads < 0 );
singleThreaded = false;
numThreads = abs( numThreads );
for( int i = 0; i < numThreads; i++ )
threadType* thread = new( TAG_THREAD ) threadType;
thread->StartWorkerThread( va( "%s_worker%i", name, i ), ( core_t ) i, priority, stackSize );
threadList.Append( thread );
template<class threadType>
ID_INLINE idSysWorkerThreadGroup<threadType>::~idSysWorkerThreadGroup()
template<class threadType>
ID_INLINE void idSysWorkerThreadGroup<threadType>::SignalWorkAndWait()
if( singleThreaded )
for( int i = 0; i < threadList.Num(); i++ )
threadList[ i ]->Run();
for( int i = 0; i < threadList.Num() - runOneThreadInline; i++ )
threadList[ i ]->SignalWork();
if( runOneThreadInline )
threadList[ threadList.Num() - 1 ]->Run();
for( int i = 0; i < threadList.Num() - runOneThreadInline; i++ )
threadList[ i ]->WaitForThread();
idSysThreadSynchronizer, allows a group of threads to
synchronize with each other half-way through execution.
idSysThreadSynchronizer sync;
class idMyWorkerThread : public idSysThread {
virtual int Run() {
// perform first part of the work here
sync.Synchronize( threadNum ); // synchronize all threads
// perform second part of the work here
return 0;
// specify thread data here
unsigned int threadNum;
idSysWorkerThreadGroup<idMyWorkerThread> workers( "myWorkers", 4 );
for ( int i = 0; i < workers.GetNumThreads(); i++ ) {
workers.GetThread( i )->threadNum = i;
for ( ; ; ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < workers.GetNumThreads(); i++ ) {
// workers.GetThread( i )-> // setup work for this thread
// use results from the worker threads here
class idSysThreadSynchronizer
static const int WAIT_INFINITE = -1;
ID_INLINE void SetNumThreads( unsigned int num );
ID_INLINE void Signal( unsigned int threadNum );
ID_INLINE bool Synchronize( unsigned int threadNum, int timeout = WAIT_INFINITE );
idList< idSysSignal*, TAG_THREAD > signals;
idSysInterlockedInteger busyCount;
ID_INLINE void idSysThreadSynchronizer::SetNumThreads( unsigned int num )
assert( busyCount.GetValue() == signals.Num() );
if( ( int )num != signals.Num() )
signals.SetNum( ( int )num );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
signals[i] = new( TAG_THREAD ) idSysSignal();
busyCount.SetValue( num );
ID_INLINE void idSysThreadSynchronizer::Signal( unsigned int threadNum )
if( busyCount.Decrement() == 0 )
busyCount.SetValue( ( unsigned int ) signals.Num() );
for( int i = 0; i < signals.Num(); i++ )
ID_INLINE bool idSysThreadSynchronizer::Synchronize( unsigned int threadNum, int timeout )
return signals[threadNum]->Wait( timeout );
#endif // !__THREAD_H__