2022-08-27 13:19:29 +02:00

181 lines
6.6 KiB

Threewave Capture the Flag Definitions
entityDef item_team_default {
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -32 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 32 32"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"inv_item" "1"
"snd_acquire" "sound_item_acquire"
"snd_respawn" "sound_item_respawn"
"editor_bool inv_item" "if set to 1, show item acquisition gui when picked up"
"editor_var inv_name" "name referenced for triggers etc.. requiring this to be in inventory to work"
"editor_var inv_icon" "icon name for hud graphics"
"editor_bool inv_carry" "if set to 1, is carried as opposed to instant use"
"editor_bool no_touch" "trigger to give to player instead of picking up"
"editor_model model" "visual model"
"editor_var triggersize" "amount to expand the pickup trigger by"
"editor_var inv_id" "id number as defined in guis/itemdefs.h"
"editor_var script_taken" "script on item take"
"editor_var script_dropped" "script on item dropped"
"editor_var script_returned" "script on item returned"
"editor_var script_captured" "script on item captured"
"editor_copy3" "script_taken"
"editor_copy4" "script_dropped"
"editor_copy5" "script_returned"
"editor_copy6" "script_captured"
"density" "1000.0"
"friction" "0.1"
"bouncyness" "0.0"
"nonsolid" "0"
"spawnclass" "idItemTeam"
entityDef team_CTF_redflag {
"inherit" "item_team_default"
"editor_usage" "CTF: the red flag"
"model" "models/ctf/ctf_flag.ase"
"team" "0"
"spin" "0"
"skin" "skins/ctf/red_flag"
"skin_carried" "skins/ctf/red_flag_not_idle"
"inv_name" "redflag"
"script_taken" "red_flag_taken"
"script_dropped" ""
"script_returned" "red_flag_returned"
"script_captured" "red_flag_captured"
// Nugget-less
"bouncyness" "0"
"friction" "0.8"
"density" "500"
"gravity" "-35"
"pickupDelay" "500"
"net_dynamic" "1"
"noshadows" "1"
entityDef team_CTF_blueflag {
"inherit" "item_team_default"
"editor_usage" "CTF: the blue flag"
"model" "models/ctf/ctf_flag.ase"
"team" "1"
"spin" "0"
"skin" "skins/ctf/blue_flag"
"skin_carried" "skins/ctf/blue_flag_not_idle"
"inv_name" "blueflag"
"script_taken" "blue_flag_taken"
"script_dropped" ""
"script_returned" "blue_flag_returned"
"script_captured" "blue_flag_captured"
// Nugget-less
"bouncyness" "0"
"friction" "0.8"
"density" "500"
"gravity" "-35"
"pickupDelay" "500"
"net_dynamic" "1"
"noshadows" "1"
entityDef trigger_CTF_flag_default {
"inherit" "trigger_multiple"
"editor_usage" "CTF : triggers a flag capture when the red or blue flag enters it's bounding box."
"player" "1"
"spawnclass" "idTrigger_Flag"
"eventflag" "flagcapture"
// trigger_CTF_redteam_capture is a more appropriate name
entityDef trigger_CTF_redflag {
"inherit" "trigger_CTF_flag_default"
"team" "0"
entityDef trigger_CTF_blueflag {
"inherit" "trigger_CTF_flag_default"
"team" "1"
entityDef trigger_CTF_nodrop {
"inherit" "trigger_multiple"
"team" "-1"
"player" "0"
"eventflag" "flagreturn"
"spawnclass" "idTrigger_Flag"
entityDef team_CTF_redflag_nugget {
"inherit" "moveable_item_default"
// if you remove "model", make sure to include in a replacement "clipmodel"
"model" "models/ctf/flagfx/red_ember.ase"
"clipmodel" "models/ctf/flagfx/red_ember.ase"
"density" "0.5"
"friction" "0.5"
"bouncyness" "0.3"
"smoke_trail" "red_flag_smoke_fx.prt" //"wormsteam"
"nopulse" "1"
"repeatSmoke" "1"
"networkSync" "1"
entityDef team_CTF_blueflag_nugget {
"inherit" "moveable_item_default"
// if you remove "model", make sure to include in a replacement "clipmodel"
"model" "models/ctf/flagfx/blue_ember.ase"
"clipmodel" "models/ctf/flagfx/blue_ember.ase"
"density" "0.5"
"friction" "0.5"
"bouncyness" "0.3"
"smoke_trail" "blue_flag_smoke_fx.prt" //"wormsteam"
"nopulse" "1"
"repeatSmoke" "1"
"networkSync" "1"
entitydef player_doommarine_ctf {
"inherit" "player_doommarine_mp"
"mtr_icon_lag" "textures/sfx/lag"
"mtr_icon_chat" "textures/sfx/chat"
"mtr_icon_redteam" "textures/ctf/icon_redteam.tga"
"mtr_icon_blueteam" "textures/ctf/icon_blueteam.tga"
"fx_spawn" "fx/teleporterplayer_lite.fx" // spawn effect to be used in CTF